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New Historicist Reading of Christina Rossetti - Research Paper Example

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This research paper "New Historicist Reading of Christina Rossetti" perfectly describes that the themes that are noted in various poems and pieces of literature are designed to create a relationship to the social and cultural aspects of a given time frame…
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New Historicist Reading of Christina Rossetti
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?Introduction The themes that are d in various poems and pieces of literature are designed to create a relationship to the social and cultural aspects of a given time frame. When looking at Christian Rossetti’s “Goblin Market,” it can be seen that specific historic and cultural identities are established in the poem. The associations made with the poem relate directly to changes which were occurring in the Victorian Era, both culturally and historically. The poem is then able to turn into a reflection of the time frame and becomes a historical component of the time frame. Examining the different parts of the story and creating a relationship to society and the Victorian Era then establishes a stronger understanding of what was occurring during this time frame. The poem is one which not only develops historical understanding of the time, but also is associated with contradictions and perspectives that were deeply rooted in the Victorian Era. History of Goblin Market The poem of “Goblin Market” was written from 1830 – 1894 as a part of the Victorian Era. During this time frame, there were several changes which were occurring in society, specifically in relation to building a modern style society. The society was influenced with new developments in science, industry and technology. These new developments led to associations with politics, specifically with countries that were trying to expand and dominate by opening the countries to global trade and expansion. The politics were based on creating a sense of imperialism, domination and colonialism over other countries while creating a power structure that was identified with the sense of domination. As this occurred, many began to be influenced by imperialist and bourgeois thought, including changing social status through differences in wealth, gender, ethnicity and overall identity. The main influences during the Victorian Era were then noted with contrasts to the literature of the time (Mcgann, pg. 237). The several changes which were occurring in the Victorian Era led to the main approach which was taken by Rossetti in writing the poem. The focus was to target two types of readers. One was defined by children and the other adults. The poem was able to be read from these two perspectives, one which worked like a fairy tale to tell a moral of a story. The second perspective was based on the viewpoints of adults who had sold into and bought the fruit of the men, or goblins of the time. From this perspective, the goblins became a representation of the social class divisions, imperialist nature and other aspects that were related to the dangers of the time. These various approaches to the poem were able to show a specific representation to the culture of the time while both audiences which read the poem were able to carry a different viewpoint and ideal which was associated directly with the time frame and the historical changes which were occurring (Kooistra, pg. 249). Economic History in Goblin’s Market The several approaches which are a part of the reading of “Goblin’s Market” are not only associated with the general political history and attitudes during the time. There is also a relationship to society and the basic perspectives which were considered during this time. A main concept which was approached was based on the social viewpoint toward economy and wealth as well as how this created division within the Victorian society. The ideal of consumer power comes through the two sisters and their desire to have the fruit and to continue to have the goblin fruits. This was associated with the economy of desire which was created at the time, specifically with the introductions of industry, economy and the taking over of other nations. The morality of economic space as well as the basis of capitalist production which came from the goblins was the two main components which were associated with this. The idea of falling into temptation with the consumption and the need to continue to have more wealth was a basis of Victorian society, specifically which defined the social standpoint of several and which led to the ideal of buying as the standpoint of what one needed within society (Helsinger, 903). There are several examples of economy that are associated with “Goblin’s Market” and the perspective it takes toward the social status of wealth. This starts with the beginning of the poem when there is the narrator which states “Morning and evening / Maids heard the goblins cry: /Come buy our orchard fruits, Come buy, come buy” (Rossetti, lines 1-4). This creates a basis that comes from the ideology of economy and the orchard fruits which are significant of the idea of desire. This is a continuous theme throughout the poem and shows the changing attitudes of economy during the time. The concept of desire continues when Laura shows that she has no money and instead gives her own lock of hair for the fruit. “ ‘Good folk, I have no coin; To take were to purloin/ I have no copper in my purse I have no silver either, / And all my gold is on the furze/that shakes in windy weather/ above the rusty heather. / You have much gold upon your head,’ they answered altogether: / buy from us with golden curl” (Rossetti, lines 117 – 126). This shows the controversy of the economy as well as how the idea of desire for the fruit led to selling one’s own hair and a part of themselves for the taste of the fruit. The result is Laura ends up sick until she almost dies and has to be saved by her sister recognizing that the desire was not well intended and took away her life. Similar to the economics of desire of having things instead of one’s own life, was the statement of the Victorian economy and how it related to the perspectives of the time. Social Divisions in the Goblin’s Market The historical attributes of “Goblin’s Market” not only relate to the ideology of the economy and how this created division during this time. Society can be examined through this particular poem and how it related to the Victorian era. The cultural history of the time period was intertwined with ideologies of Romanticism, rhetoric of sexuality and an exploration of the feminine and masculine identity. During this time, women and the gender identity began to be defined, specifically with women that were designated a specific role in society that was submissive to men. The idea; however, was combined with the Romantic ideals of love and the exploration of lust among women. Women were often referred to as lustful and highly sexual because of the natural beauty that they were able to contain. From these perspectives is a cultural construction of gender that is throughout the poem and which reflects the time frame. This combines with the traditional love lyrics that are subtly placed into the poem through the Petrarchan love lyric that was based on romantic desire. The social designation was then one which made a combined statement of feminism and lust that was well – known throughout the time (Homans, pg. 569). There are two ways in which the ideals of feminism and lust are seen. The first is through the sister relationship of Laura and Lizzie as well as the love which they show each other so they can overcome the deeds of the gremlins. “She cried ‘Laura,’ up the garden / ‘Did you miss me? Come and kiss me. / Never mind my bruises, / Hug me, kiss me, suck my juices” (Rossetti, lines 465 – 469). This explains the concept of the feminism and the sisterly love that is spread between Lizzie and Laura. This is juxtaposed with the acts of the gremlins, which leads Jane to her grave before she is going to get married (line 369) and which tries to lust and take advantage of Laura when she comes for the juices. There is the concept of lust that is considered as bad and is owned by the gremlins while the feminist viewpoint of keeping purity is seen with Lizzie and her desire to help her sister move back to her true gender identity. These two concepts become a part of the reflection of the time and the social viewpoints on gender and lust. Examination of Religion and Feminism The concept of feminism that is seen and the social viewpoint which is associated with this is furthered by the metaphors and the links which it has to other perspectives of Victorian literature and Romanticism. The Romantic ideology is one which contrasts with the Puritan and religious thoughts which came from the Christian church. These were based on expressing chastity and remaining pure throughout marriage. However, women were often recognized as those who needed to remain as virgins and in a specific ideology before marriage. Adulteration and giving into temptation is representative of Lizzie as she takes the fruit from the goblin men. The adulteration is representative of the fruit, specifically which relates to the Biblical scripture of Adam and Eve. The forbidden fruit which Eve takes causes her to lose her innocence and walk into knowledge through the tree of life. The parable which is created is one which shows the ideologies of feminism as they relate to the Christian beliefs and the social orders of the time which demanded chastity among women (Stern, pg. 477). This specific concept is seen first with the lust which Laura has to the fruits and which occupies her mind without allowing her to move forward with her life. This is combined with the gremlins, which represent the evil of not following the Christian religion. “Their tones were loud, / Their looks were evil / Lashing their tails / They trod and hustled her / …White and golden Lizzie stood, / Like a lily in a flood / Like a rock of blue – veined stone” (Rossetti, lines 390 – 412). The description of the gremlins as evil with their desire over Lizzie is the first description. The tails and the hustling describe the lust as they try to tear Lizzie apart and take away her innocence. This is described with Lizzie that stands ‘white and golden,’ specifically which refers to the feminine nature of keeping purity and remaining firm in chastity. The description of Lizzie moves into the Christian ideology of the angels and how when one keeps virginity they are able to live. This relates to the history of the time, specifically with the Christian ideologies of what it means to have a sense of chastity over the gremlins. The historical relationship is one which shows the perspective of Christianity and the majority beliefs of how many thought during this time frame. Creating a Cultural History Each of the concepts that are linked to Rossetti’s approaches in the poem show the creation of history through the cultural perspectives and beliefs. When reading this specific poem, there is an understanding of the cultural thought processes and the link to the Victorian Romanticism during the time. The deeper beliefs of Christianity, feminist approaches that were mixed with Romanticism and the aspects of economy and how it led to desire were some of the several aspects of history during the time. This cultural history linked to the changes in political and historical structures that were beginning to rise and which linked to wealth, gender differences, status and the religious beliefs of the majority population. The meaning and structure uses the main event to understand the concepts of ritual and social beliefs that were a part of society during the time while creating an association with the overall trends that were in society, both for children and for adults. This became an important aspect in defining the beliefs in society and the approach which was taken according to the alterations in the environment (Vejvoda, pg 555). The attributes that are a part of “Goblin Market” not only create a cultural history because of the identification of perspectives that were related to the Victorian era. Rossetti is able to combine the several belief systems that were a part of the time frame to show the inconsistencies that were occurring in society. For instance, the Christian belief of chastity and the ideal of love conflict against each other with the character of Lizzie as she remains pure against the goblins but then shows the feminist love to her sister to cure her. The conflicts continue with the preaching of chastity, despite the evil desires of gremlins that take over the women. These conflicts continue with the economic differences, beliefs in status and wealth and the way in which each of the concepts becomes a contradiction because of the characters that are in the poem. Showing the main ideal then the opposing conflict is one of the ways in which the cultural history is rewritten and which creates and defines the historical moment. Each of the attributes become obscure with the contradictions, specifically because of the extreme ideas and perspectives which were a part of the time frame (Humphries, pg. 391). Conclusion When looking at the various attributes of “Goblin’s Market,” it can be seen that it is a poem based on the Victorian Era and the several beliefs of this time. The reflection of the historical time frame moves beyond the basic history of the time, with reference to the social divisions and imperialism of the time. More important, is the association with the cultural history, including the understanding of feminism and Romanticism, religious beliefs and the ideologies of role in which each carried in the contemporary society. When defining the perspectives of each of these parts of society, one can see that the functions in the Victorian era created a sense of division through the diverse beliefs and contrasting actions which were taken. From this perspective, “Goblin’s Market” not only becomes one which is defined by the historical ideologies of the time, but also shows the contrasting perspectives and tensions that were attributed to the Victorian era. Works Cited Helsinger, Elizabeth. “Consumer Power and the Utopia of Desire: Christina Rossetti’s ‘Goblin Market.’” ELH 58 (4), 1991. Homans, Margaret. “ ‘Syllables of Velvet’: Dickinson, Rossetti, and the Rhetorics of Sexuality.” Feminist Studies 11 (3), 1985. Humphries, Simon. “The Uncertainty of Goblin Market.” Victorian Poetry 45 (4), 2007. Kooistra, Lorraine. “Modern Markets for ‘Goblin Market’” Victorian Poetry 32 (3), 1994. McGann, Jerome. “Christina Rossetti’s Poems: A New edition and a Reevaluation.” Victorian Studies 23 (2), 1980. Rossetti, CG. Goblin Market and Other Poems. Blue Sky Press: London, 1995. Stern, Rebecca. “Adulterations Detected: Food and Fraud in Christina Rossetti’s ‘Goblin Market.’” Nineteenth Century Literature 57 (4), 2003. Vejvoda, Kathleen. “The Fruit of Charity: Comus and Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market.” Victorian Poetry 38 (4), 2000. Read More
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