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Retail Employee Management- 5_05 - Assignment Example

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The company actually starts by the hiring of the human capital or we can say employees but the growth and development of the company is only possible by the retention of best possible capabilities of the human capital. An increasing employee turnover rate is an alarming…
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Retail Employee Management-Assignment 5_05
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Employee Retention at a Company The company actually starts by the hiring of the human capital or we can say employees but the growth and developmentof the company is only possible by the retention of best possible capabilities of the human capital. An increasing employee turnover rate is an alarming situation for the company. Therefore, the company managers or executives should focus on the issues or factors, which actually help them to retain the potential human capital at the company. Many researchers have worked on the issue of employee retention in the companies.

According to their research, there are number of tactics or we can say factors which motivate any employee to remain stick and loyal to any company.Compensation package is always the main attraction for the company. Any employee will remain attached to the company, which is offering a competitive and hansom salary package. In addition to basic salary packages, some extra or additional facilities also motivate employees to be loyal to the company. Employees themselves want to get opportunities of growth and development.

Therefore, employees will stay at any company where they can avail many opportunities for personality or we can say skill development. Every time a strict boss behavior is not a good tool for management. Sometimes employees feel privileged when they get any opportunity to be a part of decision making authority. Therefore we can say that employees may be motivated to remain attach to the company where there is participative decision making. A good team is always the true support for any individual for gaining more success towards the goal.

A company where there is a very friendly environment and usually people work in teams and groups then this may also be one of the reasons for employee attachment to the company.

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