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Analysis of Grave's Disease - Report Example

The report "Analysis of Grave's Disease" discusses conditional diseases that result from excess thyroid hormones. Notably, excess thyroid hormones usually lead to clinical manifestations that range from mild to severe toxicity resulting in morbidity and mortality of the affected patient…
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Analysis of Graves Disease
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no. Hyperthyroidism/Graves Disease The Hyperthyroidism and or Grave Diseases are conditional diseases that result from excess thyroid hormones. Notably, excess thyroid hormones usually lead to clinical manifestations that ranges from mild to severe toxicity resulting into morbidity and mortality of the affected patient (Osansky 68). The hyperthyroidism is a constellation of varied symptoms that are associated with elevated levels of thyroid hormones. The thyroid hormones usually have numerous actions on different organ systems within the body; therefore, the alteration of their levels above or below the recommended levels usually lead to health disorders. Nonetheless, the clinical spectrums that are usually produced often associated to varied disorders. It is worth noting that these symptoms can sometimes be subtle and nonspecific to a disorder thereby making the hyperthyroidism to be difficult to diagnose. These effects are usually prevalent in the disorders’ early stages of development; therefore, without a proper laboratory data relating to the patient, specific diagnosis by the impossible. The increased levels of the thyroid hormones are usually not associated with malfunction of the thyroid organs. Therefore, conditions associated with increased levels of thyroid hormones including Grave’s disease are only autoimmune conditions that are often directed against the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor. The stimulation of these hormones usually result into increase of hormones and enlargement of glands (Osansky 95). The Graves disease is usually founded in the family health history. In other words, there are highly likelihood that a person coming from a family with history of Grave’s disease and hyperthyroidism will suffer the same disorders. Some of the risk factors to these disorders include the use of sex steroids, constantly high stress levels, autoimmune disorders, and smoking. Pretibial myxedema, the goiter triad, and exophthalmos classically characterize the Graves disease. 1. Parkinsons Disease According to the post, the Parkinsons disease was first document in 1817 and was named after the person who originally documented it. General is disease is a progressive disorder that affects the patient’s nervous system thereby interfering with their movement. The disease develops gradually and in most cases, it starts with unnoticeable tremor symptoms. Other than tremor, the Parkinsons disease also causes slow movement or stiffness of joints including legs and or neck (Osansky 164). Just as document in the post, the early stages of Parkinsons disease is usually associated with change in facial expression and or tuck arms (the arm cannot swing). However, the post had not documented that the Parkinsons disease may interfere with someone’s speech. Notably, it makes the patient’s speech slurred or soft. The Parkinsons disease usually worsen with time, since as the time elapses, the disease progresses to its advance stages. The disease cannot not cured and finding the right medication for it is usually difficult; therefore, according to the post, it is vital for the patient to work with the doctor towards a better solution to the disorder. Other effects of Parkinsons disease include loss of balance, temperature sensitivity, depression, digestion problems, and low blood pressure. 2. Alzheimer According to the post, Alzheimer slowly degenerates the brain neurons and it results from the high-level accumulation of the amyloid proteins. Moreover, the post notes that Alzheimer leads to memory loss and it interferes with the intellectual functionality of a person. The disease also affects reasoning, language, sense of smell, and vision (Osansky 197). The disease is also known to interfere with individual’s judgment levels, management skills, precision, personality, moods, and timeliness in handling tasks. Other conditions include hallucination, suffering from paranoia, and delusions. Alzheimer also interferes with one’s ability to complete simple tasks including dressing, cooking, and even eating. Alzheimer may make a person to be in bed the whole day. Notably, the main cause of Alzheimer is not yet known but doctors peg numerous factors including genetics, aging, and environmental conditions as some factors that may prompt Alzheimer disease. No known cure for the disease, but it can be treated or regulated in its mild or moderate state but not in its advance stages. Additionally, since the disease also interferes with patients’ behaviors, the doctors may work towards correcting the same. 3. Asthma Asthma is a chronic lung disease that causes long term inflames and narrowing of the airways. The disease often causes recurrent periods of wheezing, tightening of the chest, shortening breath, and constant coughing. These coughs very early in the morning and at night. Literature has it that, Asthma affects all ages; however, it often starts at childhood (Osansky 281). A person who is suffering from the disease did post three. He also notes that the wife suffers from the same disease. However, unlike the common stage of the development of Asthma, his wife developed it at high school. On the other hand, the writer’s Asthma is categorized as sport induced. Therefore, it is worth noting that not all Asthmas have the same cause and Asthma can occur at any stage in human development, stage, or age. According to the post, Asthma is usually contributed by the narrowing of the bronchioles and contracting of smooth muscles in the spasms. The constriction of mucus at the bronchial epithelium increase the constriction of the airways; thus, intensifying the health effects of Asthma. Moreover, Asthma leads to suffocation that can be corrected by inhalers. Main risk factors to Asthma include allergens including dust, pollen, pet hair, and certain food products. Additionally, Asthma may be triggered by air pollution, changes in air temperatures, stress, and respiration infections. Asthma has no cure but it can be treated. It is treated mainly with inhalers; however, different Asthmas require different inhalers; thus, the use of specific inhaler should be prompted by the recommendations for a doctor. 4. Lung Cancer Lung Cancer is the most common cancer in the world and in most cases; it goes hand in hand with smoking. As it develops, the Lung Cancer often displays varied symptoms including coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, and bloody mucus. The most common treatment mechanisms for Lung Cancer include surgery, radiations, and or chemotherapy. According to the post, among other known cancers, the Lung Cancer is the major cause of death in the United States. Notably, it affects both men and women. Its cause of death is equivalent to the combined effects of prostate, colon, breast, and ovarian cancers. Smoking is the major risk factor to Lung Cancer. Therefore, the number of smoked cigarettes determines the level at which a person risks to Lung Cancer (Osansky 152). Hence, quitting smoking even after smoking for several year reducing risks of developing lung cancer. Despite the known obvious sign and symptoms of lung cancer, it does not show such signs in its early stages. Additional symptoms include chest pain, hoarseness, bone pain, headache, and weight loss. Treatment of Lung Cancer depends on numerous factors including the patient’s overall health, stage of the cancer, and the preferences. These diseases can be regarded as terminal diseases since they do not have possible cures. Notably, all of them except Parkinsons disease have known possible causes; therefore, it would be vital for people to avoid possible risk factors that would subject them these incurable diseases. For instance, it has been noted that smoking is the most probable cause of lung cancer; hence, it would be vital that a person not to smoke to reduce their chances to contracting lung cancer (Osansky 217). Additionally, asthma is often caused but respiration infections that include air population and acute alteration of atmospheric air temperatures among other factors. These factors can be avoided to reduce chances of contracting such diseases. Nonetheless, once a person is diagnosed with either of these diseases among others, it would be prudent if they follow the treatment procedures for the betterment of their health and life. Work Cited Osansky, Eric M. Natural Treatment Solutions for Hyperthyroidism and Graves Disease: Discover How Following a Natural Thyroid Treatment Protocol Can Restore Your Health ... and Help You to Avoid Radioactive Iodine. Charlotte, NC: Natural Endocrine Solutions, 2011. Print. Read More
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