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The Workbook - Assignment Example

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This paper 'The Workbook' tells that This workbook is designed to introduce you to working with some of the questions and skills needed to successfully gain the bright professional future available to all of you. I encourage you to adopt an attitude that preparing this document is a starting point in an on-going process…
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WorkbookParts 9 This workbook is designed to introduce you to working with some of the questions and skills needed to be successful in gaining thebright professional future available to all of you. I encourage you to adopt an attitude that preparing this document is a starting point in an on-going process, rather than just another “to-do” on your list of school assignments. If you don’t care about or actively work toward your professional future, WHO WILL? For those seeking entrepreneurial or graduate school options, this workbook is just as useful. Entrepreneurs, assume that the company/industry you choose to start a company in will be just as important as s job seeker. So will all the answers to the other questions. You banker will be very much like an interviewer for a company when you seek funding. You will also need to know all the same answers before you go out and start a venture, if you hope to have much chance at success. For graduate school bound students, the selection of the right graduate school and the process of acceptance is essentially the same as applying for a job. All the question can apply either to choosing the right school, getting accepted or moving forward as a post-graduate. Directions Please read each question’s instructions thoroughly. You will be judged on how much you think and the apparent effort expended in developing responses, not on how long you write. Thought content and effort in completing these questions in the workbook is the key determinate of success in practice and in grading. Length of response is not as important as the content. Long yet unfocused is not good. Brief but focused is good, as long as the question is fully answered. If you don’t have an answer to some of these questions, indicate why not. If it is because of lack of effort on your part, that will be apparent. I will assume that if you do not know the answers to some of these larger questions about your professional future, you have made the effort to come in to the Business Career Center and have seen your Career Coach or myself in an effort to find some answers. Tell me what you have done to start answering these questions that you do not have answers for yet. Some of the questions in the Workbook are by design somewhat vague. Just likemany things in life, everything is not always clear cut when making decisions and plans about yourself and your future. Do the best you can, interpret what you see and respond with the intelligence and solid work effort I know you are capable of. To complete the workbook, simply begin typing your responses in the boxes right after the questions. Save the document and submit the appropriate section of this document as a single Word document via Assignments in Blackboard on or before the due date. Do not add any sort of workbook cover page. Workbook Feedback Certainly much more important than the grade is the knowledge and skills obtained by you in completing the workbook. While extensive written feedback to each of you might be adequate, an individual meeting is far superior. While not a requirement of the class, should you wish to talk about your workbook, please feel free tocome in and see me or your career coach. Please let us know you want to talk about your workbook content when you make the appointment. Appointments can be made online at or by calling the front desk of the BCC at Tempe Campus:480-965-4154, Polytechnic Campus: 480-727-1585, or West Campus: 602-543-6200. 1. Applied Strategic Thinking My current state: Student. My future state: Employed as a Computer system analyst in the information technology and education industry This change of state must take effect on what date: December 15th, 2011 when I graduate from school What three behaviors must I engage in in order to move from point A to point B, to achieve this by the time I have graduated from college? (1)I have to find out about the jobs available in my chosen area of expertise which are situated in my area of choice and allow me to work as per my preference. (2) I have to adapt myself to become a person suitable to occupy the position in the company I want. (3) I have to prepare my portfolio/ 30 second ad and a cv which projects my idea of ideal professional life Essential Questions Why am I doing this? I am doing this so as to have a better future Who stands to gain / lose? I stand to gain most. However, my family will also become the better for it. Do I know who are my partners / stakeholders / competitors? Currently, I intend to work in a company as an employee, and my co-employees would be my partners. My competitors till I obtain employment will be my classmates and other people who graduate with me. How will I measure my progress and eventual victory? I want to be in a position to start up my own venture after 1 year of joining the company. My savings and fundraising should give me the $10000 that I estimate will be required for the start up. My breaking even within a year of that would be my eventual victory. How can I add distinctive value to an organization? I can be a good team player, and contribute to the company’s efforts to discharge corporate social responsibility by providing using my event management skills for free. How is my environment changing? Better and more opportunities are now open because of the advent of new technology. The choice to work from your home has given a new lease of life to the area I live in. The neighborhood has become well-knit because people are now able to spend time saved in commuting in the community. How will my role change in the future? From a student I will become an earner. How can I best prepare myself for the futures so that I do not become obsolete? I should be innovating myself, and learn new skills. I should add to my qualifications. I plan to complete my M. B. A. part time. How can I better read the environment and make a reasonable forecast about the future? I can be reading more so as to be abreast of current affairs and emerging technologies What can I do now that will bring a payoff in the future? I can become proficient in my chosen area of expertise and develop soft skills. What are the truly value-added projects and tasks? Value-added project is where I put in my extra skills. What skills are required now? Currently, I require skills in programming which I have. What skills will be required in the near future? Marketing skills will be required to sell my products. Creating Future Value How can I create value in the future? What will I… (Answer at least 5) Discover I will discover a new way to share files online. Improve I will improve my English Refine I will refine my software skills Innovate Start I will start to study online material. Expedite I will expedite my studies so as to get free time for gathering information related to my venture. Streamline React Anticipate The changing environment and supply of funds for my project. Prepare A model of profit for my venture. Preempt Disrupt 2. Scenario Development Current Interest Questions What are the subjects and activities that generate your curiosity and enthusiasm? Computers, music, literature, event management, sports What courses or assignments have you found so interesting that you were excited to do the homework? If you could have three or four majors, what would they be? Software development, embedded technology, sports literature What extracurricular activities have you participated in: clubs, social, academic, work, etc.? I am a member of the local sports club where I play tennis. I am a member of a group that plays music. How do you most like to spend your free time? (If you had no schoolwork, what would you do with a free week that would be related to your professional development, i.e. nocatch up on sleep, leisure travel, etc.?) I like to travel, and listen to music in solitude. I read for hours on end. I like surfing the net and blogging. Now go back and underline the activities and/or subjects that you would like to continue as part of your work life. Listen to music, travel, read, blog Informational Interviewing Name three people, their occupation, their industry and their company that you would absolutely love to have an “informational interview” with. 1 Bill Gates, Software wizard, Microsoft 2 Matt Mullenweg, entrepreneur, WordPress 3 Steve Jobs, Inventor, Apple Relationships List 3 people who you have a current relationship with who might be helpful in achieving your professional goals. 1 Mark Fargo, entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist 2 Sandra Lee, Product Manager, Softlink Systems 3 Barbara Minnows, Vice- President, CareersBay Scenario Building Write 3 possible stories about what you could be doing professionally 12 months after you graduate from school. Make all stories in the “different but better” format. Briefly answer all of the questions in order but keep each of the scenarios to less than a total of 100 words for all six questions combined. Make sure each story answers the following; Scenario 1 1 Describe your scenario in 1-2 sentences. I am working locally as a distributor for Amway. I have just made a remarkable career leap by having downline of highest number in one year. 2 Identify the focal issue or decision in 1-2 sentences. 3 List twonational/international-environment considerations and two local/personal-environment considerations in 4 sentences. 1. Amway is growing phenomenally. 2. Direct marketing is a tool to be learnt 3. I want to be near my family 4. I should be shirking off the shy tab 4 Rank the key forces and driving trends by importance and uncertainty in 1-2 sentences. The money is good but the job is demanding 5 Why this scenario would make you happy in 1-2 sentences. I should be out on the road more often, meeting new people. 6 Giveyour estimation as to the probabilities of this scenario happening for you as a single percentage in 1 sentence. I think it is 10 per cent Scenario 2 1 Describe your scenario in 1-2 sentences. I am working as a software programmer in a local firm 2 Identify the focal issue or decision in 1-2 sentences. The security of a regular pay check is important 3 List twonational/international-environment considerations and two local/personal-environment considerations in 4 sentences. 1. The firm has landed a big fish and is offering good pay. 2. The firm is to be acquired by a big MNC. 3. I still get to stay with my family. 4. I get to do the work that I like, programming. 4 Rank the key forces and driving trends by importance and uncertainty in 1-2 sentences. I want to learn to be a good team player, and in the firm I get to be one of a very good team 5 Why this scenario would make you happy in 1-2 sentences. Being part of a good team is a positive experience 6 Giveyour estimation as to the probabilities of this scenario happening for you as a single percentage in 1 sentence. 25 per cent. Scenario 3 1 Describe your scenario in 1-2 sentences. I may be working from home with better salary that I can get today 2 Identify the focal issue or decision in 1-2 sentences. Flexible working hours 3 List twonational/international-environment considerations and two local/personal-environment considerations in 4 sentences. 1. Microblogging sites have made it possible to build your business at your home, as per your free time and willingness. 2. Freelancing opportunities are endless. 3. I can work in my own environment without having to commute. 4. Music can bew a constant accompaniment 4 Rank the key forces and driving trends by importance and uncertainty in 1-2 sentences. The concept of working for yourself is very attractive 5 Why this scenario would make you happy in 1-2 sentences. The comfort of home, the sound of music and the liberty to work at your own leisure. 6 Giveyour estimation as to the probabilities of this scenario happening for you as a single percentage in 1 sentence. 75 per cent 3. Business Ecosystem Analysis Magazine Game – Occupation Version (The Magazine Game is referred to as the ‘Pub’ Game in the lecture) List the five publications from your completion of the Magazine Game, Occupation Version. 1 2 3 4 5 Magazine Game – Industry Version (The Magazine Game is referred to as the ‘Pub’ Game in the lecture) List your five publications from your completion of the Magazine Game, Industry Version 1 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 2 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 3 EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 4 Journal of Computer Systems, Networks and Communications 5 ACM Transactions on Computer Systems Occupation Identification Name 7 companies that will allow you to do what you want to do in your career (based on the Magazine Game – Occupation Version) and that you would like to work for. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Industry Identification List 7 other companies that are doing business in some way with the Industry(s) you cited (based on the Magazine Game – Industry Version) from the Magazine Game. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Locating Contacts List the names and contact information of 3 people who you have newly identified through research from the companies cited in the previous two questions who you could contact for an “informational interview”. 1 2 3 4. Product Attribute Design Product Attribute Identification List 3 positive things that you think your peers consistently feel about you. 1 I am an optimist 2 I am a hard worker 3 I have good English List 3 negative things that you think your peers consistently feel about you. 1 I am not confident and assertive 2 I am very shy 3 I delay doing things Interest Clarification Using “cut and paste”, put the following list in descending order of what you are most interested in doing at the top and least interested in doing at the bottom of the list. Application of Technology: High scorers are intrigued by the inner workings of things and like to find better ways to use technology to solve business problems. They enjoy work that involves planning and analyzing production and operations systems and redesigning business processes. Quantitative Analysis: High scorers gravitate toward and excel at "running the numbers" to figure out business solutions. They might also enjoy building computer models to do things like determine optimal production scheduling or perform accounting procedures. Theory Development and Conceptual Thinking: High scorers love to think and talk about ideas and the "why" (rather than the "how") of strategy. They may have been drawn to an academic career and may enjoy building business models explaining things like industry competition or market trends. Creative Production: High scorers like brainstorming or inventing unconventional solutions and relish the early stages of projects. They enjoy making something out of nothing, whether its a product or process. High scorers thrive on newness. Counseling and Mentoring: High scorers love to help employees, peers, or clients grow and improve. They may also be drawn to organizations that provide products or services that you see as having high social value. High scorers derive satisfaction from helping others succeed, and you enjoy feeling needed. Managing People and Relationships: High scorers enjoy working with and through people on a day-to-day basis to accomplish the goals of the business, whether its building a product, making a sale, or winning a new customer. They may gravitate toward line-management positions or sales careers. Enterprise Control: High scorers love running things, having ultimate decision authority, and making things happen. They find great satisfaction in determining the direction taken by a work team, a business unit, a company division, or an entire organization. Influence Through Language and Ideas: High scorers love persuading, negotiating, and storytelling and feel most fulfilled when you are writing or speaking. Effective communication is their passion, and they enjoy thinking about the best way to address and persuade readers or listeners. Values Clarification Using “cut and paste”, put the following list in descending order of what you are most interested in doing at the top and least interested in doing at the bottom of the list. Affiliation: The position offers a setting with enjoyable colleagues with whom I feel a sense of belonging. Altruism: The position offers the satisfaction of regularly helping others with their individual or business concerns. Autonomy: The position offers considerable autonomy and independence. Financial Gain: The position provides opportunity for exceptional financial reward. Intellectual Challenge: The position offers consistent intellectual challenge. Lifestyle: The position allows ample time to pursue other important aspects of my lifestyle (family, leisure activities, etc.). Managing People: The position offers the opportunity to manage and direct other people. Positioning: The position offers experience and access to people and opportunities that will position me well for my next career move. Power and Influence: The position offers the opportunity to exercise power and influence (to be an influential decision maker). Prestige: The position is with an organization that is prestigious in its field. Recognition: The position is in an environment where individual accomplishments are recognized and honored by peers and superiors. Security: The position offers a great deal of security in terms of predictable salary, benefits, and future employment. Variety: The position offers a great deal of variety in the nature of the work performed. Work Style Clarification From the list below create a list of the 10 most important aspects of corporate culture to you by cutting all those not in your top 10... 1 Work with a team 2 Close to home 3 Rural setting 4 Oversee a project 5 A variety of duties 6 9-5 day 7 Common, shared work space 8 Work in a variety of office locations 9 Supervise others 10 Large company High pressure Relaxed atmosphere Work alone Commute to work Urban setting Suburban setting Small company Work outside in nature Work in one office Travel Single task Carry out specific tasks only Flexible hours Regular hours Long hours and/or taking work home Be creative Use power and authority Compete with others Your own office Corporate Culture Clarification Using “cut and paste”, put the following list in descending order of what you are most looking for in a company culture with best at the top and least interesting at the bottom of the list. 1 Openness and Imagination 2 Pace of Change 3 Cooperation and Harmony 4 Warmth and Friendliness, etc 5 Lifestyle 6 Social Assertiveness 7 Structure and Attention to Detail 8 Achievement vs. Power-orientation 9 Centralization of Power Career Planning Cycle State the number of your current location on the Career Planning Cycle chart found in the notes in the “Product Attribute Design” lecture notes. What 3 things will or are you doing to move to the next level in the Career Planning Cycle? 1 I have read all the material given, the pdf files are really motivating. 2 I will decide the best course of action and take time and effort to do it 3 I have enrolled for online courses in web designing and a work at home tutorial 5. Strategic Decision Making SMART Goals In three to five words, list three things s that you would like to accomplish strategically in the next two years in the “Future State” box. Then, list your current state in regard to each future state in the “Current State” box. Future State 1 Gainfully employed 2 Working as per choice 3 Working flexible hours Current State 1 Student 2 Have to study some topics I am not really interested in 3 Have to work fixed hours Pick one Future State /Current State pair and create a list of 3 goals that will help you reach your Future State from your Current State. The goals need to be broken out in the SMART format. Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-Bound 1 I will buy a car I will earn $20000 I will earn and save $20000 I have long cherished a car for my personal getaways I will do it within the next two years 2 I will complete online tutorials available for webdesigning I will never let a day’s task go unattended My tutor will be happy to have me as student This is needed to get started as a freelance content writer and web designer The courses are usually of three months, so I can complete at least six comfortably 3 I will start exercising I will workout every day for 45 minutes I will take my ipod to the gym to make it enjoyable. This is necessary so as to get rid of laziness I will take out a monthly membership, and progress to better aerobics and fitness levels in six months List one or more barriers to achieving one of your SMART goals. 1 Laziness 2 3 List at least 3 Solutions to overcoming one of the Barriers listed above. 1 Getting up early 2 Having a fixed routine for work hours 3 Get fit Pick one of the solutions from above. List three behaviors that you could engage in to implement that solution. Must be stated in the SMART format. 1 Set an alarm at 6 am 2 Take a jog of 15 minutes 3 I can take in the fresh air which I found so good as a kid List three ways to measure whether you are achieving the goal you have chosen for this exercise according to the timeline you have set. 1 I shall stop wasting time doing nothing 2 3 6. Business Development 15 Second Commercial Hi, my name is I will be graduating in (time ofyear) December 2011 from the W. P. Carey School ofBusiness with a degree in In addition, I have successful experience doing: 1 Internship with Amway 2 In house training with a software firm 3 I am looking for information in my fieldof Software programming and am I wondering what information you mighthave for me about that. 15 Second Commercial Performance Improvement From memory, repeat you 15 Second Commercial into your voicemail and then listen to it. Give yourself a ranking of your level of professional performance, by putting your grade in the box. A B C D E My grade: c Describe what you will do to get better. I will speak clearly and a bit slowly so the listener can understand it better 7. Direct Marketing Design Target Market Identification Paste the skills, duties, education, etc., and other requirements from a real job description (which is a target market of 1) that you have found on the internet, which you would like to have as an internship or later as a job when you graduate. Software development; Direct marketing; Graduate in computer programming Direct Marketing Piece Paste and submit a copy of your resume using the next page. You may alter the page setup settings to make the format work. You do not have to rewrite your resume to fit the Direct Marketing format (although that would be great!). You are allowed to use your resume from ENG 302. However, if you do use your ENG 302 resume, you will need to indicate that this is the source or your resume at the bottom of the resume in large type like this:ENG 302, Grade of ? (Put the grade you received on this resume in ENG 302 instead of the question mark). 8. Persuasive Content Design The Seven Questions Imagine that you are in an interview based on the job description you pasted into the Workbook Part Two; provide an approximately 100 word or less (for each question) response to the following questions utilizing the persuasive structures described in class: 1. Tell me about yourself? 2. Where do you see yourself in 2 – 5 years? I see my self as a valuable person in your company. I will be adding value to the company by being a good team player and a creative employee. 3. Why should we hire you? I work hard and I am good at what I do. I am a committed worker and love my work. 4. Why do you want this job? I want this job because it allows me to stay with family. Your company is reputed as being fair to its employees. My job description is specific, and I am certain I will enjoy working for you. 5. What kind of salary are you looking for? 6. What is your greatest weakness? Laziness 7. Do you have any questions for us When is my performance appraisal as an employee expected in case I am hired? STAR Structure Write an approximately 100 word response to the following questions. The 100 words are the sum of the 4 parts of the answer. So, total sentences for the entire four parts should not exceed a total of 10 sentences or about 100 words when added together for each question. For questions 6, 7, and 8, pick a skill found in the job description you have already pasted into the Workbook under Direct Marketing Design. Put the skill you chose in the blank. . Make sure the STAR format is apparent in your response: 1. Give me an example of a time when you were successful in communicating with a difficult person(s) or circumstance? Situation In my internship, I had come in contact with an old lady living alone. It was her birthday when I knocked her door to explain Amway to her. I had taken an appointment earlier in the day but it was overwhelming for me when she invited me to have lunch with her. Her loneliness and the ease with which the meal went because iof our shared interest in music is a happy memory. Task To make her comfortable about her loneliness on her birthday Action I found out from her the fact that she enjoyed music and then talked about it. Result I got a very good customer 2. Describe the most significant written report that you had to complete. Situation Task Action Result 3. Give me an example of a time you have placed yourself in a leadership position. Situation We were on a field trip, and the car broke down Task I had to go to the highway, get help to get back to my friends, bring them to the highway and get the car to a good garage as we did not know where exactly we were stuck Action I reached the highway, kept walking till I reached a toll booth from where I called assistance Result We reached home safely within time. 4. Walk me through the most complex problem you have experienced to date. Situation Task Action Result 5. How did you decide to go to the W. P. Carey School of Business? Situation Task Action Result 6. Describe an instance when you used this specific skill; (List a skill in the blank above from the job description you pasted in Part 7)? Situation Task Action Result 7. Describe a situation when you used this specific skill; (List another skill in the blank above from the job description you pasted in Part 7)? Situation Task Action Result 8. Describe an instance when you used this specific skill; (List another skill in the blank above from the job description you pasted in Part 7)? Situation Task Action Result 9. Persuasive Content Delivery Practice two of the Seven Deadly Questions and two STAR responses you designed in the previous workbook section. From memory, repeat each of the four answers into your voice mail and then listen to each. Give yourself a ranking of your level of professional performance, by putting your grade in the box. Question 1 A B C D E My grade: Describe what you will do to get better. Question 2 A B C D E My grade: Describe what you will do to get better. Question 3 A B C D E My grade: Describe what you will do to get better. Question 4 A B C D E My grade: Describe what you will do to get better. Read More
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