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Individual Performance or Pair Work - Research Paper Example

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This research paper "Individual Performance or Pair Work" aimed to find out whether the individual performance of the student is better as compared to the work carried out by students in pair. The research brought forward the different areas which have an impact on performance…
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Abstract The research which looked towards finding out whether individual performance of student is better as compared to the work carried out by students in pair showed mixed results. The research didn’t provide any conclusive evidence regarding the performance but brought forward the different areas which have an impact on performance. It was seen that the post test result was poor for students in pair as compared to students working individually because of the fact that individual students were able to use the learning in a positive manner. The research also showed that different factors like cultural differences, ethnic differences and language barrier has an impact on pair performance. To be effective it is important that pair learning is incorporated in a manner where students enter into healthy interactions and look towards discussing the problems and issues at length. Also forming pairs which are compatible with one another helps to ensure positive results and provides the required impetus through which learning improves. This thereby helps to identify the different core areas which need to be stressed on so that learning pedagogy can be developed accordingly. This will help in the future to ensure that students are able to deliver better performance and will be in a position through which overall result would be better shaped. Table of Contents Abstract 1 Introduction 3 Background of the Study 3 Literature Review 4 Methodology 6 Findings 7 Advantages of pair performance 9 Disadvantages of pair performance 12 Conclusion 15 References 17 Introduction The research report examines a wide topic of comparing the performance of students when they work in groups and when they work individually. The basic fundamental is to narrow down the same on students learning environment and identifying the manner in which working in groups differs from working individually and the different gains each method has. The paper will also look at presenting the manner in which learning mechanism based on the findings can be improved and the manner in which development of students can be impacted. The research will have an important relevance both on students and teachers and other people associated with the pedagogy as it will help to choose the different tools and mediums which can be used to impart education. The overall learning process as a result would improve and would have long term implications for future growth. Background of the Study The research investigates the degree of learning which takes place when students complete the task individually and when they complete the task in pairs. The prime reason for choosing the research is topic is that I have a mixed feeling. I feel that some people gain while working in groups as better peer interaction takes place and better decisions are achieved. On the other hand I also perceive that group work results in conflicts and differences and at times results in more chatting than working. The participants for the study consist of year 8 students and year 9 students where they carry out HTML functions and information system individually and compete with one another and another they compete on the same topic by making pairs. This will help to identify the different benefits and losses which can be accrued and the manner in which learning can be improved. Literature Review A lot of research has been carried out regarding the manner in which different gains are made when students work in pair or groups and when they work individually. Grouping of students are done both based on homogeneous ability and heterogeneous abilities. The gains which different grouping mechanism provides is a study of further research but the present study will purely concentrate on students working in pairs or groups and students working individually. A study shows that when students work in pair the confidence level of top student in the group drops slightly whereas the confidence of bottom students increases (Bowen, 2000). This thereby impacts the top students as working in pairs at times creates differences and difficulties. On the other hand if students work individually and are offered enrichment classes the learning of the students improves because of the additional resources which support the learning mechanism. In a similar manner cooperative learning is being used as a mechanism to make pair so that students can study together. Studies have denoted that cooperative learning provides gain to students but the extent to which it enhances their learning process is unconfirmed (Cabrera, Crissman, Bernal, Nora, Terenzini, Pascarella, 2002). Studies have denoted that the successful application of cooperative learning can be garnered only after identifying the certain variables which are a must for cooperative learning. Using the variable will help to improve the process of learning as it will ensure that the necessary ingredients which will help students to work in groups is present as otherwise the overall result will be negative and would be worse than the traditional tool and mechanism which is used for learning. A study by Hinde & Kovac, (2001) has also shown that working in pairs depends on the task which has to be completed. In case a task doesn’t require working in pairs then working individually will fetch better results. Improperly structured tasks are difficult to complete in pairs as there is no predetermined rules and strategies which can be undertaken. Such task impacts pair more as compared to individuals as improperly structured task results in blame game thereby impacting the degree of belief and confidence that each student has on one another Another study carried out in the same field show that working in pairs fetches better results when the degree of interaction among the members is high. The results further improve if members within the groups ask different questions and the members of the group look at arriving at some discussion (Felder & Brent, 2001) Individual work at that time is impacted as the thinking ability is limited and group work helps to increase the degree of thinking thereby having a positive impact on the manner in which students among the group learn. This has been supported by another study which states that working in groups helps to bring the best out of individuals as the motivational perspective to achieve the group goal makes every individual to work harder (Hake, 1998). In addition to it since people who contribute towards the group goals are recognized within the groups it motivates the students to work harder. This thereby has a positive impact on the learning of students which is missing in case of individual students. The learning within group can further be improved if extrinsic rewards are provided to students (Hake, 1998). This will create the required curiosity and help students to perform better. Individuals on the other hand compete with one another which make them think in another way as compared to the fact when they compete with groups. Researches have further shown that pair setting or group learning develops the required mental process through which information is processed (Melles, 2004). This helps in development of students as interaction lead towards new ideas and develops a better atmosphere to carry out different activities. This is not possible when individual works and would thereby have an impact on the manner in which different work is achieved. The different theories and past studies thereby reflects the manner in which different learning setting has an influence on students and identifying the best mechanism through which development of student would become possible is imperative. Methodology The research investigates the degree of learning which takes place when students complete the task individually and when they complete the task in pairs. The research will be on two different year 8 lessons on HTML (Hyper text mark up language) and two different year 9 lessons on Information, reliability, validity and bias. The first lesson of each of the classes will include task that are tackled individually by students and the second lesson will include tasks to be tackled in pairs. The research will be carried out through the process of pre test and post test where students were provided questions that had to be answered before caring out the pedagogy. This will be followed by having another post test where the same questions along with additional questions will be asked. This test will be carried out both individually and in pairs. The process would thereby help to look at the manner in learning was ensured both in pairs and individually. The mechanism will also look at having the required framework through which the overall development and learning mechanism will be shaped. This research will include the advantages and disadvantages that are known when applying the tasks in my lesson and how effective each of the techniques can influence on learning. This will help to understand the manner in which learning of student gets impacted and the different mechanism which the pedagogy can adopt for future development of students. Further, the research will help to understand the manner in which pedagogy needs to be developed in the future and will throw light on the different areas which needs to be developed so that learning pedagogy is improved. Findings The research which focuses towards understanding the differences when students work alone and when in pairs, naturally led towards comparing the performance of students. The comparisons were made on different grounds like pre test to post test, individual performance to pair performance. I was of the opinion that students would perform better in post test as compared to pre test and pair performance would be better as compared to individual performance but the overall result was a mixed one. The findings revealed a mixed performance as it showed that students performed better in certain areas and under performed in some areas. A comparison of the performance of students based on pre test and post test didn’t show improvement. The pre test consisted on a couple of questions and the post test also had the same questions but an additional question was added in the post test. Pre test was carried out before the learning and post test was carried out after completion of the learning. It was seen that students performed exceptionally well in the pre test and the average scores was high. The post test on the other hand didn’t show the same result which signifies that the learning from the unit didn’t enhance their performance. The performance of students in pair was better as compared to individual performance and showed improvement. It was also analyzed that the degree of understanding for individual students didn’t change much highlighting that they continued to think and respond in the same manner thereby not being able to improve their learning. The finding also showed that after the learning process the performance didn’t improve because of the different gains and disadvantages which working in pair and individually had. The result was further confusing as post test which had an additional question compared to pre test showed individual students perform better than students in pair. It was seen that individual students were able to show better intelligence and were able to handle the questions in a better way. This was because of the fact that students were not able to discuss the question and look towards using their learning and intelligence which helped to improve the overall performance. Students performing in pairs showed below par performance and a lower level of intelligence. It was also evident that individuals were able to handle the overall situation in a better way as compared to pairs signifying that the manner in which people have mind set impacts the degree of learning which is being undertaken. The research thereby helped to understand the different dimensions which individual and pair task provides and the overall result gets influenced based on it. The research also showed that students performance individually and in pair were different because of the different tasks which they had to perform. It signifies that the task which is being chosen has an impact on the performance and determines whether the task needs to be carried out individually or in pairs. In addition to it the complexity of the task also determines whether the work needs to be carried out in pairs or individually. Task thereby has a role in shaping the performance and determines whether the overall result will be positive or negative. It has an impact on the manner in which different decisions are taken and shapes up the overall performance. The research brought forward that other factors also have an influence on performance like cultural mix, ethnic mix and language differences. It was analyzed that the results were mixed as students found it difficult to mix with other students from different cultural background. Language was also a hindrance as people with non English speaking background found it difficult to mix with people from English speaking background. This thereby had an impact on the performance as students were not able to ensure collaborative learning. This was not seen when individuals carried out work as they were better prepared and were able to deal with the differences in a better way. It was also analyzed that pairs which had people who were compatible with each other showed better performance and results. It was primarily on the backdrop that they were able to interact with each other in a better way. As a result the overall performance was better and showed that different factors have a role in shaping the manner in which students interact with one another. The study also showed that both individual and pair performance was better in 8 lessons on HTML (Hyper text mark up language) as compared to two different year 9 lessons on Information, reliability, validity and bias. This showed that different situations results in different mindset and learning which ultimately has an impact on the manner in which students learn. The pedagogy is also important and determines the manner in which students are able to perform and the different gains which they are able to identify based on the learning. This helped to come across the different benefits which pair work provides in comparison to individual work and has been provided below. Advantages of pair performance The importance of working in pairs have already been recognized by educators as it provides different advantages and creates a path through which better learning becomes possible. Some of the commonly seen advantages which working in pair provide as compared to working individually and seen in the research is Firstly, pair works results in deep learning as compared to surface learning while working individually. This is on the premise that people in groups discuss the problems and look towards coming at a solution which they think is perfect (Terenzini, Cabrera, Colbeck, Parente, Bjorklund, 2001). This thereby helps to focus on different areas which thereby improves the mechanism to learn and aims towards working on different core areas through which learning is improved. Pair work also ensured that different options are tried and based on it a perfect solution is found which the team members feel perfect is chosen. This helps the student to learn more as trying different things brings out the best result. The overall learning as a result is more as students are exposed to different situations which thereby enable to bring the best out of students thereby helping to ensure that the overall learning is improved. Secondly, pair work results in active learning as compared to passive learning while working individually. This is because of the interaction which takes place among the members. Discussing the topic raises different issues and forces members to concentrate on different areas. Individual work on the other hand follows the predetermined mechanism to work and thereby doesn’t help to improve learning as the already possessed passive learning is utilized to solve the problems. Pair work also results in using different tactics and strategies based on which members within the group decide to choose the best one. Working in different situation helps to bring the best out of individuals and helps to increase the degree of learning. The process thereby leads towards maximizing the manner in which students are able to contribute positively towards the group goals. Thirdly, pair work tends to ensure experimental learning through the process of corroborative and cooperative learning which is not present in individual learning. This thereby ensures that the students working in pairs try different experiments and which improves their horizon of thinking and provides different core areas which when stressed on will help to magnify the overall learning (Young, & Henquinet, 2000). Individuals on the other hand have limited knowledge and uses traditional ways which thereby impacts their learning as limited learning takes place. Corroborative and cooperative learning also helps to develop a student to carry out work in the future. Working in pairs helps to ensure that that students are better prepared to carry out different roles and responsibilities which are entrusted on them thereby ensuring the future development of the student. Fourthly, pair work tends to promote a culture of problem based learning and constructing knowledge through the process which individuals cannot accomplish. Since the tool and thinking of individual is limited and confined but pair thinking increases because of discussion it results in better handling of problem related issues (Wamser, 2006). This helps to ensure that the results are better and farfetched as the overall focus is towards improving knowledge base and ensuring that the creation of knowledge is better. This helps people in pairs as their knowledge is better enhanced and the chances of handling similar issues or problems in the future improve. The mechanism helps the students to work on different options and avenues through which development of the student becomes possible. The mechanism ensures constructive learning as it brings out the different areas and avenues through which the development of students becomes better. This will thereby ensure that the different problems will be handled in the best manner and would lead towards transforming the manner in which different decisions are taken. Fifthly, working in groups also ensures that a student is developed to carry out future responsibilities as in the future the student will have to work with other people in the organization which an individual doesn’t learn (Smith, Sheppard, Johnson & Johnson, 2005). This thereby helps to prepare a student for the future and provides a basic framework through which development of the student in the future becomes better. Individual work on the other hand limits it and when the student has to work in pairs the performance dips and the overall result is impacted in a negative manner. Students will thereby be able to find out the dimensions through which students are better placed to work in the future. This will help them to handle better roles and responsibilities in the future. As a result the overall phenomenon will be shaped towards bringing the best out of students leading towards better development and results. Despite the different gains that working in pairs provides it also acts as a hindrance and restricts individuals. There are situations where individuals are able to perform better as compared to working in pairs due to the different disadvantages associated with working in pairs which have been provided below. Disadvantages of pair performance Working in pair also brought forward different issues and problems which need to be addressed so that a proper mechanism which will help to perform in a better way can be identified. Some of the disadvantages which were witnessed while working in pair in comparison to working individually are Firstly, pair work resulted in problem of free rider as members who don’t work are still able to fetch benefits due to the work carried out by other individuals. This helps the underperforming or non performing member as all the work is carried out by another member and the person gains (Ruel, Bastiaans, & Nauta, 2003). This is not possible when an individual work as the entire work needs to be completed by the member itself and no one else contributes towards the goal. This issue needs to be addressed while working in pairs and can be handled by designing the entire task in such a way that each individual member has to contribute and rewards will be provided both to the group work and individual performance. This will help to improve the performance of the group members and would contribute positively towards their learning. Secondly, while working in pairs it is identified that the performing member starts to underperform due to “sucker effect”. The performing members feel that the non performing member is taking his advantage and when he compares the same with other groups he feels that being cheated (Terenzini, Cabrera, Colbeck, Bjorklund & Parente, 2001). This has an impact on the overall thinking phenomenon and the level of motivation decreases which thereby makes it difficult for the pair. Situations also unfold to such an extent that the performing member calculates that even if he doesn’t perform in the pair task the overall work will be enough as he will be able to pass. This thereby impacts the pair work which is not seen in case of individual performance as the member tries to complete the task by himself and he doesn’t gets engulfed into any issues. This can be addressed by having a strategy where the members interact with each other often and understand each other. This will help them to remove the differences and the performing member will understand that the result of the group is because of his effort as otherwise the other member will fail. This will help to improve the performance and ensure that the performing member is still able to work and contribute in the same manner. Thirdly, while working in pair it is found that ethnic mix, culture and language acts as a hindrance while carrying out the work (Melles, 2004). Students with different ethnic groups when forced to work in pairs find difficult to work together. It is a common phenomenon which is seen that students with non English language speaking background find it difficult to mix with local students which thereby impacts the work which is assigned to them. In a similar manner students also find it difficult to interact and mix with students from other cultural backgrounds. This thereby has an impact on the performance of students which is not the case when individual works alone. It is also seen that when people work online the performance is better. Despite having cultural and language differences the overall performance is better when they work online. This shows that if students reduce their differences then the performance while working in groups can be improved as it will have a positive implication for the group members to work. Fourthly, the type of task which is assigned to students also has an impact on performance. Task which can be carried out individually if assigned to pairs results in a dip in performance because of lack of interest which both the student show. In case the task which is assigned requires a coordinated effort and needs to be carried out jointly is more suitable for students working in pairs. The nature of work determines whether the performance of individual would be better or pair. This thereby requires that work determines the manner in which people will work so that a proper sequence through which work will be carried out is properly determined. Fifthly, the complexity of the task also determines whether the work will be performed effectively by pair groups or not (Johnson, Johnson & Smith, 1998). In case the task is simple then performing individually would help to bring better results as simplicity of the work requires that individual performs. In a similar way if the task is complex then it is important that the work is carried out in pairs as it will help to bring positive results. This would require a coordinated effort of the group members and would thereby help to bring positive results. Difficult task when performed in pairs helps to ensure better results as the work can be divided among the members and each member based on their knowledge and experience will be able to complete the task which is assigned to them. This would help to bring positive result and would lead towards having a positive impact on the overall result. Sixthly, while working in pairs it is important that individual performance is recognized. In case individual performance is not recognized and the performance of the group is recognized then the motivation level of performing member gets impacted (Tien, Roth & Kampmeier, 2002). This would have a negative impact on performance as the performing student will not perform in the same manner when entrusted another work because of a dip in motivation. This is something which is not present while working individually as the work on the individual member will be recognized and the contribution will be identified. This makes it important that while working in pairs a strategy is developed where the contribution of individual member is recognized so that results are better and the overall performance is better shaped. Conclusion The research which was carried out didn’t help to find out whether performance of students in pair is better or students perform better individually. The result was a mixed one and brought forward different dimensions which have an impact on performance and the manner in which overall learning needs to be moulded. It was seen that certain areas individuals performed better as compared to pair work whereas in other areas group work was better. It was seen that the performance of individual students improved in post test as compared to pre test but students working in pair had a dip in performance. The results were quite contrasting and were primarily because of different factors which have an impact on overall result. It was seen that lack of interaction, cultural differences and language barrier was impacting the performance of students in pairs. Students who worked on an individual level were able to use the different learning which had an impact on performance and ensured that the results were better. It was also evident that individual performance after the pedagogy improved as the students were able to use the different learning in a better way. On the other hand the performance of students in pair dipped as they were not able to use the same learning. Differences between students and non performing students taking advantage of the performing students resulted in a dip in performance which thereby made the overall result to be bad. The research thereby didn’t provide any conclusive evidence regarding whether individual learning was better or working in pair was most effective. The research brought forward the different core areas which need to be focused on and the manner in which overall pedagogy has to be developed so that performance of students is improved. The process would require working on different factors and creating an atmosphere through which learning mechanism is improved. References Bowen, C. W. 2000. A Quantitative Literature Review of Cooperative Learning Effects on High School and College Chemistry Achievement. J. Chem. Ed., 77, 116–119. Cabrera, A. F.; Crissman, J. L.; Bernal, E. M.; Nora, A.; Terenzini, P. T.; Pascarella, E. T. 2002. Collaborative Learning: Its Impact on College Students’ Development and Diversity. J. Coll. Stud. Development, 43(1), 20–34 Felder, R. M.; Brent, R. 2001. Effective Strategies for Cooperative Learning. J. Cooperation & Collaboration in College Teaching, 10(2), 69–75 Felder, R. M.; Brent, R. 2003. Learning by Doing. Chem. Engr. Education, 37, 282–283 Hinde, R. J.; Kovac, J. 2001. Student active learning methods in physical chemistry. J. Chem. Ed, 78, 93–99. Hake, R. R. 1998. Interactive-Engagement vs. Traditional Methods: A Six-Thousand-Student Survey of Mechanics Test Data for Introductory Physics Courses. Am. J. Phys., 66, 64–74 Johnson, D. W.; Johnson, R. T.; Smith, K. A. 1998. Active Learning: Cooperation in the College Classroom, (2nd ed.); Interaction Book: Edina, MN Melles, G. 2004. Understanding the role of language/culture in groupwork through qualitative interviewing. The Qualitative Report, 9(2), 216–240 Ruel, G., Bastiaans, N., & Nauta, A. 2003. Free riding and team performance in project education. International Journal of Management Education, 3(1), 26–38 Smith, K. A.; Sheppard, S. D.; Johnson, D. W.; Johnson, R. T. 2005. Pedagogies of engagement: Classroom-based practices. J. Engr. Education, 94, 87-101 Terenzini, P. T.; Cabrera, A. F.; Colbeck, C. L.; Parente, J. M.; Bjorklund, S. A. 2001. Collaborative learning vs. lecture/discussion: Students' reported learning gains. J. Engr. Education, 90, 123-130. Tien, L. T.; Roth, V.; Kampmeier, J. A., 2002. Implementation of a Peer-Led Team Learning Approach in an Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Course. J. Research in Sci. Teaching, 39, 606–632. Terenzini, P., Cabrera, A. F., Colbeck, C. L., Bjorklund, S. A., & Parente, J. M. 2001. Racial and ethnic diversity in the classroom: Does it promote student learning? The Journal of Higher Education, 72(5), 509–531 Wamser, C. C. 2006. Peer-Led Team Learning in Organic Chemistry: Effects on Student Performance, Success, and Persistence in the Course. J. Chem. Ed, 83, 1562–1566 Young, C. B., & Henquinet, J. A. 2000. A conceptual framework for designing group projects. Journal of Education for Business, 76(1), 56–60. Read More

A study by Hinde & Kovac, (2001) has also shown that working in pairs depends on the task which has to be completed. In case a task doesn’t require working in pairs then working individually will fetch better results. Improperly structured tasks are difficult to complete in pairs as there is no predetermined rules and strategies which can be undertaken. Such task impacts pair more as compared to individuals as improperly structured task results in blame game thereby impacting the degree of belief and confidence that each student has on one another Another study carried out in the same field show that working in pairs fetches better results when the degree of interaction among the members is high.

The results further improve if members within the groups ask different questions and the members of the group look at arriving at some discussion (Felder & Brent, 2001) Individual work at that time is impacted as the thinking ability is limited and group work helps to increase the degree of thinking thereby having a positive impact on the manner in which students among the group learn. This has been supported by another study which states that working in groups helps to bring the best out of individuals as the motivational perspective to achieve the group goal makes every individual to work harder (Hake, 1998).

In addition to it since people who contribute towards the group goals are recognized within the groups it motivates the students to work harder. This thereby has a positive impact on the learning of students which is missing in case of individual students. The learning within group can further be improved if extrinsic rewards are provided to students (Hake, 1998). This will create the required curiosity and help students to perform better. Individuals on the other hand compete with one another which make them think in another way as compared to the fact when they compete with groups.

Researches have further shown that pair setting or group learning develops the required mental process through which information is processed (Melles, 2004). This helps in development of students as interaction lead towards new ideas and develops a better atmosphere to carry out different activities. This is not possible when individual works and would thereby have an impact on the manner in which different work is achieved. The different theories and past studies thereby reflects the manner in which different learning setting has an influence on students and identifying the best mechanism through which development of student would become possible is imperative.

Methodology The research investigates the degree of learning which takes place when students complete the task individually and when they complete the task in pairs. The research will be on two different year 8 lessons on HTML (Hyper text mark up language) and two different year 9 lessons on Information, reliability, validity and bias. The first lesson of each of the classes will include task that are tackled individually by students and the second lesson will include tasks to be tackled in pairs.

The research will be carried out through the process of pre test and post test where students were provided questions that had to be answered before caring out the pedagogy. This will be followed by having another post test where the same questions along with additional questions will be asked. This test will be carried out both individually and in pairs. The process would thereby help to look at the manner in learning was ensured both in pairs and individually. The mechanism will also look at having the required framework through which the overall development and learning mechanism will be shaped.

This research will include the advantages and disadvantages that are known when applying the tasks in my lesson and how effective each of the techniques can influence on learning. This will help to understand the manner in which learning of student gets impacted and the different mechanism which the pedagogy can adopt for future development of students.

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(Individual Performance or Pair Work Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 Words)
Individual Performance or Pair Work Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 Words.
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