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1-1 Occupational Licensing - Book Report/Review Example

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What else could be a better way other than by starting one’s own business whether small or medium? Investing in a small local business will not only provide self-sufficiency…
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1-1 Occupational Licensing
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of essay’s assignment is due> Occupational Licensing MY RESPONSE TO THE ARTICLE Millions of Americans are trapped in dead end jobs that they would ditch at the slightest opportunity. What else could be a better way other than by starting one’s own business whether small or medium? Investing in a small local business will not only provide self-sufficiency to the entrepreneur, but also provide jobs and promote the nearby economy. However, this road is fraught with difficulties, notably government regulation.

Government regulation exists for the greater good of every citizen such as ensuring environmental safety and tax compliance, but in the recent times, as evident in the article, it has come at such a great cost for prospective businessmen. In what seems as running out of professionals to license and regulate, it is absurd that jobs like fortune telling and eyebrow threading would need licensing. The case pertaining to masseuse Karen in Nebraska is particularly disappointing, being threatened with $25,000 fine or 20 years in prison for massaging horses without licensing.

To make matters worse, horse masseuses do not make that much money to warrant attending a vet school for several years for the licensing. ANOTHER PERSON’S POSTING"The article and movie did a great job of demonstrating the poor logic behind many of our business permit policies. The quote about the hairdresser being arrested and removed from her saloon by seven police officers shows the excessive nature of government permits. Cutting hair for money should not land a person in jail, or require seven police officers.

While I do believe permits have a place in business, I think they are overused and thus restrictive to the economy."MY RESPONSEI do concur that use of excessive force is one of the most punitive of law enforcement for small businesses. Law enforcement officials particularly need an understanding of business and licensing context instead of rigid follow up of the business laws. It is ironical that government legislation is limiting some businesses to some extent at a time when unemployment dictates it should be enhancing businesses and job creation.

Works Cited11 Crazy Laws that Keep you from Getting a Job, Community on Buzzfeed, Created 10 Apr 2014. Retrieved 16th May 2014

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