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Work Plan for a Formal Business Report - Assignment Example

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What kind of Wiki would work for Home Bank? This will ensure that the research is clear about what it is going to achieve.
The purpose of the business report is to establish…
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Work Plan ment of the Problem Should a pilot wiki be introduced for a wider application in collaborative settings of Home Bank? What kind of Wiki would work for Home Bank? This will ensure that the research is clear about what it is going to achieve.Statement of purpose and scopeThe purpose of the business report is to establish whether it will be necessary for Home Bank to develop a wiki pilot for collaborative applications in the wider settings of the bank. The investigation will also find out the type of Wiki that can work for the company.

In order to achieve this, the investigation will use case studies of IBM and Best Buy. The report will compare the types of wiki used by the two companies in order to determine a suitable type of wiki for Home Bank. The report will also include subtopics such as: benefits and costs, risks, training needs, and recommendation. Benefit and Costs will be an important part of the report because it will inform the supervisor about the feasibility of the wiki, so that it can be rejected if it has more costs than benefits and accepted if it has more benefits than costs (Brown, 2006).

This report will not include wider elements of a wiki that do not apply to the bank.Description of the end-productCollaborative Needs of Home BankHow many employees are there in the company?How many locations does the company operate?What are the technological skills of the company’s current employees?Who will use the wiki?Why is the pilot wiki needed in the company?Does the company have enough resources to implement the project?Case StudyAre there other companies using wiki?What type of wiki do they use?

How successful are wikis in other companies?What drives successful use of wikis in other companies?What benefits do other companies derive from wikis?What costs do they incur?Do they face any challenges and risks when applying their wiki?Benefits, risks costs of the wikiWhat are the cost and benefit bases for the project?Are there any likely costs for implementing the project?What benefits will be gained from the application of a pilot wiki?What are the challenges and risks that the company is likely to encounter by using a wiki?

How can the company overcome such risks?Methodology The business investigation report will be conducted in a sequence of steps. This will involve the use of mainly secondary sources of data. First, the investigating team will collect data from the relevant secondary sources and record them for analysis. The team will then analyse the data objectively. The analysed data will then be discussed and appropriate recommendations are provided based on the findings.ScheduleTaskResponsible personDate of completionResearch on case study 1Member 1May 5Research on Case Study 2Member 2May 5Research on benefits and costsMember 3May 5Research on risks and challengesMember 4May 5Analysis of collected dataTeamMay 8Preparation of first draft of the business reportTeamMay 10Preparation of second draftTeamMay 12Preparation of final draftTeamMay 15References listBrown, B.B. (2006).

Writing a Business Plan and Making it Work. Hayling Island: Rowmark.

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