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Development of the Online Educational Models for Adults - Report Example

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This paper 'Development of the Online Educational Models for Adults' tells that Communication technologies have helped teachers and students to interact in ways that were not possible before. For successful usage of these technologies, students and teachers must learn how these technologies are operated…
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Development of the Online Educational Models for Adults Name Institutional Affiliation Communication technologies have helped teachers and students to interact in ways that were not possible before. In order for successful usage of these technologies, students and teachers must learn how these technologies are operated. Students need to learn how studying through technology and communicating through it takes place. In essence, online education models for teaching have continuously evolved consequently transforming education and how students conduct their studies. Online learning emerged alongside internet developments in 1990s (Garrison, 2011). Internet and its associated communication technologies act as technological foundation of online learning. Online learning is a paradigm shift as far as distance education is concern-with its roots lying in collaborative constructive approaches and computer conferencing (Porter, 2004). In this case, harnessing of human intellectual energy has been conducted at different points in educational history. In this essay, I will discuss online and distance learning models of learning which are increasingly becoming important in achievement of lifelong learning. The discussion includes technologies such as Usenet and EIES as well as the new internet platforms such as Wikipedia and Wiki technology in general. The continued emergence of new technologies has resulted in numerous paradigms shifts pertaining to how education is conducted. It has also led to emergence of shifts relating to thought, practice and beliefs in the society. At the moment, the shift is growing towards the use of online communication technologies in education. It has increase access of learning and has also provided avenues where the intellectual capacities of the workforce can be further harnessed and updated (Moore & Kearsley, 2011). Different technologies have come up together with different teaching techniques and types of students meaning that various ways of managing and administering programs provided should be found. This assemblage also constitutes ways of passing education from one generation to the other (Lankshear & Knobel, 2011). Moreover, it is also an articulation of the relationship between the teachers and the students. Most of the time, teacher and student are at different places hence they depend on communication technologies for interaction purposes in an online teaching model. Effective organization of resources in a different way to classroom teaching is necessary in enabling teachers design courses and undertakes interaction with learners through technology (Moore & Kearsley, 2011). In the recent past, developments that include learning activities being shared through current media platform have been vital in efficient delivery of education. Learning is a process and behavior that results from interaction between the environment and internal cognitive process of the learner. New technologies for reading and learning such as Usenet and EIES were developed and enormous effects in the learning process and education in general have since been realized through them. Usenet is an abbreviation that stands for “Users Network”. It is collection of various discussion groups. In being part of a Usenet, an administrator is required (Mambretti, 1999). Usenet began in United States with the central idea being the creation of an electronic bulletin board for facilitating posting as well as reading of notices and news messages (Nagpal, 2006). Its usage has since expanded with thousands of Usenet sites in place with many being academic in nature. They are organized in such a way that many topics are recreational. It has been successful in acting as a tool for conversations because of its interactivity. EIES is a technology used in disseminating information to various users through use of a communication process structure to a single group of students that needs this information. The effect of new technologies in the composition of intellectuals and academic guru’s assemblage was to come up with a worldwide-distributed internet discussion system whereby learning could take place (Lankshear & Knobel, 2011). The status and profile of literacy have since changed dramatically in many of the contemporary educational systems. This process has been intensified due to the availability and increased use of powerful digital technologies together with electronic networks. New internet platforms such as Wikipedia and Wiki technology in general have been increasingly introduced in the recent past. Accurate information for learning purposes can be obtained from these platforms. Students are using search engines and various sites for research purposes. Google is one of the giant search engines commonly being used. Wikipedia is increasingly used for classroom research practice having replaced most of the print-based reference sources used twenty years ago (Carroll, 2011). Nevertheless, concerns by academics and educators have been expressed over the use of Wikipedia as first and final destination where information is obtained by students. This is because of its open editing option which makes its reliability questionable. However, it is helping students with reading and obtaining of collaborative learning skills. Hazari, North and Moreland (2009) assert that Wiki technology is appealing because the creation of collaborative content is possible and can be easily changed and tracked. In essence, users are capable of starting and expanding any page for conducting learning discussions. The most current learning analytics assemblages are well organized around the internet in websites such as Wikipedia which have enabled many learners to get answers to different tasks. This can be termed as an achievement in solving problems in the world, therefore successful. In general, Wikis are currently popular as a result of its benefits to students hoping to develop skills in new media literacy for the purposes of entering the workforce possessing knowledge of present technology (Obar & Roth, 2011). In addition, use of Wikipedia in group settings has the potential to encourage students to generate work for purposes of using it later in job interviews and electronic portfolios. These electronic portfolios include submission of online questionnaires and personal details to a potential employer. It is also important as a tool used by a student as a self-regulated learning tool that integrates formal and informal learning in contexts of higher education (Dabbagh & Kitsantas, 2012). Most organizations make use of group software allowing collaboration which is similar to that of Wikipedia. Therefore, students are capable of developing skills associated with sharing of ideas and working in teams when they use technology tools. Wikipedia technology makes it easier to see each individual contribution in a group, undertake tracking of work in progress and work on collaborative document (Jimoyiannis, Tsiotakis, Roussinos & Siorenta 2013). Nonetheless, the potential benefits of Wikis are comprised by its challenges and drawbacks. For example, Wiki assignments grading is sometimes posing challenges to instructors. This is because group assignments are difficult to grade to individual students because of difficulty in assessing individual input. Furthermore, the satisfaction of learners needs is sometimes not achieved and determination mechanisms for achieving satisfaction of learners should be created (West, 2009). The determination mechanisms should evaluate content, format, and structure in order for timely intervention in case a problem is noticed. In this case, social platforms help in coordinating learning activities around the world to all the people who are willing to be literate. In contemporary approaches to learning, information technology is helping learners gain knowledge and credentials needed for success. The technology mediated courses is taking advantage of web technologies in fostering communication, learning and acquisition of skill and knowledge (Plekhanova, 2005). Distance online education is expanding at a higher rate because of the advantages such as flexibility in learning, better opportunity to learn, ensuring for just-in-time learning and it provides different learning strategies. In development of online education systems, the focus is actually on expression of knowledge by software (Wadhwa, 2006). It is for this reason that the focus of online systems is dissemination of current information to learners in a timely and effective manner. It is recognized that learners’ cultural backgrounds, educational levels, experiences and interests are some of the critical variables inherent in online learning (Plekhanova, 2005). Internet as a tool of education has credibility just like face to face learning or technologies used in distance education or course materials that are found online. However, in an educational context, internet gains credibility for its capability in being rich in resources and its interactivity (Forsyth, 2014). It is a tool for delivering educational content. The internet and related technologies have had several impacts on learning and education in general. Internet technologies have been used synchronously and asynchronously in teaching (Porter, 2004). It is continuously used to supplement regular teaching classes in a classroom situation and also in the provision of pure distance learning that needs no face to face interaction. In some cases, distance learning courses are provided on top of the college regular courses. In this case, the internet has impacted heavily on education. The internet has expanded the role of library services as researchers are easily finding and retrieving materials which are readily available online. Students have access to numerous resources including class schedules, financial aid applications, and online registration forms in technologically advanced campuses (Forest & Kinser, 2002). Currently, e-learning systems are generating adaptive e-learning content tailored towards the requirements of contemporary times. Online learning has alleviated capacity constraints that arise from a surge in students’ whose numbers whose needs educational institutions cannot accommodate (Volery & Lord, 2000). The advent of internet technology has enabled learning to be conducted online hence many students are accessing education which would have not been possible due to institutions capacity constraints. Communication networks have been developed that have enabled learning to be conducted virtually anywhere. Learning environments have been created through a combination of open online networks and learning resources (Kop, 2011). People are choosing the subjects they want to study by using these networks. For example, they set their learning goals, manage their own time, find resources and used them appropriately. Duderstadt (2005) asserts that the University medium is knowledge itself and technologies are rapidly evolving and these knowledge institutions are being changed in a profound manner by telecommunications and computers. It is supporting the provision of learning and enhancing the practice of lecturing even if in a marginal manner. In fact, Bork (2000) proposed tutorial learning by use of computers as important in giving education to adults. Its focus is on students as learners and tutors are involved in giving education to small number or groups of students. In essence, the internet and computers have opened and offered avenues for lifelong learning (Parsons & Oja, 2011). It is now a possibility for students regardless of age to pursue knowledge and various skills by using an internet connection and computer. Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) are another platform for facilitating online learning. In essence, learning is a process that can be acquired through MOOCs. At schools, the main problem in learning is that every individual student has its own unique capabilities, problems and learning styles hence they demand individualized attention for the achievement of effective and efficient learning (Sharma & Maleyeff, 2003). Online learning has helped remedy this situation as learners conduct learning with a private tutor through communication technologies. Students are taking educative course such as Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) through the internet as a way of learning. MOOCs have been focusing on online access of learning to many individuals who were currently marginalized by the present provision of education by Universities. MOOCs are initiatives which are large scale in nature that focus on providing online courses. They developed as Universities gained increased expertise in using open educational courses and distance teaching (Clarke, 2013). MOOCs are free of charge online courses that are open to anyone including those without prior qualifications or knowledge (Vale & Littlejohn, 2014). They have the potential to transform a society since education and learning are important in development of a society. MOOCs involve the integration of accessible online resources and social networking- with facilitation carried out by leading practitioners in different fields of study (Clarke, 2013). Once developed, MOOCs are capable of having a global reach hence playing a vital role in provision of education and learning. When students watch educative programs on internet, it increased options for accessibility, increased students’ potential engagement, and also expanded lifelong learning opportunities (Hartley, 2007). In conclusion, at different points in history, human intellectual energy has been harnessed in different ways with the advent of online technologies becoming increasingly important in teaching and learning. Distance learning is a relatively recent development which individuals are using as a way of achieving knowledge. Usenet, EIES and MOOCs are among the developments that allowed educational information to be shared among many individuals. They have played an important role in provision of education and the general learning process. Additionally, the internet ensured that large amount of information can be shared for learning purposes with current learning analytics assemblage organized around the internet in websites such as the Wikipedia. Students gained a lot by taking educative programs on the internet as well as expanding lifelong learning opportunities in platform like MOOCs. References Bork, A. (2001), Adult education, lifelong learning, and the future. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 18(5), 195 – 203. Clarke, T. (2013). The advance of the MOOCs (massive open online courses): The impending globalisation of business education?. Education+ Training,55(4/5), 403-413. Dabbagh, N., &Kitsantas, A. (2012). Personal Learning Environments, social media, and self-regulated learning: A natural formula for connecting formal and informal learning. The internet and higher education, 15(1), 3-8. Duderstadt, J. J. (2012). The Future of the University: A perspective from the oort cloud. Social research, 79(3), 579-600. Forest, J. J. F., & Kinser, K. (2002). Higher education in the United States: An encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. Forsyth, I. (2014). Teaching and Learning Materials and the Internet (3rd ed). Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Garrison, D. R. (2011). E-learning in the 21st century: A framework for research and practice (2nd ed). New York: Routledge. Hartley, J. (2007). Teaching, learning and new technology: a review for teachers. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(1), 42-62. Hazari, S., North, A., & Moreland, D. (2009). Investigating pedagogical value of wiki technology. Journal of Information Systems Education, 20 (2): 187-198. Jimoyiannis, A., Tsiotakis, P., Roussinos, D., & Siorenta, A. (2013). Preparing teachers to integrate Web 2.0 in school practice: Toward a framework for Pedagogy 2.0. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 29(2). Kop, R. (2011). The challenges to Connectivist learning on open online networks: Learning experience during a massive open online course. International review of research in open and distance learning, 12(3), 19-37. Lankshear, C., & Knobel, M. (2011). New Literacies: Everyday Practices and Social Learning: Everyday Practices and Social Learning. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill International. Mambretti, C. (1999). Internet technology for schools. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. Moore, M. G., &Kearsley, G. (2011). Distance education: A systems view of online learning (3rd ed). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Muirhead, W. D. (2000), Online education in schools, International Journal of Educational Management, 14(7), 315 – 324. Nagpal, D. P. (2006). Web design technology: Theory and technique on the cutting edge. New Delhi: S Chand. Obar, J. A., & Roth, A. (2011). The Wikipedia Public Policy Initiative: Exploring the Potential Benefits of Using Wikipedia in the University Classroom as a Tool for Innovative E-Pedagogy. Available at SSRN 1923888. Parsons, J. J., & Oja, D. (2011). New perspectives [on] comprehensive computer concepts 2011. Boston, Mass: Course Technology/Cengage Learning. Plekhanova, V. (2005). ‘Respecting Diverse Talents and Ways for Learning’, In C. Howard., Boettcher, J.V., Justice, L., Schenk, K., Rogers, P.L., & Berg, G.A (eds), Encyclopedia of Distance Learning. Hershey, Penns: Idea Group Reference. 1573-1588. Porter, L. R. (2004). Developing an online curriculum: Technologies and techniques. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Reference. Sharma, P., & Maleyeff, J. (2003), Internet education: potential problems and solutions, International Journal of Educational Management, 17(1), 19–25. Vale, K., & Littlejohn, A. (2014). ‘Massive Open Online Courses: A Traditional or Transformative Approach to Learning?, In A. Littlejohn & C. Pegler (eds), Reusing Online Resources: Learning in Open Networks for Work, Life and Education. New York: Routledge, 138-153. Volery, T., & Lord, D. (2000). Critical success factors in online education. International Journal of Educational Management, 14(5), 216-223. Wadhwa, S. (2006). Aspects of teaching and learning in higher education. New Delhi: Sarup & Sons. West, J. A., & West, M. L. (2009). Using wikis for online collaboration: The power of the read-write Web. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Read More

Google is one of the giant search engines commonly being used. Wikipedia is increasingly used for classroom research practice having replaced most of the print-based reference sources used twenty years ago (Carroll, 2011). Nevertheless, concerns by academics and educators have been expressed over the use of Wikipedia as first and final destination where information is obtained by students. This is because of its open editing option which makes its reliability questionable. However, it is helping students with reading and obtaining of collaborative learning skills.

Hazari, North and Moreland (2009) assert that Wiki technology is appealing because the creation of collaborative content is possible and can be easily changed and tracked. In essence, users are capable of starting and expanding any page for conducting learning discussions. The most current learning analytics assemblages are well organized around the internet in websites such as Wikipedia which have enabled many learners to get answers to different tasks. This can be termed as an achievement in solving problems in the world, therefore successful.

In general, Wikis are currently popular as a result of its benefits to students hoping to develop skills in new media literacy for the purposes of entering the workforce possessing knowledge of present technology (Obar & Roth, 2011). In addition, use of Wikipedia in group settings has the potential to encourage students to generate work for purposes of using it later in job interviews and electronic portfolios. These electronic portfolios include submission of online questionnaires and personal details to a potential employer.

It is also important as a tool used by a student as a self-regulated learning tool that integrates formal and informal learning in contexts of higher education (Dabbagh & Kitsantas, 2012). Most organizations make use of group software allowing collaboration which is similar to that of Wikipedia. Therefore, students are capable of developing skills associated with sharing of ideas and working in teams when they use technology tools. Wikipedia technology makes it easier to see each individual contribution in a group, undertake tracking of work in progress and work on collaborative document (Jimoyiannis, Tsiotakis, Roussinos & Siorenta 2013).

Nonetheless, the potential benefits of Wikis are comprised by its challenges and drawbacks. For example, Wiki assignments grading is sometimes posing challenges to instructors. This is because group assignments are difficult to grade to individual students because of difficulty in assessing individual input. Furthermore, the satisfaction of learners needs is sometimes not achieved and determination mechanisms for achieving satisfaction of learners should be created (West, 2009). The determination mechanisms should evaluate content, format, and structure in order for timely intervention in case a problem is noticed.

In this case, social platforms help in coordinating learning activities around the world to all the people who are willing to be literate. In contemporary approaches to learning, information technology is helping learners gain knowledge and credentials needed for success. The technology mediated courses is taking advantage of web technologies in fostering communication, learning and acquisition of skill and knowledge (Plekhanova, 2005). Distance online education is expanding at a higher rate because of the advantages such as flexibility in learning, better opportunity to learn, ensuring for just-in-time learning and it provides different learning strategies.

In development of online education systems, the focus is actually on expression of knowledge by software (Wadhwa, 2006). It is for this reason that the focus of online systems is dissemination of current information to learners in a timely and effective manner. It is recognized that learners’ cultural backgrounds, educational levels, experiences and interests are some of the critical variables inherent in online learning (Plekhanova, 2005).

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