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Mathematics Curriculum in the US - Research Paper Example

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In Lynn Steen report to the United States on the mathematics education position and role in the future,he argues that mathematics,as a discipline is alive,evolving,and ever changing.As people compete in the modern century, they stand on the main changes threshold in the United States curriculum of mathematics education…
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Mathematics Curriculum in the US
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? Mathematics Curriculum in the US Introduction In Lynn Steen report to the United s on the mathematics education position and role in the future, he argues that mathematics, as a discipline is alive, evolving, and ever changing. As people compete in the modern century, they stand on the main changes threshold in the United States curriculum of mathematics education. This paper seeks to identify some of the main changes in the mathematic curriculum in the US and highlight how teachers will make some adjustments in their teaching styles to accommodate these drastic changes. Discussion An increasing anxiety in the US concerning the mathematics education state is evident. The challenge is evident in the poor USlearners’ performance on different global evaluations. People have assumed that they only require one established mathematical skill body in preparation of the twenty first century careers. This assumption has led to increased anxiety. The reality is; diverse mathematics skills sets are crucial foundation for various careers. Therefore, the current mathematics skills must be altered and reshaped to reflect such fact. The fundamental premises of this discussion is that mathematic curriculum in the United States is and has been undergoing drastic changes in the recent past and teachers must restructure the curriculum of mathematics in the United States - in terms of methods of teaching and the content of their teaching materials- to be competent and competitive in the modern world. Therefore, if students are to develop current mathematic knowledge and confidence in order to utilize that knowledge – and be individually and professionally competitive and competent in the 21st century - teachers and instructors have a crucial role to play in reshaping their tactic and techniques to fit and adjust to the constantly changing mathematic curriculum of the US. This restructuring entails a lot more than just inventing new teaching materials or retaining educators, (Russell, Corwin, Mokros, Friel & Stone, 1992). Similarly, changing some parts is insufficient, what is needed is a total reshaping or redesigning of the school content of mathematics curriculum, as well as the teaching methods. Some of the main changes in the US mathematic curriculum The crucial changes include first alterations in the mathematical operations requirements. As the US economy adapts to the current information era requirements, workforce in all sectors such as hotel secretaries and clerks, travel agents, mechanics of automobiles and many others should learn to explain and interpret competently modern IT controlled procedures. Various jobs presently need analytical and not peculiar mechanical knowledge and skills, therefore, all learners require increasingly mathematical intelligent in colleges as a preparation for such opportunities. In addition, the intensive utilization of financial, graphical, and statistical information in everyday magazines, and public media and debates demands increased quantitative literacy standards for efficient engagement in democratic community, (Russell, 1997). In the United States, there exists a shift towards the standards of common core, demanding an combined and an increasingly comprehensive mathematics curriculum. Even though, United States has witnessed a complete sample paper, it is clear that increasingly multi-dimensional queries will be extremely based on problem-solving standards, requiring the learners to utilize various skills to attain various solutions. Such a new move is increasingly encouraged, but from the perspective of teachers, such a change must be carefully introduced. To attain successful outcomes, the new questioning style must aid students realize where maths is applied in daily life. This is crucial chance to change the pseudocontext tradition of textbooks, whereby fake actual world samples contain a mathematical query. Common core evaluations and other functional knowledge present a crucial opportunity to indicate the mathematics power: realizing, explaining and interpreting patterns via abstraction and application of crucial findings to handle mathematical challenges. If performed poorly, standards of common core and functional skills brings a challenge of introducing increasingly rapid and losing various interests of adolescents. If well done, with time the common core standards allows exploring deep and introducing a better methods of learning and teaching math’s that could integrate mathematics with practical daily life experiences. Changes in mathematics and its use In the recent past, crucial changes have happened in mathematics nature and its methods of use. Both new mathematical formulas have been invented and new forms and varieties of challenges to which mathematics is applicable have developed at a high rate. More significant has been the computer invention and the extensive development of their applications, (Howson and Kahane, 2006). Some of such computer applications have compelled for modern mathematics development in field where mathematics applications were infeasible prior to the computers advent. Less visible, but crucially significant has been the extensive essentiality of ideas created in various key mathematics branches connected by unifying concepts of increasing use such as BMS (Mathematics sciences board). Therefore, learners must learn mathematics employed in these applications to acquire the mathematics knowledge to handle actual problems. Changes in the technology function or role Calculators and computer devices have shifted extensively in the mathematics world in the United States. This has influenced the importance of methods of doing mathematical operations. In the modern era, an extensive mathematics comprehension as well as the mathematics, power to apply such an understanding, is increasingly crucial than in the past. In American schools and all over the nation, mathematical directions and guidelines are changing to ensure the nation offers its students the required skills and knowledge crucial for success in school and the jobs. In the modern world, it is possible to perform all mathematics technology learned for kindergarten to college on computers and calculators, (Russell, Corwin, Mokros, Friel & Stone, 1992). This aspect – the fulfillment of the dream age of Pascal – has critical influences on modern mathematic curriculum. Even though, key developments at the mathematics forefront cannot be anticipated to be a crucial impact on the initial education years, the mathematics changes triggered by calculators and computers are increasingly extensive to compel readjustment in the strategy and balance to almost all topics in mathematics in school. Transformations in the society of America Mathematical transformations are intertwined with the shifts in the United States society. Experts agree that as mathematics in America has altered, so has the society of America, (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2009). The altering country demographics and the altering workplace needs exert extensive burden on the teaching of mathematics, burdens which people have not yet effectively borne. In the initial decades of next century, when the schoolchildren of today, will join the workforce, various employment opportunities will demand extensive mathematic skills. Society’s requirement for a strategy in education of mathematics that ensures attainment within the spectrum of demography is increasing urgent and thrilling. Alterations in comprehending of how learners learn Experts agree that learning is not merely a process of passive information absorption and storing in a possibly retrievable element because of repetitive practice and strength. Rather, learners approach almost every new action with a prior ability, assimilate current information, and restructure their unique meaning. In addition, ideas are not isolated in their memory, rather they are organized and related to the natural language which students utilizes and the situations they have encountered earlier. Therefore, this constructive, active learning perspective must be indicated in mathematics teaching methods. International competitiveness changes Since the worldwide economy is growing as a main force in the society of United States, various contemporary reports have suggested that the United States learners do not match in the mathematical achievements to learners in the international nations. In addition, because of the diverse social setting where mathematical education occurs, comparing the systems of education of diverse nations is fraught with challenges. However, the data are increasingly demanding in that they cannot be refuted. Similarly, some of the industrial nations have extremely varied expectation concerning the mathematical topics handled and performance level than is popular in schools and colleges in the United States, (Howson and Kahane, 2006). A crucial implication of such reflections is the requirement for a current and up-to-date real philosophy of teaching of mathematics as a foundation for reform of mathematics curricular. Every new generation requires isolating from the present schooling practices, focusing on future students and society mathematical expectations, and restructuring the attempts upon which the learning and teaching system is anchored. These reflections are crucially significant during the rapid change era. A mathematics curriculum that concentrates on the real-life challenges is needed to expose learners to the mathematics abstracts tools, mainly the unknown quantities manipulation, however, there is an enormous discrepancy between pure mathematics teaching, without context, and teaching crucial challenges that will make learners appreciate how a formula of a mathematics problem models and interprets a real world problem. The former represents how courses of algebra presently work – introducing the unknown x variable that a number of students have challenges in understanding. In the contrary, a contextual strategy, in the entire working scientist style, would bring forth formulas utilizing simple quantities abbreviations – for example, Einstein’s equation MC2=E, whereby E represents the energy, M = mass and C = the light speed. In mathematics, what is required is the quantitative literacy, - the power to make quantitative linkages when life compels (for instance, when people are confronted with challenging medical results of a test but require to make a decision whether to pursue additional procedure). Secondly, mathematical approaches – the power move actually between daily challenges and math formulations (for instance, when one chooses whether it is good to purchase or lease a brand new vehicle). Teachers, educations boards of the state and colleges must make a real decision. The traditional college mathematics series is not the requirement to mathematical achievement. Truly, the United States students’ proficiency determined by traditional principles, has been lagging behind that of international nations’ students, however, experts assert that the crucial way for the US to compete worldwide is to search for common quantitative literacy. This includes teaching relevant and current topics to all learners and topics that are useful to students in their present and future lives. Therefore, to achieve this, teachers need to make crucial adjustments to accommodate current changes in mathematics curriculum in the US. Adjustments in the teaching system to accommodate the changes in the mathematics curriculum With current substantial changes in the mathematic curriculum in the US, the education system is concern about the form of curriculum that can support all these changes required by the mathematics education society. For the value and standard of the mathematics education improvement, teachers and the education board must make key adjustments to improve the quality of mathematics taught and its efficiency in solving the current global economic and social issues. According to the current United States education board, teachers, and schools, all education curriculums should attain a dual focus. For instance, it must offer crucial mathematical work for learners and should offer professional development for their instructors. From this view point, curriculum tools, and materials are a fundamental development tool for staff. This is a new policy and philosophy in the mathematics education in the US to accommodate the current mathematics educational changes. The current mathematics education policy for the teachers in the US outlines a well-documented traditional strategy of mathematics teaching in America. These models ensure that the current teaching methods and materials are up to date and match the changing educational requirements. Similarly, extensive efforts have been invested in approaches, tools, materials and skills, which can accommodate the enhancements in learning and teaching mathematics in the US. Oriented in fulfilling steps, a lot could also be learned. Other accommodate measures could include widening of the content of mathematics to entail substantive work in all geometry, operations, patterns and information levels of grade, and similar topics which had initially been accorded no attention. Teachers and education board should concentrate on mathematical reasoning and thinking development – an extensive mathematical ideas comprehension that extends far beyond definitions and formulas memorization. A focus on creation on prior learning vial various mathematical challenges solving which demands reasoning, interpreting, describing, representing, validating and generalizing of issues is crucial. An active role of teaching requires the instructor to learn extensive content of mathematics and achieve an extensive comprehension of how students develop their understanding of mathematics. This will allow both the teacher and the student to accommodate and cope with the changing values and demands of mathematics as a discipline. In addition, teachers and instructors should involve students in crucial learning of mathematics. For instance, the mathematics curriculum is not the start or the end. Therefore, implementing an increasingly new form of curriculum in the education system is a fundamental and crucial step in accommodating new changes in the mathematics education. It has the ability to offer students a coherent mathematical content core, an effective problem sequence to involve learners in the content, and pedagogical approaches, which will aid teachers, comprehend and support the progress of mathematics of students in educational setting. Teachers should implement and use latest technologies in mathematics teaching, for instance, use of current technologies and techniques such as computers and calculators to solve complex mathematics problems that are impossible using manual formulas. Similarly, unlike any technological empowerment, computer graphics have completely changed the method and use of mathematics. Since the US leads the globe in various technological aspects, the nation has a unique chance to attain and observe the potential of the techniques and their utilization to accommodate key changes in education of mathematics. An extensive research volume supports proper utilization of computers and calculator in all grades. Understanding mathematical arithmetic may be created with a curriculum, which utilizes estimation, manual calculation, and calculators with low direction in mental calculation. A modern mathematics curriculum should be a curriculum, which represents the anticipated requirements of modern science and employer, (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1991). A curriculum that provides learners with mathematical models and methods that can solve emerging and growing mathematical problems and establish the real objective for mathematics teaching and learning. As earlier discussed mathematical changes are intertwined with the changes in the United States society. Experts agree that as mathematics in America has altered, so has the society of America and international competitiveness is drastically changing. Thus, teachers should create and enforce relevant mathematical curriculum. This is because, mathematical power allows learners to comprehend concepts and methods of mathematics and discern mathematical issues in various contexts. Effective mathematical power aids learners’ reason logically and handle complex real world problems that compel mathematical solutions. Advantages of improved mathematical curriculum in America American students need effective and updated mathematical curriculum to equip them with mathematical power and skills crucial for handling routine challenges in life, (Howson and Kahane, 2006). American society requires experience in ideas of mathematics in the naturally arising context – ranging from mere measuring and counting to application and use in science and economic world. IT devices such as computers allow introduction of realistic applications all over the mathematical curriculum. Mathematics provides a wealth array of fascinating and relevant ideas that decisions ate necessarily hard. Similarly, since the worldwide economy is growing as a main force in the society of United States, people need mathematical knowledge to cope with changing economic demands. In addition, effective mathematical curriculum enables the Americans to cope with altering country demographics and the altering workplace needs. Challenges in new mathematical curriculum implementation in the US Irrespective of various efforts by the United States to implement an effective mathematics curriculum to match the changing global economic needs, and achieve industrialized nations standards, various factors still hinder curriculum innovation and implementation. These aspects touch on instructors and the context innovation occurrence. Such restrictive factors entail time issues, expectations by the parents and American society, examinations of the public, insufficiency of the needed instructional materials and inadequate clarity concerning reforms of the curriculum, (Russell, Corwin, Mokros, Friel & Stone, 1992). Other challenges include inadequate skills and knowledge by teachers and disconnect between the residual ideologies of teachers and the standards underlying the innovation of the curriculum. Additional challenges touch on organizational arrangements including the overload of the role, rigidity of time schedules, systems of reporting and administrations failure to realize and comprehend its function in change. Conclusions United States and the world in general, are entering a century in the transition in mathematics education – change from entrenched traditions of pre-computers to modern structures applicable for the 21st century. Thus, US must be prepared to make necessary transformations to include such modern changes. Therefore, United States needs to reshape and restructure its education curriculum to allow students develop current mathematic knowledge and confidence in order to utilize that knowledge. References Howson, G. & Kahane, J.P.,(2006). The influence of computers and informatics on mathematics and its teaching. International Commission of Mathematics Instruction Study Series. Cambridge. Mass: Cambridge University Press. Lynn Steen and Mathematical Sciences Education Board, National Research Council. (1989). Everybody counts: A report to the Nation on the future of mathematics education. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2009). Curriculum and evaluation standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (1991). Professional standards for teaching mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM. Russell, S. J. (1997). The role of curriculum in teacher development. In S.N. Friel & G.W. Bright, (Eds.), Reflecting on our work: NSF teacher enhancement in K-6 mathematics (pp. 247-254). Lanham, MD: University Press of America, Inc. Russell, S.J., Corwin, R.B., Mokros, J.R., Friel, S.N., & Stone, A. (1992). Used numbers: Real data in the classroom. kamaweken Read More
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