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A study of the conservatives and the democrats - Term Paper Example

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Both these speeches are articulate and they also seek to create a better nation for all American people. President Reagan’s speech although emphasizes on government policy that is more capitalist in nature as compared to Maria Cuomo’ speech…
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A study of the conservatives and the democrats
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? of A STUDY OF THE CONSERVATIVES AND THE DEMOCRATS Comparison between the President Reagan’s speech and Maria Cuomo speech Both these speeches are articulate and they also seek to create a better nation for all American people. President Reagan’s speech although emphasizes on government policy that is more capitalist in nature as compared to Maria Cuomo’ speech. He further emphasizes on freedom of every individual in America and takes this matter very seriously. He also states that the government should not spend more than it can take at any one given point. His speech further states that the free market is essential for a successful nation. A free market is one which there is very little government interference. The forces of demand and supply are left to align themselves accordingly depending on the market situation at hand. Communism is stated to be a great enemy to mankind because it generally deals with taking from the rich and giving to the poor. Communism further advocates for equality between all citizens in terms of wealth. He further emphasizes that the government is closest to the people and therefore will give what is best to the people. He advocates that all American citizens should be left to work on their families and wealth on their own with little government interference. This wisdom of conservatism he furthers states has been attained from generation to generations of individual experiences of past leaders and past nations. The Government shall intervene when an individual impinges the right of their neighbor and will also assure equal opportunity to all citizens and will also be passionate in caring for the disabled individuals. The Government will cater for the individual instead of groups so as to ensure all individual maintain their dignity and identity. It will further prevent excessive taxation, extreme controls, and oppressive competition with business and frustrated minorities. This are not factors that conservatism favors. President Reagan generally therefore advocates for freedom of the American people with little interference from the government. This is therefore the underlying principles of conservatism in America. All individuals are given equal opportunity and therefore what differentiate the individuals is their ambition and their hard work to work towards their goals and dreams. Maria Cuomo emphasizes that despite the fact that America is a nation which is blessed and is termed a shining city in the hill, there are still some who are very disadvantaged compared to others. She states that the conservatism that President Reagan is advocating for is survival for the fittest and that Government cannot do everything. This she states is taking care of the rich to make them richer and to hope that the charity of the American people will cater for the less fortunate. Metaphorically what falls from the table will be enough for the middle class and those struggling to enter the middle class. She states that democracy principles are not stating things that the Government cannot achieve but is saying things that it will fulfill. The Government should be humanitarian in that it should not look at the struggles of the middle class and the lower middle class blindly but should try and help them in their struggles. She therefore advocates for a government that cares, that loves and is compassionate and is able to interfere in peoples lives. This interference should be in a manner that should decrease the suffering of the masses instead of just taking care of the few rich. She further states that democrats believe in the privacy of the individual but the openness of the government. The democrats are also against war because life is better than death. The government should therefore operate with an idea of family, mutuality, sharing of benefits and burdens for the good of all. It also should advocate sharing of another’s blessing reasonably, honestly, fairly, without racial segregation, or sex, or geography or political affiliation. The democratic principles that she states therefore advocate for mutuality and togetherness principles that promote communism to some extent. She emphasizes on the togetherness of the American people and the family of America. We are therefore bound to one another and problems that affect other people also affect us. Failure of our fellow human beings is also our failure. Assuring every citizen in America is living in dignity is the true struggle of the American government. These two principles are clearly different from on another. One advocates for government interferences if it is to the benefit of the suffering masses while the other assures equal opportunity to all but the individuals should therefore work towards better life and wealth given the opportunities available to them. Conservatism and Democracy have been evolving through the years since the dawn of the American Nation. They both have good principles that advocate an idealism that can only be applied only to some extent. Just as Andrew Carnegie quotes hat the “The problem of out age is the proper administration of wealth, so that ties of brotherhood may still bind together the rich and poor in harmonious relationship”1 this is a problem that governments all over the world are still trying to figure out. They are many who have advocated for conservatism through the years. William Graham Sumner says, “In their eagerness to recommend the less fortunate classes to pity and consideration, the humanitarians, philanthropists, and reformers] forget all about the rights of other classes; they gloss over all the faults of the classes in question, and they exaggerate their misfortunes and their virtues”2 There have also been many who have advocated for democrat principles through the years. Booker T. Washington stated, “No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem. It is at the bottom of life we must begin, and not at the top. Nor should we permit our grievances to overshadow our opportunities”.3 There no clear answer of which of these two is superior. It only depends with the problems at hand, and whether the individual voter considers their principles right. Both have advantages and disadvantages. The liberalist governments are characterized by over spending in the government and over taxation of the wealthy. This is oppressive since they have also earned a right to keep their wealth because they have worked for it through generations. The conservatisms government is characterized by taking policies that favor the few rich and oppresses the masses that are poor and struggling. Therefore none of them in their pure form are ideal. As they say only the wearer of the shoe knows where it pinches most. Politicians will say almost anything to get voted into government; therefore it is upon the American people to choose the party that better caters for their needs at any one given time. They are the only ones will benefit or suffer depending on the policies that the government at hand is advocating. Conservatism evolution through the years Conservatism has been a major part in the history of American politics and culture. It clearly started and came out strongly during the American Revolution. Which was basically a revolution to fight the British Empire so ass to make America an independent state. Although they were minimally taxed they wanted independence from the British Empire and there didn’t want hierarchy among them. They favored a government that is ruled by legislature and not one that is ruled by a hierarchy. They also didn’t want there to be a dominant class of individuals who ruled over the lower classes. There were a group of Loyalist in America who owed their allegiance the British Empire and they didn’t want independence from the British Empire. This group wanted to stall the revolution for as long as it could take although they knew that a revolution would be inevitable. This group would rather be ruled by the British Empire albeit at a distance. Some of them remained at decided to adhere to the Patriots who are the ones who engineered the American Revolution, seventy thousands of the loyalists migrated to Canada. After the American Revolution the Federalist Party was formed under the Republican ideals, under the presidency of George Washington. Who promoted a strong nation capable of holding its own in world affairs and with a strong army and a national bank. Although they believed in liberty they also believed in the American union and guiding it against outsiders who wanted to undermine American integrity. The historian Patric Alitt concludes that the Federalist promoted many conservative positions including the rule of law under the constitution, republican government, peaceful change through elections, men were essentially unequal, judicial supremacy, credible and active diplomacy and protection of wealth and that the voice of God is more powerful than the voice of man.4 They were opposed though in the 1790s by Jeffersonian Democracy who arose against the Federalists party due to the fear that the federalist were trying to impose a monarchy in America. In the 1830s the American Whig party took over which was a conservative party. They had the same ideals that underlay conservatism. The Abraham Lincoln took over through the Whig party and championed for the freedom of slaves. At this point in time there was a difference between northern conservatism and the southern ones 58. The northern conservatives wanted freedom of slaves and education of slaves while those in the southern part were racists and didn’t want the slaves to be educated. Throughout his career Lincoln was a champion of the Whig conservative party and fought against the liberal Jacksonian Democracy. Some of the things he promoted included business interests, especially banks, rail roads and factories. There is still a debate whether Lincoln was liberal or conservative.5 Since he had a tolerance of moderation, although he was still conservative t he did not tolerate radical conservatism who wanted the south institutions to change overnight. In the period 1890 to 1915, the black Americans were mostly republican unlike today under the leadership of Booker T. Washington. He was the leader and spokesman of the black Americans at this time and championed for the education of the blacks and that blacks be allowed to vote. His ideals were although liberal in nature and since the North republicans under the W.E.B. Du Bois who fought for equal education right of the blacks. He was an advisor of the Republican Presidents. He said “‘Cast down you bucket where you are’ – cast it down in making friends in every manly way of the people of all races by whom we are surrounded.”6 (pg. 188-189) “In all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress”.7 W.E.B. Du Bois also made the following is quoted saying, “By 1830 slavery seemed hopelessly fastened on the South, and the slaves thoroughly cowed into submission”.8 “It would be unjust to Mr. Washington not to acknowledge that in several instances he has opposed movements in the South which were unjust to the Negro … “.9 They were endearing to black slaves bought to country since they didn’t even know how many were brought in. He also says, “The world will never know the exact number of slaves transported to America. Several thousand came in the fifteenth century, tens of thousands in the sixteenth, and hundreds of thousands in the seventeenth”.10 Conservatisms have played a major in American political history and culture since the American Revolution. The organized conservative movement has only been a major part of American politics since 1950’s.11 This is especially evident among the Republicans and the Southern Democrats. The Historian Scheider identifies several core principles of conservatisms which are the respect for tradition, support of republicanism, the rule of law and the Christian religion and defense of the Westerns civilization from challenges of modernist cultures nod totalitarian governments.12 Modern Conservatives often quote William Graham Sumner, “The popular notion is, that liberty means doing as one has a mind to, and that is a metaphysical or sentimental good… [but] liberty is not a metaphysical or sentimental thing at all. It is produced and maintained by law and institutions, and is, therefore, concrete and historical.13. He supported free markets, the gold standard, anti-imperialism and he also opposed threats to the middle class from the rich plutocrats who mistreated the agrarians and the ignorant masses. American Conservatism history has been marked by tensions and competing ideologies. These include fiscal conservatives and libertarians favor small government’s low taxes, limited regulation and free enterprise. Social conservatives are those who see traditional social values as threatening secularism. They often support school prayer and capital punishment. They also oppose abortion and the legalization of same sex marriages. Neoconservatives on the other hand wand to spread American idealism throughout the world and are characterized by the strong support of Israel 4. While Paleo-conservatives support restrictions on migration, non-interventionists foreign policy and stand in opposition of multiculturalism. Though the common stand of most republicans is that they support republicans over democrats, support a strong foreign policy and a strong military. They also advocate for a strong support of Israel. The conservative movement of the 1950’s tried to bring the various factions together, since unity was more important so that they can stand firm against communism.14 During the 1980s the Republican President Ronald Reagan put into place key conservative Republican principles. This included tax cuts and he also greatly increased the US military budget and further promoted deregulation. He also brought out a strong policy f removing communism completely instead of just containing it. His government also appealed to family values and Christian morality. Therefore the 1980s and after are known as the Reagan Era with many Conservative politicians proclaiming devotion to Reagan’s ideals 8. Therefore most conservative in America oppose gun control, abortion and gay marriages.15 Conservatives of the 1990s include George W Bush senior who was not voted in back into government because he did not keep his promises to not increase taxes.16 The next Conservative President was George W Bush junior who stuck to the conservatives principles by ensuring tax cuts even to the rich and ensuring a strong military. He also ensured attack on Iran after the bombing of the American twin towers. He therefore generally stuck to the main ideals of conservatism which is argued by a few like William Buckley Jr who argued that Bush was not a conservative in his internal or foreign policies.17 Democratic evolution through the years From the 1930s, the Democratic Party has promoted a socially liberal and progressive platform.18 It is mainly made up of the socially liberal and the centrists. The Democratic Party evolved mainly from the ant-federalists factions which opposed fiscal policies of Alexander Hamilton. In the early 1790s Thomas Jefferson and James Madison united the factions that fought the Federalist and formed the Democratic-Republican Party. This party favored following of the states’ rights and the constitution. It was the main popular party of the country unlike the Whigs who not popular albeit better financed. It was one of the major political parties in the USA until the Civil war. In the 1820 they spilt over their prudential successor those who still favor the Thomas Jefferson principles united under President Andrew Jackson leadership and those who favored James Monroe as president.19 Agrarian Democrats demanding free silver overthrew the Bourbon Democrats in 1896 and nominated William Jennings Bryan for presidency. These democrats mainly fought for the views of the poor and farmers. Bryan lost to William McKinley of the Republican Party. There has been a conservative element in the Democratic Party which was led by Bourbon democrats under the leadership of President Grover Cleveland. He fought against high tariffs and for the gold standard. They were overthrown though by William Jennings Bryan inside the Democratic Party and agrarians who preached for free silver and opposed power that banks and rail roads would assert on the American farmer. They formed a coalition with the populists and denounced politics of big business, they said, "...we meet in the midst of a nation brought to the verge of moral, political, and material ruin. Corruption dominates the ballot-box, the Legislatures, the Congress, and touches even the ermine of the bench". …"The urban workmen are denied the right to organize for self-protection, imported pauperized labor beats down their wages, a hireling standing army, unrecognized by our laws, is established to shoot them down, and they are rapidly degenerating into European conditions".20 … "Assembled on the anniversary of the birthday of the nation, and filled with the spirit of the grand general and chief who established our independence, we seek to restore government of the Republic to the hands of the "plain people," with which class it originated".21 This was especially seen in the decisive 1896 election, won by Republican William McKinley, who was easily reelected over Bryan in 1900 as well. The President who most championed for democratic rule was Franklin Roosevelt, who was elected into power in 1932 and created a New Deal liberalism which meant promotion of a social government, whereby it gave social welfare, allowed labor unions, civil rights and regulation of business. The opponents that are the conservatives stressed long-term growth, support for business and low taxes called.22 Other early Socialists that have championed for socialism include, Goerge D. Herron says, "And yet, with all the history and prophecy, the schools and temples, the philosophy and poetry, the governments and civilizations, the day of brotherhood seems no nearer than generations ago. The hope grows faint with age. The problems of society are still unsolved".23 "A civilization basing itself upon self-interest, and securing itself through competition, has no power within itself to secure justice"..."[it] has a more dangerous foundation than dynamite".24 "Ethical truth taught to an un-spiritualized race, or generation, or civilization, is a childish waste of time and strength. There is no ethics apart from religion. The springs of human virtue are all in God".25 He was a good spokesman and championed for socialism in America which were the ideals of the democracy. He joined the Socialist Party of America in the summer of 1901. Some of the ideals he stood for are the ideals that structure the Democratic Party ideals. Essentially the Democrats have been a party that has clearly championed of a more socialists government and more social views like the legalization of abortion and the legality of gay marriages. Some of the party’s main issues in the early 21st century have included how to combat terrorism and homeland security since they mainly champion for no war and life is better than death. Expanding health care, labor rights, environmentalism and preservation of the liberal government programs.26 These are therefore the main underlying principles on which the Democrats are formed under. The Democratic Party has had a lot of influence in the socio-ethno-economic demographics. It has since history favored the low in society including farmers, laborers, and labor unions, religious and ethnic minorities. It has generally not supported business and finance, and has been mainly for progressive income taxes. Its foreign policy has mainly been internationalism and interventionism which was dominant in 1923 to the mid-1960s. In the 1930s it began fighting for welfare spending programs targeting the poor in society. It had a fiscally conservative wing which was for pro-business. This was characterized by individuals like Grover Cleveland and Al Smith. The major factors of liberalism were labor unions which were highly popular in the 1936to 1952 era and the African American wing which has been growing since the 1960s. Environmentalism has also been one of its major ideals since the 1970s. In recent years the Democratic Party has mainly adopted the centrists political and economic agenda which has made their voter base shift a lot.27 Most of the Democrats today are characterized by social freedoms, affirmative action and a market economy that is interfered with by the government (mixed economy). The Democratic principles that have been adopted including in the Clinton era advocate that the government should intervene in alleviating poverty and social injustices. It also advocates for a system of progressive taxation The Democratic Party has been mainly dominant in the Southeastern United States and is now the strongest part in the Northeast (Mid- Atlantic and New England), Great Lakes region, the Pacific Coast (including Hawaii). The Democrats are also very dominant in major cities.28 (Jofferey, 2011). Bibliography Andrew Carnegie, The Gospel of Wealth, in CAPCT, Vol. II, pp. 218-223 Arnold, N. Scott (2009), Imposing values: an essay on liberalism and regulation, “Modern liberalism occupies the left-of-center in the traditional political spectrum and is represented by the Democratic Party in the United States." . Florence: Oxford University Press. p. 3. Booker T. Washington, Atlanta Exposition Address, in CAPCT, Vol. II, pp. 188-190 Carl Hulse (26 September 2008). "Conservatives Viewed Bailout Plan as Last Straw". New York Times. Retrieved April 28th 2013. Carl M. Cannon, Reagan's Disciple (2008), Public Affairs p xii. George D. Herron, Address before the Minnesota Congregational Club, in CAPCT, Vol. II, pp. 224-229 Gregory Schneidern (2009), The Conservative Century: From Reaction to Revolution. New York. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Grigsby, Ellen (2008). Analyzing Politics: An Introduction to Political Science "In the United States, the Democratic Party represents itself as the liberal alternative to the Republicans, but its liberalism is for the most the later version of liberalism—modern liberalism." . New York: Cengage Learning. pp. 106–107 Jones, Jeffrey M. (5 January 2011). "Democratic Party ID Drops in 2010, Tying 22-Year Low". Gallup, Inc. Retrieved April 28th 2013. Jones, Joffrey M. (9 January 2012). "Record-High 40% of Americans Identify as Independents in ' Gallup, Inc. Retrieved April 28, 2013. Levy, Jonah (2006). The state after statism: new state activities in the age of liberalization. Florence: Harvard University Press. p. 198. Patrick Allitt (2009) The Conservatives: Ideas and Personalities throughout American History, "before the 1950s there was no such thing as a conservative movement in the United States.", Yale University Press. Patrick Allitt (2009), The Conservatives, pp. 6–26 Samuel Eliot Morison, Harrison Gray Otis, 1765–1848: the urbane Federalist (1969) pages x–xi The Populist Party Platform, in CAPCT, Vol. II, pp. 229-232 W.E.B. DuBois, The Development of a People, in CAPCT, Vol. II, pp. 196-205 W.E.B. DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk, in CAPCT, Vol. II, pp. 190-196 William F. Buckley, Buckley: Bush Not a True Conservative, July 22, 2006, retrieved from April 28th 2013. William Graham Sumner, What Social Classes Owe Each Other, in CAPCT, Vol. II, pp. 163-169 Read More
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