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Change Waste to Energy, Generating Electricity from Garbage and Pollution in United States - Research Paper Example

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This research paper describes the process of utilizing waste and garbage in an effective way by the United States for generating energy. The main objective of the paper is to discuss various methods of waste disposal and the environmental impact of the waste energy process…
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Change Waste to Energy, Generating Electricity from Garbage and Pollution in United States
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ID: Research Paper: Change waste to energy, generating electri from garbage and pollution in United States Introduction Lifestyle of modern consumer influences their consumption habits. A huge amount of waste is generated throughout the world which is causing a major problem in maintaining environmental balance. Converting waste products into energy is a very innovative process in producing electricity, heat etc. This is a process of energy recovery. Waste to energy involves burning of residential, commercial and hazardous waste including plastics, paper, food scraps and metals. Renewable energy has a significant role in developing fossil fuel in United States. Combustion of organic waste recovers huge amount of energy. In case of producing energy from industrial and commercial waste strict emission standard are followed. In US the process of waste to energy was first started in first phase of 20th century. This influenced to produce steam from waste which was dirty. In present time United States has around 87 number of waste to energy plants which generates near about 0.4% of total US power. The country is developing and improving its waste to energy process for benefiting the environment and reducing waste from nature. The main drivers of waste to energy are high tipping fees imposed by landfills in US for receiving quantity of waste. High gate fees make energy generation and recovery very economical. It influences to prohibitive landfill cost. Waste to energy is an effective alternative in disposing waste. The waste products like paper, wood, cardboard, cloth etc which have biological origin produces renewable energy. Availability of huge amount of waste material influences this process of generating energy from waste or garbage. But this process also has a negative effect on environment. A huge amount of CO2 is generated from which increases global warming. Moreover it produces a huge amount of heat which has creates very negative impact on climate. This research paper describes the process of utilizing waste and garbage in an effective way by United States for generating energy. Research Questions The research question of this paper is “how waste or garbage is converted into energy or electricity in United States and what are their associated advantages”. Research objectives The main objectives of this research paper are as follows: To find out various methods of waste disposals. Methods of generating electricity from waste and garbage. Critically analyzing different methods of waste disposals. Discussing the environmental impact of waste to energy process. Pollution caused from generating electricity from waste. Body Literature Review According to the author George Tchobanoglous and Frank Kreith the modern world is facing a serious problem of to deal with increasing amount of waste which is a result of rapid industrialization and development. To deal with this problem some cities have find out a solution to transform this garbage or waste product into energy. United State is one of the countries to take this initiative. Through proper planning, management and design it has taken proper step to implement this process. Waste to energy has helped the country to improve its environment by utilizing waste products. The writer mentioned that country has made various policies and strategies to run this process (Tchobanoglous and Kreith 67-71). As per the author Marc J. Rogoff and Francois Screve waste to energy is known as a powerful tool in preventing climate change by reducing greenhouse gas formation. This process involves in combining right technology which makes a meaningful contribution in safe guarding environment from damages. This process is very complex and usually undertaken by different community. It is an alternative solution to manage disposed waste products in an effective way. Initially it was problematic for US to manage and implement this process. But with the increasing problem of landfills many states of US had successfully generated energy from waste products with the help of their local government and some financial communities (Rogoff and Screve 58-60). According to Timothy Searchinger and some other authors, waste to energy plants of US combust around 29million tons of Material Solid Waste (MSW). Medical waste from hospitals and recycled items are not included in MSW for generating electricity. Yard waste and paper plays a vital role in generating energy. The power plants of waste to energy are controlled and regulated by state laws to protect environment and human health. Power generating technology creates a huge impact on environment. The purpose of this is to clean the water, air and land to from different waste products. In U.S waste to energy is conducted under two main designs. The most common waste to energy technology is Mass Burn. Here MSW is burned in the same way as technology used in fossil fuels. Another design is refuse derived fuel. This is a pre combustion process. It involved in separating metal and shedding of MSW from different waste items. After this shredded MSW is utilized as fuel in a similar way in mass burn plants. Burning of MSW helps to reduce the volume of waste by 90% which creates a positive impact on environment. Air pollution and ash disposal from the operations of these energy plants creates an impact on environment which has become a major issue. As per the authors U.S government is taking effective measures in controlling these energy plants (Searchinger et al 1238-1240). As per the writers Ian H. Rowlands, Paul Parker and Daniel Scott Waste to energy plants produces many toxic materials like lead, mercury, cadmium and other trace organic which creates environmental problem. These toxic materials are realized in the air and soil by the energy plants. These plants also generates high amount of nitrogen oxide which has a very adverse effect on nature. Most of the garbage of United States is used in producing energy. It is an inexpensive energy resource. Garbage is collected and delivered to power plant for producing electricity. It helps to cover a lot of cost associated with disposing waste products. But for its important negative impacts the process of utilizing waste and converting it into energy has been not encouraged in many countries of the world. If this process is not conducted effectively then there is a strong chance of experiencing environmental damage (Rowlands, Parker and Scott 112-129). Research Methodology Research methodology is regarded as the major pillar in a research study. There are two different forms of research methods which are generally incorporated within the study. Qualitative and quantitative research methods are two unique methods utilized in any form of research paper. Both these methods possess highly distinguishable characteristics. Qualitative research methods are utilized in order to analyze opinions or views of experts. A research problem identified might have been researched in earlier years which can be effectively incorporated within the study (Tracy 97). This form of research method is implemented when less of market related data can be obtained. On the other hand, it even helps to analyze different viewpoints of researchers or subject experts who have been dealing with such research problem over the years. Qualitative research method is centered towards obtaining information from all forms of secondary sources. An in-depth analysis can be conducted through this form of research procedure. It is less time consuming method in comparison to other critical methods (Thomas 112). Apart from evaluating secondary data this research mechanism is even focused towards arranging interviews where experts can be involved for open discussion. This form of discussion reveals various dimensions regarding the research problem. It helps the researcher to analyze obtained data from different perspective. There are no statistical tools involved in qualitative research methods. Researcher’s interpretation skills play a vital role in analyzing collected data. Though data is not evaluated statistically but researcher takes into consideration all possible dimensions (Tiddlier 76). The next form of research method is quantitative research method. Quantitative technique helps researcher to support the study through current market related data. This kind of research mechanism is essential when the study being conducted is critical and it needs to be analyzed on basis of market data. To be more precise quantitative research method gives a researcher more accurate data which helps to obtain desirable outcome. Quantitative research method usually incorporates wide array of statistical tools and techniques. These tools are utilized to evaluate accuracy of collected data. Quantitative research technique is inclined towards organizing structured interviews, questionnaire surveys, etc (Silverman 145). In all these techniques there are measurable variables incorporated to determine research outcome. Research objective can be considered as the central component in this form of research method. Quantitative and qualitative research methods are at times utilized together in order to outline best possible results. This technique is known as implementation of mixed research methods (Salkind 113). In this particular study, two important aspects would be highlighted pollution in United States and generation of electricity from garbage. It can be stated that this study requires more of qualitative research procedure in comparison to quantitative research procedure. The reason behind this is more secondary sources of information have to be analyzed by a researcher in order to determine how electricity is generated from garbage. On the other hand, there exist two forms of data collection sources such as primary and secondary sources. Primary data collection source encompasses questionnaire survey, focus group study, structured or unstructured interviews, etc. Secondary data collection sources are journals, books, articles, websites, Internet, etc (Punch 102). This study would be inclined towards analyzing all forms of secondary sources. Mainly journals, books and online articles shall be utilized in this particular study. These articles will reveal the technique used for conversion of garbage into energy and pollution level in United States. Researcher’s interpretative skills are important when it comes to evaluating all forms to secondary sources of information (Kumar 92). A thorough critical analysis would be conducted on collected data for identifying different dimensions which are related to research problem and objectives According to the author Das (Meher Kotay, Shireen, and Das) in his article has emphasized on the United States that has been able to generate more than 390 million tons of waste per year. United States have adopted a measure to pick up the garbage’s from the respective homes and accumulate it in a particular place (Kotay, Shireen and Das 258-263). The author (Kotler, Philip) in his article has focused on the process of energy generation from waste which explains that the waste is treated as a source for generation of energy which is renewable in nature and it is used or applicable for controlling pollution. This renewable energy can be regarded as the source to the business communities as well as at homes for the requirement and necessity of fuel in the communities which implies less drilling, less reliance on the imports from foreign countries and less mining( Kotler 132-135).The writer (Hart, Stuart L.A) in his research paper has explained about the hierarchy of the waste management which includes or comprises of the order starting from the land filling then recovering of the waste such as conversion of the waste into energy then recycling and consumption of the waste and then the reducing the waste and then reusing it or recycling it (Hart 986-1014). The writer (Bull, Stanley R.) in his research paper has emphasized on the problems that are required to be evaluated and observed that is creating a problem in the environment and therefore the writer in his article has suggested that the food, population, energy and economy are the main reason or the cause that the human being are expected to deal with in order to develop and maintain a sustainable world (Bull 1216-1226). The writer (Anastas, Paul and Zimmerman) in his research paper has focused on the conversion of the waste heat into generation of electricity and has explained in his study that with the increase and development of the industrialization the world has experienced the improvement in the number of items or the units that are responsible for the generation of heat. Previously this heat was not being utilized and were subjected or resulted in waste. Now this waste has been able to generate heat which is a matter of surprise to the people that the waste can be converted or utilized for the generation of electricity (Anastas, Paul and Zimmerman 94-101). The researcher (Psomopoulos, C. S., A. Bourka, and Nickolas J. Themelis) in his journal has focused on the reduction or decrease in the emission of gases due to green house effect and which will help in conservation of energy. The researcher in his journal has advised that US can utilize both strategies related to recycling as well as the energy from waste and has emphasized and suggested that the quantity old generation or accumulation of trash is considered to be the most cost efficient and effective method or process which is to be followed by the practice of composition and recycling. The researcher (Majumdar, Sumit K., and Alfred A. Marcus) in his study paper has emphasized on the concept of recycling that is referred or regarded as the collection and separation of waste and the conversion of waste that can be utilized for remanufacture or reconvert the waste into marketable or usable materials or components. The recycling includes or comprises of the large amount of materials that is derived from the combustors and the landfills which will prevent the unnecessary wastage of the various raw materials and the natural resources. The benefits provided to the environment through the recycling of waste include the decrease in the emission of greenhouse gas the conservation of energy and also the conservation and preservation of the habitats and the biodiversity. The recycling of the waste materials will provide and generate more and new manufacturing jobs that will boost and revitalize the economy and will increase the competitiveness in the global market place of US (Majumdar, Sumit and Marcus 170-179). The author (Weitz, Keith) in his article has emphasized on his article has emphasized on the international management of the solid waste of the United States and discusses about the issues related to the management of the solid waste that is able to generate trash or waste due to the increase in the population and also the increase in the demand of the population (Weitz 1000-1011) Analysis and Findings The per capita and total solid waste generated in United States has increased at a rapid pace in sync with the growing pace of development in the United States (Pichtel 6). From 1980 to 2014 there has been an increase of 65% of the amount of solid waste generated in the United States. Per capita waste generation in the same time has increased by 20% over the same period of time. Municipal Solid waste generation in United States (Centre for sustainable systems, 2014) The total amount of waste generated by the United States is about 390 million tones every year. There is an urgent need to do something about this huge volume of waste before it gets too late. There are various ways to manage waste especially non-hazardous waste effectively. However all of these methods are not equally effective. Following is a list of different methods arranged in a top down fashion starting from most effective to the least. Waste management methods (Source: EPA, 2013) Among the various waste management techniques listed according to a hierarchical order the best waste management practice would be to reduce generation of waste at source. The best way would be to donate used materials to the less fortunate. Another method would be to use such materials which can be reused after some modifications. The advantage of going in for reusing or reducing is: Less energy consumption Natural resource is saved Less waste generated, hence less time and money to be spent on waste disposal technique. Some other methods of non hazardous waste management are recycling the waste products. Waste specifically if it is metallic waste can be suitably recycled into usage again after it has been used once. Plastic products can also be remolded once it has been used for once. Among the various waste management techniques the least preferred is disposal or dumping of the waste (Themelis and Ulloa 1719). The duping of waste is the least preferred method as because the dumped waste can interact with the ground water and can contaminate it. Similarly the dumped waste may generate methane or some other hazardous gases (Chen and Cheng 24). There are various methods and technologies that can be used to generate energy and electricity from waste. For conversion of waste to energy or electricity mainly non-recyclable waste materials are used. There are various processes of Waste to energy. Some of these methods with their relative impact on the environment are analyzed in the following pages. Gasification: Gasification is a process that converts organic or carbon based material into different gases such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen and carbon dioxide (Arena 625). The process involves the material reacting at high temperature with oxygen or steam. The gas mixture that is formed as result is called syn gas or producer gas. The gas that is produced as a result of the reaction is a fuel by itself (Higman and Maarten 209). The producer gas can be used in different ways. The gas can either be directly combusted in gas engines or can be used to produce methanol or hydrogen which can subsequently be used as a fuel. The gas can further be converted to a fuel by using some technologies. The advantage that gasification provides is that the gas can be combusted at a much higher temperature and hence is more efficient than the process that would involve the direct combustion of waste. Another way of gasification that is most commonly used now a day is called plasma gasification. In plasma gasification the waste materials is converted to gas using a plasma torch. There are several advantages that plasma gasification provides over other waste to energy conversion techniques are: It provides a method of clean destruction of hazardous waste. Advantages over landfill is that the waste does not react or contaminate ground water Harmful emission of toxic gases is eliminated. The slag produced can be used as a construction material However the disadvantages of plasma based gasification technique is that initial investment is much higher than other methods such as landfill. Pyrolization: Pyrolysis involves thermo chemical decomposition of organic materials at high temperatures (Basu 147). The method involves heating and decomposing a substance at elevated temperatures in an environment that is devoid of oxygen. The output that is produced out of a Pyrolysis process is irreversible. The method can be used to treat hydrocarbon wastes in order to produce materials such as hydrocarbon oils, gases and char. The advantage that pyrolysis provides over other sources of waste to energy conversion is that both chemical value and energy can be recovered from the waste through the pyrolytic process. The oil and gases products that are produced from the pyrolytic process are of high calorific value and the char produced can be used as a substitute for carbon black (Shiung and Chase 4211). Anaerobic digestion: It is a process in which germs are used to break down biodegradable products in the deficiency of Oxygen (American biogas council 2015). Anaerobic digestion of biodegradable products by microorganisms produces bio gas which can then be combusted to produce energy. There are various methods and technologies which can be used for anaerobic digestion of the biodegradable products. This is a good method of solid waste disposal and produces both gas which can be used as a fuel and the slag which can be used as manure. However the problem with this technique is that it produces methane gas which is considered to be toxic. The waste to energy processes has long been viewed critically in the United States with most politicians focusing on the negative effects of Waste to energy conversion techniques. However it must be noted that waste to energy techniques are not always harmful. Whereas United States has just 89 such facilities that converts Waste to energy Europe has 420 of such facilities. Northern Europe which is the most environmental conscious regions in Europe has the most no. of such facilities. Many a time those who oppose waste to energy conversion techniques argue that encouraging waste to energy conversion will cause people to give less emphasis on recycling. However this statement is not backed by evidence that has emerged from many European countries. In fact recycling and conversion of waste to energy are two processes that go hand in hand. Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium and Sweden which ranks among the top 5 countries those take recycling activities, are also the highest advocators of waste to energy conversion techniques. The combustion of turbines is generally used for generating the load of electricity. The materials or the substances that are under the process of combustion are called fuels. The combustion will provide the recovery of energy. There are mainly three types of technologies that are adopted for the combustion by the municipal solid waste this mainly includes the modular systems, refusing the derived system of fuel and the facilities related to the mass burn. The non hazardous waste will help or assist in recovering the energy and installation of the equipment related to controlling of pollution. The municipal solid waste of the power plants which includes the fossil fuel power plant is required to maintain the land for the equipment and the storage of fuel. The residue that is generated from the ashes and the burning of the municipal solid waste generally results in the deposition of the landfills. The comparison of the combustion and the land fill has been made for the generation of electricity The conversion of waste into energy is related to burning of power for development of the turbine that is mainly steam driven and the landfill gas conversion into energy mainly includes the capturing of gas derived from the burial of the waste when it decomposes. The gas that is generated is then combusted in a turbine or in an engine for generation of electricity. The result for emission of greenhouse gas will result in the generation of methane from the burial or decomposition of waste which will generate electricity. It is observed that burning of waste is considered as more suitable and favorable for generation of electricity and it has been found that the waste to energy will be able to produce the electricity 10 times more than that of the landfill gas energy for the same quantity of waste (Sims, Ralph, Rogner and Gregory 1316). Conclusion According to this study large percentage of wastage is generated across the globe and it results into adverse impact on environment. United States has implemented an innovative procedure through which they can convert garbage or wastage into electricity. This in turn facilitates reduction in pollution level. Energy is basically converted through burning hazardous, residential, commercial wastage such as paper, food scraps, metals and papers. In this study it has been outlined that in United States renewable energy plays an essential role for developing fossil fuels. There is large number of wastage reduction plants located across United States so as to implement such an innovative procedure. This study even outlines that reduction of wastage in this form results into significant negative effect on the environment. It gives rise to huge amount of carbon dioxide emission and this increases level of global warming within the atmosphere. There are theoretical frameworks incorporated in this study so as to support research aim and objectives. As per views of many authors, waste to energy conversion can be stated as an effective mechanism in order to prevent any form of climatic change. Formation of greenhouse gases is reduced to significant level through such conversion. Appropriate technology is encompassed for avoiding any form of environmental damage. In United States, waste to energy conversion plants comprises of Material Solid Waste approximately around 29 million tons. Paper and yard wastage plays a central component in the electricity generation process. There are two different designs utilized for converting waste into energy. Mass Burn is regarded as the most common technology for generating electricity. In Mass Burn technique, the material solid waste is burned in similar way as that of technology used in case of fossil fuels. The second design implemented for wastage to energy conversion is refuse derived fuel. It is a process of pre-combustion and encompasses separating shedding and metal from material solid waste. This particular study was inclined towards qualitative research study. In this form of research study expert’s opinions or views are undertaken to determine research outcome. The secondary data sources such as journals, articles, books, etc., are taken into consideration for analyzing research problem. This form of efficient technique helps to control overall energy consumption and even natural resources are saved to a great extent. 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