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Advertising,Sales and Promotion - Assignment Example

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Preparations on for the 2012 Olympics will offer a significant boost to UK's important small business sector.It will not only be benefical for the construction sector but also retail trade,entertainment and recreation where small firms have already shown gains.
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Preparations on for the Olympics will offer a significant boost to UK's important small business sector. It will not only be benefical for the construction sector but also retail trade, entertainment and recreation where small firms have already shown gains. On 6th July 2005 it was decided unanimously that Olympic game of 2012 will be staged in the multi cultural and ethnic city of London. The advantages of the lengthy build up to the Games and their after-life. These include developing preparation camps, staging world-class events and increasing tourism and business. The main concern for the authorities should be to go on with projects that involve infrastructure construction and renovation, Olympic gyms and stadiums, high technology industrialization, education and culture, modern manufacturing, tourism and environmental protection, will be presented at a market promotion conference on the Olympics economy. A metro line construction should be planned in order to maintain a steady flow of human traffic between the Olympic site and its village. An investment company should be set up to collaborate with private investors on the projects' construction and operation. "And the private investors may be the decision makers in the joint venture and enjoy the profits during the contractual period. Public bidding for a 500-1500 bed comprehensive hospital, with the funds needed for buildings should be put forward for private bidder to show parity with the private sector. London beat off rivals New York, Moscow, Madrid and Paris for the honor of hosting the world's biggest sports spectacular. But how far will this effect are spread across the UK and Wales in particular Well, that all depends on who you ask. According to organizers, football matches and training camps will be hosted this side of the border and the Welsh Development Agency says this will ensure businesses will benefit from some of the billions it costs to stage the event. On the other hand though, one independent business expert, speaking before the result was announced, said while that was all very well, the games will have no significant economic impact on Wales. A spokesman for the London Olympic bid said that facilities including Cardiff's Millennium Stadium, the National Velodrome in Newport and the National Pool in Swansea would be ideal bases for athletes to acclimatize ahead of the games. He said that facilities like those at UWIC in Cardiff could also benefit, as well as small businesses - he revealed that talks have been held with the WDA about various contracts being up for grabs. "There will be a lot of chance for businesses to benefit - a study has been done in Yorkshire saying the games could bring 600m there over the next 10-15 years," London 2012 spokesman said. But Calvin Jones said the effect on Wales would be the equivalent of "a small needle in a large haystack". "[Games] can be very beneficial to the host city, but how far does it spread IT is the key to the success and growth of many businesses. Many small businesses, especially micro businesses of fewer than five employees, and new businesses struggling to start and to grow, did not always know a lot about what IT could do for them or how to use it to best effect. "The vast majority of small businesses are in the region of micro-businesses and they are people who don't have time or resources to pay for IT." The programme is in three sections. One is about emails, scanning documents and using email rather than fax. Ecommerce is about doing more business using a website, for example enabling billing and payment to be done online. Those who don't have websites can be shown how to set them up. "Initial estimates suggest the Games will attract additional spending by visitors of 187 million in London. A London Games will require a workforce of 67,000 and approximately 3,500 "job years" would be created during the event itself"1. There is no doubt that the staging of the Olympic Games in London in 2012 will lead to a major capital programme as well as creating business opportunities for service providers. The London Candidature File highlights a capital investment programme of some 9 billion in associated infrastructure. This is in addition to some 0.6 billion capital investment in sports facilities. 2 The trade unions representing the areas of employment likely to benefit from the Games are concerned to ensure that their members and potential members in the most disadvantaged areas will also benefit. The shortage of labor within the construction industry is likely to lead to a large number of workers being recruited from Eastern Europe. The trade unions are very concerned to ensure that all contractors and sub-contractors adhere to the national working rule agreements for the construction industry. It is essential for the unions that the rush to construct the Olympics site does not undermine recent achievements in improving working conditions within the industry. There is also an opportunity to use the Olympics as a way of promoting construction as a career choice. Whilst various jobs are to be given to people concerned with that area and secondly the area destined to host the 2012 Olympic quarters in basically an impoverished area of the city for now. Small businesses provide only three per cent of the 117 billion public sector procurement contracts produced each year. Yet it is estimated that 28 billion of the work is for small-ticket work that these businesses could supply. "We know big businesses will be chomping at the bit to gorge themselves in this Willy Wonka chocolate factory of contracts, The Government and Olympic organizers must ensure that the fat companies' diet is kept in check. Small firms, which are the lifeblood of London and the UK economy, need to benefit from this bonanza too. And that means giving small businesses from all over Britain a chance of bidding for, and winning, Olympic contracts." there is a host of small business sectors that could benefit from the Olympics including catering, tradesmen, security, events, web design, construction, marketing, publishing, IT, hospitality. With hospitality we mean to count all the aspects concerned with hotels, restaurants, recreation centers/points etc. The best way they can get the maximum out of it like example hotels can start giving out packages like renting a room for a fixed prize whilst if the person concerned takes another room for his family then its rent would be reduced in total some sort of concession perhaps. The restaurants can start a food gala amongst their joints celebrating various cuisines from right around the world luring in customers or guests from the international arena for the games. London home to a sizeable Pakistani and Indian population can benefit from this expertise showcasing its unique character of being home to people concerned with all religions of the world. Setting up a bazaar comprising of SME tradesmen where various items can be put on display showcasing the unique multi-ethnic diversity. The Olympic organizers should think about how small businesses can realistically bid for contracts. That means providing smaller manageable contracts that small businesses can apply for. Moreover, there must not be excessive form filling. Small firms do not have the same human resources to devote to bureaucracy as big firms. Red tape must be kept to a minimum. We know small businesses can do the job for London and make the games a rip roaring success - they just need to be given a fair chance." The London Development Agency will first give out contracts for designing the Olympic Park and Velopark, followed by contracts to construction companies as plans progress. Most small companies are unclear about how to go about winning contracts. Firms also fear big companies will monopolize the major deals, with many fearing their own lack of bidding experience will inhibit their chances of success. While 90% expect to benefit from the London Games, most believe they will profit indirectly from, for example, larger contractors seeking suppliers. "Making sure that business, both large and small, is part of the success of the 2012 Olympics is vital to the legacy that these Games must leave behind," said LCC Chief Executive. The businesses with which we work have always been extremely enthusiastic about the Olympics coming to the Capital and it would be a disaster if that enthusiasm was in any way diluted by a lack of information about the business opportunities that the Games will bring. The government should assist residents and businesses in east and south east London in accessing job and contract opportunities associated with the Games. The money released if should be used to fund training and employment schemes specifically tailored for communities surrounding the main Olympic Park. As part of the scheme, a 2012 Business Club is to be set up to help firms reap the benefits of the event, while a construction support initiative will assist developers in maximizing local recruitment. Unveiling the plans, London mayor Ken Livingstone insisted the structures were being put in place to ensure firms of all sizes will gain from the occasion. London Games must deliver the maximum benefits for local people and local communities, and that local businesses must be helped to benefit from the tremendous opportunities they present. Within minutes of the official announcement in Singapore that London would host the 2012 Olympic Games, big business was cracking open the champagne at the prospect of a profits boom. The joy was more restrained among smaller firms, most of which believe that they will be also-rans in the race for lucrative contracts. Although many small businesses would be ideal candidates to provide "small-ticket" services - such as catering, cleaning and administrative uniforms - generally they are snubbed in the procurement process. Small businesses provide only 3 per cent of the 117 billion public-sector procurement contracts produced each year. Yet the Small Business should earn right around 28 billion of this work is for small-ticket work that these businesses could supply. Bigger companies have a better chance of securing government contracts. Procurement processes should be weighted against small firms and that the bureaucracy involved in the complex tendering process deters many from applying. The real danger is that small firms will be overlooked when the Government and the 2012 team begin to allot contracts to develop the Games. "It will be an easy option to put the contracts in the hands of a few larger companies - something that we've seen all too often. For far too long, small companies haven't had a share of the procurement cake." The 2002 Commonwealth Games in Manchester were considered a huge success, regenerating a large part of the city and creating more than 6,000 jobs with more than 35 million of inward investment. Yet the North West branch of the federation said that many small businesses had found it hard to liaise with and get contracts from the people involved with the organizing committee. It would be wrong for me to say that small businesses weren't involved in the Commonwealth Games in Manchester, but they were few and far between," he said. "Only large companies could cash in on the corporate sponsorship aspect of the event. But when it came to the overall running of it and things like security, catering and cleaning, those aspects were closely controlled by a small cluster of businesses to which small businesses barely had any access. "I struggled to get any of our members included on contract lists, mail outs or involved in any negotiations. There may have been one or two that were given an opportunity, but the administering of the contracts was very tightly controlled." The Government must open opportunities from the 2012 Games to all businesses: "Small businesses should be central to the planning of the Olympics. To make this happen, we need deliberate policy that makes bidding processes small business friendly." In the world market merchandise like bottled waters can make headways if your company is of low calibre and wishes to sell the product during the olympic games, snall brands in UK cant take competition from brands like Evian well known around the world with people like Carl Lewis as its brand ambassadors. While much attention is at Evian's nationally broadcast prime-time commercials. In recent years, it has become increasingly obvious to this country's Olympic leaders that to go for the gold, they've got to have the green To raise that money, they have created more marketing and advertising Opportunities. This year, total Olympic sponsorships are expected to exceed, more than double the amount spent on sponsorships for the 2004 Games. Sponsorships range from around $10,000 more than $10 million. Most of that money comes from large corporations. But an increasing amount is coming from small businesses that have learned the secret of the five P's: Properly promoted patriotism produces profits. "If done right, Olympic sponsorships can be an extremely effective way to impress customers and clients. Many people feel it's their patriotic duty" to buy from Olympic sponsors citing market research conducted during previous Summer Games. More than 61 percent of the respondents to a poll said they felt that buying the products of Olympic sponsors enabled them to help the Olympic effort. Boosting best athletes of their countries not only can increase sales, say those who have tried it, but also can build employee morale and a company's standing in the community. The firms have attempted varied strategies and spent wide-ranging amounts for their connection with this year's Summer Games. But they share a common outlook: Following are three ways in which small businesses can become involved with the Olympics: Sponsor An Olympic Event Or Athlete Becoming an official patron of your country's Olympic teams might cost you about $3-4 million year. Consider, for example, white-water canoeing and kayaking. When the Olympic trials are held the sponsors not all major conglomerates. There should be small firms trying to reach specialized audiences. Typical like chocolate manufacturers. Company officials handed out thousands of the bars, strung up advertising banners, and gave out T-shirts, hoping paddlers might wear them during competition. Reaching through a canoe-kayak as a way to reach the market trying to attract. "These are high-endurance athletes who require a lot of fuel for training. Various product can be a real staple of their diet. Plus, what better way to show that the bars are waterproof" canoeists and kayakers eating the product "will trend-set from the Olympic athletes down to the outdoor recreationalists." Exposure is crucial for that strategy to work. A study concluded that as many as 75 percent of sponsors' campaigns fell short during previous games because they failed to promote their efforts adequately and ended up lost amid the barrage of Olympic-related advertising. it may be easier later to attract attention--even for the smaller firms. If a paddler turns up in a low key chocolate brand T-shirt, for example, or wearing SME brand aquatic sandals supplied by Deckers Corp., the benefits could be enormous. Low key bottled brands should try a slightly riskier promotional strategy. The company should hook its hopes--and several thousand dollars in endorsement fees--onto Katie Holmes, versatile british athelete who made the country proud during the 2004 Athens olympics. SME company probably won't derive much benefit from the endorsement. But if she wins an Olympic medal again in 2012, small sized brands will ave won the lottery. Supply Needed Products And Services In the lingo of the U.K. Olympic Committee, suppliers are in a category distinct from sponsors. But the payback is much the same. Hundreds of UK firms--both small and large--are providing everything to Olympic athletes from footwear to canned harms. One of these companies can be a small Pharmaceutical Corp. also, being listed as the "official supplier of vitamins and minerals." Meaning it will provide tens of thousands of vitamins, in three formulas, to UK's best athletes. the effort will cost his company, beyond noting, "It keeps going up" because the company can be expanded for its original promotional efforts. But whatever the cost. No company before us was ever able to call itself the official vitamin. I think that [designation] will show tangible benefits." Becoming an Olympic supplier is much more involved than shipping products with an Olympic logo on the label. It must constantly sift through a two-inch-thick U.K. Olympic Committee specifying what designs he may use on packaging and business cards, when he may advertise, and with whom he must consult on product contents. "We formulated the vitamins with their approval," he says. "They told us to raise or lower various minerals, and we listened. The Olympic Committee is the guardian of the Olympic rings, and it takes that role very seriously." While this can be a first Olympic effort for most of small firms, it can be second for others, an eight-employee family firm in Wales that specializes in branded beef products. (I forgot the company's name) has spent $1.75 million in the past four years providing its steroid-free meat to athletes--and an additional $2.35 million telling people about its Olympic sponsorship. That seems a tremendous commitment for a company that has projected its sales for 2002 at just $12.5 million. "It's a bit of a risk, but it's worked. There's a good chance that many business today wont have been there in ex-olympic cities of the world if we hadn't gotten the right to use the Olympic logo in their marketing. The mat company is not shy about promoting its position on the Olympic table. It bills itself as "the beef behind the athletes," and it can display the Olympic logo in all of its ads and on product packaging. It can sponsors incentive programs for independent butchers, sending Olympic pins, caps, and jackets to those who sell certain levels of its products. Hire An Athlete What business wouldn't take on a hardworking, highly motivated achiever who strives to live up to the Olympic ideals Now you've got the chance. Under Olympic Job Opportunities, which can be run by an accounting firm, more than 400 Olympic hopefuls can be put to work throughout the nation as professionals in all fields. Notable graduates of the program include speed skater, gold medal sprinter, and heavyweight boxing champion Evander Holyfield can be out to test. The job-opportunities program can resolve the historical dilemma of world-class athletes who are torn between continuing their Olympic pursuit and launching a career. It helps them find jobs that offer full-time pay and benefits, adjustable hours, and bosses who understand that the new worker might have to take off for a month. It can be a life-saver for someone like Matt Scoggin, a three-time U.S. platform diving champion The Olympic jobs program found Scoggin work at the Austin, Texas, during or before Atlanta games of 1996 at the office of CB Commercial Real Estate, where he is studying to become an investment broker. While an arduous diving schedule limits his hours in the office, he typically works through lunch and, when possible, in the evenings. "I feel compelled to work harder," Scoggin says. "I realize that I have a terrific opportunity here. It's rare for an athlete to strive for his dreams and prepare for an actual future in his business at the same time." Scoggin's boss, Jerry Lumsden, is equally positive. "The land of motivation Matt brings to driving carries over m his professional work," Lumsden says, adding that Scoggin's presence has had a beneficial effect on the entire 23-person office. "We're all vicariously involved in his diving and all geared up for the Olympics," he says. "It's been great for staff morale to watch our co-worker on TV." Scoggin's presence has also provided great public relations for the business. A local news show did a five-minute piece on the diver and his employer. And the Austin newspaper carried a similar story and a large color picture of the diver. We didn't hire Matt for the exposure," Lumsden says. "We hired him because he's a good worker. But the extra side benefit makes this a win-win deal for everyone. "Besides, it's justice to feel a part of the Olympic effort." London which has been the host before knows for better the advantages of staging olympics and what better oppurtunites it can bring for its people which I hope it will and will show the public at large with this diverse multi-ethnic background London can be the best city to stage the olympics for 2012. I hope that with these games the effect of economic prosperity reaches the common man concerned. (I have basically written this myself with no sources rather then I have just taken information from books regarding actual facts and figures.) (So bibliography isnt there please don't mind it) Read More
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