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Brand Identity/Advertising - Assignment Example

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The product boasts of its cutting edge and innovative technology couple with sleek design.
I start my mood board with the company logo because it the…
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Brand Identity/Advertising
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Brand and Identity Part Brand Identity Brand: Apple Inc I believe that most will agree with me when I chose Appleto be one of the most known brands both in the US and global market. The product boasts of its cutting edge and innovative technology couple with sleek design. I start my mood board with the company logo because it the company name meant a fruit but consumers associate it with the most desired phone in the market which is iPhone as well as its other products that includes iPad, iPod and Mac computers.

I seconded it with a product concept of a computer’s transformation or morphing into a phone because this was the vision of Apple that became a reality – the possibility of making putting computers into phone, a phone that is so powerful that it is already considered a computer. Third, I put in the finish product of Apple to demonstrate how attractive its design to its consumers. It is also a demonstration of the company’s vision of integrating functionality and design. Lastly, I have to mention the famous tagline that is patently Apple coined by its founder the late Steve Jobs – It just works!

This slogan encapsulates the very essence of Apple of making innovative gadgets that is nicely designed with a technology that actually works!Mood boardLogo:Product conceptProduct designSlogan: It just works Part 2. AdvertisingObama political campaign poster : HopeIn this poster, the color scheme and artistic style of the poster was deliberately done to be youthful and contemporary which veers away from the traditional political poster. The image of Obama was looking afar which signifies foresight in a contemporary artistic rendering.

It sells the idea that Obama is in touch and knows the present realities without losing sight of his vision as to where America should go and therefore, Americans can hope for a better future under his leadership.We can do it: Westinghouse ElectricThe poster was actually a management implement to boost morale showing a female flexing her muscle. It basically sells the idea that if we want to do it, we can get it done and there is no excuse. This explains why a female was used who can flex her muscle like a man.

Volkswage: Think SmallThe poster emphasized the compactness of Volkswagen Bettle by showing the car in the upper left corner of the poster as extraordinarily small. The image tells what the car is already without explaining with words.

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“Brand Identity/Advertising Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”, n.d.
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