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The Canadian Aviation Regulations: Flight Safety - Research Paper Example

In the paper “The Canadian Aviation Regulations: Flight Safety” the author focuses on a compilation of regulatory requirements designed to enhance safety and the competitiveness of the Canadian aviation. One of the functions of JAA (now EASA) is to cooperate on the harmonization of requirements…
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The Canadian Aviation Regulations: Flight Safety
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CONCORDIA FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL & INDUSTRIAL ENINEERING ENGR 417/ENGR 6421 Assignment-2 Due: Oct. 9 2012 Student Names/ID: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer all questions. (All questions carry equal marks) (1) Choose the correct answer, explain why? (a) The Canadian Aviation Regulations are a compilation of regulatory requirements designed to enhance safety and the competiveness of the Canadian aviation. (b) One of the functions of JAA (now EASA) is to cooperate on the harmonization of requirements and the procedures with other safety regulatory authorities, particularly ICAO (c) JAA/EASA is an organization which issues the Type Certificates for all European manufactured aeronautical products. (d) FAA stands for Federal Aviation Agency ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) The three main factors for flight safety are: (Select the correct statement, explain why? (a) Manufacturing industries, maintenance organizations and pilots (b) Man, environment and machine (c) Pilot errors, Ground engineer’s errors and the design flaws (d) Responsibility, Accountability and Training ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (3) The Commission of Inquiry into the Air Ontario Crash at Dryden, Ontario was appointed in 1989 just days after a tragic accident in which twenty-four were killed. The Government of Canada called on Mr. Justice Virgil P Moshansky of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, a licensed pilot, to conduct the inquiry. Select the correct statements, explain why? (a) The mandate was to inquire into and report on the contributing factors and causes of the crash, and to make such recommendations as he may deem appropriate in the interests of aviation safety (pg-2) (b) The Dryden Inquiry was one of the first large-scale applications of a systemic organizational approach to the investigation of an aviation accident. (1.2.5- pg-3) (c) On March 10, 1989, a snow-laden Air Ontario Fokker F-28 jet began to land in a driving snowstorm on slush-covered Runway 29 at Dryden, Ontario (d) Canadian Aviation Safety Board (CASB) was not involved with the investigation as it is not responsible of CASB ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (4) Many significant recommendations for change that were mentioned in the final report of Dryden Inquiry, were implemented by Transport Canada. They included Select the correct statement, explain why? (a) No new Aeronautics Act but new Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) that were harmonized with the US Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) but not so with European Joint Aviation Requirements (JARs) (b) A new Aeronautics Act and New Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) that were not harmonized with the US Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) and the European Joint Aviation Requirements (JARs) (c) A new Aeronautics Act and new Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) that were harmonized with the US Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) and the European Joint Aviation Requirements (JARs) (pg-6, section-1.6.1) (d) A new regulation on training the pilots for take-off and landing during heavy snow falls. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (5) Describe and compare two different approaches to management of human errors, is there a better one and why? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (6) Select the false statement, explain why? (a) The Canadian Aviation Regulations are a compilation of regulatory requirements designed to enhance safety and the competitiveness of the Canadian aviation industry. (b) Depending on the subject matter, the Airworthiness Notices (ANs) are published by the Airworthiness Certification Branch of Transport Canada. (c) ANs are published in four series, depending on the type of information presented or distribution required. (d) Regulatory affairs are responsible for the Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council (CARAC), by assessing and recommending potential changes to the CARs and their associated standards, through cooperative rulemaking activities. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (7) Select the false statement, explain why? (a) Transport Canada has a group in the civil aviation organization responsible for safety data collection and analysis as well as safety reporting. Transport Canada has a program in place for safety promotion and awareness. (b) An aviation safety newsletter is published four times a year to promote safety awareness. The newsletter is distributed to employees and industry stakeholders and available on the civil aviation web site. (c) Transportation Accident Board of Transport Canada is responsible for investigations of incidents and accidents. (d) Compliance with regulations is verified through assessments and inspections as described in the Surveillance Procedures Manual ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (8) Select the correct statement, explain why? a) According to the provisions of Chicago convention, the laws and regulations of a contracting state relating to aircraft engaged in international air navigation, shall be applied to all aircraft while the aircraft is in flight. b) Each contracting State of ICAO undertakes to adopt measures to insure that every aircraft flying over or manoeuvering within its territory and that every aircraft carrying its nationality mark, wherever such aircraft may be, shall comply with the rules and regulations relating to the flight and maneuver of aircraft stipulated by ICAO. c) An aircraft cannot be validly registered in more than one State, but its registration may be changed from one State to another. d) The transfer of registration of aircraft in any contracting State shall be made in accordance with the law and regulations of the state in which it was registered first. __ Article 18 of the Chicago Convention relates to dual registration and it states exactly that – “An Aircraft cannot be validly registered in more than one State, but its registration may be changed from one State to another” (ICAO 1944). Additionally, Article 19 of the Convention states that registration and transfer of registration should be carried out as the laws and regulations of the contracting state permits (ICAO 1944). This has nothing to do with the first state in which the aircraft was registered as there may be several transfers in the lifetime of an aircraft. In addition to the operation and navigation of aircrafts within its area/zone of control, the Convention provides for the laws and regulations of any Contracting State as it relates to the landing and departing of international aircrafts to or from its area. Furthermore, these laws and regulation should be enforced in relation to all aircrafts without giving preference to any State and should be followed by all aircrafts when the enter and when they leave the area controlled by that particular State (ICAO 1944). Therefore, as mentioned in (a) once an aircraft leaves its territory it is governed by the laws and regulations of the particular territory in which it is located (ICAO 1944). Therefore, the rules of the Contracting State whose mark it bears will no longer apply. Article 5 of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Airworthiness Manual provides for all countries (contracting states) to allow civil aircrafts from other states who have also signed on to the Chicago Convention to fly into or across their airspace (Government of Canada 2012b). ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (9) Select the correct statement, explain why? (a) The Aeronautics Act (1985) is not the legislation that governs civil aviation in Canada. (b) One of the main effects of the Aeronautics Act is to enable the Canadian Aviation Regulations. (c) The Aeronautics Act was passed in the parliament of Canada and it has never been amended so far due to the fact that it is very recent. (d) The Aeronautics Act (1979) is the legislation that governs civil aviation in Canada. The Canadian Aviation Regulations is written by the Minister (Government of Canada 2012a). This act governs the conduct of others. The minister is empowered to write this regulation (CAR) because of the power given to him under the legislation as laid down in the Aeronautics Act of 1985 (Government of Canada 2012a). Part 1 Section 4.2 of the Aeronautics Act outlines the responsibilities of the minister in relation to aeronautics. The minister has the responsibility of developing and regulating aeronautics (Government of Canada 2012a 5). The Minister also supervises everything that relates to aeronautics (Government of Canada 2012a 5). The act (Part 1 Section 4.3) also outlines of the things that the Minister may do in discharging those duties. The Minster is also empowered to delegate his duties with a few exception including the making of a regulation. The Aeronautics Act 1985 supersedes any other before it. This act has been amended several times since it was passed in 1985 (Government of Canada 2012a). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (10) Select the correct statement, explain why? (a) Part I of Aeronautics Act states to who the act applies and the responsibilities of the minister. It also gives authority for Canadian Aviation Regulations. This part applies to all the aircraft operators in Canada. (b) Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) are approved by the parliament of Canada. (c) Canadian Airworthiness Manual (standards) are approved by the minister. (d) Canadian Airworthiness Manual (standards) are approved by Governor in Council (cabinet). __ All regulations are approved by the parliament of Canada. While the Minister is responsible for its development, the approval process is done by the Canadian parliament (Government of Canada 2012a). The Minister of Transport has responsibility for the ability for both the Aeronautics Act and the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)(Government of Canada 2012a). _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (11) The Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) are divided into 8 parts. Regulations pertaining to Airworthiness is presented in: (Select the correct statement, explain why) (a) Part II (b) Part VI (c) Part V (d) Part IV _ The Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) are divided into 9 parts. The General Provisions are detailed in Part l. Part ll provides information pertaining to the identification, registration and operation of an aircraft that is leased by a non-registered owner (Government of Canada 2012c) Part lll provides information on the regulations governing aerodromes and airports while Part lV provides guidance on personnel licensing and training. Airworthiness regulations is contained in Part V. Parts Vl, Vll, Vlll and lX regulates general operations and rules relating to flight; commercial air services; air navigation services; repeals of regulations as well as new ones. Each of these parts have various sections and subsections and the information contained therein is covered in over 900 pages (Government of Canada 2012c). Airworthiness involves setting design standards that are suitable. The engine of an aircraft hen needs to be designed based on those standards, their needs to be proof that it complies with it; manufactured by methods which have been approved; operated in keeping with instructions that have been approved; and maintained in such a way that is in conformity with those instructions (CARS Part V) (Government of Canada 2012c). ______________________________________________________f_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (12) Select the correct statement, explain why? (a) The Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council (CARAC) was created to help the governor in Council in making standards and regulations to promote safety of aviation in Canada. (b) CARAC was created to provide a process for ensuring a fast, full and meaningful participation among all the governmental departments related to aviation. (c) CARAC was created to provide an atmosphere of cooperation among all the concerned communities in Canada and abroad to have a safe operation of aircraft in Canada. (d) The Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council (CARAC) was created to provide a process for full and meaningful participation by the aviation community in the development of the CARs. According to Transport Canada (2012a) the Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council (CARAC) was set up in order change the process by which Transport Canada Civil Aviation’s consult with other parties and make rules. It also served as a process of facilitating an improvement in Transport Canada’s system of making rules. The advisory council represents a partnership between the government and the aviation community (Transport Canada 2012a). However, the involvement of other governmental department in this process may become necessary. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (13) CAR principles are given below. Select the one which is false, explain why? (a) Applying a Risk-based Approach to Regulation (b) Minimizing the Regulatory Burden (c) Reduce the Delegation of Regulatory Authorities (a) Increasing Communication with the Aviation Community and CARAC _CARs include four (4) regulatory principles (Transport Canada 2012b). They are: application of a risk-based approach to rulemaking; minimizing the burden of regulations; increasingly delegate regulatory authority; and increasing the level of communication with the people involved in aviation through the Civil Aviation Regulation Advisory Council (CARAC). Therefore, reducing the delegation of regulatory authority is definitely not one of the principles of CARs. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (14) Select the correct statement, explain why? (a) The CARs do not recognize the use of industry delegates to exercise regulatory authorities. Authority to regulate is the exclusive responsibility of the government. (b) The CARs recognize the extensive use of industry delegates to exercise a variety of regulatory authorities. Delegations are made based on need and cost effectiveness and recognize the expertise in the private sector. Delegates are closely monitored by Transport Canada Aviation to ensure their continued competency. (c) The CARs recognize the extensive use of industry delegates to exercise a variety of regulatory authorities. Delegations are not made based on need and cost effectiveness of the private sector but they are made according to the laws described in the Aeronautics Act. (d) The CARs recognize the extensive use of industry delegates to exercise a variety of regulatory authorities. Delegates are not monitored by Transport Canada Aviation. They are authorized to function independently within the period of delegation. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (15) The legislation for regulations, standards and advisories (RSA) does not include the following, explain why?: (a) The Aeronautics Act (b) Canadian Aviation Regulations (CAR) (c) Standards (Canadian Airworthiness Manual or AWM) (d) Certificate of Airworthiness _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (16) Instruction material is published by Transport Canada in the following ways: (select the one which is not true, explain why?) (a) Aircraft certification policy letter (ACPL) (b) Aircraft certification staff instructions (ACSL) (c) Notice to aircraft Pilots and training institutes. (d) Airworthiness directives (AD) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (17) Airworthiness Notices, depending on the type of information presented or the distribution required are published in: (select the correct choice, explain why?) (a) four series (b) five series (c) three series (d) six series ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (18) Select the correct statement, explain why? (a) The Minister may make regulations imposing, with respect to aircraft in flight in Canada, charges for the availability during flights of any facility or service provided by or on behalf of the Governor in Council. (b) The Governor in Council cannot by regulation exempt any aircraft from seizure and detention. (c) Before making a security measure, the Minister must not consult with any person or organization as it would affect the security measure taken by the Minister. (d) The Minister may carry out the requirements of a security measure whenever the Minister considers it necessary to do so. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (19) Describe what an “extended operation” is, and what is the Canadian regulation that governs it? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (20) Explain the purpose and scope of AWM 533.75? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Work Cited Transport Canada. Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council (CARAC). 13 August 2012a. Web. 4 October 2012 Transport Canada. General Information on CARs. 15 May 2012b. Web. 5 October 2012. Government of Canada. Aeronautics Act. Canada: Minister of Justice, (2012). Print Government of Canada. Airworthiness Manual. (2012b). Web. 5 October 2012. Government of Canada. Civil Aviation Regulations. (2012c). Canada: Minister of Justice, 2012. Print International Civil Aviation Organization. (1944). Convention on International Civil Aviation, Signed at Chicago, on 7 December 1944 (Chicago Convention). 1944. Web 5 October 2012. Read More
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