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Global Warming as an Ethical Issue - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Global Warming as an Ethical Issue" explores the phenomenon that has its social, political, economic, environmental, and futuristic repercussions. This paper will look into the different dimensions of it, the causes, the impacts, and possible solutions to the entire crisis faced…
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Global Warming as an Ethical Issue
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In modern times the mankind is faced with number of challenges. One of the forefront challenge faced is in the form of global warming. Global warmingis a phenomenon that has its social, political, economic, environmental and futuristic repercussions. The impacts are long impending one and they are impacting the modern day as well as the future generations. This paper will look into the different dimensions of it, the causes, the impacts, the recommendations and the conclusion towards finding a possible solution out of the entire crisis faced. Keywords: Rising temperature, industrial development, deforestation, ozone layer depletion, increased health care concerns, Kyoto Protocol, Doha Climate Plan. Original traces: The history of global warming can be traced to the events and developments of the early to middle of 20th century. The post war era saw the development of the industry on rapid scale. This came about in the form of development sector, heavy industry, production and manufacturing field. All these industries and developmental progresses led to the dimension of industrial wastes. The wastes so emitted from the industry were not just limited to the industrial surroundings; rather it got infused into the surroundings as well in the form of water, air and people. The original and slowly visible traces of the global warming can be traced back to the days of late 19th and early 20th century when industries saw a boom and technology gained impetus leading to establishment of heavy industries. Water waste: The water waste is a result of number of things. These include the direct disposition of wastes into the water in the form of dumping of wastes. The others include the addition and disposition of wastes through the pipelines and exits of the industries and other heavily built machinery and instruments into the waters and seas. The different parts of the developed communities show heavy pipelines being developed and leading into the seas, rivers and oceans. The direct impact falls upon the water that is within the oceans, the sea life in the form of the fishery and other living material. Furthermore, the impact also falls upon the water extracted from these rivers and seas which is used for the domestic purposes at homes. Finally, the coral reef and other naturally gifted and present under sea wild life and aquatic material is at a threat. The waste material forms pours of clouding and protection which leads to prevention of sun reaching deep into the water, as a result the coral reef damage. The coral reef makes up for an integral part of the sea life and healthy coral reef adds to the beauty as well as the overall naturally balanced aquatic life. Submarines in deep sea: The recent times have seen the usage of open sea and the deep sea for pure military, defense and other purposes. For example, long shot fires, missiles testing, and other naval exercises have seen the usage of seas to the effect of experimental grounds. It has not only polluted the sea surroundings, but also hampered the deep sea wild life. Furthermore, the nuclear material enabled and equipped are often stationed at different parts of the oceans. These submarines are directly responsible damaging the wild life. Apart from the nuclear and military empowered vessels, the commercial fleets are also used for large purpose. The direct impact of these is the wastes disposed into the waters and the fuel emissions, and other wastes and the overall imbalance and disturbance in the coral reef, the standing of fleets in the fixed positions for days leads to deprivation of the coral reef from the sun and other natural resources. All these are leading to global warming and an imbalance in the water in the open sea. The rise in the global temperatures: The 20th century exhibited rise in temperatures as well. The rise in temperature ranged from 0.6 degree centigrade to 1.2 degree centigrade and this is an unprecedented one (Singer & Baer, 2007, p 189). The scientists have predicted more further and alarming rises in temperature in case the trends of such increased global warming are not stopped in the coming days. Deforestation: The cutting of woods is another major cause that is contributing to the global warming phenomena. The cutting of wood comes in multiple forms. The first and foremost is the largely increasing use of the wood and furniture for the commercial use. Since more and more industries, offices, restaurants, buildings, plazas, roads are being constructed, the direct toll falls upon the existing forests. The impact of deforestation is not just limited to the simple loss of trees. It is a multifaceted damage that directly or indirectly hits the surroundings in various ways. The first form of damage caused by process of deforestation is the soil erosion. Forests have always been a source of providing support to the land and soil. The soil in turn leads to more fertile land and absorption of the natural resources and other content. Since the trees have a deep grip over the soil in through their roots, the absence of trees thereof results in the easy erosion of soil. The subsequent impacts of soil erosion are non fertile land, reduced growth; reduce product preparation per year and more reliance on the artificial means of food storage and food production. The soil and the trees are a source of holding the rain waters and other flows of water that run into the soil and forests. The absence of the soil and trees thereof results in the process of increased decay and deposition of the soil. It in turn leads to more floods, more damages to the soil and reduced growth. The world at present is seeing large number of floods and water flows and all this can be directly as well as indirectly attributed to the process of deforestation which is indirectly associated with the process of global warming. The impact of global warming of sea levels: The sea levels have seen a relatively alarming rise as compared to the previous centuries. The 20th century alone has been termed to have brought about a rise in sea level of about 0.6 cm to 1.2 cm. The rise in sea levels has resulted in number of direct and indirect damages. The first and foremost is the possibility of the floods. The second factor and damage that is often incurred by the rising sea levels is the possibility of drowning and flooding of the cities and towns in case of the heavy rains that are often seen in the torrential seasons and the coastal parts of the world. The rising sea levels are also alarming on the account of fact that the aquatic life is seeing an imbalance in the flow of water. As a result of all this, the water is striking the shores at a relatively different and alarming rate. More devastating incidences: The recent times have shown more number of catastrophes coming around than were visible in the previous centuries. This is being associated with the concept of global warming and its direct and indirect impacts. The very fact that the occurrence of Tsunami, tornados, hurricanes and other forms of sea rises and shores disturbances are quite common in viewing, all these are a result of global warming. The 2006-2007 Tsunami in South Asia and then in 2009 in Japan were unprecedented one and the mankind has not seen such damages and natural disasters previously. They led to the rise of water from the seas and oceans to as high as seven to eight feet. Hence all these new terms and concepts associated with the phenomena of global warming. Melting of ice on the poles: The north pole possesses the largest repository of ice. The rates of melting of ice on the poles is also an unprecedented one and the direct negative impact of this will lead to melting of ice at a faster rate. The return action will lead to increased flow of water in the oceans and rivers, high sea levels, increased chances of floods and more damage to the surrounding crops, farmers and property that is along the shore lines in the different parts of the world. Endangered species: The list of endangered species is growing at an ever faster rate. This is the direct gift of global warming. The polar bears which are a characteristic of the North Pole are fast diminishing and are at a constant threat owing to the melting that is continuously in progress at the North Pole. Since the polar bear requires extremely cold environment and solid ice, the lack of thereof is leading to the process of extinction and diminishing trends in their existence and survival towards the future generations. Hydro carbons: Hydrocarbon burning is directly contributing to the global warming phenomena. The fossil fuels that are extracted from the different sources are made to use in the energy sector. The energy sector has its own emissions in the form of automobiles, industries, railway tracks and various other components and usages. The overall wastes are leading to the direct emission into the atmosphere which falls upon the ozone layer. The burning of the plastic bags, their general usage and the fact that the plastic bags are hard to dissolve adds to the overall troubles faced in the form of global warming. The burning leads to direct adding of hydro carbons into atmosphere. Industrial wastes: The large sized and industrially developed nations are heavily reliant on the use of technology and industry. The industries so erected have large amount of wastes associated with them. These nations directly or indirectly contribute to the global warming. China for example is among the front runners that it itself accepts to be directly contributing to the damages in the atmosphere and the fresh air. The intensity of the case is so severe that the two largest economies, United States of America and China had to get together and arrange a meeting towards resolving the issue and looking into the areas and options, through which the higher rates of emissions into the surroundings and environment directly, can be eliminated. Ozone layer and impact of global warming: Ozone layer is a form of protective layer and lining which keeps the balance between the various gases that are present in the open atmosphere. The rise in the temperature and various other components have led to the depletion and damaging of the ozone layer. The direct impact falls upon the atmosphere in the form of various damages. These include the rise in temperature, increase in the intensity of the solar radiations, imbalance in the naturally existing gases in the atmosphere and increased rate of health care concerns as few of the radiations that are directly getting exposed to the atmosphere are impacting the human health. This is caused by the rise in the usage and emission of the hydrocarbons and other dangerous material in to the atmosphere. The rise in such tendencies is caused by the excessive use of automobiles and other wastes emission. As a result of the fast paced activities of the mankind, the ozone layer saw first and formal depletion in 1985 (Gillespie, 2006, p 153). The first case came about in Antarctica where the first trace of ozone layer depletion was seen and it caused a stir in among people and the environmentalists who are already alarmed by the excessive use of industry and wastes leading to the harmful effects on the individuals. Future challenges: In the future retrospect, the mankind’s biggest threat is not a war fought in the form of First or Second World War, rather it is a war that is being created and fought within and continuously. This is done so in the form of global warming concept and the aiding agents those are in constant progress and increasing the threat of. The very fact that global warming has its roots and impacts falling on all the aspects and facets of the social and individual life will lead to the increased challenges and dangerous outlook of global warming. It will lead to people fighting for resources, for fresh air, for places in hospitals and for struggle for the resources. This all can be undone and mitigated in the form of counter strategy. A comprehensive counter strategy can be devised through the various considerations undertaking. It is our responsibility to transmit an eco friendly and environmental friendly future to the upcoming generations. It is a promise and duty vested in the form of humanity. Remedial actions: The aforementioned reasons amount to the causes of the global warming. A comprehensive strategy needs to be devised which will ensure overcoming the challenges faced. The following steps can be taken towards ensuring the safety of the future generations. Shifting from conventional form of energy to renewable energy: Renewable energy sources are suggested to be the possible solution and remedy against the given crisis that are at hand. The kind of energy sources which will lead to non addition of wastes or hazards to the already endangered environment. This can be done so by reducing dependency on the hydro carbons generating energy sources. The relatively safer options of energy source usage include relying more on water, wind, solar, nuclear as well with the consideration of the safe emission and disposal of the nuclear wastes. All these are the kind of energy sources that would not add any further trouble or threat to the already troubled and threatened global community. The second step that can be taken towards eradication and reduction of the global warming concept is by putting restrictions on the cutting of woods. The woods cutting industry which is actively in place and practice across the globe should be slowed down and also administered. The downsides of cutting woods are multi fold, hence if the chopping of woods is controlled, it will lead to solving the multiple problems presented by deforestation. For example the soil erosion, the floods, the tornados, the sweeping of the fertile parts of the land, the fertilizers flowing into the river part and adding into the water for the drinking purposes, all these can be resolved and eliminated for good and will reduce the threats of global warming phenomena considerably. The testing of the nuclear weapons, missiles and other installations and equipment in a controlled environment is also adding to the concerns and troubles faced in the form of global warming. Comprehensive strategies should be devised that strongly restrict the usage and testing of the nuclear material in the open air. Since they directly pollute and impact the surroundings and add to the already impending issue of global warming. Handling of the hardware waste: The electronic devices that we use in the different kinds of technological gadgets that we have around us are also a contributing agent towards the global warming. Dumping and ensuring that they are not burnt or use in a manner which will lead to overall damages to the global surroundings must also be ensured. Bringing about devices that are environment friendly should be presented for the purpose of more active and healthy surroundings development. Global concerns: The international community is also concerned by it and it is therefore that conferences and organizational entities such as I.P.C.C (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) along with number of others entities such as the Kyoto protocol is enacted. All these are aimed at finding ways of reducing the rates at which the global warming threat and menace is threatening the economies and the global atmosphere. Under Kyoto Protocol it was decided that the industrial countries will be brought into the bond of bringing the wastes emission rates down to below 5 percent. At present they are higher than five percent of a fixed proportionate formula based towards reducing the rising rates (rosser, 2008¸p . 86). Doha Climate Change Plan is another move and objective brought into force for the purpose of enacting improvements in the global atmosphere. The aim is same and aim is to bring along more number of nations and forces into it which will promise a safer future for the global community and the generations that are coming ahead. Other recommendations: Finding a substitute to the use of plastic bag, ensuring that the commercial markets are totally freed from its usage and existence, the reliance on the alternate energy sources which are discussed and mentioned above, along with the awareness campaigns and activities that are directed towards the welfare of the people and society must be enacted more actively and directly. Growing more trees, both on the local, individual and collective level is needed which will lead to more centralized and cohesive strategy towards resolving the issue of global warming. Platforms such as Durban Platform, Montreal Protocol need to be revamped, made more rigorous and active towards the resolution of the menace faced by the global community. More active penalties need to be imposed on the states, industries, and globally approved multinational organizations that emit wastes into the atmosphere. The nuclear sanctions must be imposed and the world should be freed from the nuclear material and nuclear weapons free. United Nations organization should come up with formulating strategies, actions, enacting rules which will give the guidelines towards solving the issue. United Nations should work on war footings against this issue as this is more lethal than a war between two nations or a single region. Rather it is a concept and threat that is beyond borders, open to air and eroding and corroding the entire community and entire global sphere in a silent yet actively feel able way. Each individual has got the duty of ensuring that his or her surroundings are clean and that they do not contribute to the emissions, wastes and other processes that add to the global warming phenomena. Governments on the small scale should straight away bring about actions, reforms to curb the usage of the plastic bags for the purpose of commercial and general public usage. References: Gillespie, A. (2006). Climate Change, Ozone Depletion And Air Pollution: Legal Commentaries Within The Context Of Science And Policy. BRILL Rosser, s. (2008). The A-Z of Global Warming. S-R Singer, M., & Baer, H. A. (2007). Introducing Medical Anthropology: A Discipline in Action. Rowman Altamira Read More
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