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Wine Club Advert - Research Paper Example

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Adverts are place in news media targeting possible customers with a purpose of informing, retaining, and even increasing their numbers on a given product sales. They are placed in magazines, journals, TVs, billboards, radios, and other media outlets…
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Wine Club Advert
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I consider the Wine Club advertisement on the New York Times newspaper as an appropriate article for rhetorical analysis. The basic message propagated by the advertisement is the 50% discount entitled for every member of the club for all their purchases on wine. The first approach towards rhetorical analysis is to consider the ethos aspect of the advertisement. In this case, ethos reflects the ethical and moral aspect of the advert (Faigley & Jack 2010). The people behind the advert believe that drinking of wine has health and lifestyles benefits.

However, people do not benefit from the health and therapeutic value resulting from drinking of wine due to price factors. Thus reducing price through discount is the first strategy of eliminating cost burden. However, the advertisement considers price reduction strategy as a sufficient factor for encouraging wine drinking among the people. According to the advertisement, joining a wine-drinking club will contribute to the development of wine drinking habit among the people. The advertisement is trying to make the audience to reconsider their naivety towards their health.

In addition, the advertisement is trying to erase people’s mentality towards wine drinking and the association of wine with immorality. Thus, the advertisement is trying to make people reconsider their attitude towards wine drinking. The advertisement is also trying to explore people’s ignorance that results from generalization. Although the advert is trying to pass credible information to the audience, it fails to set its facts straight. The advertisement illustrate useful information about drinking wine and encouraging people to drink wine by joining wine drinking clubs.

However, the advert does not provide accurate information concerning the benefits of drinking wine and the role of wine drinking clubs in influencing people’s behaviors. The only evidence provided by the advertisement concerns the role of wine drinking club membership in eliminating consumer’s burden. For instance, the advertisement claims that all members of the wine drinking will obtain their favorite drink at a price 50% below the marked price. However, this price reduction does not imply that wine drinking will increase by 50%.

Despite the controversies surrounding the advert concerning inadequate evidence, the advertisement has a high degree of persuasiveness. Firstly, the advertisement contains colorful pictures of different brands of wine. These pictures not only encourage the audience about wine drinking club membership but also the lifestyle that comes with wine drinking. The advertisement has significant claims concerning different lifestyle diseases and the recent discoveries on the benefits of drinking wine.

However, the advert does not provide a clear link between its message and a solution to the problem. It is evident that the advertisement provides solution to the problem without setting appropriate strategies for solving the problem. The advert has evident mythology aspects that relate to its intended message. Firstly, the advert relies on the power of association as a strategy towards elimination of people’s attitude towards drinking of wine. In addition, the advertisement relies on scientific discoveries and people’s observation.

Although the advert creates a link between current scientific discovery and modern day medical problem, it is slightly unrealistic (Radway, 2010). This deficiency creates a basis for the cultural myth in the advertisement. In addition, the advertisement illustrates the numerous cultural myths associated with wine drinking. For instance, people associate wine drinking with the rich people. In addition, different brands of wine are associated with ancient European monarchies. For instance, the

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