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Secrets of Borouges Organizational Success - Report Example

The paper  “Secrets of Borouge’s Organizational Success”  is a convincing example of a business report. Borouge provides solutions for infrastructures in pipes, power and communication wires, and cables. The company provides innovative services and products for pipe applications such as BorSafe PE100, BorECO, and Borcoat…
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Assignment 2 Name Institution Date Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 ASSIGNMENT 2 10 2 Main products and services of the organization 3 Borouge’s main customers 3 Purpose and goals of the organization 3 External factors and their impact on the business of Borogue 4 The structure of four functions of the organization 5 How the above functions work together within Borouge to optimize performance 5 Borouge’s culture and ways in which it affects operations 6 Activity B 6 Borouge’s Strategy 6 How Human resource activities support Borouge’s strategy 7 Ways in which human resource professionals support line managers and their staff 7 The role that the HR function has to the overall success of the business 8 References 9 Main products and services of the organization Borouge provides solutions for infrastructures in pipes, power and communication wires and cables. The company provides innovative services and products for pipe application such as BorSafe PE100, BorECO, and Borcoat. Borouge’s Water for the World initiative contributes towards addressing the global sanitation and water challenges. Together, Borealis and Borouge employ distinctive Borstar technology to produce flexible polymers in great-value application entailing gas, water ad industrial pipe systems, communication and power cables, medical devices, advanced packaging and automotive components (Abudhabicityguide, 2011). Borouge’s main customers Borouge’s products are primarily market to packaging industries (such as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and cosmetics ) pipe, cable and wire industries in East Africa, Middle East, North East Asia, Indian Subcontinent, South East Asia, New Zealand and Australia (Abudhabicityguide, 2011). Purpose and goals of the organization Borouge combines the very best of the Middle East and Europe, with a legacy of dependable customer partnerships and creation of value through innovation. The company aims at leveraging on its market expertise and technological capability to deliver cost effective and customized solutions for all its customers. External factors and their impact on the business of Borogue Legal factors: The law has required organizations observe corporate social responsibility. Borouge has established sustainability policy, which is based upon implementation of a system approach to management of health, safety and environment, social responsibility and asset integrity, in accordance with pertinent country regulations and rules, adopted international and local standards and best practices. Social factors: Businesses have been required to take into account the needs of shareholders as well as stakeholders. Borouge’s commitment to quality supports building of successful business to attain the maximum benefits for all stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, general public and employees. Through constant improvement, the company is committed to the principles of commercial and social excellence together with the development of individuals to their full potential (Borouge, 2006). Technological factors: In order to remain competitive, organizations have been required to use superior technologies to offer the best products to their customers. The advantages of Borouge’s Borstar technology are well recognized within the industry and are central to the company’s success. This technology enhances the manufacture of high value, high performance plastic products that are crucial in modern living. Economic Factors: To meet the ever expanding market demand, Borouge has planned an expansion (Borouge 2) at Ruwais. This global-scale project triples the existing production capability to two million tones yearly, entailing for initial time, polypropylene. Additionally, as a result of rise in demand for superior quality products, the company has launched a feasibility study for Borouge 3 which is a further expansion of the company’s polyolefin operations in Abu Dhabi (Borouge, 2009). The structure of four functions of the organization Plant Availability function is a superior quality maintenance service provider for the entire Borouge’s function. The function comprises of five departments: olefins, polyolefins, strategy, services, infrastructure and strategy which are all vital in undertaking the routine everyday maintenance jobs within the plant. Supply chain management and logistics functions is composed of various departments and functions that coordinate and integrate movement of finanaces, information and materials within the company. Technical group unit is the technical and engineering function for Borouge and it comprises of technical and engineering departments. The fire and rescue function is composed of Fire prevention department, emergency response department and fire safety department. How the above functions work together within Borouge to optimize performance The technical group unit monitors, evaluates and recommends developments, trends and best practices within the industry, so as to add value to the company’s business through disseminating the most recent technical knowledge. Plant availability is responsible for effective maintenance and ensures availability for smooth operations of plants in Ruwais. The supply chain management and logistics function oversees and manages the supply and demand planning aspects of the company’s medium term , long term and start term planning entailing planning coordination with consumers. The fire and rescue function offers a sustainable service within workplace of Borogue staff at Ruwais pant through protecting property, environment and life via fire safety education, emergency response, fire protection with highly dedicated, trained personnel and maintained equipment. Borouge’s culture and ways in which it affects operations The company builds and foster a consumer focused culture, anticipate customers’ needs and do business in accordance to superior ethical standards. This culture has enabled the company to combine excellent mechanical properties with good processability, to ensure its products are lighter, stronger and environmentally friendly innovative plastic solutions addresses key global challenges like food protection, and healthcare. Activity B Borouge’s Strategy Borouge’s strategy is to exploit the best of its parent organizations to bring superior products, processes and technology to its customers. Today, the organization has offices as well as sales representatives all over Asia pacific and Middle East, serving customers in 32 nations. Borouge focuses on differentiate superior end applications in Asia Pacific and Middle East with the Borstar enhanced polyethylene which is produced in Abu Dhabi and the wide range of Borealis specialties(Abudhabicityguide, 2011). In addition to the promotion of its polyethylene products, Borgues administers the marketing and distribution of specialty polyolefins of Borealis in the Asia Pacific and Middle East. There is the need for aligning organizational goals with that of human resource strategy to make sure that people policies are aligned with that of management objectives. This implies the Borouge’s HR department can longer be seen as an appendage of the organization but instead as a crucial organ that ensures organizational success (Wilson, 2009). How Human resource activities support Borouge’s strategy The recruitment department selects suitable candidates who perform particular jobs to attain the overall organizational strategy. The Borouge’s human resource function ensures that it has the correct people at work, and together with Borealis, the company is able to attract the right caliber of individuals to the organization. Beyond its student support programs within Abu Dhabi, the company has a programme that sponsors postgraduate and undergraduates in India and China and is aiming to extend this programme to other nations in the near future. Ways in which human resource professionals support line managers and their staff Human resources work together with line managers and their staff to ensure the organization attains success. According to McGee, (2008), the main function of the human resource department is to support workforce needs of Borogue. Human resource and line manages communicate frequently and regularly to determine the qualifications and skills required for flawless running of department functions. When a vacancy arises in the department of the line managers, a human resource recruiter assists the line manager in reviewing the job description for completeness and accuracy. During selection and recruitment process, human resource advises the line manager on the way to identify a qualified candidate and staff capabilities of the existing department (Fulmer, 2006). The role that the HR function has to the overall success of the business Sims, (2002) argues that in order to promote the entire success of the organization, the human resource professional champions the identification of mission, values, vision, action plans and goals of the organization and determines that will tell the company how excellently it is succeeding in them. The HR professional contributes to development of the company-wide business plan and objectives. The business objectives of the HR are designed to support the achievement of the overall business objectives and plan. As an employee advocate, the human resource manager has an integral role in the success of the organization through his advocacy of and knowledge of people. Fostering effective schemes of communication, goal setting and empowerment via responsibility, creates employee ownership of the company. The human resource professional establishes the organizational climate and culture in which employees have the concern, competency and commitment to serve the customers well (Armstrong, 2006). References Sims, R., (2002). Organizational success through effective human resources management. London: Quorum Books. Armstrong M, (2006). A handbook of human resource management practice. London: Kogan Page. Wilson, P., (2009). Human resource development: Learning and training for individuals and organizations. Kogan Page Ltd: United Kingdom. McGee, L., (2008). Personnel today; HR and line management: Speaking line manager’s language. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Fulmer, R., (2006). HR’s strategic partnership with line management. London: CRF Publishing. Borouge. (2006). Strategic Business. Retrieved on November 13, 2011 from Abudhabicityguide. (2011). Borouge. Retrieved on November 13, 2011 from Borouge. (2009). Multi-billion Borouge 2 expansion project on track for completion by mid- 2010. Retrieved on November 13, 2011 from Read More


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