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Technology Implementation - Example

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The paper "Technology Implementation" is an impressive example of a Business report. The implementation of technology is a method through which there is the introduction of new techniques into an organization to improve production. In the world today, technology is easily and rapidly flowing with everyday new innovations that are purposely meant to cut on the production cost and to increase the number of goods and services being produced. …
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Technology Implementation Name Affiliation TECHNOLOGY IMPLEMENTATION The implementation of technology is a method through which there in introduction of new techniques into an organization to improve the production. In the world today, technology is easily and rapidly flowing with everyday new innovations that are purposely meant to cut on the production cost and to increase the quantity of goods and services being produced. Technology today is the main backbone of many companies and implementation of technology is more important than having no technology at all. The technology increases the method through which the firms inputs are transformed into goods and services available to the consumers. Through technology implementation there will be involvement of the introduction of machines to increase the effectiveness and the production ratio also there will be introduction of ways to access the market easily and more reliable. There will be customer interaction with the employees (Bouwman, 2005). Objectives of the programme Technology is actively applied during production of commodities and products. The products and services that are produced are tested and evaluated through the use of drawing based computers. Through introduction of systems i.e. E-business affects the supply chain of commodities and tends to utilize the capacity of the organization. During production technology facilitates information sharing due to internet facilities provided by the management (Bouwman, 2005). Technology has led to the production of electronic devices and applications which help in information sharing which help boost relationships between the management and subordinates. Technology helps increase production of products and services thus making the organization profitable (Cummings, 1980). The technology will enhance Content Management System which is useful in displaying texts and documents on a website. While these applications are most familiar as a way to update text, more sophisticated CMS tools have powerful mechanisms for organizing and browsing through documents which make them very applicable in this space. There will be the group E-mail because it is a very affordable and affordable tool. Setting up of e-mail lists for groups by use of either e-mail software like Microsoft outlook and Google mail Groups can allow those employees and for the stakeholders who are interested in particular topics to share the important information or to enquire of each other some questions hence increasing production. Increase in the search of Enterprise across a multitude of sources and formats. It will enhance Intranets through which FAQs answers can be arranged in a website which can be viewed by the staff (Cummings & Molloy, 1977). Will enhance the Consolidation status emails or documents There will be creation of online dashboard. These dashboards drag information from quite a number of various sources and provide an overview through tables, charts, and indicators. This type of dashboard can be designed using portal software The implementation of the programme Timing is the most important since it’s a project that takes time, both from an evaluation perspective and an implementation perspective in order to be fully acceptable and implemented through the client engagement (Witzel, 2001). This will enhance easy and full integration since the customer is the most important person in the process of production and when the customer is involved various aspects of the technology will be looked at and effective judgments will be made thus increase in production. Think about the future of the firm. The future will determine the ways that the project will be implemented and how and when it will be most appropriate for the implementation. Use of a technology to improve production will be most useful for the future since it will be creating profits and also will improve the state of the company involved. The future of a company lies on the present. Looking for a support system When you're evaluating technology techniques, it's important to dig into how stakeholders will support you. The stakeholders determine more whether to use a particular technology or not to use. When there is great support from the stakeholders there will be increase in new innovations hence there will be greater production. When innovating new technology it is very important to have stakeholders backing you up in order to create a big impact in the production process (Bouwman, 2005). The benefits that arise from the technology implementation include: The involvement of technology is a very crucial aspect of operations management by an active involvement in the production. For the design technologies and advanced products they accept the testing and the making of services and various products from the drawings based on computer origin. In the process types there are the customer Processing technologies examples including the automated teller machines that can eliminate or reduce needs of employees contact in the customer facing operations (Bouwman, 2005). There are also the information technologies which include the E-business systems that have a direct effect on how the company operate its supply chains and utilise its capacity. In the production process technology enhances an easy information access in that it’s very simple to access the information which is relevant and it can be facilitated through the use of a broadband internet. Tim Jackson 2009, Inside Intel new edition England. Through technology also there is a continued increase in great innovation and creativity this leads to development of new products in the market and also there is improvement in the form of the existing products. There is also an improved communication in the production process through the use of electronic mail, mobile phones and social networking apps with which it can relate to international customers and hence increase the process of marketing hence thriving in business. There is also an increased productivity and efficiency this is by increased production. There is also increased customer education through technology thus a more increased customer interest leading to winning in business. The technology involvement is a very crucial and yet important aspect in the process of production for any firm. Clayton Christensen 2011 The Innovator’s Dilemma revised version. Technology may have negative effects positive effects out rule the negative effects thus technology is much effective. The examples of the negative effect of technology include job loss due to the replacement of people with machines because an automized machine can do exactly the identical task very efficiently and cheaply than humans employees. There is usually a very traumatizing decision making process to let them go for good. The employees who remain in the jobs may have fears that they could dismissed any time hence morale reduction throughout the whole company but on the other hand the use of machines and the implementation of technology increases production since more work is done at a very little time and the cost is low hence the production will be very effective. Kimberly Knickle 2016 the State of Manufacturing Technology in 2016 and beyond new technologies are changing the economies of scale so that large and small scale value chains can be successful. Patrick Van den Bossche 10 July 2012 Paul Davidson More Goods Come From 3-D Printing Ttechnology is heading in dramatic directions thus keeping pace with latest developments is more important than ever. Besides job loss, there is also increased expenses since new technology implementation will lead to the financial decrement of small businesses. During the purchase of the new equipments of production, there may be cases of loan borrowing and at the end of it all there may be a heavy burden. On the other hand there may be other great expenses during the housing of the technology equipment thus adding more cost. There may be other cases of the resistance towards Change. This occurs when an employee has been doing the same process of production for quite some years and has been used to the process and the steps involved thus will not be ready to give up the processes hence leading to the resistant to change (Cummings & Molloy, 1977). This occurs mostly to the workers who are comfortable with their area of production and are not ready to give up what they feel to own for many years hence making it difficult to implement a new technology into the process of production. It is usually very important to hold discussions between the employer and the employees and listen to their views before making a critical decision to implement a new technology. There will always be issues of the technology Implementation and its Maintenance. In case of use of machines as the new technology, it may not perform as per the expectations thus will require little adjustments in order to function properly and the adjustments may cost some revenue thus this becomes an implementation issue. Malfunctions of the system implementations may occasionally occur and if there is no skilled employee to fix up the malfunctions then the company will have to sacrifice some revenue and most time in order to bring in an expert to fix the problem. This may attract losses on the company. For the area of technology involving the introduction or use of computers programs and software, there may be cases of computer hacking or computer theft. This could lead to great losses since the information may be sabotaged and thus leading to tarnishing of the company’s name. this may lead to a great decline in the production outputs. TRAINING METHODS: The training of a single employee in a company is the greatest investment a company can ever do since it will create a very big impact on the production of the company. The below are some of the methods used in the training of the employees. Factors considered when selecting a training method include the following: cost of training, the available time and the depth of knowledge (Huse & Cummings, 1985). 1. On the area of Job Training. Here employees undergo training by an experienced employee example a supervisor. Usually training involving trades, crafts and the technical areas is given by placing the unskilled workers under the instruction of the skilled workers. The training in the improved methods can be done to the incoming employees. The training job can be in the form of coaching, job rotation, and in some areas assignments. On the coaching area, employees undergo training from the nearest supervisor. This kind of training is provided to the managerial individuals. The skills that require long practice periods are provided here. In the job rotation area the employee is shifted from job to job at different intervals, the jobs have varying content. Assignments are other methods that are useful in providing the lower-level executives with first experience in working out real problems. The employees act on the problems and find actual solutions for them (Huse & Cummings, 1985). The Advantages: (1) The workers get the knowledge of the job in real conditions other than the artificial conditions. The knowledge will enhance critical thinking among the employees and this will create a sense of team work to enhance easy work load balance. (2) It is inexpensive. This is economical to the company since it will use less capital in the training of the employees.. (3) Supervision is under very keen supervisors. The supervisors will enhance great achievement through the strict supervision during the training to ensure that great knowledge is impacted to the employees. (4) The production is not affected. (5) The worker gets to know the rules and the regulations during learning of the job. The knowledge of the rules and regulations is very crucial since it will help the employee to be disciplined and will work in accordance to what is required during working. (6) It consumes little time. More time will be saved during the training period thus there will be no loss in the production. The Disadvantages: (i) Highly hazardous training. Due to its hazardous nature it may put into risk the life of the employee undergoing the training. (ii) The supervisor may not be able to offer his/her entire time. This may result due to cases of lack of interest to supervise and guide the employees thus the training may not be conducted fully according to the schedule. (iii) The experienced trainers may not be present. (iv) There is no of motivation. (2) Off-The-Job-Training: A worker opts to depart his/her workplace and assign his/her entire time for the need of training. The worker is not productive to the organization during training. This training technique can be offered by institutions offering such trainings or organized by the organization itself. Advantages a) The trained employees are highly productive. b) A large number can be trained at one time. c) It is economical since a large number of trainees are trained at one time. Disadvantages a) It is not effective since trainees are not exposed to the work environment thus take a longer time to learn when they are exposed in the job environment. b) There is lack of feedback Methods which are employed for off-The-Training are explained as follows: i) Lecture Method: In lecture method, one person elaborates the different programme aspects. The technical information is given in a more easy way through a class room lecture system. The audio-visual aids can be incorporated to aid in the lecture simplicity and make it enjoyable to the workers being trained. This is very advantageous when a huge number of trainees are to be trained at once. (ii) Conference Method: A conference is rather a formal gathering where the organizers seek to establish knowledge and understanding by acquiring considerable contributions made by trainees. The participants are then left to discuss on their own. During the discussion trainees are expected lay out the principles and facts followed. In this stage the trainees are expected to show their skills and try to solve problems and come up with suitable solutions. It is appropriate for problem analyzing and examining from different points of view. (iii) Seminars: Here the trainees write papers on specific topics of concern. The papers written are read out in the seminar followed by discussion where all the trainees do participate. The leader in charge of the session will sum up all the views expressed by various participants. Another method used in seminars may be distribution of the materials to the individual trainees in advance and then they appear set for the discussions about the topic circulated (Whipple & Sassoon, 1962). (iv) The Programmed Instructions: Knowledge is passed on through the use of a text book. It involves defragmenting information down into some meaningful units and arrangement of these in proper programmes to be learnt. The programme involves the factors, questions or problems facing the trainee and the trainer receive a feedback to his/her answers. (3) The Apprenticeship Training: This method of training is widely used in industries. The apprenticeship method may go on for years. After the training process is complete the trainee is absorbed by the industry and given duties. It is a training process that deals in training one in the technical areas of the industry. There are rigid standards fixed in the apprenticeship training. In training workers on mechanical approach of the organization may take years to train, because it is dimmed difficult. The trainee is evaluated and his/her progressive reports submitted to the superiors. An apprentice is also entitled to advantages like vacation, bonus and other facilities. Advantages: (a) Trainees receive some allowances. Through the allowance the the employee will be motivated to work more and more harder and will feel the urge to learn and put into practice what he has learnt. (b) Gains valuable skills. Through apprenticeship, skills are gained fully since the employee is shown how something is done and practices on the process thus gains the skills relevant to perform a certain task. (c) It is a cheap source of labor. (d) Reduction in labor cost there is a great reduction in labor cost since there is no need to employ a specialist since the employee will be apprenticed by the other employees. (e) The employee’s loyalty is ensured. Disadvantages: 1. The training period is very long. May take time since different employees have different means of understanding what is taught. 2. When a worker proves hard to learn after long period of training he may not be absorbed in... 3. It is a very expensive method. 4. Rigid standards make this method unsatisfactory (4)The Training Centers Training: Workers are trained using some special machines which are in a separate location. Training is done considering the actual conditions related to the activities carried out by the industry. The training is done literally in a classroom. The duty of training new workers is delegated to another employee. The supervisor is left to concentrate with his/her work. This training technique is mainly used when there is a large group to be train. Typists, computer handlers and machine handlers mainly benefit from such trainings. Advantages: (a) The trainer has great specialization in training. This is because the trainer has greatly specialized in that area of training hence the trainer will impact great knowledge on the employees hence making the training successful. (b) The training is given off the job thus rendering the trainees easy concentration on learning. (c). the employee acquire the skills of the job in a very short time. This is because there is training done by skilled professionals hence little time is taken for the employee to understand about the particular job. Disadvantages: (a) The worker may not be in position to adjust on the machines when he is put on the actual job. (b) It is an expensive method. This is because the training centers are independent areas of training people thus the company has to pay to the centers for the training to be well done and for the knowledge to be greatly impacted on the employees. (c) The vestibule school may at time remain unused for a considerable time. (5) The Internship Training: This is a method of student training where they acquire practical training while they engage in studies. During these training students are required to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge. Advantages a) It enables the student gain exposure in the field wand help solve problems. b) For the organization it helps create future employment opportunities. c) Such programs help the organization save money since interns are paid less and receive fewer benefits compared to actual employees. d) Through such training the institution develops competitive and highly skilled graduates. Disadvantages. (a) It can train only the skilled and technical workers. (b) Long time is taken. (6) The Learner Training: In this training learners acquire knowledge from schools where they use common knowledge and taught skills to solve problems. When the training ends the learners are assigned different tasks to handle as an assessment of their skills and abilities. 7. Supervisory Training: The supervisor takes active part in the administrative chain in an industry. They are responsible for creating a link between the management and the subordinates. They help coordinate subordinate activities in order to get results. Supervisors can be obtained from outside rather than from within. Illiterate subordinates are less likely to get promotions. Hence, the supervisors training has to be at the root level to offer training in the practical works. In addition, training should be given in unique knowledge of the operations involved in various departments. Individuals who aspire to be supervisors should posses various characteristics in order to succeed in that post. The individual chosen should be able to relate with subordinates freely and friendly to avoid conflicts which lead to poor productivity within the organization. Various courses may be used for the purpose of the supervisory training. The internal courses do explain the procedures and steps in which the supervisor will be concerned in. The external courses are usually provided by the educational institutions and the private professional bodies. All enterprises need to have supervisor training schemes to enhance management continuity and also to satisfy the ambitions of the employee’s. The Supervisory training should deal with matters including: (i) The production and organization control, maintenance and the materials handling at the departmental level. (ii) Planning, the allocation and controlling of personnel and work. (iii) Allocation of time to his/her various responsibilities (iv) The industrial legislation effects at the department level. (v) Impact study methods, the study time and job evaluation. (vi) The factor cost factors and control cost. (vii) The prevention and management of accidents. (viii) The subordinates training. (ix) Effective communication. (x) Human problems easy handling. (xi) Effectively of the leadership skills. The training outline for a company should be as follows: 1. The purpose and the benefits of the training. The core purpose of the training to the employees is to increase the customer service and enhance greater production. Through training the employees will have the ability to use the latest Technology available with greater ease. 2. The training goals. There are concerns raised about the employee’s training levels and easiness in dealing with customers who are difficult thus the management seems to focus on their production deficiency hence the need for them to undergo vigorous training to increase the rate of production. The other goals are: I. Create a Uniform Customer Service Policy II. Develop Customer Service Procedural Guidance The variables calling for Low effort levels: • Knowledge of the designer and instructional design skills • Knowledge of the designer on training and the subject matter • The Collection data The variables calling for the Medium level effort: • Complexity and size of the group to be trained • Designer’s client interaction • Client level of involvement. The Variables for a High level effort l: • Included Elements in training materials • Expectations of organizations • The final products. • The degree of interactivity of the programme. The Evaluation plan: Why the need to evaluate the technology implementation program To evaluate if the technology program has an adverse effective use of the scarce resources To evaluate if the technology program does improve the employees results in the era of increase in the accountability To evaluate if the technology program upgrades all results for all workers in the era of ideas and innovations To evaluate if the technology program improves employee’s retention, effectiveness and morale To evaluate if the technology program improves the company’s participation and satisfaction within the local market after the supply of the products To evaluate whether the technology programme is effective or not effective To ensure that the technology programme is fully understood and implemented within the employees To create awareness of the programme To ensure correct and effective utilization of the resources What happens when there is no evaluation of the technology program? The Inability to demonstrate, document and verify that the interventions are working well The Inability to differentiate the interventions that are working properly from those that are not working correctly The Inability to guide the future technological decisions based on the prior results Problems with the “scaling up” the intervention to other sites Difficulty in the dissemination plan of the best practices to other districts and states Inability to motivate company support for effective programs Some of the areas of concern on the evaluation plan are: Is the technology useful? Did the training favor every employee? Was the training successful? Is the technology embraced by the employees? Did the production change? Were the stakeholders associated with improving the technology? Will the technology be overpowered by another technology in years to come? Will the ratio of the employees to output change? Will the stakeholders increase? CONCLUSION The technology implementation is a crucial area for there to be continued development and also for there to be increased production. It is also important to ensure training of the employees and thus lead to state of the art products that will flock the market within no time creating an effective revenue source. The important factor for training employees is for them to get to know the technology really well from the positive and negative effects. When training is done using the above mentioned ways, successful operation will have been done and the employees will have acquired the whole knowledge about the implementation and will encourage the implementation process. References Bouwman, H. (2005). Information and communication technology in organizations. London: SAGE. Cummings, T. (1980). Systems theory for organization development. Chichester: J. Wiley. Cummings, T. (2008). Handbook of organization development. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. Cummings, T. & Molloy, E. (1977). Improving productivity and the quality of work life. New York: Praeger. Huse, E. & Cummings, T. (1985). Organization development and change. St. Paul, Minn.: West Pub. Co. Kets de Vries, M. & Miller, D. (1984). The neurotic organization. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Mason Atwood, H. (1958). COMMUNITY WELFARE OR GANIZATION: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE. By Arthur Dun- ham, New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1958. 480 pp., $5.75.Adult Education Quarterly, 9(1), 55-56. Pasmore, W., Woodman, R., & Shani, A. (2010). Research in organizational change and development. Bingley, UK: Emerald. Whipple, J. & Sassoon, M. (1962). THE VILLAGE LEVEL WORKER (Studies in Social Work No. 12); THE SOCIAL EDUCATION ORGANIZER (Studies in Social Work No. 13); SOCIAL EDU CATION IN DELHI; COMMUNITY OR GANIZATION IN ADULT EDUCATION. Indian Adult Education Association, 1961. Adult Education Quarterly, 13(1), 62-63. Witzel, M. (2001). Organization behaviour, 1890-1940. Bristol: Thoemmes. Read More
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