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ATM and Process of Withdrawing Money - Literature review Example

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"ATM and Process of Withdrawing Money" paper argues that for a change of operating systems the ATM runs on to occur there is a lot of consideration that should be put into account. These include quality and security features the operating system is offering and user response to the systems…
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Name: Lecturer: Course: 1 May 2014 Information system implementation Due to Microsoft announcing that it will stop its support on Windows XP that most ATMs run on, most banks will have to change to a different operating system or upgrade to windows 8 because running applications on an operating system that is not supported by the manufacturer is risky especially in banking industry. Stability of operating system is paramount to systems security. Corregedor and Von Solms argue that the problems of malware are an issue that has been there since. Systems get infected with malwares whose structure and modes of attack constantly keep on increasing and becoming complex (1) ATM and process of withdrawing money There are many kinds of ATMs, there are indoors ATM, those build on the wall and mobile ATMs (Qadrei and Habib 16). ATM provision is the most crucial things that banks do to its customers (Qadrei and Habib 16). Many financial institutions have been on the forefront encouraging customers to use ATMs (Kumar, Varaprasad and Sridharan 1). This is because most banks have interconnected their ATM network (Khalifa and Saadan 56). There are communication networks allowing users to use ATMs from a different financial institution from the one they use. The networks are normally interconnected with each other using STAR and NYCE which have the power of providing users with services they would otherwise enjoy at their financial institution; however there might be some limitations depending on the foreign financial institution (Bachrany et al. 1) ATMs, an embedded system which allows users to withdraw or deposit money has nowadays become part of our generation, found not only in banks but also in supermarkets Kiosk, and travel centers (Cherfia et. al 42). ATMs are convenient for customers especially with various bank accounts (Kurita et. al 72). ATM use however is determined by it's worth measured by number of ATMs deployed, those belonging to banks and those that are individually owned as well as the interest rates charged on withdrawal and deposits (Qadrei and Habib 17). ATMs are examples of systems developed with reliability being the primary consideration. Failure is highly avoided and untolerated since such situation can lead to huge economic loss. There are formal methods such as Z language used to check into hardware reliability (Kanwal and Zafar 132). ATM use can cause problems to users due to the complexity of the several steps involved (Taohai, et. al 176). An ATM machines have output and input devices. Input devices include, card reader to read the information on the magnetic strip card and the keypad to enter data, output devices are speakers, display screen, printer to print the receipt, the safe and cash dispense machine. ATM performs various types of transactions, withdrawal of money, product purchase, balance enquiry, open ended credit, cash deposit pin change and validation, mini-statement request and processing (Mujtaba and Mahmood 1). The conceptual model of the ATM system divide the ATM into, card reader, Keypad, monitor, accounts database, ATM processor at the Centre, bills disburser , bills storage and system clock at the back ground. Withdrawing money is an interactive steps the steps procedure staring with , welcome message from the ATM machine, the user input card the ATM machine request PIN, the user input amount to withdraw verification of bills availability, disburse bills and eject card, that is in case the user had input the correct pin. After entering the pin the system checks whether the pin is correct, if it is correct it will proceed, if the pin is wrong then it will ask for correct pin two more times, then the card will be captured. When the pin is correct the user enters the amount to be withdrawn, if the amount is more than maximum amount the ATM will ask the user to re-enter the amount again. When the amount entered is less than maximum amount, the ATM will verify the balance and if the balance is less, the ATM cancels the transaction and the card ejected, if the amount is sufficient in the user account the ATM will proceed to verify bills available, if the bills are insufficient the ATM will return the card, if the bill are sufficient the ATM will dispense the amount and finally return the card after printing the receipt at the back or at the front for users (Wang et al. 102-130) .The design of ATM controls are not only complex but critical (Chao et al. 123). Currently most systems are doing user authentication using three things; what the user is, what the user has and what the user knows, that is PIN or password, card and the user himself (Lasisi and Ajisafe 172) The figure below shows how money is withdrawn from the ATM’s machine Figure 1 ATM money withdrawal procedure (Wang et al. 105) Despite the various advantages of ATM, its fraud has been constantly rising (Prashanthi et. al). All applications that run on ATM are normally loaded from within a single operating system; this makes it vulnerable (Petrlic 829). Most ATMs are protected against different kinds of attack which occurs while system is in operation or in a maintenance state. These attackers are termed online attacks; however there is no protection against offline kind of attack (Petrlic and Sorge 132). Das and Debbarma (5) proposed a prototype of a finger print recognition capability which will help reduce the high rate of fraudulence experienced in ATMs today. Currently ATM can distinguish fake and genuine notes, foreign objects form and character recognition as a part of self defense mechanisms (Sako et al. 177) To change to windows 8 or other available option Gade, Vellalacheruvu and Kumar (191) conducted a performance test windows XP, vista and apple leopard pack and XP outdid the two in terms of security. Vista crushed because its inability to limit the processor from being exhausted to maximum something which windows XP did well. Since windows XP is much better that windows vista or apple leopard pack windows 8 if preferred. Windows 8 has much improved security features than the lower version of windows such windows 7 and XP which has OS kernel, boot loader and registry vulnerably among others. High level commands send to windows seven in attempt to prevent windows from loading, disabling the antivirus and the bit defender worked but the important thing that failed is hiding files from disk. Windows 8 has best recovery features (Corregedor and Von Solms 1-3). Test done on windows NTFS file system and EXT3 Linux file system shows that Linux outdoes windows by taking shorter time to do file management functions. Linux has a lot of advantages than windows; they are more stable, secure and offer more efficiency Linux outperforms in hardisk performance thus highly possibility for consideration (DrElia and Paciello 1497-1498). Possible resistance that financial service firms might face during systems change or upgrade User resistance As a result of change financial institutions might face user resistance .Change comes voluntarily or involuntarily in our personal lives or in our professional lives (Alex and ra Patricia 138-149). Resistance is slowness in response to meeting what was agreed or refusing to welcome change (Yue 84). Braduţanu (1264) argues that resistance to change is natural. People resist change because of human nature or personal experience. Change brings disturbance to the status quo and that worries people. Employees in an organization doing major changes will try to resist change (Predi\cscan and Bradu\ctanu 10) Resistance takes place as it takes employees from the known state to unknown state. Many find it appropriate to handle change from a technical point of view rather than examining it from the human factors. Balance approach to change implementation should be used rather than paying much attention to technical aspect (Bovey and Hede 533-534).Shang and Su (150) argue that users resist change simply because they tend to prevent something valuable they might lose, due to lack of understanding the new system, different levels of employee assessment to new system some might see the new system as expensive while other might not, fear of not possessing the necessary skills while other fear that there might be additional efforts to the system. Klaus and Blanton (631) states that user resistance is much different from overall resistance in that user resistance is the opposition behaviour the users have to system change during implementation. This attitude can be expressed more than once during or after the system has been implemented. Determinants of resistance which include, uncertainty, and user input control or power and self-efficacy. Uncertainty. Uncertainty comes in because users are not normally sure of what is ahead of them user resist change because their input to change was not considered or taken into account, System issue. The technicalities of the system or the problems the system cause give rise to resistance. Technical problems makes the user work with the system which is full of bugs and it make them have psychological problems how complex the system is brings a lot of confusion to the users. Organizational issues. Klaus and Blanton identify organizational issues that bring about resistance, the environment itself, communication as well as user training (631). Many employees fear that they might lose control over their work procedures; this is a perceived threat (Bhattacherjee and Hikmet 8). Process issues. Change of skills size of the work load and lack of fit are the process issues that cause resistance (Klaus and Blanton 632). New system failure has been attributed by the user resistance to implementation of the systems (do Canto Cavalheiro and Joia 262). User resistance to new system takes different form, it can be physical or to refusal to use the system completely (Hirschheim and Newman 398) Four dimensions of resistance Lapointe and Rivard (464) identify four dimensions of resistance, resistance behaviour, perceived threat, and object of resistance ad subject of resistance. Resistance behaviour. Shang and Su (151) Resistance behaviors are of three types, non-destructive, destructive and passive destructive. Nondestructive behaviors include employees wanting to be transferred or sharing false or speaking negatively about the system with the colleagues. Destructive behaviors include, deliberate making of otherwise avoidable mistakes. The destructive behaviors are those behaviors that do not have direct effect to the system they are, employees not working on their duties and refusing to give support of work as a team and failing to keep up with the necessary skills. Passive behavior are normally mild, employees tactically causing delays, active resistance are normally strong however they are normally non-destructive. Behaviors such as causing threats strikes and causing sabotage are described as destructive (Lapointe and Rivard 465). In handling resistance to system implementation in analyzing individual behavior first is paramount. Later on analysis of why the resistive behavior goes from individual to group will be done (484) Perceived threat. This threat can be manifested at individual or at organizational level (Lapointe and Rivard 483). Perceived threats causes resistance among employees, these threats is supposed to be caused by the system to be implemented. This fear could be fear of loss of power, status or revenue. These threats are brought out in individuals as overwhelming emotional pain (Lapointe and Rivard 465) When individuals are subjected to various kinds of determinants, their resistive behaviors will vary basing on the determinants used and to what great extended determinants were used (478). The degree of these behaviors is greatly influenced by degree of the threats (479). Presence of initial conditions greatly influences the depth of threats caused by the object. These conditions include distribution of power or established routines (467) other initial condition includes the cultural values, institutional environment. Object of resistance.The object can either be a system's features, the importance of the system or the system's advocates (Lapointe and Rivard 483). Resistance is influenced by what is being introduced to the initial state of the employee life or the whole organization that is an object; this means that understanding this object is important (465). The user or employees interact with the object during and after implementation. In System implementation the object is introduced as a system with certain initial features. The object can as well change during implementation the system, its importance and its advocates (480) Subject of resistance. Individual employees, a group of them can resist change or the whole organization resisting change. They will show resistive behaviors because they are the affected party. They are the subject of resistance. In individual perspective the subject is and individual, looking at resistance at political grounds the subject is group of employees (Lapointe and Rivard 467). User resistance causes slowness in new system implementation which in turn affects budget and underperformance of the new system (Kim and Kankanhalli 568).Resistance is overcome by, facilitation participation communication and negotiation (Yue 84).When organization in experiencing change balancing of organizational and needs and individual needs (Bovey and Hede 535). The diagram below shows how the system implementation is affected by the four dimensions of resistance. Figure 2: Resistance to IT implementation (Lapointe and Rivard 480) Conclusion Financial institution has to change to a different operating system or upgrade the existing windows XP to windows 8 as they cannot rely on the operating system that is no longer supported by the manufacturer. Change is inevitable, however for a change of operating systems the ATM run on to occur there are a lot of consideration which should be put into account. These include quality and security features the operating system is offering and user response to the systems as well the cost which will be incurred during and after system implementation. Since change has to take place financial institutions will be required to understand how individual perceive change in order for them to incorporate measures and guidelines that will facilitate smooth transition. Works cited Alex, and Braica ra Patricia. “Fundamentals of Change Management.” Studia Universitatis" Vasile Goldics" Arad-Seria cStiincte Economice 4 (2013): 138-149. Print. Bachrany, Vlamir et al. “Automated Teller Machine With Virtual Bank Sharing.” 2013 : n. pag. Print. Bhattacherjee, Anol, and Neset Hikmet. “Physicians” Resistance Toward Healthcare Information Technologies: A Dual-Factor Model.” (2007):141. Print. 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