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Business Communication and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Educational Psychology - Assignment Example

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I speak two languages including Mandarin and Wenzhou language based on a particular activity and situation. I speak Wenzhou language with my parents…
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Business Communication and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Educational Psychology
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Business Communication: Portfolio Contents Contents Part A: The learning Log 3 Session Personal language History 3 Session 4: My Personal Training Plan 4 Session 5: Critical Incident 8 Session 6: Corporate Social Responsibility 9 Session 12: Presentation Reflection 10 Part B: Application Activities 11 Session 3: Language Development Plan: Self-development & Setting Objectives 11 Session 8: Report Writing: How Green Is My University? 13 1.0 Executive Summary 13 2.0 Introduction 13 Conclusion 14 Recommendation 14 Session 11: Case Study: Minutes of Meeting 14 Session 15: Writing a Semi-formal E-mail 15 Session 22: Writing a Formal Letter 16 Reference 18 Part A: The learning Log Session 1: Personal language History Early Language History My parents are both native Chinese and particularly reside in Wenzhou, a city at the South of China hence speak Wenzhou language. I speak two languages including Mandarin and Wenzhou language based on a particular activity and situation. I speak Wenzhou language with my parents and sister at home but my parents always correcting me on my accents resulting from influence of North of China where I have resided for 25 years. During school, family and business partners’ meetings, I am comfortable speaking Mandarin than Wenzhou informed by my stay in north of China as hometown’s language is non-mandatorily. Thus I have been able to appreciate that people have variations in speaking based on cross-cultural differences (Kipnis, 2011). Educational Experience In school I used English while in Britain as this was a prerequisite to courses offered. Even though learning English professional vocabularies proved difficult to students, I tried and kept learning it. I recognized that it was a prerequisite to professional course and this encouraged me to work harder. I got to understand what my roommates meant while in UK when they used such terms as ‘Fuck.’ I was encourage and eager to learn and get to understand my foreign language vocabularies so that I could break away from the constrained interaction ability based on English language as a barrier. Idiolects My voice is quite interesting with respect my distinct Mandarin Styles such as Shandong, Liaoning and Tianjin. I am also able to speak both Wenzhou and Mandarin languages. I am happy based on my highly-rated ability to create distinct impressions within my speech which has resulted to my fame. I hate North of China’s accents which irritates me while being corrected by my parents. I get Wenzhou words quite interesting when I listen to recorded speeches I make based on minor accent challenges compared to mandarin language. I have thus taken strides to change the way I talk in mandarin based on my parents’ correction. Session 4: My Personal Training Plan My preferred training is auditory learning style as I have developed to retain more information taught through sounds than reading. To achieve this I will always attend lectures so as not to suffer due to missing lectures as do not understand assigned readings. I have always find it difficult reading through and understanding concurrently chapters covering complex topics but immediately fathom when reinforced with class lecture. To achieve my training objective, I will utilize the PCs and available speech recognition instruments. I will also obtain a knack to help me ascertain meanings of words spoken by the lecturer so as to remain relevant in classes. Besides, I will pay keen attention so as to curb distractions to my listening ability so as to notice the lectures alteration between audible signals as tonal variations. I will ensure that I say information learnt loud so as to remember how it sounds to help me memorize and to ease my ability to recall them during my personal studies. I will further try to read to self-loud, remember names, to eliminate cased of being afraid in class, watch and notice sound effects on movies. Besides, I will increased my grammar and foreign language skills and to be talkative without being silent in class for long and to fully engage my tutor during lectures. I will also make good use of study groups so as to help me practice. I will also use word association in order to recall lines and facts, repeat facts with open, tapping my notes after writing, watching videos, and record my lectures. Questionnaire 1 Learning styles questionnaire (But do not take this type of exercise too seriously, there are many different classifications.) Ask another student which of the following choices they normally make 1. You have just bought a new MP3 player (which is also a USB storage device and FM radio). Do you: a. read the instructions which came with the device? b. ask a friend to tell you how it works? c. start to use it at once, to try to work it out for yourself? 2. You are on a day trip to Cambridge and you want to find one specific college. Do you: a. buy a map of the city so you can find your way around? b. stop someone on the street and ask for directions? c. just walk around the streets trying to find the place, perhaps looking for street signs? 3. You want to learn how to cook a dish which you enjoyed eating in a restaurant. Do you: a. use google to find a recipe for the dish on the internet? b. ask a friend who is a good cook how to cook it? c. remember the dish and try to recreate it, to experiment until you find an okay way of doing it? 4. Your friend has asked you how to use PowerPoint. Do you: a. find a guide of step-by-step instructions your friend can read? b. speak to them, to tell them what are the important things to remember? c. sit with them at a PC and demonstrate? 5. Imagine you have upset a close friend by not keeping a promise you made. When your friend tells you that s/he is upset do you say: a. I see what you mean. b. I hear what you say. c. I know how you feel. 6. Your boss wants you to do a new task, something you have never done before. Do you say: a. Show me how you want me to do it. b. Tell me how you want me to do it. c. Let me have a try and I’ll ask if I need help. 7. Your young nephew is learning how to play a new computer game. Do you say: a. Watch me, I’ll show you how it’s done. b. Listen to me, I’ll explain it to you. c. Go on, you try, let me watch. 8. Your new MP3 player is not working correctly. Do you: a. Write a letter of complaint to the shop/manufacturer? b. Telephone the shop/manufacturer to tell them what the problem is.? c. go to the shop to complain and ask for a replacement.? 9. You have been asked to organise a social event for a group of students so they can get to know each other better. Do you plan: a. a trip to a museum or gallery? b. a night out in a pub so you can chat? c. a session of paintballing? 10. For the birthday one of your friends you decide to buy: a. a new novel by an author you know she likes? b. a CD of her favourite band? c. some software you know she needs? 11. You need to buy a smart outfit to go to a job interview. Do you: a. look at the clothes in the shop and imagine whether they will look good on you? b. ask the sales assistant whether she thinks they suit you? c. try them on? 12. If you going to buy a new car, and need to choose between four, do you: a. read about the advantages and disadvantages of the possible cars in auto magazines? b. ask your friends which car they think is best? c. ask the garage if you can have a test drive? Total for a. Total for b. Total for c. Mostly a = a preference for a visual learning style Mostly b = a preference for an auditory learning style Mostly c = a preference for a kinesthetic/physical/tactile learning style Questionnaire 2 Skill set & behavior assessment - general Name Yulin ZHANG score/10 skills and work competency areas self- assess 2nd view Essential / Desirable 1 Using and developing my knowledge. 6 E 2 Researching, investigating and problem-solving. 6 D 3 Communicating outwardly: face-to-face, phone, email, etc. 7 E 4 Listening and interpretation, establishing rapport, understanding needs. 5 E 5 Developing solutions and agreeing things with people. 7 E 6 Financial understanding and commercial ability. 5 D 7 Speaking and presenting to groups. 5 E 8 Helping or coaching or teaching or training others. 7 E 9 Using information and communications technology (ICT or IT). 5 E 10 Technical appreciation and use of equipment/tools/machinery for my area and related areas. 6 E 11 Understanding and making the most of my relationships with people and groups. 7 D 12 Competitor/industry awareness and consideration of these factors in planning, decision-making, etc. 5 D 13 Taking initiative and responsibility, e.g., decision-making, project management, running meetings. 5 D 14 Visioning, creating, and inspiring others with my ideas. 7 D 15 Managing time, planning, being effective, efficient, productive, and reliable. 6 E 16 Appreciating/applying social responsibility, sustainability, humanity and ethical considerations. 5 E behaviours, attitudes and personal style self-ass. 2nd view E / D 1 Striving for personal development. 6 E 2 Taking personal responsibility to resolve problems, even those not of my own making. 6 E 3 Understanding the way people really feel. 5 D 4 Developing positive relationships. 7 D 5 Keeping focused and productive, reliable and dependable. 6 D 6 Planning how to achieve my work and personal goals. 7 D 7 Managing stress and conflict. 6 E 8 Managing upwards and sideways (my managerial superiors and my peers). 6 E 9 Contributing positively to team/company morale and spirit. 6 E 10 Seeking and picking up responsibility that I see waiting to be filled. 6 D 11 Team-working. 4 D 12 Having compassion and care for others. 6 E 13 Using integrity and ethics in my judgement about work and organisational issues. 6 E Score yourself out of 10 for each skill and behaviour. Validate your scores by discussing them with your boss or someone who knows you (these scores go in the 2nd view column and form the basis of the assessment). At the same time agree with the other person whether each skill and behaviour is essential or desirable for the effective performance of your role, or your next job if you are seeking advancement. Your personal development priorities are therefore the lowest scores in the essential skills and behaviours. For group training needs analysis see the Training Needs Analysis template, which is used to analyse the results of a number of individual assessments. Adapt or change the elements above and in the TNA tool to suit the job role(s). Session 5: Critical Incident Cultural Problem The implication of cultural difference on communication is the centerpiece upon which critical is embedded. Communication is a barrier to interaction as I had experienced such incidences while in British. I could not blend well with native British who had a mastery of English language (Gu, 2014). Language is cultural- based as this was evident while I was in Britain with roommates always using such phrases as ‘fuck-off’ and I could understand which only became easier while I was in UK and I could then speak and interact easily based on my increased endowment in English language. To amplify further, cultural difference is illustrated through the close examination of the interaction between two of my classmates; Linda, a lady from Italy and Tiger (male), from Beijing but has already been influenced by traditional Chinese culture. Culture is a barrier to Tiger’s ability to communicate freely with Linda based on traditionally deeply rooted Chinese culture (Sims, 2003). He feels Linda’s greetings being strange when they met at Veneer Ceremony for the first time and totally embarrassed making Linda to incredibly feel. Cross-cultural factors are determinants to communication and social interactions. Interactions with respect to Chinese traditional culture are based on a higher degree to uphold politeness as communication etiquette amongst close friends. Western culture is on contrary as casually escalates with friendship with politeness applied only amongst new friendships. This makes Linda understands culture is a determinant to communications as I explained to her Chinese are keen on the interaction amongst opposite sex which is feeling constrained. It is therefore mandatory that we understand the role of cultural difference in communication and interactions so as to be able to peacefully co-exist (Sims, 2003). Session 6: Corporate Social Responsibility I support the need for companies to uphold corporate social responsibility to the community they serve, government, employees, managers, consumers and well as shareholders. Companies should integrate the interest of the community and the customers served in their policies so as to be socially responsible peddled by the urge to create a conducive and enabling environment. An example of a company that upholds social responsibility to the community is Waitrose. The partnership is driven by the slogan, “Force for Good” in the respective community. They have spent time support local, national and regional initiatives to ensure sustainability of communities. This is achieved by offering sustainable employment opportunities, incorporates communities in designing locations for new shops, volunteering, fundraising and charity donations, Golden Jubilee Secondment scheme as well as spending time to community initiatives to foster mutual relationships. The emergence of CSR’s concept is attached to UK with UN marked as a major institution advocating for its promotion. Governments have sourced funds from taxation which are diverted to other sectoral developments. In essence there is a reciprocal relationship between upholding corporate social responsibility and expansion of respective firms. Income generated from employment opportunities by firms is spent in purchasing the firms products and on education thus producing necessary expertise to benefit the companies through increased productivity that is quality attached. An argument of double standard constraints of social responsible with respect to the fact that companies pay tax is misplaced as taxation forms put of ethical business practice. Through the establishments of enabling environment, expensive damages caused by such curbed externalities are eliminated. Such firms thus increase their productivities without having to severely meeting damage expenses. This culminates into harmonious relationship between the society and firm which has a multiplier effect on firm’s reputation and thus increased market share, a competitive advantage. Session 12: Presentation Reflection Difference between China and UK business meetings Our feeling in the group that comprised two ladies SY / Zheng Gris and two boys GX / Yee, and Tiger was inspired by effects the cross-cultural difference poses in our daily interactions. The group chose to discuss and present effects of cultural differences on business meeting between UK and China. We felt that this was a good topic based on the evidences of difficulties many Chinese language extends to business meetings such as marketing and sales between China and UK. We decided to conduct self-research on the impacts of cultural differences on language used in businesses so as to come up with diverse opinions on the topic. After we had collected the data we sat down as a team to analyze which each member presenting the findings and the challenges faced. It was a universal feeling that language barrier constrained our data collections which further amplified the relevancy of our topic. The group was in a consensus that Chinese use of many languages such as mandarin is accountable for the escalating difficulty in their meetings with UK counterparts. We felt that Chinese schools should invest expansively in English language and discourage use of Mandarin even during English lessons so as to enhance interaction and hence better businesses. The differences in the meanings of how both entities use specific English terms, texts, images and pictures was also our area of concerned. We noted that the Chinese conversations is marred with a lot of etiquette while casual communication featured in UK hence expanding the gap. We felt that there is a need to harmonize the commonness in terms such as love to which Chinese would substitute for couples and opposed by UK. Part B: Application Activities Session 3: Language Development Plan: Self-development & Setting Objectives The framework employed to my language development is embedded on SMART acronym that will culminate to elimination of my inadequacy of endowment and familiarity to basic professional English phrases and vocabularies viewed as prerequisite to any professional course study. SMART objective will be as follows; Specific Within the first five months in school, I will increase my English language endowment by 4o% through mastering basic professional terms and to start using them in my daily communication. Measurable I will study 30 new professional vocabularies both in terms of meaning, spelling as well as pronunciation within the next five months of my study moth and conduct self-assessment at the onset of the sixth by getting down to answer their meanings, spelling and cross-checking the dictionary Attainable I will study 25 public relation skills terms and phrases through consolation with the tutor, online glossaries and libraries as this will enable me master how to access the glossaries as well as the online libraries. Relevancy I will ensure that I learn five new professional words, phrases with respect to public relation skills daily based on their meaning, pronunciation as well as spelling. Time Bound I will study 25 public relation-attached phrases every two days while reading by consulting the online libraries, glossaries as well as consulting my tutor to improve my English Language endowment Questionnaire 4 = strongly agree 3 = agree 2 = disagree 1 = strongly disagree Reading I can read English newspapers with little difficulty 4 3 2 1 I can read academic textbooks with little difficulty 4 3 2 1 I can read fiction/non-fiction books easily in English 4 3 2 1 I can read journal articles about my speciality (e.g. Finance, or Marketing) with little difficulty 4 3 2 1 Writing I can write English accurately 4 3 2 1 I can write course assignments with little difficulty 4 3 2 1 I can write in different styles for different purposes 4 3 2 1 I can see my mistakes when I write in English 4 3 2 1 Listening I have little difficulty understanding social conversations 4 3 2 1 I have little difficulty understanding TV in English (e.g. films & news) 4 3 2 1 I have little difficulty understanding my teachers and lecturers 4 3 2 1 I can hear different Englishes 4 3 2 1 Speaking I feel confident when I use English in social situations 4 3 2 1 I feel comfortable using English in seminar discussions 4 3 2 1 I can use different forms of English for different situations 4 3 2 1 I enjoy speaking English and try to whenever possible 4 3 2 1 Session 8: Report Writing: How Green Is My University? 1.0 Executive Summary The report is about the need to uphold high levels of environmental management in an institution of learning. This ensures conducive environment for learning and encourage student to work harder. I did the research to find out how the campus achieves its aesthetic nature and to recommend other ways of ensuring environmentally-friendly learning institution. I carried out observation and around the campus to unearth both loopholes and level of greenness and found out that the university has recognized the need to manage and conserve its environment. This report is relevant as it is applicable to other university to imitate what has been done in this campus which is understood to be the contributor for its good academic performance as it motives learners. Creating a conducive for learning based on proper management of carbon and recycling waste material is needed to ensure higher levels performance. 2.0 Introduction  The researcher needs to create a proper understanding of what is meant by University being “green” and current mechanisms employed to promote it The report will also focus on identification of beautiful sceneries in University of Northampton and their impacts to life and learning sustainability. The report is also framed in a manner to aid in the identification of gaps and designing a sound framework to help manage environment. 3.0 Finding The university aesthetic level id found to contribute to its academic performance based on its motivation to both students and their instructors. Tress, sceneries, grass and flowers were found to create a conducive environment for learning. The university needs to plant ivy, recycle waste materials as well create an elaborate carbon management framework to further ensure better learning conditions. Besides, lights and computers need to be switch of when not in use in order to save energy wastages. Conclusion The university is well placed and rank better learning institution based on its higher levels of management of environment. This should be continued based on engagement of other practices undertaken by other learning institution to ensure an enabling environment for learners. Recommendation The University should incorporate carbon management to save energy wastages The University recycle plastics and food waste to increase greenness in the University. Session 11: Case Study: Minutes of Meeting The Minutes of the meeting held in the Town Hall of Isolated Community in a South American Country at 10o’clock in the Morning Present ER-Projector director, Tourist Company, Head Office, Europe MG- Local Representative Tourist Company CG- Community Mayor JG- Leader Local Farmers Group MF-Local Member of Parliament Apologies The community health officer [JE] unable to attend this meeting. Topic 1 / problems Young people are going to other cities to search works as there is not enough employment opportunity. This would result in discontinuing the local culture and traditions. Topic 2 / Suggestion + problems It was suggested that infrastructural development was inevitable with respects to constructing a 20- kilometers highway which is projected to increase healthcare provision besides assisting fishermen and farmers to boost their income. Topic 3/ Actions With respect to the proposed development of local tourism industry aimed at boosting locals and government income levels, it was discussed at length and the meeting settled on two key issues concerning development; the current plan would be relooked by ER to incorporate farm land, changes to marina, and utilization of local suppliers to avail avenues for compromise achievement. The meeting also discussed and noted that MF and MG would harmoniously work as a team design alternative eco-tourism venture so as to avail economically-attached business acceptable by both community and tourism industry. Date of next meeting It was agreed that next meeting would be after four weeks same venue and time. Session 15: Writing a Semi-formal E-mail Dear John I am writing to inform you of the best approach our Company should adopt to expand the business globally. I have subsequently critically examined our website and noted several gaps which have subsequently been counteracted by models and frameworks that are appealing to global markets. The fact that our company is the biggest online shopping mall in mainland China is an added advantage as our new designed website will help us boost sales. I have incorporated the influence of culture and language on our ability to expand globally and hence upgrading our website search engines to be more customer-friendly by tailoring specific products to particular niches informed by cultural practices. For instance, we cannot sell pork to Islamic groups as it is unacceptable product. Language and regions are determinants of online sales. As a counteractive measure, I have incorporated, English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Russian as well as German languages just to mention but a few within our website. This is projected to facilitate easy access to our products based on selection of particular language that is of interest to a particular customer. Consequently I have earmarked Chinese markets as the best location we should globally expand towards. Elimination of halal words towards Islamic markets will facilitate our global sales informed by clear understanding of cultural backgrounds with respect to particular niche. Alternatively, I have internalize our website to incorporate regional sales demands particularly those local language –based products such as curry is coined to create a perception that is a unique cuisine from India to our customers. I have hence developed a framework where we enter the Chinese markets via virtual products. The overseas sales will be driven but not limited to such products as baby toys, clothing and digital appliance. Gaoxiang Yu Marketing Department Support Advisor Digital Building 17 floor Zhongguancun South Street 2 Haidian District Beijing China Email: Telephone: +86(0) 010 8472 1093 Session 22: Writing a Formal Letter Sumter Holidays 101 Frederick Street Northampton NP3 01A (+44) 00731 9215678 John@projects/ Hargreaves Consulting Company 153 Stafford Street London N3 2EU Our Ref: TS513 15 March 2014 Dear Mr. Hargreaves Re: Eco-Tourism Project The project is jointly by local government and Sumter Holidays Company and will cost 10 million dollars with company investing 5 million dollars while local government matching funding of 5 million will be invested with 1 million dollars expected to be yearly profit. There is a mutual and harmonious cooperation and collaboration between the Company and the Community towards this project. Besides, the area member of parliament, health officer also support the project geared to make the town a tourist resort. Based on evaluation against pros and cons attached to the projected, land and residential issues for the affected people has been earmarked as a daunting challenge. It is agreed by all parties that compensation will be made for damages for the victims. Besides, the site is projected to be away from commercial, residential areas as well urban development lands to minimize the magnitude of damages on residents and hence we will be applying for lands adjacent to main road to facilitate accessibility by our customers besides curbing massive eviction of current residents and enterprises. The vitality for local economy is ushered in by the project besides its projection to be a leading GDP multiplier. It aims at utilizing the services of local young people and hence acts as income source. Aesthetics will be attained in the town that will attract other business hence sectoral development. It is projected after its completion within the first two years, local employment stands reduced upon completion of the project based on increased absorption in the tourist industry. Profits will be generated in the third year to cater for the multi-billion project costs and hence sustainability. We are looking forward for your service and your reply. Regards. John Smith, Project Manager Sumter Holidays Reference Bhattacharya, C. B., Sen, S., & Korschun, D. (2011) Leveraging corporate responsibility: The stakeholder route to maximizing business and social value. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chouinard, Y., & Stanley, V. (2012) The responsible company. Ventura, CA: Patagonia Books. DeFrancis, J. (1986) The Chinese language: Fact and fantasy. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Fennell, D. A., & Dowling, R. K. (2003) Ecotourism Policy and Planning. Wallingford: CAB International. Fiore, A. M. (2010) Understanding aesthetics for the merchandising and design professional. 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