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Start up Business Support - Speech or Presentation Example

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This presentation demonstrates the benefits that the SUBS is out to bring such as employment, generation, poverty reduction, the area of priority and agriculture. And also how to solve the main problem which is unemployment…
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Start up Business Support
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BUSINESS ORGANIZATION ASSIGNMENT       [1]        Presentation to the Government’s Project Manager for SUBS on the    Potential benefits of the proposed services to new start-up companies.               This presentation is to outline the benefits that the SUBS is out to bring to our region.  The main problem of this region has been the issue of unemployment.  The problem of unemployment has brought untold hardship to families and individuals.  Mostly affected are the youths who hardly get jobs to do after spending years in the colleges and universities acquiring knowledge and skills.             With this SUBS program, many young men and women who have knowledge and skills and good business ideas shall e assisted with their business ideas to start up the businesses of their choice.             The benefits of this SUBS project are many and some of these are listed as follows:              [1]        EMPLOYMENT GENERATION:  There will be employment generation for the teeming unemployed youths and graduates who are currently keeping themselves busy with some restive and harmful activities.  With responsible means of livelihood, the restiveness and vices will reduce.             [2]        POVERTY REDUCTION:  Since poverty is the offspring of unemployment, the issue of poverty in many homes and communities will be dealt with to a reasonable level as to bring relief to such families, individuals and communities.             [3]        AREA OF PRIORITY:  Apart from the individual or group business ideas, there are some important areas and business ideas we must give priority to ahead of others.  \these are the areas we believe will impact very positively in the lives of the people of this region.  Major among these include, but not limited to:             [i]         AGRICULTURE:  For a long time, this region has expected a programme of this nature to come into being to enable us bring up the matter of food production.  \food security is important in every community.  \this region is noted for being endowed with fertile lands, good rain full throughout the year.  Other facilities that will aid agricultural activities are dams and river basins for irrigation during the off season of rains.             The new government policy on agriculture and food security in the next couple of years us a good motivation to the people in this region to embrace mass production of various agricultural produce and agricultural derivatives.             People and young graduates want to go into agricultural businesses, but the snag has been how to go about it.  Under this sector, SUBS shall consider entrepreneurs whose business ideas correspond with agriculture and agriculture related projects.             In view of this, we tend to give priority attention to the following projects if anyone or organization proposes or presents any of them to us for start-up and support:             [1]        Mass production of cassava and cassava end products             [2]        Mass production of wheat and wheat end products             [3]        Mass production of yam tubers and derivatives             [4]        Mass production of maize and by products             [5]        Mass production of rice grains and by products             [6]        Mass production of cowpea and by products             [7]        Mass production of groundnuts and by-products             [8]        Mass production of cotton and by-products             [9]        Mass production of fish             [10]      Mass production of poultry             [11]      Mass production of cattle and by-products             There will also be consideration for such agriculture related businesses as production of fertilizer, fabrication and procurement of agricultural equipment and implements, cassava chips and starch, maize starch for the Pharmaceutical industry and other end users.  From cassava there shall be extraction and production of ethanol for the industries that use them.  This will also extend to the production of various types of gums and stickers.             There will be corn, cassava and rice flours for the industries that require them for their products.  Also production of vegetable oil, garri processing, textile milling, leather products from sheep, goats and cattle, then soap and detergent from palm fruits and kernels, Cocoa butter and palm kernel cake for export and local use.             These shall be the priority areas that will be considered for sponsorship and support.             Having identified the entrepreneurs with interests in these important areas and other equally important areas, such as building materials production, e.g. cement processing, nails, roofing sheets, ceiling boards, timber, terrazzo making, tiles, etc, we shall then embark on programmes on how to get funds through the appropriate financial houses for the successful entrepreneurs to start them up.             The benefits of this programme include, but not limited to the following:             [1]        Employment for both the entrepreneurs and many unemployed youths.  Agriculture is the single largest employer of labour above all other industries.             [2]        Eradication or reduction of poverty among the people.  Poverty is the offspring of unemployment and lack of decent means of livelihood.  It is reported that the youths make up 75% of those that have no jobs in this region.  Investment in agriculture and related fields will reduce the number of unemployed youths and by extension the evils that are associated with unemployment, frustration, poverty and hunger among the people.             [3]        Food security.  With agriculture as our principal focus, there will be sufficient food in the land, resulting in the long expected food sufficiency and security.  Another carry over effect of this is that the prices of food items and related products will fall to the level that most people can comfortably afford.             [4]        With the mass production of fish, poultry and cattle, the people will be able to provide sufficient amount of proteins for themselves and their kids.             [5]        The health of the people will improve.  \the rate of diseases and sicknesses which are consequences of poverty and malnutrition will reduce drastically to manageable level.             [6]        Stress, anxiety and the fear of the future will be replaced by rest, peace of mind and happiness among the people of this region.             [7]        Crimes and vices borne out of frustration among the youths will become a thing of the past.  Many hitherto idle hands will become busy, with their times channeled to good and profitable ventures, instead of being “the Devil’s workshop”.             With this programme, if proper attention can be given to agriculture and agriculture related businesses, the following outcomes are envisaged: this region will be able to produce the following quantities of the listed items: [1]        12.6 million metric tones of Yams per annum from 6.3 million tons currently [2]        40 million metric tons of Cassava tubers per annum from 20m tons [3]        50 million tons of Irish potatoes per annum from 25m tons [4]        15 million tons of Rice per annum from 6.3 million tons [5]        35 million metric tons of Maize per annum from 20 million tons [6]        30 million metric tons of Wheat per annum from 10 million tons [7]        50 million metric tons of Cowpea per annum from 35 million tons [8]        350 million metric tons of Cocoa seeds from 100 million tons [9]        250 million metric tons of Palm fruits per annum from 55 million tons [10]      350 million metric tons of Cotton from 150 million tons [11]      250 million metric tons of Textiles from 100 million tons [12]      50 million metric tons of Fertilizer per annum from 2 million tons [13]      25 million metric tons of poultry per annum from 10 million tons [14]      250 million tons of eggs per annum from 100 million tons [15]      500 million heads of cattle per annum from 250 million heads [16]      100 Billion litres of fresh milk per annum from 20 billion litres [17]      40 million metric tons of beef per annum from 20 million tons [18]      200 million metric tons of groundnuts per annum from 100 million tons [19]      100 million litres of vegetable oil per annum from 50 million tons [20]      95 million metric tons of animal feeds from 45 million tons For proper implementation of this aspect of SUBS project, we shall involve some Of our Agricultural Research Institutes to perform their own roles.  Their services and products should be made available to the end users and the farmers at grassroots level.             Finally, it is envisaged that the moment we are able to support people and organizations with these ideas, the positive effect and impact on the economy of this region will be far-reaching.  [2]        10 Minutes Presentation Outlining the Benefits of SUBS to New Start-Up- Businesses in the Region              Some of the benefits of SUBS services to our region on a longer term period:             The business start-up to be given priority attention and support is agriculture and agriculture related projects.  There will be other areas to be given considerations which include areas such as building materials manufacturing, fabrication and building construction businesses.  These are the basic needs of the people of this region.  Other businesses which we consider good enough and which are outside these priority areas shall also be considered.             Within the first three years of SUBS service to businesses venturing into Agriculture and agriculture related projects, the following are our success projections: Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 Slide 7 Slide 8 Slide 9 Slide 10 Slide 11 Slide 12 Slide 13 Slide 14 Slide 15               These are realistic projections and based on the fact that our region has a vast expanse of fertile lands, mostly virgin lands.  Good raining season, in addition to several dams and river basins for irrigation farming during the off season.             In addition to this fact is another that our people are agriculture people, highly skilled and willing to go into mass food production, if encouraged and supported   ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR   SUBS is looking for a high-energy and highly talented individual to join our team as a Project Coordinator.  This position is responsible for directing and overseeing organization’s start-up business support for small and medium scale businesses.              Additional responsibilities include developing, editing, and maintaining all end-users documentation, including all relevant policies and processes, delivering training to regional small scale businesses in various fields via various methods, including WebEx and instructor-led training, managing logistics of training, including agenda, attendance, reserving space/materials, food, printing of materials, and conducting post training evaluations, follow-ups and certifications.             You will also be helping management in developing system and process enhancements to facilitate business growth based on insight gained from user interactions, including side-by-side, surveys, and user testing and focal groups.  Documentation and curriculum materials include but not limited to instructor manuals, participant guides, reference guides, on-line-help, FAQs, training databases, simulations and computer based training.             In order to excel, you must exhibit: strong oral and written communication skills, strong project management and documentation skills, ability to lead a team of go-getters, supervisor, organizational and time management skills, ability to multi-task and prioritize issues and projects and the ability to work in a fast paced, changing environment,             You will have 3-5 years experience, preferably with sales organization and the ability to relate technically to a non-technical audience.             A BA/BS is required.             Application can be submitted to the Project Manager through our Web site or in person at our corporate headquarters.               KEY INTERVIEW QUESTIONS:  [1]        Can we meet you please?  [Let us know your background: education, family, address, marital status, etc.]  [2]        Why do you want to leave your present employer?  [3]        Briefly explain any special achievements you have made in your career.  [4]        As a team leader, enumerate some of the methods you will apply to motivate your team members give their best and loyalty.  [5]        As a Project Coordinator, what strategies will you adopt to win and retain the loyalty of SUBS customers/clients on both corporate and individual basis?  [6]        Mention two things a manager  can do to keep his organization’s customers coming and coming again.  [7]        Mention two things your customers will always expect from your organization.  [8]        What do you understand by strategic issues in Business Servicing?  [9]        How will you apply it in SUBS being a business service organization?  [10]      What three leadership attributes will you exhibit so as to win the loyalty and support of your team members?  [11]      Mention three of the key basic principles that can affect the viability of any organization.  [12]      If employed, what remuneration package will you consider commensurate with and adequate for the service you will render to SUBS?                                  CHECK-LIST TO BE DESTRIBUTED TO TEAM LEADERS:              The check list will include the following issues among others:  [1]        BUSINESS PERFORMANCE IN TERMS OF:                      [a]        Product quality             [b]        Service quality             [c]        Relationship             [d]        Image of SUBS             [e]        Pricing  [2]        GLOBAL PERCEPTION IN TERMS OF:             [a]        Overall customer satisfaction             [b]        Willingness to recommend             [c]        Repurchase intent             [d]        Met expectations             [e]        Value for money  [3]        LOYALTY BEHAVIOUR:             [a]        Customer loyalty             [b]        Staff loyalty, commitment and quality of service rendered [4]        FINANCIAL OUTCOME IN TERMS OF:             [a]        Market share            [b]        Product cost             [c]        Employee attitude  [5]        INCOME GENERATION STRATEGY:             [a]        Annual turnover projection             [b]        Profit             [c]        Net profit  [6]        BUSINESS PLAN FOR ACHIEVING SALES OF $200,000              After the free five days consultancy period, SUBS subsequent services shall be provided to the start up companies for fees.  The following services shall be provided on a regular basis to clients, companies and individuals regularly throughout the year:    PRODUCT/SERVICE     FOR WHOM   DURATION   FACILITATORS   FEES   Workshop/Seminars on Policy making and corporate governance   Business leaders, CEOs, Chief Operating Officers   3 days   SUBS Managers   $3000.00 per participant   Workshop/Seminars on facilitating SME and fund accessibility   SME operators in various fields   3 days four times in a year  Residential   SUBS Managers   $5000 per participant for hotel accommodation, course materials and refreshments   Workshop/Seminars on Finance for non-finance managers   CEOS, project co-ordinators, SME operators   3 days, residential. 4 times/year   From the Institute of Bankers and SUBS Managers   $15,000 per participant for hotel accommodation, course materials and refreshment   Workshop on Developing high yield Farm products   SME Farmers, and related fields   3 days, residential, and 4 times/year   IITA Lecturers and Lecturers from the Agricultural Research Institute   $15,000 per participant for accommodation, course materials refreshments   Workshops/Seminars on Financial Management and Loan repayment strategies   SME operators, CEOs   3 days, residential. 4 times/year   SUBS Managers and Trainers   $15,000 per participant, for  course materials, accommodation/ refreshments     Our main focus for marketing, sales and revenue generation will be on training and publishing of course materials, journals, newsletters, business digests and publications on small, medium and large scale enterprises. Individuals and corporations will subscribe to and receive require supplies of such literature to follow developments, strategies and technologies available for the successful and profitable running of their businesses in their respective industries. Apart from the workshops and seminars listed above, we shall also provide consultancy and training of our clients in such areas as Aquaculture and fish production on medium and large scale levels. It will afford participants to learn new techniques, networks, meet with important players in the fish industry, expose them to world-class aquaculture products and their sources. There will also be seminars and workshop for export oriented agricultural products such as cassava chips which are high in demand in a country like China, as well as export of fish and prawns to European countries. ASSUMPTIONS ON PRICING STRUCTURE: [1] Course I in above schedule is to be repeated four times a year at a course fee of $15,000 per participant. We assume that there would be at least 10 participants and that will be $15000 x 10 x 4 : $600,000 per annum [2] Course 2 as above at $3000 per participant x 10 x 4 $120,000 per annum [3] Course 3 as 1 and 2 above at $15,000 per participant x 10 x 4 $600,000 per annum [4] Course 4 as others at $15,000 per participant x 10 x 4: $600,000 per annum [5] Course 5 as others at $10,000 per participant x 10 x 4: $400,000 per annum [6] Course 6 as others at $5000 per participant X 10 X 4: $200,000 per annum [7] Six different quarterly business publications; each expected to generate annual revenue of say: $200,000 x 6: $1,200,000 per annum All these added together will bring our projected annual revenue generation to a total of about $4,520,000. From this projected income, salaries of 16 staff and managers and contractors will be paid, rent for office accommodation, office and furniture refurbishment and maintenance, bills for electricity, water and other utilities will be taken care of and possibly leave some amounts in our account. To develop a strong SUBS organization which will become the choice business consultancy and training firm, we must at all times produce and deliver excellent quality service to our teeming customers. Some of the areas we must put our efforts into are meeting and exceeding our customers’ expectations. The market of today is a ‘buyers’ market’; competition is high and customers have incredible choice. For SUBS to survive therefore, we must produce and deliver what the customer wants. We must know who our customers are, how many customer types we serve and whether we are meeting their expectations. As a matter of fact, we must find out what their expectations are; it is only through a process of understanding the customer’s expectations, and meeting them that the business can begin to keep the customers. As competition in all industry sectors grows, there are key principles that now affect the viability of any firm – customer acquisition, customer retention, customer profitability, customer life time value and of course, customer loyalty. The latter can be described as ‘a customer’s propensity to be faithful to one product brand or service provider in the face of choice’. The issue we at SUBS must address is ‘how can we make our brand or service ‘top-of-mind’ or ‘top-of-pocket’ with our customers? Creating customer loyalty implies that the business makes an effort into forming relationships with its customers on an individual basis. This will require the commitment of all stakeholders in SUBS and a faithful and efficient implementation of our strategy.   Read More
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