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Inquiry based research essay Question References Bekerian, D. A. (1993). Journal. American Psychologist, 574-576. L.Posner, M. (1993). Seeing the mind. Science Margazine, 672-674.Lamsford, A. (1997). Presence of others. Lives on the boundary, 97-111.Meyer, A. S. (n.d.). The tip of the tongue phenominon. Blocking or partial activation, 515-726.Schwartz, M. J. (1993). Washington Post. Obesity affects economic, A1 and A4.Question 2 The preparation of an inquiry based research essay needs the presence of an internet access (Beach, 2010).
The paper writing provides an introduction that discusses what can be learned from existing research and experiences related to the effects of inquiry based learning and teaching (Beach, 2010). When writing an inquiry, one should be aware of the topic that is unknown to the audience (Beach, 2010). The research should have a list of known things about the topic, and then make a list of things you would like to know (Beach, 2010). When writing an inquiry research essay it is good to have a thorough research (Beach, 2010).
You should ask yourself questions that will lead to the body formation (Beach, 2010). An inquiry essay begins with a topic or an idea then the summary of the information learnt from the topic (Beach, 2010). After researching on a topic you want to write on, an outline should follow (Beach, 2010). The introduction should be written using facts, statistics, anecdote, or a question (Beach, 2010). The question will enhance the heart grabbing of the reader (Beach, 2010). The thesis should tell the purpose of the essay (Beach, 2010).
A thesis is a short sentence or roadmap that defines the information in a sentence inquiry (Beach, 2010). Using the correct terminologies will enhance the understanding of the reader (Beach, 2010). Use personal experience and research information so as to come up with a good essay (Beach, 2010). Give background information on the essay so as to enhance more understanding (Beach, 2010). When writing this essay it should be based on strong arguments (Beach, 2010). Writing the essay, you should proofread for grammatical errors and spelling mistake (Beach, 2010).
ReferenceBeach, R. (2010). Teaching Literature. United states of America: Taylor & Francis.
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