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Has Globalization Affected the Natural Environment - Research Paper Example

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The author of the paper tells that globalization has come about a sure winner within the related realms. The reasons for the successes that have been achieved all this while wrests heavily on the shoulders of the people who have implemented such settings in the first place…
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Has Globalization Affected the Natural Environment
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Has Globalization affected the Global/National/Local Natural Environment? It is a fact the world over that globalization has brought a sense of sanity towards the world’s different business operations for a long amount of time now. One should believe that this has come about with the surge in a number of different ideologies, all of which have played an important role at bringing the business environment towards a definitive advantage. It therefore remains quite a well-known fact that the critics have turned their thinking mechanisms when it comes to globalization, which indeed is a phenomenon that has shaped up the new world order with the resources that are made available through the different sub-sets of globalization. In essence, globalization has highlighted the long gone issues of the past. These issues were deemed as indiscernible in entirety and hence there is a tremendous amount of improvement that has been made within the ranks of globalization in this vein. Globalization has comprised of different activities and undertakings, all of which have brought one advantage or the other for the varied stakeholders. These stakeholders have within them the shareholders who have invested heavily, the employees who have worked day in and day out for the sake of the organization and indeed the customers, without whom the business would not have been a reality in the most basic sense. Moving on, one must understand that a natural environment requires incorporation of different feelings that are related with the free movement of goods from one place to another. This is important because free movement of goods or free trade for short has achieved quite a lot of significance in the recent past. The different stakeholders who have been related with the organization in one way or the other have found out that free trade is for their own benefit in the long run and thus they have given it the priority that free trade so richly deserves. A global phenomenon known by the term ‘globalization’ is made use of with a local tinge that brings freshness towards the business domains which are present in the varied locations of the world. There is an element of being local yet at the same time globally connected with the different entities, all of which are working under the organizational tenets, and this is one important factor that can surely be credited on the shoulders of the people who have made globalization such a huge success (Dunning 1999). The reality that globalization is, has been understood properly by the people who have benefited from it as well as derived serious financial advantages from it in the long run scheme of things. This has worked for those people as well who have long been against the very notion of globalization in the first place. Hence it would be suffice to state that globalization has made a serious mark within the global, national, local and natural environments, all at the same time. Furthermore, it would be pivotal to suggest here that the actors that have played a quintessential role at understanding the dynamics of globalization have brought more benefits for globalization than anyone else. Hence the credit needs to be given to these people as well. Globalization has been such a successful phenomenon that there have been efforts to replicate the same on a global platform. However there has been little success of late and the credit for this must wrest on the shoulders of the people as well as the advocates who brought globalization within the folds of this world alone. Hence it is an important point to realize that globalization has helped shape national and local cultures on a global level and thus done its bit at introducing the similarities that exist amongst the world’s different communities, cultures, values and moral systems. This is a very significant pointer and it must be given its due since there have been phenomenal changes in the last 2-3 decades. The supporters of globalization are thus openly saying that their warrants were rightly placed and hence they must again be heard whenever a new phenomenon of such magnitude gets introduced in the world, for the betterment of all and sundry. Proper emphasis needs to be placed upon those supporters who have long and hard been at an advantage due to this phenomenon on one count or the other. Having said that it is important that the world realizes that globalization is a real force to reckon with and hence importance should be given to it no matter how difficult the opposition turns out to be. This will pave the way for a number of things to come in the future, notwithstanding under the aegis of globalization alone. Free trade is now being given importance by varied number of advocates who have believed in globalization as they think that this will renew the confidence and restore the egoistic issues related with the workers in a very outright way. It would be a fact to state that the business regimes within the current times are relying on one another and thus working alongside each other to up the standards that can only be remarked as the failing ones. These are related with the free trade movements which are comprised of the different countries of the globe. Globalization has been assisted by having a severe uplift as the free trade regimes have been given the go-ahead nod in a direct and easy way. These aspects would pinpoint growth, optimism and development for the sake of all concerned and ultimately the business operations would receive a boost as this is indeed much needed. Similarly the failing standards would take into account the different mechanisms that will eventually become a necessity, hence being an aspect which would bring in more advantages in the form of profits for the company than the same used to be the case in the past (Smith 2002). It is a fact that globalization has been seen as a serious force which would eventually receive quite a number of favors as the different realms work steadily towards achieving the common goal. The wholesome basis would be achieved once success creeps in, no matter how hard it takes to arrive. Globalization has been able to center on the rationale that the most basic aspects of the global and local environments related with business as well as the business organizations have been assisted a good deal by the processes and undertakings that are present under it. What this has meant is the fact that globalization has taken into account the strengths as well as weaknesses of the different environments, which is indeed a very important aspect if seen from the global standpoint. The advantages have largely rested on the shoulders of the people who have believed in the ideology of globalization and have thus given nearly all the stakeholders a decent chance to invest their sums within the business organizations and thus reap rich dividends at the end. There is absolutely no denying the fact that globalization will change a lot of things within the future if the same remains the case. The reality of globalization has dawned upon human beings in a very decisive manner and this has indeed meant success for one and all concerned. The profits have started to pour in through these business organizations and this is one important factor that has made the headlines for all the right reasons. The expectations have also increased with the sub forms of globalization since the parent form is in itself quite a powerful entity. The need is now to inculcate such feelings which will exceed the expectations which have been laid in these business organizations with regards to the globalization movements that have carried on for quite a long time now. When it comes to the stakeholders within the local and natural environments, globalization has been able to have its say more often than not. The reason for this is that the stakeholders have largely comprehended the fact that they would be successful if and only if they are given a proper chance with the availability of resources at their end. The allocation of resources is indeed a significant requirement for the smooth functioning regimes of business. Needless to state that if these resources are made possible, the working issues would be changed in an outright fashion and that too in a very easy and quick way thus asking for the stakeholders to invest more with the profits that they have picked up with the passage of a considerable period of time. The non-availability of resources thus plays a very quintessential role at keeping a distance between the business hubs and the stakeholders, which ultimately means that everyone suffers. The smooth working business dynamics start to change in a very negative way and there are serious issues that arise all of a sudden. There is a need that the stakeholders remain persistent with their needs and wants, and try to show resilience as far as their relevant motivation with the business operations is concerned. Infrastructural development is also deemed as one of the key areas within globalization because stakeholders have long understood that if they do not address this important area, there would be problems that will be encountered by just about everyone, who is directly or indirectly being affected by the business organization (Sullivan 2002). There is an ideology that suggests that the local level environments cannot be replicated within the different locations of the business organization. The reasons given are usually focused on the premise of different cultural understandings, issues and so on and so forth. Business organizations of present times must understand that there could be a host of reasons as far as comprehending the real meaning of localized flavor for the different nations is concerned. This could implicate that the business entities are falling short of the expected counts as well as the fact that there are serious problems within the domains of globalization that has come about with the passage of time. Hence it would be interesting to fathom such a case within the broader contexts rather than narrowing it down for a single country in meticulous (Friedman 2005). The perspectives need to be aligned in such a manner that the local offices receive the attention which is due on their part. Moreover, it would be reasonable to suggest that the ideological basis of the local environments are pretty different from the parent business organizations, which are dependent on the mission and vision that were coined at the time of the instituting the very organization. In essence it would be fair to fathom that globalization is a very tactfully planned process, and one that must be managed in a reasonable capacity for a number of positives to come about in the future. The local environments need to be aligned in such a way that the people relate with the needs which are there within the folds of the organization suiting to the requirements of the local atmosphere or environment of the country or region. Hence the need for outlining significant strategies is what is deemed as pivotal within the related settings because these would look after the problems encountered by the locals of the area and they will eventually get jobs without much hassle. What this will do is to ultimately benefit the local populace in a direct and very open manner. Hence the stakeholders within the region would have positive vibes about the business organization and therefore all such strategies would be remarked as success stories in the long run. The harmony within the region would be attained in a short amount of time which could easily be remarked as an outright positive (Jain 2003). The political and regional security within the related settings is the finer aspects that any organization would strive for in the wake of its long term survival within the industry. Also the fact that the people have something good to say about the business organization has largely made the work of these organizations easier and hence the local level environments have played their part at working towards the advantages of globalization in the long run. On the globalization front, the natural environment has been affected as well in a number of different ways. This has happened as the natural environment has been one of a free flowing nature and hence has not accepted the phenomenon of wholesale changes that are made by the people who would indeed be the important tools that would bring about these changes. The natural environment therefore represents the exact manner under which business needs to be run and is quite indicative of how the same business operations have been run in the last few decades. Any new changes that come about become totally reliant on the way these changes have an impact on the lives of the entailing people who would be remarked as the stakeholders within the related settings. Man has achieved quite a lot of responsibility due to different reasons within the domains of globalization and there is absolutely no denying this very fact at all. The change dynamics are dependent on the people upon whom globalization has come about with full effect. Speaking truly from a natural environment perspective, the industries that are being set up have hurt the cause of the planet as its ecosystem has dried up and the world security has been compromised upon time and time again (Doh 2005). However one should understand that there are other alternatives present within the fray as well, which need significance nonetheless. There is a need to preserve the generations which would arrive after the present ones so that their happiness is directly related with the steps and undertakings that are being taken today. However these things are very easier within a broader perspective but need to be adjusted in such a way that normalcy creeps in when the going gets tough. The national environment of a nation is a good dipstick when it comes to find out the success domains of globalization. The same could either be seen in a positive way or in a totally negative mindset. This could mean that the most powerful business organizations that come under the aegis of the developed countries would be unable to develop their own selves in a steady fashion and hence they would experience certain problems that have been unheard of in the past, as globalization is a wholly new phenomenon. It is a fact that if a country is stuck within different problems, all of which are domestic pressures, then the business industry would start to fade away with the passage of time. The multinational companies would also experience hostility by the different stakeholders who are present within the business and this is one negative aspect that gets derived from the related equation (Hart 2004). These aspects need to be understood properly before one decides to go into the domains of globalization as surely the problems would be there for one and all to see and learn from. It is a fact that success can only come about when it is craved for with an open heart and a desire is there to learn things which were not understood in the past. Similarly the environments within the national boundaries must be cohesive with the global settings in order to have success within the relevant quarters so that each one of the players within the business hubs receives the benefits in the long run scheme of things. It is a fact that globalization has brought in significant changes for the national/local cultures due to the advantages which have come in handy all this while. Adequate levels of recognition needs to be given where it is due because globalization is important from the present day business scenarios that have made the rounds of the organizations. Therefore it would be correct to state that globalization has indeed turned in a new leaf as far as working domains of business across the different continents is concerned. This is a huge sigh of relief for the people who are directly or indirectly related with the business undertakings and realms. For the people who have criticized globalization right from its outset, now is the time to realize that there is nothing wrong with its support and facilitation, as in the long run, this will only benefit their respective work regimes. The need is to understand how and when they should call it a day as far as criticism of globalization is concerned. Globalization has banked a good deal on the people who have been remarked as its proponents, right from day one. Hence it is their sole responsibility to set things right to let the ball rolling for the sake of globalization. Success banks dearly on the shoulders of the people who have got one benefit or the other from globalization as this will pave the way for proper understanding of globalization for others as well. In the end, globalization has come about a sure winner within the related realms. The reasons for the successes that have been achieved all this while wrests heavily on the shoulders of the people who have implemented such settings in the first place. The stakeholders have also realized where they went wrong in the past and now they are looking forward to working in an amiable way in the future. Thus success would come about easily if all these changes happen in a steady way. Globalization has changed the very perspective that was tied with the business organizations and the manner in which different processes and undertakings came about when one spoke about business in totality. Now there are more avenues to go into and thus derive benefits, a fact that is openly understood by the people who matter the most within the related fray (Wooldridge 2001). All said and done, globalization is here to stay and no force can take away its shine which has come about in the wake of the several benefits and advantages that have happened over a considerable period of time. References Doh, J. (2005). Making Globalization Good: The Moral Challenges of Global Capitalism. Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 36 Dunning, J. (1999). Governments, Globalization, and International Business. Oxford University Press Friedman, T. (2005). The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century. Farrar, Straus and Giroux Hart, J. (2004). Organizational Communication in an Age of Globalization: Issues, Reflections. Practices. Business Communication Quarterly, Vol. 67 Jain, S. (2003). Toward a Global Business Confederation: A Blueprint for Globalization. Praeger Smith, I. (2002). Globalization, Employment, and the Workplace: Diverse Impacts. Routledge Sullivan, J. (2002). The Future of Corporate Globalization: From the Extended Order to the Global Village. Quorum Books Wooldridge, A. (2001). The Globalization Backlash. Foreign Policy, September Word Count: 3,014 Read More
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