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Arguments For and Against Legalizing Marijuana - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Arguments For and Against Legalizing Marijuana" provides a viewpoint on whether marijuana should be used as an anesthetic in the medical areas, should be legalized due to its medical traits, as well as whether illegal drugs should be used for medical objectives…
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Arguments For and Against Legalizing Marijuana
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Extract of sample "Arguments For and Against Legalizing Marijuana"

Where is the controversy taking place- the controversy is taking place in the medical field? When and how did the controversy start- the controversy started with the discovery of the medical purposes of marijuana? What people are on each side of the issue-

Pro- the doctors are supporting the issue
Con – the people in charge of controlling drug abuse are against it

  1. Why are people divided over this issue ad how do their viewpoints differ- the parties involved in the controversy work in two different fields and each party is looking at achieving its goals
  2. What specific solution to the controversy has been  suggested- further research should be done on the issue
  3. How might the controversy be solved- the controversy will be solved by integrating the two arguments and coming up with a decision which can benefit the medical field as well as control drug abuse.

Research questions

  • Should marijuana be used anesthetic in medical fields?
  • Should marijuana be legalized due to its medical benefits?
  • Should illegal drugs be used for medical purposes

Thesis statement
Marijuana has been used as a drug for many years but recently, doctors and researchers have discovered its medical value and are seeking to use it for medical purposes an idea that is facing criticism from other groups of people

Specific evidence
Quote-“marijuana reliefs chronic and neuropathic pain”

The paraphrased-The biggest benefit associated with marijuana is the relief of chronic and neuropathic pain and this has been proved in countries where marijuana use is legal (Mack & Joy, 2000).

Quote- “marijuana improves the immune system of HIV/AIDS patients when used in a non-smoke form”

Paraphrased-Some researchers have also proved that when used in a non-smoke form, marijuana can be beneficial in improving the immune system in HIV/AIDS patients and prolong their lives (Mikuriya, 2009).

Quote- “ marijuana contains endocannabinoid chemicals which affect the brain development of infants and brings complications”

Paraphrased-Due to the ability of the chemical compound in marijuana to copy the bodies’ endocannabinoid chemicals, its intake can affect the brain development of the infant and eventually lead to the birth of a child who has complications in attention, memory capacity, and low IQ (Winterborne, 2008).


  • Marijuana affects the rate of brain development
  • Marijuana leads to reduced cognitive abilities in teenagers
  • Marijuana malfunctions the lungs
  • Marijuana causes risk of having heart diseases


  • It has medicinal value
  • It relieves pain very fast
  • Treats cancer
  • Strengthens the immune system



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