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Health Services - Term Paper Example

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Health Services Name Instructor Task Date Introduction Health is when there exists complete corporeal, psychological and conducive social being of a person hence not just an absence of infirmity. Health has a substantial impact on the behaviours. As far as health is concerned the trend of the population is a focal point in this topic…
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Health Services Term Paper
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The two direct communication and indirect communication are touched-on under medical development technology, major trends under the population demographic and the significance of mortality during ancient age is discussed. Social structure is an interconnection where the key relationship in it is an organization which is brought together as one. It is made up of an individual or a group that communicate and interact with a good understand among each other. When a community or group in a society does not interact with another group appropriately, fight or violence often erupts up.

When violence emerges, the entire environment become unconducive to human hence affects health. The violence eventually leads to the collapse of the economy of a nation or society, when there is a dispute in a community or society, everything not only becomes scares but also costly, these affects the economy of a region thus the persistence of lead to health deterioration. There are three stages of medical technology development named; two separate direct communication stages and indirect communication stage. . r scanning fractured bones of a patient, Lastly indirect communication is one where the patient is subjected to technology and the responsible specialist is concentrated to only the data collected from the patient the they interpret the data without being involve directly to the patients, example of these specialists are clinicians.

Because better educated people stumble on it easier to attain and calculate such information (Nayga 2000, de Walque 2007). The U.S population demography have been fully balanced not according to the past events, U.S alone has many races than any other part of the world, this has been conspicuous enough to the whole world, Jacob needle man surveyed that white non-Hispanic as a race were extremely dominant in terms of population, followed by the pure Hispanic, the Black, Asian then lastly the other races. U.S.

A population is moving up and data from the Census bureau indicates that U.S.A population is sky-rocketing aged an even more ethically various. Just because of downturn in the recent economy, percentage of persons living in poverty also had to escalate in the past years. Current Structure The demography trends made is made up of two companies; Medicaid and medic are there to be main priorities. In a span of 15 years alone, there population shoots up from 151 million to 296 million, resulting to an annual growth of 1.2 percent. Females’ outnumbered man by a good difference of 4.

4 million and since the female population is speculated to continue surpassing male population. These trends of population did not only take place in the U.S, but everywhere else around the world. The ratio of 1:10 for male to female, the trend led to situation where American for instance had to be born in a foreign country where non- English way of life worked

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