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Improving Organizational Effectiveness Through Leadership - Term Paper Example

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Students should maintain high levels of discipline and order in the school to ensure that the learning process is not interfered with. School prefects play major roles in ensuring that the discipline in the school is maintained by enforcing the school code of conduct and midwife between the students and the staff  …
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Improving Organizational Effectiveness Through Leadership
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Introduction Leadership is a process where one individual directs others towards attaining set goals of an organization or even a group (Hacker, S, & Roberts 2003; DuBrin 2009). Leadership is evident everywhere in the society; in the political arena, politicians influence their followers; in the institutions, head of departments guide and influence other members of staff while within schools, prefects and monitors guide and enforce good conduct among other students. Leadership can be classified into three main points; first, it is a social influence process. This is because there is a leader who has one or more followers. Secondly, leadership bring forth charitable action among followers. This nature of charitable acts distinguishes leadership from other various forms of influence as established on recognized authority. Finally, according to Bass & Riggio (2006; 1994), leadership brings out behaviour among followers which is determined and focused in a structured setting. Most leadership studies are fixed on the quality of leadership in the place of work or institutional of learning. Leadership unlike management, inspire others to follow one person towards achieving a predetermined objective. This is normally grounded on a number of factors apart from one holding a formal position or authority. Leadership approaches are based on different theories of leadership, which include Trait Theories, Behaviorist Theories, Situational Leadership, Contingency Theory, Transactional and Transformational Theory (Avolio& Bass 2002). However leadership approaches can be differentiated from theories in that, concepts are applied into other practical frameworks. There are different kinds of leadership approaches which include transformational leadership, charismatic leadership, participative leadership, situational leadership, servant leadership, transactional leadership, and the quiet leader. Different styles are used by individuals depending on their beliefs, values, preferences, culture and norms of a certain organization. The type of leadership approach I am focusing on is a school prefect or top student leader. This kind of leadership enables student leaders to be in a position to redefine the order and discipline in an educational institution. The school prefects play important roles in maintaining order and discipline among students in a learning institution. Therefore, they must possess exemplary good manners, neat, correct wearing of school uniforms and must be responsible citizens. Prefects ensure that educational systems achieve and accomplish learning and teaching goals (Brower & Balch 2005; Northouse 2009). My reflective analysis is based on my leadership behavior as a school prefect and how it enhanced the overall school performance. As a prefect I was assigned various specific duties on daily basis in order to preserve school values continuously. The major duties I performed were; to supervise designated areas on my line of duty. This involved monitoring different specific areas of the school which included school library, common areas, assembly rooms and lunchroom. Other functions of the prefects include assisting school management, inspect students’ cleanliness, work as mentors with other students, responsible for discipline and order after class hours, enforce school rules and regulations, and report serious offences beyond their control. In these specific areas, I ensured good behaviour and disciplined were always maintained by the students and disorderly behaviour like yelling, improper wearing of school uniforms, bullying other students, lateness, running around aimlessly and loitering did not arise. In addition, I had to ensure that the assigned areas were always kept clean and well arranged. In the lunchroom I had to ensure that queue lines were in an orderly manner and that movement in and out was kept minimal. Secondly, I had the duty to uphold school rules and regulations; as a leader I had to be a role model to the rest of student body by upholding various school rules and regulations. I had to show respect to all students regardless of my position. In addition, I had to try solving different disciplinary issues without intimidating the students affected. Another obligation was to remind all the students that the existing school rules were to be obeyed and not debating. When disciplining students, I had to be fair and consistent at all times. Thirdly it was my responsibility to report extreme incidents of student misconduct to the right authority in the school. This involved extreme incidences such as damaging school property, disobeying school rules and those who were disrespectful to student prefect team. I was required to inform prefects who were in senior positions or teachers who were responsible to handle disciplinary cases beyond my level. Appropriate punishments according to the school disciplinary policy were administered depending on students’ misconduct. Democratic leadership Democratic leadership was suitable for me as a school prefect as I was determined to improve collaborative efforts among the prefect team who were under me and my fellow students. This kind of democratic leadership approach raised the level of awareness hence enabling the students to value school rules and regulations which were already in place. I played the mediating role between the teachers and the students. I was able to set up student achievement indirectly through improvement of the learning environment of the school. The learning environment refers to set of factors viewed to manipulate the feeling or character that a school exudes. In addition, it can also be viewed as certain set of internal characteristics which has the ability to differentiate one school from the rest. The internal characteristics influence the behaviors of both the staff and the students. As a democratic leader I had the ability to influence and even modify environmental constraints because I was able to involve all students in implementing higher virtues and character. This helped me achieve my own leadership and performance goals. This form of leadership approach was successful as my followers and I (the leader) were united in pursuing set of common goals. I always strived to ensure that my subordinates were motivated; to focus on transcendental goals instead of their own self interest. I encouraged students’ fraternity to focus on achievement and self actualization instead of dwelling on safety and individual security. In addition, I had to assign all the prefects various responsibilities and involved them in various level of governance. I used the strategy of recognition. I ensured those prefects who positively contributed towards the betterment of the school order and discipline were publicly recognized during the school assemblies and prize giving day. I also wrote thank you notes to various prefects and students who significantly showed outstanding performance on discipline matters to express my appreciation to what they had done. I also gave prefects opportunity to conduct experiment on new ideas and strategies to handle student indiscipline cases. The prefects were informed on every new issue that arose to enable them handle new cases as they emerge. Furthermore, I ensured teachers were always aware that they had a responsibility for all the students and not for their individual classes only. Finally, I was able to inspire the prefects’ team and students to build up high commitment levels towards achievement of educational goals. In conclusion this kind of leadership had positive effects on the school as it resulted on considerable manipulation on teacher cooperation. Hence, my leaderships approach resulted in remarkable improvement on the student’s achievements. Implementation plan for the next two years In the next two years, I will be a democratic leader and will ensure that views and opinions of key stakeholders will be analyzed and considered before coming up with a given decision. I will also concentrate in creating a wonderful team of the school prefects to enable me carry out my duties smoothly. I will acknowledge every good deed and discouraged bad behaviour. To be successful in attaining my vision of high school discipline and order, I have to plan ahead to ensure that every activity is considered and implemented. The goals of the next two years i. To assist students in building up and preserving a school students’ order as well as discipline culture ii. To promote student’s extra curriculum development iii. To develop simple, transparent and timely disciplinary procedure i. To assist students in building up and preserving a school students’ order as well as discipline culture My first main goal will be to assist students in building up and preserving a school students’ order as well as discipline culture. The students and staff will have the opportunity to converse, observe, criticize and even plan discipline issues together as a team. As democratic leader, I will involve all the staff during the time of setting student behaviour goals and the disciplinary process in case of diversion from the agreed school norms. I will delegate some of my power and authority to my responsible junior school prefects and ensure that there will be effective communication of school norms and beliefs as required. Prefects must turn up and performed their duties actively, earnestly and willingly. The above goal will be achieved by involving the teaching staff and all prefects in ensuring that school rules and code of conduct are obeyed. The students will be asked to be punctual in attending lessons as well as finishing their out of class task in time. The students must also be neat and dress correctly. The students’ hair should be appropriate and well made. The property of both the school and the students must be safeguarded at all times. All students must show respect to the property of the school and those of fellow students. Furthermore, the students must be more courteous and positive towards opportunities to learn. Harassments, threats, intimidation, coercion and any form of interferences within the school are highly prohibited. Bullying and any other form of harassment will not be tolerated and will be dealt with immediately when it occurs. The student fraternity will be frequently reminded of their responsibility in observing and obeying school rules regularly. This will be done by putting the code of conduct and other rules on the school notice board. The meeting between the teaching staff and the students should be conducted on weekly basis to discus discipline matters. Finally, the students should behave responsibly to ensure that safety, rights and welfare of colleagues are upheld. To ensure that the above is achieved, I will do the following. Each prefect will be required to participate on various duties each week, hence it will be important for each one of us to know and always remember when and where we shall be on duty. It will be essential for prefects to turn up on time for their various duties, to remain active and to ensure they do not leave before there duty time comes to an end. All the prefects will be made aware that if they fail to turn up for their duties, they will be letting down themselves, students and the whole prefect’s team. In addition, they will be weakening the whole prefect system. Persistent absenteeism from the normal duties will result in one giving up the right to be a prefect. As a leader, I will collaborate with both the teaching and non teaching staff members and the prefects who will be on duty each day of the week. Every prefect will be responsible in ensuring staff and prefect duties run smoothly. A problem arising will be referred to the leaders on duty on specific day when it happen. As a democratic leader, I will play several roles which will include ensuring my thoughts and ideas on effective running of the school would be accepted by the staff members, students and the student’s body as a whole. Secondly, I will maintain discipline. As the head of school prefect team I will have an advantage over the teachers because I have the opportunity to maintain good relation with the rest of student body and the prefect’s team because I will be with them most of the time. Through this approach, I will be able to ensure that the school rules and the general values are preserved at all times in the whole school. Thirdly, I have an obligation to help staff and will work closely with the teachers in creating a conducive environment for learning. Fourthly, I will try as much as possible to be approachable; I will always put on a friendly face which will enable students to always confide in me and inquire various questions incase they will need some help. Through this, I will be able to earn the most respect from my fellow students. Fifthly, I will involve myself, prefect fraternity, the students and staff on various issues that will promote high levels of discipline and order in the school. For example, I will involve other students and members of the staff in organizing and conducting events for parents and students in school. Through this, my leadership profile will be improved and teachers will be impressed. This will boost myself confident and morale, and will place me in a good position which would assist me in the future. Most colleges and employers favor individuals who have been through student leadership and several voluntary school activities. Sixthly, I will practice good communication skills. As a leader, I will have to listen and pass information to all students on regular basis. Therefore, good communication skills will be essential for me to ensure that there will be effective communication to all parties involved in matters regarding student order and discipline. I will learn to be approachable to the students; parents or even school visitors to encourage them speak to me. I will observe keenly the various people I will interact with to understand their environment to enable me make appropriate decisions. To become the best prefect, I will alter my communication accordingly to meet the needs of the situation. Through this kind of leadership approaches, I will able to change organization’s environment whenever necessary to attain my own desired results and that of the entire educational institution in the end. This will be possible because I will promote reorganization and improvement of student order and discipline. I will come up with a collaborative strategy of adopting school rules and the students’ code of conduct. Expected outcomes Neat environment Safe learning environment exhibited by reduced rate of bullying, Secure learning environments exhibited by reduced levels of stealing, Punctuality Reduced incidences of drug abuse among students Reduces incidents of negligence and undone student duties Improved academic performances Improved coordination between the staff and prefect fraternity ii. To promote student’s extra curriculum development My second goal will be to promote student’s extra curriculum development. This will only be achieved through student internalization of the after class goals. Most students will be encouraged to participate in sports and community development initiatives. As a leader, I will come up with certain strategies which will include: creating time to be able to visit various classrooms everyday and assist in areas that will need my attention. I will ensure that most students participated when creating and amending issues that will affect them. According to Ornstein& Lunenburg (2007), it is important to involve all the staff in preparing the school goals, beliefs, values and the vision as each year commenced. I will Assist and support other students in helping them choose and implement co-curricula activities such as sports, music, drama and corporate social responsibility. The students who will perform exceedingly well in co-curriculum activities will be recognized during school prize giving day. The students will be given opportunity during their stay in school to participate and practice sports, music and service to the community. Expected outcomes Increased number of students performing sports, music and drama Clean school and neighborhood Responsible citizens Increased self confidence among students iii. To develop simple, transparent and timely disciplinary procedure My third goal will be to develop simple, transparent and timely disciplinary procedure. This will ensure that students’ misconduct is dealt with appropriately as soon as it is established by both prefect body and the staff. Fellow colleagues will also be involved in promoting students acceptable behavior. The students’ misconduct will always be exposed to the whole school and punishment will only be applied by an authorized person without delay. All prefects who will be absent and negligent regularly in their duties must give up their rights as a prefect. The list of students with gross misconduct will be published each week and placed on the notice board. This is to prevent extension of such behaviors to other students The prefects ensure that school rules are observed, wayward students will be punished and proactive actions will be instituted to promote positive behavior. Investigation must be conducted in case of gross student misconduct before appropriate disciplinary measure is applied. This will ensure that punishment is applied in accordance to the school’s disciplinary policy. The staff and prefects will sit together and develop definite disciplinary process. There shall be a unified discipline related case reporting approach that will be easy to communicate and report. According to Sadler (2009), the students need to be trained to acquire habits, interests and knowledge to enable them be more discipline and orderly. Expected outcomes Responsive and well behaved prefects Reduced discipline case backlogs Improved coordination between the, school prefects, staff, school discipline committee, guidance committee and school social worker Parents support on matters regarding to student discipline and order Increased confidence among students Reduced time spent on disciplinary cases Reduced cases of student misconduct Conclusion Students should maintain high levels of discipline and order in the school to ensure that the learning process is not interfered with. School prefects play major roles in ensuring that the discipline in the school is maintained by enforcing the school code of conduct and midwife between the students and the staff. References Avolio, B, & Bass, B 2002, Developing potential across a full range of leadership: cases on transactional and transformational leadership, Routledge, New York. Bass, B & Riggio, R 2006, Transformational leadership, Routledge, New York Bass, B, & Avolio, B 1994, Improving organizational effectiveness through transformational leadership, SAGE, London. Brower, R, & Balch, B 2005, Transformational leadership & decision making in schools, Corwin Press, USA. DuBrin, A 2009, Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills, Cengage Learning, New York. Hacker, S, & Roberts, T 2003, Transformational leadership: creating organizations of meaning, American Society for Quality, USA. Lussier, R, & Achua, C 2009, Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development, Cengage Learning, New York. Maak, T. & Pless, N 2006, Responsible leadership, Routledge, London. Northouse, P 2009, Leadership: Theory and Practices, SAGE, London. Ornstein, A, & Lunenburg, F2007, Educational Administration: Concepts and Practices, Cengage Learning, New York. Sadler, S. M 2009 Moral Instruction and Training in Schools, General Books LLC, New York. Read More
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