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Grant Proposal - ABM Juvenile Care Home - Research Paper Example

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From this research, it is clear that the ABM Juvenile Care Home has been established in the 1980s. It's important to highlight that the main idea of the ABM juvenile home is to provide mental and physical strength to the children who had come from Juvenile institutions…
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Grant Proposal - ABM Juvenile Care Home
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Grant Proposal - ABM Juvenile Care Home Introduction: This is a grant proposal where ABM Juvenile Care Home (ABMJCH) is seeking grant to improve the plight of the children who were not released on parole in the Delve Juvenile Institution. The main reason for this grant proposal is to improve the situation of those children who had been through Juvenile Institutions because life in Juvenile Institutions is very hard for the children. The ABM Juvenile Care Home has been established in 1980s. The main idea of the ABM juvenile home is to provide mental and physical strength to the children who had come from Juvenile institutions. The children who come from Juvenile institutions had been debarred from society and devoid of education, recreation and the outside world. The ABM Juvenile Care Home is completely a new and refined idea because usually there are Juvenile Institutions but the ABM is a Juvenile Care Home. The intention of establishing the Juvenile Care Home is to mould the children who had been through Juvenile Institutions and teach them to follow a rightful life. The statement of the problem includes the identification of the problem, the specific program that ABMJCH intends to incorporate. The goals and objectives have been stated clearly and the operational design has been planned carefully. The various evaluation techniques have been measured and the estimated budget has been prepared. This grant program intends to reform the children who are coming from the Juvenile Institutions and turn them into responsible citizens. The funding of this Juvenile Care Home is important “to fill in significant gaps in the research regarding the prevalence of disabilities among the juvenile justice population” (APA statement on reforming the juvenile justice system to improve children’s life and public safety, 2010, para.5). Statement of the Problem: 1. What is the problem? “A problem statement is the basis for the project and your connection with the funder is that you both want to solve the same problem”. (Fredrick, 2004, p.1) The need identified is to improve the lives of the children who are coming from Juvenile Institutions. The most important problem identified was the effects of Juvenile delinquency on the children who are facing lifetime imprisonments and the effects of these imprisonments on the children both physical and mental effects. Larry J. Siegel and Brandon C. Welsh in the book Juvenile Delinquency: theory, practice and law states that Juvenile Justice in the beginning of the 19th century was negligible and delinquent children were punished in the same way as adults. He also states that, in the US the Juvenile homes were very repressive and the formation of the first federal child welfare agency was the first bureau which investigated and exposed the oppressed cases in the juvenile homes. Another identified problem was that the children were not released on parole which disrupts their relations from their families which turns the children depressed. The lack of funds in the establishment especially the start up expenses of the ABMJCH is the prime component of this grant proposal. 2. What is the specific program? Who will benefit? The specific program for which ABMJCH is seeking a grant is to reform the children who come from Juvenile Institutions to responsible individuals. The main idea is to bring these children back to the society by providing the appropriate tutorial and spiritual education so that they are both mentally and physically strong. It intends to provide all recreational facilities which empower knowledge to the children like providing Newspapers, Televisions, and Education Journals etc. Also, specific yoga programs can be provided so that the children from the juvenile homes achieve mental strength. Another specific program is the arrangement of meetings between the parents and their children in the Delve Juvenile institution. The Juvenile Care Home also intends to make arrangements for parole to those children who have less criminal record and who has been conducting themselves diligently in the Delve Juvenile Institution. The setting up of ABMJCH has a clear vision and mission. Its vision is to reform the children from Juvenile Institutions into reformed citizens and the mission is to improve the lives of those children who are coming from Juvenile Care Institutions. The main idea of this grant sought by the ABMJCH is of long term by improving the children. The ABM Juvenile Care Home is also in a thrust to improve the society and to provide the society with responsible citizens. 3. What is the rationale for this work to deal with the problem? Grant is needed for the establishment of the project. The establishment of this ABMJCH requires a budgeted expense of $765,000 which is quite a big amount. The grant is needed specifically for the start up expenses of the ABMJCH. The most important need is the setting up of such a home which can nurture the children from the Juvenile Institutions into reformed persons. The Juvenile Institutions are correctional centers and the care offered to children is negligible “the correctional agency cannot be expected, by itself, to rsolve the personal and social problems posed by delinquency”. (Vinter & Janowitz, 1959). The ABMJCH is a solution provider to this system. The program clearly chalks out the conditions these young offenders, who do not have cognitive capacity to reason on their actions and crimes are treated and made to come up in their life. It then proposes various healthy and pragmatic approaches that are phenomenological in doctoring up the attitudes of these young offenders. By virtue of its reflective, evidential and descriptive approach to both encountering and objects as encountered; the phenomenological approach affiliated here to a greater ambit. The rational for the program is to improve the total system of the condition of juveniles in the society by providing them more care and concern. Goals and objectives: The juvenile life imprisonment and death sentence has become one of the common problems in the country. This has become an issue in the society. The problem worsens as they are unable to apply for a parole in the Supreme Court. According to a study, there are about 2500 juvenile prisoners across the country. This is a serious violation of Eighth Amendment on the issue of punishment. Though Supreme Court has questioned this practice, the government is not given a word on this until now. The goal of this study is to make awareness about the issue in the public such as; healthy laws that are made in the constitution based on strong base. The study also insists in the keeping care of future generation by adopting certain measures like education and extracurricular activities. “Through intervention, education, therapeutic programming, and genuine care, we can rescue troubled youth and help them become contributing members of society.” (Monkus, 2010). The objective of this study includes launching psychological classes at each. The objective aims at starting juvenile care homes at different locations in the country. This enables the parents to take their child to care home for rehabilitation, finding that their child is offensive against certain situation. “Our goal to more effectively integrate the juvenile justice and child welfare systems becomes imperative.” (Tuell, n.d.). We are interested in giving courses that provides standard to the people; enabling them to have positive youth development, for them and their families. It also improves their life style. We guarantee all the support to the Government for the betterment of the society. Training, consultation, conference and publications are part of our activities. We provide our service to all the communities as the welfare of the society. We also consider giving necessary knowledge on the issue. Our services also include making arrangements for the member agencies for being able to perform well in their area of effort. The corporeal, emotional and mental jail surroundings looked by all centralized prisoners is decided by the existing attitude and approaches seized by the criminal integrity scheme and the common community regarding the suitability of certain kinds of sentence. Some uphold that in sequence for a sentence to be suitable to the community, it should obviously reveal unfavorable results. More than a few rules are having been executed to give sentences to the juvenile offender. The objectives of this entire act should give supervision for all decisions regarding the punishment and death sentences of the culprit. Jailor are intended to have a beneficial result on their prisoner, majority of the offender are changed there attitude and lifestyle after getting the proper teaching and education in the ABM juvenile home. Operational Design: The planning and the implementation are very important for any operation design process. The operation design is as a result of the generation of ideas and the researches of these ideas by brainstorming them to implement ideas in formulating the problems. The operation design is the accuracy to make available a clear, written understanding of a placement agency’s idea dealing with different arrangements relating to the post of children in the residence. Inbuilt has the accountability to maintain behavior which are useful in motivating and promoting various rights of the child in building up himself and creating a good exposure in the world. The promotion of the child and the maintenance of the talents help to contribute for the vast and distinctive heritage of the country. The juvenile system has been designed in such a manner depending on the different methods in the child support. The child supports are designed based on certain criteria. “Juvenile justice and its associated fields (such as prevention of delinquency and conditions of detention)are the subject of provisions whose no equal in the overall field of children’s rights. Relevant international norms have existed for several decades. The 1955 Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners — themselves inspired by standards endorsed by the League of Nations in 1934 — already set out the principle of separation of “young prisoners” from adults in custodial facilities” (Juvenile justice, n.d., p.2). Utmost care is given for the children from the adults in the prison. The children are kept away from the adult’s prison and the intermingling of them is prohibited. “Under the master plan, county and local responsibilities would include certain kinds of residential programs, alternatives to incarceration, and drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs. The state would assume responsibility for more violent, chronic and difficult offenders. The current Kansas model allows for sentencing its juvenile offenders to incarceration in one of four existing state facilities” (Gary, 2000). Various policies are used in the master planning of the juvenile home. Also various tasks are involved in the law making procedures. In addition to all these, different methods are used in the designing of the operational policies. The ABM juvenile home is depended on various areas of the primary stage of security to monitoring. The foremost area of the operation is the security and the control that should be monitored for the protection and the consistency. Various facilities should be taken care and the admissions to the children should be monitored and recorded properly. The second condition which is to be taken care in the operations design is the education in the juvenile home. The local schools are contacted for giving education to the people and the teaching is done by eminent teachers. Various co-curricular activities are conducted by the juvenile home to promote the skills and abilities of the children. The planning and the design have created much of the impact on the ABM juvenile home. This home should have a planner who has to be able to conduct complete analysis of the juvenile home, in terms of the statistics and the population of the current inhabitants. The designer should be there for planning the hospital requirements and the medical facilities. The critical architecture and the infrastructure planning should be done by the design engineers for the planning process. The technology factors are those which are approaching and have the impact in the designing and controlling of various facilities and providing new technology advantages for making the juvenile operations a success. D. Evaluation: 1. How will you measure the effectiveness of the program?  Death sentence is a method of convicting the victims for the immoral act. The subject of life sentence with no likelihood of parole presents issues for children as well as the possibility for enlargement and involvement surrounded by the society. Different judgment and treatment methods should be made for both adults and child below the age of 18. Effectiveness of the program can be evaluated by way of assessing the outcome. The attempt to restore young criminals must start with essential clash decision training. “If the juvenile learns how to address and resolve conflict he or she stands a better chance at leading a productive and fruitful life once released, which benefits society as a” The National Center for Juvenile Justice recently completed a study documenting changes in state laws targeting juvenile violence. The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency” (Juvenile offenders, 2010). ABM agencies for the Juvenile home require dealing with the actuality of sentence of the criminal misbehavior of the children. In generating a phenomenological approach to the Effects of Life Long Term Incarceration of Children in the United States, the investigator will be able to generate a deliberate awareness of the knowledge of the applicants. In arguing the practice of prisoners who are imprisoned under punishment with no parole for offenses entrusted throughout their young stage. This will permit an enhanced thoughtfulness of penalty of such judgment for the young criminals.  2. What will be considered a “success” of the program? There are cases in which the young criminals are punished with life imprisonment with or without parole. “Due to the fact that the majority of youthful offenders profiled here never had the opportunity to experience life before getting incarcerated for LIFE, it's safe to say that Second Chance for Juvenile Offenders is advocating a second, first time at life for these now adult men and women” (Introduction, n.d.). Various approaches to Effects of Life Long Term Incarceration of Children in the United States fall into two sites of the entire community such as the community health resolution and the rule enforcement resolution. Various supporters of the community health aspects are liable to observe youngsters (juveniles) nowadays; as sufferers of an anti-youth civilization. The difficulty is mainly due to the parents with a loom into the adult civilization .It means almost all the adults are nowadays more and more aggressive, irritated, and exhausting in the direction of youth. Phenomenological approach to the Effects of Life Long Term Incarceration of Children in the United States helps to the experimental explanation of the juvenile crime. Also, Phenomenological outlook provide high quality outlook for developing deep subjects and also generating the subsequent effort. In the United States more than 1,700 inhabitants are punished with no parole for offenses committed as youthful offender. The judgment of highest Court in Roper v. Simmons case prohibited the death sentence for youthful (juveniles) Measurable evaluation or outcome process: Researchers must be thoroughly verified and understand how to advocate amend and enlargement inside the youthful justice scheme. Building up of assessable and efficient results for the Juvenile delinquency on the children who are facing lifetime imprisonments, the proper juvenile justice system with parole helps to make the youthful offender in exact way. And also corporeal, emotional and mental jail surroundings help the offender to develop good attitude and approaches as well. Budget: For the preparation of the budget three major expense heads has been taken into consideration. They are the startup expenses, the operational expenses and the human resource expense. The startup expenses are rents for the premises, insurance, purchase of tables and chairs and educational materials, establishment of phone systems etc. The operating expenses are mainly related to the advertisement expenses and the costs for medical arrangements which are needed for the children who come in the ABM Juvenile Care Home. Also, the operating expenses is includes the provision for tax payment to the state and the setting up of the equipments for the recreation and the yoga facilities. Also, the human resource expense has been taken into consideration while preparing the budgets. Allocations have been made for the payments of doctors, the warden, the yoga and the computer instructors. Startup Expenses: Expense Heads Amount (in dollars) Building rent $ 200,000 p.a Insurance premium for the building $ 100,000 p.a purchase of tables & chairs $ 25000 Purchase of educational materials $ 40000 establishment of phone and internet systems $15000 Total Expense $3,80,000 Operational Expenses: Expense Heads Amount (in dollars) Advertisement expense $ 40,000 Medical arrangements $ 60,000 Electricity expense $ 15,000 Setting up of recreation and yoga facilities $ 40,000 Provision for tax payment $ 15,000 Total $ 170,000 Manpower Expenses: Expense Heads Amount (in dollars) Arrangement of Doctors $ 70,000 Arrangement of Computer instructors $ 50,000 Arrangement of Yoga instructors $ 60,000 Arrangement of Wardens $ 35000 Total $ 215,000 The total budgeted expenses for the setting up of ABM Juvenile Care Home are $765,000. Timeline: The time line for the project started with arranging all the resources and collecting the details of the various funding agencies which can provide grants. Grants are taken from those organizations who understand the idea of the reason of the set up of the ABM Juvenile Care Home. Advertisement regarding the grant proposal April1 -15, 2010 Announcement of the grant proposal April 15 – 30, 2010 The submission of grant proposal May 1 - 15, 2010 Discussion with the agencies May 15 - 31, 2010 Collecting resources regarding various grant associations May 15 – 31, 2010 Building premises set up June 1 – 15, 2010 Installing of the internet and phone systems July 1 – 15, 2010 Recruiting of staff July 15 – 31, 2010 Securing applications in ABM Juvenile Care Home August 1, 2010 Starting the Job August 15, 2010 Reference List APA statement on reforming the juvenile justice system to improve children’s life and public safety. (2010). American Psychological Association. Retrieved May 12, 2010, from Frankenstein, C. (1970). Varieties of juvenile delinquency, volume 1970, part 2. CRC Press, p.5. Retrieved May 8, 2010, from Fredrick, J., (2004). Problem statement. Grant Writing Workshop Office of Strategic Finance, p.1. Retrieved May 12, 2010, from Gary, K. (2000). Reshaping the design of juvenile facilities in Kansas. AllBusiness. Retrieved May 8, 2010, from Introduction. (n.d.). Second Chance for Juvenile Justice. Retrieved May 8, 2010, from Juvenile justice. (n.d.). unicef, p.2. Retrieved May 8, 2010, from Juvenile offenders. (2010). Mega Essays LLC. Retrieved May 8, 2010, from Monkus, E. (2010). Abolish juvenile life without parole sentences in the USA. Criminal Justice. Retrieved May 8, 2010, from Narrain, A. (2002). A critique of the juvenile justice act 2002. Alternative Law Forum. Retrieved May 8, 2010, from Tuell, J. A. (n.d.). Juvenile justice publications. CWLA. Retrieved May 8, 2010, from Vinter, R., & Janowitz, M. (1959). Effective institutions for juvenile delinquents: A research statement. Jstor. Retrieved May 12, 2010, from Read More
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