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On Female President Election in US - Research Paper Example

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Research on women politicians shows that many women hold elective political post in developed world than they do in the developing countries. Political attitudes displayed by women politicians are similar to their male counterparts. Gender attitudes influence political systems of many countries. …
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Research on Female President Election in US
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Research on Female President Election in US Introduction Women candi s for political positions have exhibited great leadership skills and ability to bring change in political arena. Modern society has embraced policy politics, which seem to favor women candidates. Studies on gender effects on politics reveal that women demonstrate liberal views to policies than men do. Policy politics attract women to discuss issues affecting the social structure of the country than policies touching on military and economy. Political systems in developed world have created room for women politicians to present their policies in the society (Bernard 180). Research on women politicians shows that many women hold elective political post in developed world than they do in the developing countries. Political attitudes displayed by women politicians are similar to their male counterparts. Gender attitudes influence political systems of many countries. Gender stereotypes give preference to a given gender to hold a political position. Some studies show that gender stereotype is a factor that influences presidential elections in developed counties (Watson 503). Some people feel that women are not able to make tough decisions. The research presented in this paper evaluates public opinion as influenced by gender bias in electing a woman. The paper evaluates how gender stereotype influences election in United States by using data obtained from opinion polls. Women featured in presidential ticket campaigns, yet they were not able to clinch the tickets in their parties. The research wants to investigate whether gender stereotypes influenced voting for the female candidate. The findings of the research would suggest how political like would influence presidential politics in capitalist nations and how gender gap influences US presidential politics. The State of the Literature Gender attitude dictate political action in a society. Women demonstrate views, which tend to support candidates with liberal views (Watson 505). Male counterpart demonstrates conservative views to political issues. The difference constituted by these varying thoughts influence media representation of women in American politics. Modern politics stress on policies than propaganda or vain saying exhibited in the past. Theorists have mentioned various factors to propagate gender gaps in the society, which include modernization, attitude differences, and secularization. Apparently, cultural aspects defined various roles in the society. The advent of modernization opened a new chapter to women especially the role of a woman in the community. In pre industrial age, women task was to bear children and take care of their homes. Women effort in economic growth and societal development in the modern society is evident through active participation of women. Women lead in various political and non-political offices, discharging duties, which contribute to economic growth. Studies show that women take part in active politics in various developed countries than they do in developing countries (Leighley 8). Liberalization of political system in these countries is a factor that has contributed to the liberal representations by women. Scholars argue that many factors contribute to liberal views that women poses. Factors such as pervasiveness, high poverty level among women, sexual discrimination, and other related factors influence liberal views of women. Societal changes suggest the existence of gender gaps in the society. Society has reverted social structure in which women served as servants to men (Watson 256). Participation in workforce among women is among changes in social structures that women boost of today. Gender gap is evident because many changes in social structure advocated for equal participation. Research on nations, which have not embraced changes in their social structure, reveals that women position in the traditional society has not changed. Various studies attribute different factors as constraints to that demonstrate gender gap. For instance, Muslim countries do not demonstrate gender gaps because gender roles in the society are not different from traditional system. Studies in Western countries suggest that attitudinal differences exhibited in the society is more likely to influence liberal views (Gutgold 8). Scholars have suggested various arguments based on studies on attitudes directed towards a given gender. Marriage gap influences choice that people make for their presidential candidate (Polsby 34). Research conducted on marriage gap suggests that married gap influence voting pattern for various candidates. The study suggests that women presidential candidates were able to bring young American on board compared to married American (Polsby 34). Findings of the study indicate that age gap favored women candidates in America compared to male counterpart. Democratic Party campaign on issues affecting United States has reinforced the debate on gender gap (Goren 123). It is evident that some Americans still believe that women role in the society belong to homes. However, a greater percentage of persons interviewed indicated their willingness to vote for a woman president. Respondent believed that a qualified woman could receive the votes to become the president. Gender Gap in Security and Foreign Policy Issues affecting foreign countries usually influence politics in the US. Various candidates respond to these issues differently. Studies show that both women and male candidates would respond to foreign issues in any given instance. Gender gaps are evident whenever the debate on foreign policy comes forth. Studies indicate that media propagate stereotype theories that women are unable to initiate effective foreign policies (Goren 105). It is apparent that women tend to argue on a liberal end concerning foreign policies. Men counterpart takes strong stand advocating for military option as a means to solve international conflicts. Studies show that Americans favored the relationship it has with western countries than the eastern countries. Findings suggest that women preferred diplomatic approach to conflict between America and Iraq. Research on relevance of United Nations among Americans indicated gender gap with most women voting for relevance of United Nations over their male counterpart (Gallup & Newport 80). Male felt that America could handle its own issues in the international sphere without bring the aid of United Nation. Men showed support to aggressive foreign policies, which influence political might of a country (Gallup & Newport 80). Largely, the finding demonstrates inclination of gender bias when voting in terms of foreign policies. Security matters feature in the political sphere whenever people come across elections. Polls stars usually engage the public in survey, which intend to know their views about their presidential choice and security of the nation. Studies conducted in America strengthened the debate on gender gap by attributing stereotype attitude towards women. Many respondents felt that women were unable to implement security policies (Murray 142), which would deter terrorism and other related crimes. However, studies conducted in Germany show that women had the ability to initiate effective security policies for their nations (Kunin 127). Scholarly findings attribute factors that widen gender gaps to stereotypes. Evidently, American women are likely implementing a controversial foreign policy. Notions gender roles influence the choice that a woman leader is likely to choose. Perceived gender roles for women place them in homes. Stereotype perception to this role argues that women would abstain from issues that use force to erode social fabric than men. Studies indicate that men women to active role in post modern war. Many of these women assumed men responsibility and were able to display high level of integrity in performing the task they had. However, studies associate women gender to a social being that advocate for social coexistence to men. Conflict management in the society is an issue that does not only stem into the modern society, but also existed in the previous society. Studies indicate that conflict is relevant to all society no matter the inclination that the country would take. Evidently, countries use various methods to solve differences that they have. Scholars feel that war witnessed by countries should not act as gauge in rating women ability in handling political affairs of the country. Women in politics Active participation of women in politics is something that the society has embraced. Studies show that many developed countries have political slots for women candidates. Women in political positions have used various methods to win the public opinion. Studies conducted to identify the mode used by women politicians to influence their countries indicate that majority of women in elective political posts used popularity gained from their male husbands. For instance, in Argentina Felipe Calderon used the popularity she gained while her husband was in power to convince her country that she could serve as their president (Gelb & Palley 212). Eva, a former actor used her husband political popularity to influence people to support her political career. Other studies show that women rose to power through their determination to change the position they have in the society. Women politician in politically unequal societies have demonstrated high integrity in political sphere by campaign against social vices, which undermine women in the society. President Michelle Bachelet surprised the world when she emerged as the president of Chile (Gelb & Palley 127). History of Chile describes the country as one of the political unequal society where women politician have difficulty in drumming their point. Catholicism and political dictatorship in her country are some obstacles that she laid off to win the presidential seat. Her personal profile indicates that she divorced her husband and was against women discrimination. Angela Merkel has ridden the political horse to presidency through her determination, which she does not owe to any male figure. Studies show that her campaign sentiments had to counter the gender differences propagated through the media to deny her opportunity to rule (Kunin 128). She used her feminine role to woo voters on the platform that she would bring social changes embraced by feminine. Studies show that women politician hardly engage in scandals. Scholars believe that scandals, which have tainted the reputation of male politicians, are creating room for female politician to have a place in the society. It is apparent that policy based politics is laying its roots in most developing countries. Scholars believe that policy politics is likely to offer women more political seats than in the past. History on elective position in US indicates that American have not elected a woman president. Resent studies based on opinion polls indicate that America is likely to elect woman president. Scholars have directed their interest in identifying factors that are likely to influence American choice for a woman president. Studies of American voting style indicate that activist movement influenced voting pattern of the nation (Murray 120). American African voting pattern show that issues relating to racial segregation influenced voting. Many Americans especially the blacks inclined their views towards a candidate that advocates for their rights. Studies indicate that presidential candidates in America use policies touching of racial aspect to influence voting patterns. Scholars have observed that political systems in various countries influence voting pattern. In United States, aspirants of dominant political parties are likely to dominate national politics than candidates from less influential parties. Studies show that Hillary Rodham Clinton choice of political party influenced her presidential nomination. Democratic Party has a nation wide outlook, which is responsible for the voting pattern experienced in United States. Women politicians must identify with a renowned political party if they expect to win their political election. Studies show that American women identify with parties according to the wealth they command (Watson 510). Wealthy women like associating with Republican Party while their poor counterparts with Democratic Party. Democrats advocate for policies which at protecting the right of the less privileged in the society. Studies show that Clinton commands national popularity but she was not able to convince democrats to vote her. Survey conducted by Touche and Deloitte indicated that American show stereotype regarding a woman ability to become a president (Watson 137). The survey investigated the abilities that American people expected from a presidential candidate. Findings of the survey show that voters admired the following characteristics in their preferred candidates: candidate must show traits of leading in crisis, quality to make tough recommendations, honesty, and trustworthiness. Fifty-one of the respondents who answered the question about their preferred president indicated that they would vote a man because of their toughness. Majority of votes also indicated that men could lead in crisis when compared to women. Electorate favored qualities such as honesty and trustworthiness on women. Scholars have attributed the response that they receive in this notion to United States position in the world. The US position as a superpower dictates that it should have a leader that is able to uphold the state of the nations. Many Americans feel that women candidates do not have the ability to steer America in times of crisis. Political campaigns against female candidates reinforce the notion that women leaders are unable to lead during crisis because of the gender roles. Studies show that media portray female candidates as less suitable to lead their country. Media dwell on feminine issues such as hairstyle to downplay women candidates. Media have been able to downplay female presidential candidates of various parties. Studies show that media smeared Sara Palin campaign by covering domestic issues affecting Palin’s life (Bernard 183). Studies show that political smearing influences voting pattern of Americans. Studies on political coverage on female candidate by media indicate that the media subject female candidates to stereotype views, which affect perception of the American people. Americans demonstrate attitudes towards respect for female gender. Equality in American society is evident through position that women hold in the society. Laws in the United States places equal rights against every American. However, stereotype perception of women role in the society plays a vital role in influencing voting attitudes of the Americans (Watson 506). Americans do not show element of stereotype in social aspects, however candidature for top leadership position of the country display element of stereotype among many people who vote. Studies on political strategy employed by Women presidential candidate show that male campaign are not different to female campaign. Women aspirants are able to mobilize campaign funds in the same manner as male (Gelb & Palley 132). Democratic candidates mobilize resources for campaign through their proposals which their direct to their loyalists. The same trend applies when female candidates rally around the country raising funds. Presidential candidates have to use billions in their campaign assignment. Inadequate fund for campaign is a challenge that female and male candidates meet during their campaigns. Theory The hypothesis women associate with soft policies evident in our research based on findings of the United States. Studies show that women hold positions, which subject them to enact soft policies. Americans feel that presidency has to deal with foreign policies and factors, which contribute, to economic growth. Studies indicate that Americans believe that economic and foreign policies are tough and they would associate them with tough people. Presidential position focuses on policies, which they perceive as hard policies. Beneficiary of lower level of governance are women attesting to the hypothesis of this study. Studies show that element of stereotype benefited women at lower level of governance compared to high level of governance. Perceptions of Americans to other types of elections differ from the presidential elections. Studies show that women are able to clinch executive elective posts. Findings of this study indicated that women were likely to clinch executive positions as opposed to men. Studies conducted on elections in US indicated that aspect of stereotype influenced US election for female candidate in the last 140 years (Bernard 180). Scholars have been able to compare women president in other countries and United States. Findings indicate that many women candidate win these slots because of policies touching on poverty and political instability. Examples in this category include Liberian President, Argentine President, and Chilean president among other women president. Political stability of a country influence campaign strategy that a country would adapt. It evident that countries facing political instability settle for a candidate that they feel would be honest. The finding confirms hypothesis that women candidates demonstrate honesty and high degree of trustworthiness (Kunin 129). The probable factors that scholar attribute to their election is the need for peace which many people feel they cannot achieve in the hands of male candidates whom they perceive as tough. Studies on social factors that influence presidential candidate differ across gender. Women feel that issues like poverty should be first. Studies show that Argentine president was able to influence her country with policies touching on poverty, which was rampant, he her country at the time of her election (Gelb & Palley 211). Majority of her voters felt that she had the ability to offer to them what male candidates did not address. Methods The research would address the issue of gender gap by assessing data on opinion survey conducted in US about US troops in Iraq. The poll team devised questions, which they asked about people’s opinion about US involvement in Iraqi war. The questions asked included should the US withdraw its troop from Iraq, were the military intervention in Iraq correct. The independent variable in this research was gender. The controls include wealth, age, marriage, education, and partisanship. The poll used the finding to examine the influence of gender on attitudes about the Iraq US conflict. Findings The study examined development of gender gap in respect to foreign policies of United States. The focus was the attitude directed towards the conflict and foreign policy. Differences emerged from respondents about foreign interest and American interest. Women and men gave different opinion about the conflict. Past studies had indicated differences in gender gap in serious political policies (Gutgold 145). Finding of this study revealed that gender gap influenced serious political changes anticipated in the nation. Women are less likely to use combative force to address political problems directed to the world. Women respondents demonstrated other means of handing international conflict other than US troop pouncing on Iraqi troops. Conclusion The journey to elect a woman as the president of US proves tactical owing to the perception that US citizens have about policies. Studies have indicated that women favor policies, which incline in social aspect of the country as opposed to foreign policies, which influence the country’s power in the international sphere. It is apparent that many Americans are skeptic to vote a female president because of the notion that a woman president is not tough. Media influence voters by propagating gender gap through stereotype coverage. Evidently, media has been able to influence the presidential campaigns by demonstrating that women would meddle in social issues as opposed to issues of international concern. A move that would influence voters to change their stereotype attitudes would offer an opportunity for a woman to be a president. Work cited Bernard, R. Harvey. Research Methods in Anthropology. San Diego: Rowman Altamira, 2011.Print. Gallup, Alec & Newport, Frank. The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion 2005. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007. Print. Gelb, Joyce & Palley, L. Marian. Women and politics around the world: a comparative history and survey, Volume 1. Ontario: ABC-CLIO. 2009. Print. Goren, J. Lilly. You've come a long way, baby: women, politics, and popular culture. Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky. 2009. Print. Gutgold, D. Nichola. Almost Madam President: why Hillary Clinton "won" in 2008. Kentucky: Lexington Books, 2009. Print. Kunin, Madeleine. Pearls, Politics, & Power: How Women Can Win and Lead. Chelsea: Chelsea Green Publishing. 2008. Print. Leighley, E. Jan. The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2010. Print. Murray, Rainbow. Cracking the highest glass ceiling: a global comparison of women's campaigns for executive office. Ontario: ABC-CLIO.2010. Print. Polsby, Nelson. Presidential Elections: Strategies and Structures of American Politics. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. 2011. Print. Watson, W. Robert. White House Studies Compendium, Volume 5. New York: Nova Publishers, 2008. Print. Read More
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