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International Human Rights Administration - Coursework Example

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The paper "International Human Rights Administration" is an outstanding example of business coursework. There are various bodies in the world that have actively participated in ensuring that basic human rights fundamentals are not infringed by different people, governments, or as a way of conflict within the world. However, the United Nations has set out some of the basic human rights that should be respected by every individual in the world…
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International Human Rights Administration Name: Affiliate Institution: International Human Rights Administration Introduction There are various bodies in the world that have actively participated in ensuring that basic human rights fundamentals are not infringed by different people, governments or as a way of conflict within the world. However, the United Nations has set out some of the basic human rights that should be respected by every individual in the world. The United Nations has come up with thirty articles that are supposed to be observed by all individuals in the world. Some of these fundamental human rights include; Right to Equality, Right to Life, Liberty & Personal Security, Freedom from Torture and Degrading Treatment, Freedom from Slavery, Freedom from Discrimination, Right to be Considered Innocent until Proven Guilty, Right to Fair Public Hearing, Right to Own Property. Right to Remedy by Competent Tribunal, Right to a Nationality and the Freedom to Change It, Right to Marriage and Family, Right to Social Security, Right to Education, Community Duties Essential to Free and Full Development, Right of Peaceful Assembly and Association. Right to Adequate Living Standard, Freedom from State or Personal Interference in the above Rights, Right to Recognition as a Person before the Law, Right to Free Movement in and out of the Country. Right to Participate in Government and in Free Elections, Freedom of Opinion and Information, Freedom of Belief and Religion, Right to Equality before the Law, Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest and Exile, Right to Desirable Work and to Join Trade Unions. Right to Participate in the Cultural Life of Community, Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence, Right to Rest and Leisure, Right to a Social Order that Articulates this Document and Right to Asylum in other Countries from Persecution (UN, 2017). To ensure that the above human rights are being observed all over the world, there are bodies and committees that have been given mandate to observe its implementation throughout the world. some of the world bodies given this mandate are; Universal Periodic Review, Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council, Human Rights Council, and Human Rights Council Complaint Procedure. The bodies have been chartered to champion human rights throughout the world and ensure that conflicts are solved in the process. On the other hand the committees chartered to oversee human rights procedures in the world are as follows: Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Committee against Torture (CAT). Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED), Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW), Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), Human Rights Committee (CCPR), Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) and Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). These committees have been put in place to ensure that human rights for various groups of people in the world are protected. In these paper we are going to look into some of the causes of Human rights infringement, some cases where the human rights have been infringed and the results and finally propose a solution to these problems. The bodies are being assisted with other groups that are based in different nations that are supposed to oversee human rights programs (UN, 2017). Causes of Human rights infringement In the society we are living we have seen major disagreements between countries, communities with different ethnical backgrounds and different individuals within the community who tend to have divergent opinions regarding any given issue. Culture is the way given groups of people, an individual, or a country tend to do their own things. The way they do this makes them to be identified with certain values. When different groups that have different cultures tend to have something a common, there rises disagreements on which route will be taken and how they are going to ensure that their opinions do not cause conflicts among them that may result into violence (O'Connell, 2000). Conflict is the difference in opinions and odds that may be as a result of disagreements in resource allocation, culture values, and beliefs. Cultural conflicts are the most difficult to resolve more so when it gets into the politics and other macroeconomic factors that attract attention from people of different groups. Trying to resolve conflicts that touch on issues of ethnicity is another difficult thing that may result to war. However, the occurrence of conflict is as a result of cultural boundaries that are perceptual and cognitive in nature. They result to misunderstandings and miscommunication between the groups. The root cause of every conflict is the material interest that one certain group has on a given resource, while the other also builds up its hopes on the same material. This results to the clashing between the groups. However, what should be understood when any conflict occurs is that resources are scarce compared to those who want them. Therefore it is prudent for people to understand that it is healthy to disagree but let not the conflicts escalate to points that will make it because effects that are not good for the community at large. There are many causes of conflict. However, when the conflicts happen and persist without a solution being reached, there is a likelihood of basic human rights being infringed (O'Connell, 2000). First, when we look at the issue of leadership, it becomes a major headache for many in the society as there are many individuals who have interests on the leadership positions. As we all know for a fact, leadership positions are scarce, not all who are in a given community can be leaders. We have seen various practical incidents where the struggle for leadership positions has resulted in conflicts that have escalated into war and even cause deaths in the country. However, a country or community might be, there will be no agreements on issues regarding who is the best leader for them. This leads to a conflict that is not easy to solve unless the groups are contesting always try to compromise and take positions that will lead to neutralizing of the conflict and reaching agreements. However, the best method of solving conflicts regarding leadership is by agreeing having ways of incorporating all the involved groups in the leadership context. Also, another alternative solution is the having laws that are acceptable to both groups and base the terms of selecting the leaders on them and ensure that all those involved are aware of them something that will result to easy ways of choosing leaders. In the selection of leaders, individual interests should not precede the interests of the groups. There should be a framework through which the representative of the various groups should meet and discuss much on issues they feel will lead to disagreements and come with a formula that should result in the peaceful selection of leaders (O'Connell, 2000). Secondly, we have the issue of competing for resources between different groups may cause conflicts that are harmful. These types of conflicts are common in areas where groups that are formed as result of the difference in race share resources. Countries that have many tribes in them have been seen to be in these types of conflict. The worst part of this is that the conflicts are motivated by those individuals that are aware what disagreements can cause. Leaders that are representing these groups are always on a mission of trying to use their ethnicity as a shield. They go back to their tribes and tend to incite them that the other tribes are taking more resource than them because their leaders are in a given position in the government (O'Connell, 2000). In return, you find that enmity has been created and you find frequent animosity between these communities. We have seen tribal clashes that are as a result of a given community claiming that the other has penetrated its territory and used their resources. All this are due to lack of clear guidelines on how various resources should be shared amongst the groups that are in contention. The best method of ensuring that the conflict is resolved is by the authorities providing clear guidelines on how various resources should be shared (Jennifer, 2004). Agreements between representatives from the two communities should be reached and ensure that no single community has been left out in the drafting of this guidelines. Also, on the side of territories, communities should be guided by the demarcation of boundaries that will see them restraining themselves from getting to one another territory. All the mentioned cases are issue that affect the basic human rights requirements. When the situations escalate it requires the intervention of the international human rights bodies to ensure that human dignity is restores in those cases (Bass & Gary, 2008). Cases application of how Human rights activities take place Human rights protection interventions have been undertaken in many parts of the world. For instance we have seen the United States of America took an initiative to ensure that Afghanistan could the required peace for its citizens. Though the military intervention in Afghanistan gained some positive results we have seen a long term impact of some situation where the citizens felt that the American soldiers infringed their human rights. Though the major intention of the American soldiers was to ensure that no more human rights infringement in Afghanistan there were situations where they were forced to use force to ensure that situations were calm. In fact due to the war that was seen in Afghanistan, there was need for some protection to ensure that humanitarian Aid could reach those areas that citizens stayed in camps. The situation was worse that even the UN relief Aids could not reach the refugee camps that had been set up. Therefore the military was required to ensure food and other basic needs could reach them. However, some times the United States military could face some situations that necessitated them to embark on war and in return some civilians being killed and there rights being infringed. Though the whole operation plan was to ensure that lasting peace could return to Afghanistan it was far from being realized (Mary, 2000). The situation grew complex with the more time that the military stayed in that country. War could break out between the United States military and the militia military. The militia took advantage of the military being in this country to say that the United States was being interested in the oil fields in Afghanistan. Therefore this led to the citizens feeling that United States was undertaking something that was not for their help. When citizens lose confidence on the military that has come to ensure that they get there fundamental rights in place then it will be difficult for the same force to undertake some operations that are delicate to ensure that those against peace are flashed out (Mervat, 2010). When the United States took some operations in different parts of Afghanistan there was a mentality that was spread across countries in the Middle East and Far East countries that America was pursuing different interests that was against the goodwill of the Afghanistan countries. The situation led to creation of terrorist groups across that region. The situation led to developing ant west attitude amongst citizens in the region. This has made the situation being a bedrock of major terrorist groups that have turned out to be a threat to the whole world. The terrorist groups in return took advantage and infringed the basic human rights as they had their own restriction on the civilians (Mervat, 2010). It is due to this situation we saw war in Iraq emerging where the leaders who supported the militia groups in Afghanistan were being targeted and overthrown from power. It is during this period that the rising power of Sadam and Osama was seen in this region. They presented a major threat to the peace of this nations by engaging constant war with the United States forces. The war saw the religion being in need of urgent relief food. However, the United Nations had a challenge of reaching areas where the citizens were due to war. The United States took an initiative dropping the food using Air but it was not sufficient enough to feed all the people who needed urgent help. The situation presented a difficult part for the international human rights bodies and committees (Kissinger, 2001). Though the Humanitarian intervention in Afghanistan was intended to ensure that peace and order has been restored, we see further conflict rising. The leaders in this regions made people belief that America was interested on their natural states hence making it difficult for the mission of peace to be undertaken in the country. The fact that those leaders who have caused the situation to escalate have friends and support, it made it almost a regional issue. There was growing enmity between most Islamic states and the west. They felt that the United States was undertaking the mission due to the fact that it was a world superpower. Those countries that had interest in the Middle East countries also took that advantage to ensure that the situation was complex to ensure that US is being perceived as being unfair (Tariq, 2000). Though humanitarian intervention in Afghanistan has come to an end, there is still need for humanitarian assistance of the basic needs. This is due to the fact that most of the basic infrastructure was being destroyed during the time of war. This shows the great impact that humanitarian intervention can cause in a country. Though some relative calm can be caused through the weakening of the sides that are in conflict it can cause a long-term economic and social impact in the society (MSF, 2011). Though this method of conflict solving can be used in situations where extreme infringement of human rights is seen, there should also be the inclusion of pother methods like negotiating. Humanitarian intervention can be best when those involved explain to citizens of that particular country to understand what they are up to. The regions where the intervention is intended to be undertaken should support to ensure success of the whole operation is attained (Tharoor & Daws, (2001). The groups in conflict before resorting to the use of military should be brought on board. Negotiations should be undertaken in the light of trying to solve the differences in the misunderstandings and disagreements between them. A win-win formula should always be embraced in such negotiations if any deal would be reached. The method would result to better ways of ensuring that no harm will occur to the citizens in this nations. By engaging in negotiations, the world will not be threatened by development of terrorism groups. They will not have room as all the people in the world will understand that the groups are there to disturb their peace. This will make it difficult for them to exist (Summon, 2005). Different human rights groups should come up with different ways of ensuring that peace to such like situation is restores in a bid to avoid the infringement of Human rights. Conclusion International Human Rights is an important function that needs to be embraced by each and every individual in the world. It is important for the international bodies and committees that have been given the mandate of ensuring that the human rights to do more due to the rising of conflicts within the world. The best methods should be chosen when it comes to solving of conflicts so that the basic human rights are not infringed. There is need for those breaking the Human Rights to be brought into book so as to stop the vice of infringement of human rights. References Bass, Gary J. (2008). Freedom's Battle: The Origins of Humanitarian Intervention Part 4. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Nov. 4, 1950, ETS 5; 213 UNTS 221, entered into force Sept. 3, 1953 Henry Kissinger, (2001). Does America Need a New Foreign Policy? New York: Simon and Schuster. Mary Ellen O'Connell, (2000). "The UN, NATO, and International Law after Kosovo." Human Rights Quarterly, pp. 88–89. Jennifer M. Welsh, (2004). Humanitarian Intervention and International Relations. Ed. Jennifer M. Welsh. New York: Oxford University Press. Mervat Rishmawi, (2010). The Arab Charter on Human Rights and the League of Arab States: An Update, Human Rights L. Rev.10:1, 169-178. Medicins San Frontiers, (2011). Afghanistan: Humanitarian aid and military intervention don't mix. Shashi Tharoor and Sam Daws, (2001). "Humanitarian Intervention: Getting Past the Reefs." World Policy Journal. Sumon Dantiki, (2005). "Organizing for Peace: Collective Action Problems and Humanitarian Intervention." Journal of Military and Strategic Studies. Tariq Ali, (2000). Masters of the Universe? NATO's Balkan Crusade. New York: Verso. United Nations,( 2017). Human Rights Bodies Read More
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