CHECK THESE SAMPLES OF Education Services for Deaf
t is common fact that senses other than hearing sense go into overdrive for deaf children in order to compensate them for their disability.... These technologies work as the major source of learning for deaf children.... Expressions work as a major source of social and behavioral education for deaf children.... reas of Potential Difficulty for deaf ChildrenDeaf children face many potential difficulties during the process of learning....
4 Pages
(1000 words)
Free education provided by one hundred percent tuition assistance is simply what we owe the members of our armed services.... Another important reason to provide a free education to service members is the different skill qualities and career length they get from working in the armed services.... Providing one hundred percent tuition assistance can help armed services members with their return to civilian and post military life, and is the least that should be done for the men and women who serve....
1 Pages
(250 words)
This study "Online Learning for deaf Students, a Deaf Perspective" investigates the effects of online learning for deaf college students as opposed to the mainstream classroom setting, analyzes the writing and reading skills of deaf students in general and the development of English literacy.... Participants of this research were sixteen deaf online college students who used American Sign Language (ASL) as their native tongue and currently attended an online class in one of the three Conviron Colleges in Northeast Florida....
236 Pages
(59000 words)
penitentiary systems are not handicap enabled for deaf prisoners.... Supreme Court, Congress, HEARD, NAD, Illinois Deaf, Royal Association for deaf People, and media outlets like Al Jazeera through documentary exposes.... Unlike other prisoners who have access to telephone and educations privileges, many penitentiary systems fail to offer deaf telephones and interpreter services for educational purposes among other essential services.... Deaf prisoners usually lack access to visual alarms and interpreter services for drug and alcohol counseling, parole, disciplinary and grievance hearings, and mental health treatment....
2 Pages
(500 words)
he adoption of the Milan Convention almost sounded the death knell for deaf education.... This literature review "Bilingual Bicultural Theory in deaf education" discusses bilingual-bicultural deaf education that involves combining the ASL, which is their first language, and English.... The deaf will be able to interact effectively with the rest of the community.... Learning both forms of language is also important, considering the fact that some deaf students are born to hearing parents, or vice versa....
9 Pages
(2250 words)
Literature review
Furthermore, there is a problem of overshadowing where authorities lay importance on other learning disabilities rather than listening problems Humphries and Allen (2008) established the importance of bilingual fluency in ASL and cross-training sessions for deaf education (160).... "Analysis of Articles about deaf Education" ppaer contains an annotated bibliography of such articles as "Reorganizing Teacher Preparation in deaf Education" by Humphries, "Meeting the Challenges of deaf Education Teacher Preparation: Innovative Practices in Online Learning" by Allman....
6 Pages
(1500 words)
Annotated Bibliography
This paper ''Providing Qualified Interpreters for deaf Students According to NCLB, IDEA and ADA ACTS'' is to look at the laws that are present in protecting the deaf students from problems they may face when dealing with the educational setting.... In the United States during the 1970s, national laws started the authorization of services to the disabled which aimed at improving job opportunities and also enhancing the quality of education for deaf people (Moody, 2011, P....
11 Pages
(2750 words)
"The Role of Social Workers in Promoting and Developing Access to Mental Health services for deaf People" paper states that the major obstacle to mental health care is the lack of effective disbursement of funds by the state or the funding bodies such as parastatals and nongovernmental organization.... The main objective of the study is to determine the role of social workers in promoting, encouraging, and developing access to mental health services for deaf people....
25 Pages
(6250 words)