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Farouk Systems Entrepreneurial Intentions - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Farouk Systems Entrepreneurial Intentions" discusses Farouk Shami, a Palestinian-American who was born in 1942, in Ramallah in the Palestinian West Bank. The American dream was instilled in Farouk by his father who lived in New York for some time before returning to Palestine…
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Farouk Systems Entrepreneurial Intentions
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Shami was spurred to set out at inventing the first ammonia-free hair dye in the world named Magento, which effectively launched his business career. In the year 1986, Farouk Shami started his Spa and hair care products company called Farouk Systems based in Houston, Texas. This company, over the years, has introduced numerous hair care products in the cosmetics industry, which has seen his business venture and innovations lead to a flourishing and profitable business career.

            Farouk Systems Inc. is a manufacturer of professional spa hair care products that offer lighteners, colors, styling products, hand, and body washes, and lotions, and tools like dryers, irons, and brushes (Miller, Vandome & John, 2011). According to Pederson (2009), Farouk Systems’ SPA products include lacquers, fragrances, top coats, ceramic bases, ceramic base coats, coat binders, and cuticle oils. The company also provides services in ceramic instant drying drops, conditioners, chemically treated kits, shampoo ionic protectors, ceramic ridge fillers, and nail tools and accessories. Farouk Systems also offers buffer files and blocks, crystal nail files and in addition, they offer infra highlight color, blondest blonde, ionic permanent color, and auto digital wet among others. Farouk Systems Inc. is a private company that was founded on principles aimed at promoting safer workplace environments, a principle that is embodied by the company’s motto; Environment, Education & Ethics. This was to be achieved by providing the hair care industry with safer hair care products free from harsh chemicals (Herman & Smith, 2009). Advanced knowledge through education was to be the foundation of this objective and a new professional system that could be replicated at home. Farouk Systems is comprised of 1,500 professional hairdressers spread in over 60 countries around the world (Rosenbloom, 2011).

            Farouk Systems Inc.'s entrepreneurial intentions are driven by the need to promote the creation of safer working environments in the hair care industry. This contributes to the consistent drive for the innovation of chemical-free hair care products using natural dyes from plant and animal extracts (Pederson, 2009). These intentions were achieved through Farouk Shami’s resilience in research aimed at developing alternative hair care products that were much safer than what the current provided. Farouk Systems’ consistency in innovation has propelled the company’s entrepreneurial intentions to a leading market position in the industry.

The company’s strongest traits are characterized, by market research, to provide the best and current knowledge on trends, consumer demand, and preferences. Strong leadership is a key factor to Farouk Systems’ success in an industry that is characterized by stiff competition and the influx of new products in the market. The emphasis and focus on the development of high-quality products is an entrepreneurial trait that has helped the company maintain its market appeal and demand. An example of this is the introduction of the Chi Straightening Iron which is made of pure ceramic raw material making it deliver superior results compared to other products in the market (Herman & Smith, 2009). The quality results produced by this product are attributed to consumers’ willingness to buy it at higher prices than other similar products in the market. The quality nature of products from Farouk Systems Inc. has helped the company overcome a majority of barriers and obstacles to its success in the hair care industry.

Taking advantage of a relatively unexplored and unexploited concept and making it a reality allowed Shami to become a pioneer and pacesetter in his specialty. The use of education as a core principle in his line of work helped Farouk Systems gain much-needed market traction. The company’s continued success can be attributed to its ability to maintain its consistency in the production of quality products, which helps in dealing with competition. Farouk Shami is an example of a minority entrepreneur who worked hard to realize his dream and true passion. From Shami’s example, minority entrepreneurs should be able to recognize the benefits of thinking outside the box and the importance of quality in any endeavor.

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