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The Impact of Technology in Education - Report Example

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This report "The Impact of Technology in Education" presents technology in education that has had a great impact on teaching. Access to information has been enhanced and students can be connected with another learning institution that is far away and be able to share learning materials…
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Running Head: THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION The Impact of Technology in Education Name Institution Date The Impact of Technology in Education Introduction Access to technology has been fundamental in the provision of education to the students. With the commencement of application of ICT in the developed world, by and by the technology has moved to the rest of the world including the third world countries to a point that it is being incorporated in the learning and teaching curriculum. According to Chandra (2005), technology has revolutionized access to information with the coming of the internet web p-lacing networking to the next level. In this paper a brief history of technology in education will be explored and later on we shall examine the various effects that education has on the learning environment and the mediator environment as a means of learning. It will be imperative also to look at the negative effect of ICT in education having looked at the roles of the teacher and the student in the learning process where ICT is integrated. The hypothesis of the paper is to establish the impact or role of technology in education by examining both positive and the negative side and having a conclusion that sums up everything discussed. History of Technology in Education Commencing the early 1980s developments in computer technology have changed communication, entertainment, operation and education. The fast rate of change in technology has had a transforming influence in college, secondary and elementary classrooms. Throughout the years, advancement in technology has become not only a tool of instruction but also an educational medium. 1981 is the year that IBM first introduced the first personal computer. The following year IBM PC was declared “Man of the Year” by the Time magazine. Scientists and the government had laid the foundation for the internet by the year 1983. From the early years characterized by personal computers, technology found its way into classrooms (Chandra, 2005). A majority of schools provided fundamental courses in computer use; Apple II type of computer was popular in classrooms. According to Lemke and Coughlin (1998), similar technology and personal computers was widely applied in schools with the growth in internet pushing further the expansion in classroom application of technology in the 1990s. Preceding that in the 1980, the internet was limited to academics, government researchers and scientists and system was text-based. The management of the internet in the early stage barred it from being used for commercial case. The ban was lifted in 1993 and this consequently led to the development of the World Wide Web being accompanied by colorful graphics and user-friendly. By and by the internet turned into a huge electronic library containing very vital information and various websites made this possible. The huge volume of information posted on the internet transformed it into an attractive medium in it utilization as a tool in education spearheading the use of technology in colleges, secondary and elementary classrooms (Hooft &Swan, 2006). The impact of ICT in learning environment It is stipulated that ICT is an integrating factor when is incorporated in the environment of learning. Although it is not possible to determine and show directly ICT impact on learning it is easy to put forward the tentative impacts by relating ICT as an integrating factor with documented theories relating to learning and developed strategies that provide opportunities. The exceptional instructional features of computers need to be utilized fully. The features of computer as interactive control, logical programming, information processing, audio output and graphics all have direct implications on the utilization of computers at the classroom level. There are various ways through which these features could be applied and have proved to be of great help in supporting teachers and students in their quest to increase productivity and improve outcomes of learning. The degree of application will be determined by various features like the student’s personal characteristics and the development age, the type of the content in the curriculum, and the learning environment characteristic. Building Knowledge and Investigating Reality ICT permits the students to interrogate in a more thorough way the reality in the world. They are easily accessible to sources of information outside the classroom and besides, they can utilize tools in the analysis and interpretation of such information. The information is accessible by means of data logging systems or via online system. The technologies permit them to get feedback, create new knowledge, transfer to non-school context and refine how they understand things. Previous it was not easy to provide this advantage in schools owing to the capacity of material to be covered and logistic limitations, however ICT addressed this problem. Feedback can be inclined on the criteria of the reasoning of experts. What is to be learned is deepened and broadened (Reed, 2010). Authentic Assessment and active learning In many situations in the classroom it is almost impossible to permit students to be maximally active in their role as participants. Naturally students are usually passive, utilizing most of their time reading or listening. It is agreed that are likely to be attentive and interested and will get a variety of learning results if they can stay active, this is learning by doing. T5heir consequent engagement or interaction with the curriculum will massively increase since they exist opportunities that are affordable for creating their own original information and engage in their own idea representation. Computer software can be utilized in providing the students with experiences in learning in case they are involved in computer system interaction. On the other hand the software may be used in supporting activities where they interact with other people either on-line or in person. In all the stated situations the student has greater influence on the processes of learning and the activities are responsive to the students’ needs. This enables conceptual framework development done by students in the assistance in deeper degree of learning. The use of systems online to support active learning through provision of forums for reflection and feedback has indicated the promotion of greater degree of students’ explanations that have variation in ability. In case assessment comes from learning that is active, that kind of learning is labeled as authentic. The application of ICT usually motivates active learning and its outcome is more authenticity in the assessment. Engage students through challenges and motivation The multimedia and interactive nature of modern day computer system has led to the provision of the opportunity for developers of software to increasingly create features that are more stimulating. Many of the studies conducted have established that students prefer using computers and are more likely to develop positive attitudes towards themselves and learning when they are allowed to use computers. The systems of computers provide the chance to creation of a variety of interesting experiences in learning. This has probability of helping students maintain interest and also interest a wide of students. The multimedia and interactive features in the software can be utilized to help students in grappling with ideas and concepts. Students can be more easily availed with similar experiences and information within a range of contexts (Reed, 2010). Provision of tools in increase of student productivity McNeil (2002) notes that previously students have spent most of their time tasks that are low-level and repetitive especially encompassing drawing, computation and writing. Whereas it may be required for students to develop these kinds of skills many times on most of the occasions they are usually a requirement to other higher task. Repetition that is unnecessary of tasks that are low-level is not efficient, de-motivating and may hinder the real purpose of the activity. More computer applications avail the required tools of supporting students in the quick completion of lower-level tasks in order to make them concentrate more on the activity’s major purpose. Graphic packages, word processors, spreadsheets, and data base packages support the students’ performance. The utilization of tools and scaffolds can assist students in solving problems which had hitherto considered being very challenging to them. Studies conducted indicate that students often learn more in a short time (increase in their productivity), when they appropriately utilize computer support. Provision of scaffolding to support Higher Level of thinking There are increasingly variety tools of software which can be utilized in supporting the development of thinking skills of higher level such as analysis, synthesis and application. Particular tools can be applied in analysis of data, data presentation, linkage of information or data, presentation of information in a variety of formats, simulation of conditions and environments, and supporting of interactive communications. This enable teachers to consider the provision of a wide range of activities of situations that are motivating where students can apply and develop these thinking skills of higher level and avail the chance of the development of ‘deep knowledge’ (McNeil, 2002). Increasing learner independence Computer systems are widely being utilized in the provision experiences of learning where and when they are required. This enables the provision of more independence to the students not only in terms of where and when they learn but also the content of what they learn. It is not necessarily important for all the students to due a similar thing at the same time. Teachers can provide access to software to their students to allow students in selecting a variety of experiences of learning. The class is not exposed to being treated as a single group. Student groups or individuals may decide to learn topics independently without the teacher. This is usually brought about in terms of learning that id lifelong, project-based learning or learning that is learner-driven. Tools of ICT can be utilized in the creation of support reflection and assessment of progress and records of thoughts (O'Donoghue, 2006). Cooperative and collaborative learning Studies carried out point out that typical utilization of ICT leads to increased or enhanced cooperation among learners beyond and within school and an interactive relationship between teachers and students. Collaboration is a philosophy of personal lifestyle and interaction where particular individuals are answerable to their actions, inclusive of learning and give respect to the contributions and abilities of the peer. The element of cooperation is a structure of interaction created to enable the accomplishment of a particular goal or end product by means of people working in groups together. ICT creates optimal support for project work that is team based. The application of ICT to support cooperative and collaborative learning is extended to the support of a community that is learning (Prey, 2006). Tailoring learning to the learner In many traditional situations of learning, it is not practical to provide every student with his own instructor and the instructor cannot specifically design experiences of learning for the student. What comes near to this is the system of apprenticeship. Prey (2006), argues the interactivity and programmability possible with systems provides the chance for the development of software which simulates an instructor’s role. Intelligent software for tutoring may utilize information concerning the student to recommend sequences that are appropriate or sections of a student’s tutorial. Studies conducted establish that applications of instruction which are computer-based can enhance scores of achievement by at least one standard deviation despite it not being consistent or uniform across all study areas. The point is that software permits the teacher or student to tailor the experiences of learning to suit the students individually. Every student may come across experiences that are varying despite using the same kind of software (O'Neil & Perez, 2003). Technology has been used adequately by teachers in providing students with feedback which is more individually designed and very timely. In the assessment of learning more demanding methods can be used and leads to appropriate diagnosis of learners’ needs. Online technologies utilization is many times used in the provision of programmes that are individualized. According O'Donoghue (2006), software of computer can also be utilized to support children who need learning programmes that are individually designed. Students can be provided with computer support for activities of learning targeting needs of individual students. Research has indicated enhanced achievement in children with special needs if computers are utilized (Prey, 2006). Overcome physical disability The range of output and input devices that are available give a chance for students who may be physically challenged to be involved in learning activities that are similar to the rest of the students. For particular students computers are the only provision for environment which they can manipulate comfortably and the particular tools that alleviate their disability level. Mouse-drivers and keyboards may be used to permit extremely handicapped students to utilize software packages that are regular. The learning Environment as the Mediator of learning In this segment the goal is to look at the computer effect on the classroom environment and determine whether it is possible to find a useful and harmonious role in that particular environment. ICTs avail the support to enable the possibilities for creating environment of learning. The most basic factor in the determination of the environment of the classrooms is teachers to be particular. In the majority of classrooms it is the mandate of the teacher(s) to decide the importance of the content, assess student learning, direct student learning, help in the structuring of the environment, provide and choose the specific material to be used. Nevertheless the role of the student cannot be ignored (Prey, 2006). Student/Teacher Roles The teacher will play a role in directing how and what students are entitled to learn by the provision of the situation of learning or controlling the instruction. The students will play the active and passive roles in scenario of learning and teaching. It is postulated that balance in control and roles is most likely to be inclined towards participation of the students with the use of ICT to support processes of learning. According to Debru (1999), this transfer of control or roles many times occurs naturally and spontaneously in a classroom in an activity. Control in balance may not entirely be in the hands of the teacher or entirely under the control of the student with comprising of many people with expertise that is differing expertise while ICT is being used to support a community that is learning (Lee & Impagliazzo, 2004). Teacher as Manager The fact that computers can be utilized as a mode of demonstration a variety of computer use comprises being utilized by the students. Consequently necessitates the creation of an approach that is student-centered. An approach that is teacher-centered could still be used by means of selecting demonstration and applications of tutorial. In the accommodation of a significant role of the computer in the classroom there required to be a variety of changes to the teacher’s role. How relevant these changes are for a teacher in determined on what they see to be their role currently. The teacher acts the role of a catalyst for the learning process as opposed to be the centre of focus. The teacher acts as a model of learning for the students as opposed to being an expert in all. The teacher facilitates cooperative learning by the involvement of students in real solving of the problem. In the model of apprenticeship the teacher may utilize ICT in the modeling of an activity and support the learner (Tettegah, 2006). Teachers need appropriate management skills and communication. Precise instructions have to be presented in order for many students to reach their teachers for further guidance, tasks which are appropriate are given to students individually, and rules have to be made on the ground for interaction with other students and computer equipment, and software and hardware have to be availed to the students when needed. It is appreciated that a problem for is the evaluation of whether the students are engaged and what are they engaged in. Moreover teachers should examine the learning needs to enable the provision of appropriate software and task. Lee and Impagliazzo (2004) argue that evaluation problems need teachers to spend adequate time in interaction that is one-to-one with their students and have skills that enable them interpret the output of the student. Student responsibility for learning The student role is important to learning in as much as the role of the teachers is fundamentally important to learning that is computer-supported. If the environment has to turn to student centered consequently there is a necessary shift of responsibility for learning towards the student and away from the teacher. Students are required to be more motivating and self-directing and subsequently take great responsibility in their learning. Teachers have also a responsibility of their own. The teachers are mandated to provide a structure in which students are able to learn. Use of computers place extra demand on the students. The approach to learning makes the students to develop competence and confidence. Negative effect of technology in education According to Dee LaMont and Maddux (2003), technology influence students negatively owing to the fact that they cannot develop their social skills well through technology. The skills include appropriate eye contact, self disclosure, reading social clues and greetings. Social clues could be both non-verbal and verbal. Sometimes is a great distraction in the classroom, most student use technology to disengage from what is going on in the classroom. Many of them will waste much time on social networking sites like facebook or twitter. Besides technology has a negative impact on the writing skills of the students particularly because they are fond of applying informal or ‘slang’ when texting or emailing each other and this is reflected in their assignments as they forget the rubrics of proper writing. In some cases technology in class takes away learning time as precious time is spend fixing technical hitches. Many students use computers basically for games and therefore they associate or relate technology and computers to playing of games and therefore they can be distracted easily. Lastly overuse of technology in classroom may create a problem. A number of students learn best by mentally and physically interacting with what they are learning, if most learning is done by computer these students are disadvantaged (Tettegah, 2006). Conclusion Technology in education has had a great impact on the teaching and learning process. Access to information has been enhanced and students can be connected with another learning institution which is far away and be able to share learning materials. There are many good sides that have been come with introduction of computers and technology in education. Preceding implementation there must be a thorough examination before a particular aspect of technology is introduced and everything should be done in moderation to the benefit of those being taught and the convenience of the teacher. As outlined there are negative aspects of technology that should be monitored keenly so that they do not overshadow the positive side of education. References Chandra R. (2005). Universal education and technology in 21st century, Volume 3. Gyan Books, 2005 Tettegah, S.Y. (2006). Technology and education: issues in administration, policy, and applications in K12 schools. NY: Emerald Group Publishing. Hooft M. & Swan K. (2006). Ubiquitous computing in education: invisible technology, visible impact.UK: Routledge, Lemke, C., & Coughlin, E. C. (1998). Technology in American Schools: Seven Dimensions for Gauging Progress. USA: Milken Exchange on Educational Technology. McNeil, I., (2002). An Encyclopedia of the History of Technology. New York: Routledge. Debru. C(1999). History of science and technology in education and training in Europe. London:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Lee J.A.N., $ Impagliazzo, J. (2004). History of computing in education: IFIP 18th World Computer Congress, TC3/TC9, 51st Conference on the history of computing in education, 22-27 August 2004, Toulouse: Springer. Impagliazzo, J. & Lee J. A. (2004). History of computing in education: IFIP 18th World Computer Congress, TC3/TC9, 51st Conference on the history of computing in education, 22-27 August 2004, Toulouse, France. London: Springer, Dee LaMont J. & Maddux C. D. (2003). Technology in Education: A Twenty-Year Retrospective. NY: Routledge. Prey, J. (2006). The impact of tablet PCs and pen-based technology on education: vignettes, evaluations, and future directions: West Lafayette: Purdue University Press. Reed, R. (2010). The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education: Going Mainstream. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press. O'Neil H.F. & Perez, R.S (2003). Technology applications in education: a learning view. Londond: Routledge. O'Donoghue M. (2006). Technology supported learning and teaching: a staff perspective. Group Inc (IGI). Read More
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