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The Environmental Issue Faced by British Airways - Assignment Example

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The paper "The Environmental Issue Faced by British Airways" is a perfect example of a business assignment. British Airways has faced certain issues that have been detrimental to its image. One particular issue examined in this paper concerns the environment. In the airline, the first environmental issue was raised in 1989…
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Running Header: British Airways Your name: Course name: Professors’ name: Date Assignment 1: Rebranding Task British Airways Introduction A British Airways has faced certain issues that have been detrimental for its image. One particular issue examined in this paper concerns the environment. In the airline, the first environmental issue was raised in 1989. This followed the creation of the Environmental Branch so as to identify and handle the issues accordingly. As a result, there was a production of its first Environmental Policy in 1990. This is the same policy that was revised by the Board in 2000 so as to, for the first time, integrate social issues. Therefore, this paper seeks to improve examine the company’s environmental issues, and outline its mission statement and plans for the reconstruction of the broken image. Environmental issue The environmental issue faced by the British Airways entailed certain issues that the public raised. These include fuel efficiency and emissions, noise, congestion, materials, water and waste, conservation and tourism. To begin, the company’s operations by the use of aircrafts caused a lot of noise pollution to the immediate public and that located along its routes. Secondly, there were many delays of the air traffic, that in turn, caused congestion; one of the airline’s most immediate and critical problems. There was also a problem of emissions of dangerous gases, such as, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, and water vapor (Owen, Lee & Lim 2010, pp. 2255-2260). Waste produced by its aircrafts ob board amenities and catering was another hazardous issue that faced the airline. The airline’s operations, in a way, had negative effects on tourism sector. Mission statement In order to overcome this issue, the airline has developed a mission statement that aimed at rebranding the company. This statement entailed the introduction of an environmental branch whose main aim was to identify and handle any environmental issue in the company. Alongside the company’s environmental branch, the airline also introduced an environmental policy that addressed its environmental issues. Some of the environmental issue faced by the company included waste, noise, tourism and conservation, emissions, and congestion. As a result, we have established an environmental policy that has various aims and objectives in relation to the correction of our image: We want to introduce modern aircrafts in the company, which will play a great role in noise reduction. These aircrafts are expected to be quieter and newer than the previous ones so as to increase the passengers’ safety as well as reducing noise pollution in the environment. We expect that these will greatly minimize noise affecting people living around Heathrow by 40% (British Airways Social and Environmental Report 2000, pp. 1-10). We intend to reduce waste caused by our aircrafts catering and other services on board are expected to reduce with the introduction of new waste management measures. This entails fitting proper waste disposal gadgets in all our aircrafts, and identification of certain disposal sites so as to improve waste management (Owen, Lee & Lim 2010, pp. 2255-2260). We plan to reduce congestion of our aircrafts through the introduction of Company Travel Plan that sets to handle ground traffic congestion and other related noise and air problems (Mowforth & Munt 2009, pp. 211-220). We are confident that the travel plan by our company will significantly reduce congestions, and in turn, minimize the amount of resources wasted due to congestion, such as fuel consumption, and noise pollution. We aim at developing a full inventory of emissions, such as, carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, and ways of minimizing their harmful effects on the public. Here, we intend to work with BAA in to order to enhance our understanding of our aircraft input to domestic air quality matters (Mowforth & Munt 2009, pp. 211-220). We plan to ensure that our company operates in such a way that it brings a positive effect on the country’s tourism industry. This is achievable by identifying destinations and arranging safe, reliable and affordable transportation of tourists (Social Corporate responsibility Report 2011, pp. 14-17). We also intend to educate our tourist-clients on the conservation and importance of tourism to the country. Lastly, we are highly confident that the aforementioned strategies will be instrumental in the reconstruction of our company’s name and image. As a result, our airline will effectively compete with other companies in the world market in an attempt to gain a wider market share than its rivals. Assignment 2 Poster Aim British Airways has faced many issues, which have had a damaging effect on its brand, image and overall performance. Impliedly, the company has lost many clients due to these issues. Therefore, this study seeks to identify these environmental issues, effects on the company’s brand and performance, and possible ways of solving them in order to reconstruct its brand and improve its performance. Methodology The study can employ various methods in the collection of data. These include primary methods; qualitative and qualitative methods. • Qualitative methods include in-depth interviews and focus groups interviews • Quantitative methods include surveys like mail, face-to-face, and online surveys; interviews, questionnaires, case studies, and observations. Secondary method includes use of company websites, magazines and journals. The study team chose samples of between 20 and 100 individuals that comprised of the airline’s employees, Heathrow residents, and clients. Results The environmental issues affecting the company included noise, waste, congestion, emissions, and tourism and conservation. Many respondents confirmed that the company has registered losses due to loss of clients and failure to attract new customers. A majority of the participants maintained that these environmental issues in British Airways have been detrimental in that they have greatly tainted its brand and image (CBI 2006, p.13). Graphical representations Key Group statistics Measure 1998-99 1999-00 Turnover ($m) 8, 800 8,800 Number of shareholders 255, 547 264, 190 Employees 63, 778 65, 156 Passengers (000) 45,048 46, 577 Cargo (000 tones) 854 896 Overall load factor (%) 670 66,5 Available ton 25,113 25839 Revenue ton kilometers (ATKs)(m) 16, 830 17,214 Revenue Passenger kilometers (RPKs)(m) 125, 950 127,424 Fig. 1: Group statistics Location Catering centre (tones) Airport waste(tones) Gatwick 5000 4000 Manchester 1000 500 Other UK 2000 0 Heathrow 150,000 7000 Fig. 2: Waste disposal in UK both in catering station and airport Lee and Lim (2010, pp. 2255-2260) maintains that the environmental matters include waste, congestion, emissions, tourism and conservation. As a result, the company’s broken image and brand have caused tremendous losses in that past and potential clients lost confidence and trust in the brand due to public complaints on the company’s negligence on these issues. Therefore, clients shifted their brand choice and confidence to other airlines in the United Kingdom and Europe (British Airways Social and Environmental Report 2000, pp. 1-10). Additionally, have caused serious health issues to the populations living around the Heathrow and others along the airline’s routes. The results indicate that the company will introduce quieter and newer aircrafts; appropriate waste disposal measures; air traffic control measures; education to clients on conservation and tourism, and suitable ways of handling emissions. Conclusions The environmental issue entails emissions, congestion, noise, tourism and conservation. These issues have adverse effects on the company’s performance, brand and image. The airline’s solutions include use of modern; quieter and newer aircrafts; effective waste management and disposal strategies; efficient traffic control measures, appropriate ways of managing emissions; and education to the clients and public on tourism benefits and environmental conservation. Assignment 3 Notes Aims The main aim of the study in the poster is: To identify the possible environmental issues that have been faced British Airways. To establish some of the possible effects that the issues have had on the airline’s performance, brand and image, as well as on wildlife and the people living around Heathrow and others along the airline routes (CBI 2006, p.13). To investigate on potential ways in which the airline is intending to handle the issues in order to rebuild their lost image, recover the profits and clients, and meet all the needs of its stakeholders and the public. Potential environmental issues Some of the possible environmental issues affecting British Airways include: poor waste management and disposal; congestion caused by delays of air traffic, which causes wastage of resources like time and fuel; emissions of dangerous gases from the airline’s aircrafts, these emissions include water vapor, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon dioxide (British Airways Social and Environmental Report 2000, pp. 1-10); poor conservation of tourism and education of its clients on the significance of conserving the environment; and Noise pollution that is caused by its aircraft. Possible effects Some of the effects of the issues on the company include: performance; brand; and Image. These issues have detrimental effects on the immediate environment and the public. Potential solutions British Airways is handling these issues in various ways in order to regain its broken image and brand, as well as to ensure safety of the public and the environment. Some of the proposed solutions include: 1. Establishment of newer and quieter aircrafts than the ones it is currently using (Mowforth & Munt 2009, pp. 211-220). This will helps in the reduction of noise; hence attraction of new and past customers that will improve the airline’s performance. 2. Introduction of safe and effective waste management and disposal measures that make their aircrafts healthy and comfortable for the clients. This will also improve the health conditions of the people living around Heathrow (CBI 2006, p.13). 3. Introduction of new ways of controlling air traffic from the ground so as to reduce the issue of congestion and conservation of resources (time and fuel); minimize the delays; thus, widening its customer base due to improved brand. 4. Education of its clients on environmental and wildlife conservation so as to boost tourism industry in the United Kingdom. 5. Protection of the environment by devising ways of effectively handling the harmful emissions (Social Corporate responsibility Report 2011, pp. 14-17). Methodology Some of the ways in which the information on the company’s environmental issues was achieved in the study include: Primary data collection method that entailed: Qualitative methods (in-depth one-on-one and focus-groups interviews); Quantitative methods (observations, questionnaires, interviews and surveys). Secondary data gathering methods that entail: company profiles, information systems, magazines, websites Journals Participants in the study include: airline employees, clients, and community around (Creswell & Miller 2000, pp. 124-131) Conclusions Some of the airline’s environmental matters include: 1. poor waste management 2. harmful emissions 3. traffic congestion 4. noise pollution 5. tourism and conservation These issues have adverse effects on the company’s performance, brand and image. Some of the airline’s solutions to the problems include: a. Use of modern; quieter and newer aircrafts; b. Effective waste management and disposal strategies; c. Efficient traffic control measures, appropriate ways of managing emissions; and d. Education to the clients and public on tourism benefits and environmental conservation (British Airways Social and Environmental Report 2000, pp. 1-10). Assignment 4: Reflection The first assignment was quite tedious in that I had to conduct a research on various companies in the United Kingdom before settling on one. Even after settling on British Airways, I had to conduct a research on certain issues that face the company. Through the assignment, I learnt a great deal about British Airways, the formation of its environmental branch, and the environmental policy. It was interesting to learn that the airline’s image and performance has been seriously affected by environmental issues, such as, waste, noise, congestion, emissions, tourism and conservation. Another important part of the assignment was the drafting of a statement on how the company plans to solve the issue in order to reconstruct its brand, image and performance. Assignment 2 also was more engaging than the first one. Designing an academic poster was a great experience for me. Coming up with a poster was a bit tedious in that I had to decide on the topic of study. It was fulfilling to apply classroom skills, such as, presenting the study right from the aim, methodology, results and conclusions. This assignment gave me an opportunity to present a topic in a poster. As a result, designing a poster gave me an opportunity to sharpen my organizational skills. It is also through this assignment that made use of the research skills that I gained in class. Still, the assignment enabled me to understand the importance of image for any company that seeks to be successful in the corporate world. Using the example of British Airways, I learnt the importance of maintaining a good image in order to make a brand the most preferred among others. Interestingly, I realized that British Airways has taken serious steps so as to rebuild its image and performance. Nevertheless, I encountered a challenge of inadequate time in the process of designing the poster and collecting the information in the study. In the third assignment 3, I got engaged in making notes that are used to reinforce the poster. It was interesting to transfer the information from the poster into notes. I succeeded in the assignment because of the effective time management and the availability of all essential requirements. Therefore, these assignments have been beneficial in that it has enabled me to exercise the knowledge and skills attained in class. It is also through these assignments that I managed to achieve some of the course goals and objectives. References British Airways Social and Environmental Report, 2000. pp. 1-10. ( CBI (March 2006), CSR Case Study Series; British Airways. p.13. Creswell, JW & Miller, D L 2000, ‘Determining validity in qualitative inquiry’, Theory into Practice, vol.39, no.3, pp.124-131. Owen B, Lee DS, Lim L 2010, ‘Flying into the Future: Aviation Emissions Scenarios to 2050’, Environmental Science & Technology, vol.44, no.7, pp. 2255-2260. Mowforth, M & Munt, I 2009, Tourism and Sustainability, Routledge, New York. pp. 211-220. Social Corporate responsibility Report 2011, British Airways. pp. 14-17. Read More
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