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American Military Occupation of Japan Changed Japans Political Institutions and Processes History Term Paper
13 pages (3556 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The American Military Occupation of Japan that lasted for seven years has been a significant segment of world history because it has made several successful stories that were highly substantial nowadays. Many have asked about the significant changes that the occupation has made to Japan’s current situation and if these changes have a relation to the success of its political, economic, and military practices.
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The change in the Democratic coalition from Pre-Reconstruction to the New Deal coalition History Research Paper
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper tells that currently the Democratic Party enjoys the most diverse support from the various groups in the United States. This is because the party has been consistent in advancing social, progressive and liberal reforms in the country since the mid 1930s. Consequently, the policies of the party favor workers, farmers, minority groups, the youth and labor unions.
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7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
Upton Sinclair, one of the most influential writers of his time, wrote the novel “The Jungle” in the year 1906. Sinclair’s main purpose in this novel was to explain and portray the life of the immigrants in the United States of America. Immigrants from Northern Europe moved to live in American.
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Impact of Evangelism on the U.S. Politics History Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Evangelism refers to the act of spreading information about a particular set of beliefs to people who do not subscribe to them. From the initial English settlement in America to the Declaration of Independence, Christian beliefs have played a very significant role in American politics.
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10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The Arab League headquarters is in Cairo, and the Secretary General of the League is traditionally an Egyptian. Former Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussa is the present Secretary General of the Arab League. President Mubarak has often chaired the African Union (formerly the Organization of African Unity).
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Progressive Thinking and Mismanagement in the Development of America Before the American Revolution History Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the research findings although British colonizers contributed greatly to America’s positive changes, leadership mistakes enabled American colonies to pursue independence from their mother country. The long years of strife coupled with positive attitudes enabled Americans to cope with the conflicts that confronted them during the years of Colonization and Revolution.
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The rise and fall of monopolies in America History Research Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
One of the most commonly discussed topics in politics today is the economy. For several years now, it has been in a slump and no matter what the president, the congress, or the economists do, it stubbornly remains slow and precariously balanced on a precipice.
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The Trail of Tears History Term Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The history of the US indicates one of the greatest violations of human rights and land grabbing. One of such happenings is what is commonly referred to as the Trail of Tears. This phrase is used to refer to the forced movement and relocation of Native Americans nationals who were residing in the southern parts of the US following the 1830 Indian Removal Act.
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Vladimir Jabotinsky History Term Paper
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
His family can be identified as a liberal Jewish family. His father passed on while he was still young at the tender age of six. He can be said to have been steeped to Russian than Jewish. He grew up in Russia until when he attained the age of 18. It was at this time that he moved to Italy and Switzerland.
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Communism in North Korea Compared with Russia History Essay
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the research findings the North Korean Communism appears to be more dangerous type of communism with regard to the potential of this type of socialism or communism to restrict economic growth, promote autarky and international isolationism, and prolong or perpetuate underdevelopment and poverty.
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Introduction of Democracy History Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Introduction of democracy. The District of Columbia has been deprived of voting rights in both the presidential as well as state elections. The citizens of the district will only be granted to vote if it is given the status of a new state. The latter has been proposed in Clause 1 of the Constitution of America.
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Analysis of the political change the United States underwent in 2008-2011 History Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The leadership of President Obama and his Administration characterizes the period 2008 and 2011. These political changes have changed the view of the American people on the form of government that is serving them. The following are some of the areas that have undergone changes in the United States and they include political philosophy, economic issues, foreign policy, party politics, and legal/constitutional aspects; these areas will be discussed in detail.
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Multinational Corporation and State Relations in Emerging Markets History Essay
12 pages (3335 words) , Download 3 , Essay
For developing countries that lack capital and technology, the fastest and most effective way to develop is by attracting capital from abroad in the form of foreign direct investments (FDI).  Multinational corporations (MNCs), on the other hand, are always looking out for new, emerging markets for their products.
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Lord of the Ring 3 and IR Theory Realism History Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Lord of the Rings 3 connects to IR theory of Realism The world, we live in, has always been a place of constant activity. This constant activity in the form of physical as well as mental activity of the people has transformed our world from an archaic to a well-developed one.
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The Fall of The Spanish Armada History Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Among the close allies was Spain, a superpower at the time under King Philip II. The Spanish king had close ties with the English throne by marriage to Queen Elizabeth I sister, Mary. Mary’s death was a blow to the Spanish king. He decided to propose to Elizabeth to savor the ties with England, but Elizabeth turned the offer down.
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Genocide in Rwanda and Bosnia History Term Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The more traditional interstate wars saw the soldiers going off and carrying out wars against one another but distantly on front lines. The modern intra-state war, on the other hand, is much more terrible as it is made up of organized mass killings of common people and this is in fact the main aim of the war.
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Is it accurate to describe the Global Justice Movement as a 'global movement' History Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The appearance of anti-global movements, such as the Global Justice Movement (GJM), poses broad sociological concerns and, at the same time, draws out some re-evaluation of the classifications outlined and described within the discipline of the sociology of social movements (Ruggiero 2002).
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International Relations to East Asia History Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It is worth noting that China is currently the emerging economic power next to the United States. An analysis of the political and economic system enables one to understand the current relations in East Asia and the probable future of China as a global economy.
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The Effects of the Cold War on the Middle East History Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The Effects of the Cold War on the Middle East. If the Cold War is deemed as the communism’s conflict with the capitalist west under the headship of the United States, communism decidedly becomes defeated. The Soviet leadership’s expansionist desire to force communism upon the rest of the earth panicked the wealthy capitalist west whose reaction to the communist expansionism eventually kindled the war.
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Galveston TX budget History Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The recommended budget of Galveston County in Texas has proposed reduction in spending from the current year and eliminates any practices that might not lead to accomplishment of its objectives. The reductions might be seen as painful but they are important due to dwindling revenues from the State, local tax and other sources of income generation (Cartwright 39).
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John F. Kennedy's Historical Leadership History Term Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
John F. Kennedy in my humble opinion is an example of great leadership and one of the few great and beloved presidents in history. It was very important for me to choose John F. Kennedy because I believe that his leadership style demands to be used as an example by our current and future leaders.
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Women In the Antebellum Reform History Research Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The antebellum incident took place in 1837. Antebellum reform incident was a consensus of reform organizations, who matched to New York to see anniversary meetings. Leaders of reform organizations raise some issues too including; crimes, prostitution, poverty, alcohol, ignorance and slavery, as the major causes of death in the republic of America, and therefore, advocated for change.
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Racial Disproportionality in the United States Prison System History Research Paper
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The United States criminal justice system has always been considered controversial for a variety of reasons. Racial discrimination is one of them. Other issues like the uneven implementation of the death penalty on different states also make the criminal justice system even more controversial.
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Immigration Policy and illegal immigrants History Term Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
There are 10,000,000-20,000,000 illegal immigrants currently living in the US and their arrival is far outpacing legal migration (Illegal Immigration Statistics, 2010; CIS, 2011). The observed anti-immigration in the US can be regarded as ironic especially considering the pride taken by the nation’s founding fathers that US is “a nation of immigrants” (Kane and Johnson, 2006).
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The Middle Class in Urban Britain 1780-1900 History Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The world has been the stage for constant change. In the 19th century, the invention of the steam engine was referred to as being an act of exquisite ingenuity. All the inventions that have occurred in human history have been greatly influenced and have in turn influenced the way that people live their lives.
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American Presidents, Religious Cultural Heritage, and Nuclear Weapons Decisions History Dissertation
200 pages (50000 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Stories of war are part of human history. Plato claimed in The Republic that the origin of war is lodged on the notion that there is an existing need for the community to extend its territory, to feed its citizen, defend honor or to right a wrong.
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Why was Andrew Johnson impeached History Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper dwells upon one of the memorable incidents in the political history of the United States. It is the impeachment of Andrew Johnson. He was the 17th president of the United States of America and his impeachment was the first to happen to a president of the United States of America.
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Consequences of Neoliberalism. Economic Consequences of Neoliberalism History Essay
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 8 , Essay
Consequences of Neoliberalism. Neoliberalism refers to a market-driven approach to the policy making process for running economy and society (Campbell and Pedersen, 2001, p3). The approach basically stems from the neoclassical theories of economics focusing upon the efficient role of the private enterprises, trade liberalization and establishment of open markets.
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Presidential Powers of Reagan and Obama History Research Paper
14 pages (3885 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In 1981, congress approved most of Ronald Reagan's proposals that succeeded in the lowering of the national inflation although it doubled the national debt in 1986. He is the first US president who began the buildup of military peacetime when he proposed the construction of a strategic defense initiative unit in 1983.
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Reasons for Israels Invasion to Lebanon in 1982 History Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The attack on its ambassador to London only contributed to the reasons for the invasion, but it was not the main reason. Some of the traditionally held beliefs that Israel was fighting to obtain part of Lebanon’s territory do not have sufficient evidence.
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A geopolitical analysis of The Clinton Administration's 1995 National Security Strategy History Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The context of the formulation of this new strategy was the changes in the international power equations, especially, “the end of the Cold War” (The White House, 1995, p.1 of preface). Once the Cold War ended and the perceived communist threat to America and the world subsided, a change was felt necessary in the security approaches of the US (The White House, 1995, p.1 of preface).
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The history of the first crusade History Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 7 , Research Paper
This paper aims to discuss one of the most argued and debated religious conflicts of man’s history. This particular conflict also involves two of the most wide-spread religions in the world, Islam and Christianity. Вifferent journals and articles were used in order to get different perspectives on the crusade.
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Challenges Facing Contemporary Africans the Product of Internal or External Historical Forces History Research Paper
13 pages (3425 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Generally speaking, though there is no much-written documentation about the challenges that faced the African continent before the coming of Europeans probably because of the weaknesses of the oval tradition, historians have agreed that contemporary African society is being faced with a lot of challenges.
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Middle East Studies. Iraq: Then, Now, and in the Future History Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Introduction The economy of Iraq was once based on agriculture, which stipulated a large rural population. Nevertheless, due to oil production, an economic boom hit Iraq in the 1970s, and with the transformation of economic foundation, most of people shifted to urban centers.
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The Black Sox Scandal History Research Paper
15 pages (4250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
According to the author, the White Sox who were heavily favored to win the series were upset five games to three by the Cincinnati Reds.  Eight players were indicted the following year for their involvement in throwing the series for monetary gain. No one thought that the White Sox would lose the game.
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Critical Review Paper Expansion History Term Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
John Locke (1632-1704) and his work Two Treatises on Government (1690) is also a seminal work on political thought, because he stresses the precedence of civil society over the government. Kant and Rousseau are also prominent philosophers. These political thinkers have similarities and differences in how the idea of Europe as a “Civil Society” changed over time.
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Reasons for the Failure of Camp David of 2000 History Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Reasons for the Failure of Camp David of 2000. The Camp David summit was an assembly that involved the United States, Israel and Palestine. It involved the leaders of those countries coming together to discuss the way forward and work on the conflicts that faced the countries.
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Topic: The 2nd Amendment History Research Paper
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
As a result, gun authority advocates started interpreting the second amendment in a single way (Crooker 62). On the contrary, weapons supporters viewed the assaults on the weapons ownership as assaults on liberties, and secured their reading of the second amendment just as aggressively.
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Alexis de Tocquevilles Democracy in America (1835, 1840) and John Stuart Mill On Liberty (1859) History Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The democratic rule of the majority is paradoxically ethical and tyrannical. “Democracy in America,” by Alexis De Tocqueville analyzes the tyranny of the majority theory and its role in forming political ideology and the constitution in America. In England, John Stuart Mill in “On Liberty” also describes the social and political effects of the tyranny of the majority.
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James Cook's Voyage to Australia and The Subsequent British Colonization History Research Paper
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper emphasizes on the colonization which took place in the Botany Bay with a motive of settling the convicts of Britain. The hazards and the difficulties in the colonization process and the way the British settlers handled the issue under the guidance of their leader have been discussed.
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Kublai Khans Rise and Fall History Essay
12 pages (3315 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Kublai Khan proved himself a wise and sophisticated ruler who, despite the occasional tendency of his own personality and his people’s culture to revert to physical brutality, led to many cultural, economic, and artistic developments and a cross-continental influence linking world trade and politics to the largest extent seen to that point.
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Adoption of the Euro and the European Countries Economies History Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper tries to answer whether the adoption of the euro as the benefactor or malefactor for the economies of the European countries. Finally the following discussion attempts to show that although adoption of euro has managed to fulfill the goal of stabilizing the economies of the member nations, the impact of the global turmoil cannot be ignored.
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Reasons for Terrorism in Northern Ireland: A Cultural Perspective History Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
A brief overview into the timeline of Northern Ireland reveals a past riddled with violence and terror acts over the last century. The situation in Northern Ireland is particularly confounding since Northern Ireland has gone through a similar political dispensation like Wales and Scotland yet these have not experienced similar terrorism in modern times (Rubin and Rubin 60-61).
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The Invention of Tanks, Helicopters and Missiles: Impact on Contemporary Global Warfare History Term Paper
10 pages (2668 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Militarism has significantly adopted technology throughout its timelines, effectively transforming the course of warfare. This is mostly in the 20th and 21st Centuries where technology enjoyed its peak age to date. Specifically, the use of tanks, helicopters and missiles in the first and second world wars and in the most recent wars in the new millennium has hugely changed warfare.
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Li Bai. Poetry and the Tang Dynasty History Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The poetry in China reached its highest echelons of literary richness during the Tang Dynasty and Li Bai was one of the key figures at that time. He not only gave a diverse meaning to poetry but also supplemented it with his freestyle poetry.
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Arab-Israeli War of 1948 History Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Arab-Israel war was the first in a sequence of wars fought between the Jewish state and the Arab states since 1947. Avi (1998) observes that the Israelites refer to it as the war of independence. Avi further states that on November 29 1947, immediately after the United Nations announced its approval of a partition plan to resolve the Jewish-Arab conflicts, an uproar of violence escalated in the Middle East.
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Is direct military action the best way to deal whith problems of terrorism History Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This paper begins by examining the definition and main characteristics of terrorism as a means of establishing how direct military counterterrorism strategies can respond to terrorism and how it might not be compatible with the nature and definition of terrorism. The research study then analyses direct military action as a valid counterterrorism strategy.
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The Gunpowder Plot History Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The Gunpowder Plot. Remember the 5th of November is the mantra that has been celebrated for centuries. While the celebrations are symbolic, they by no means empathize with the plight of the many years of persecution that were perpetuated against English Catholics.
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Private Property in Cuba History Case Study
10 pages (2849 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The sanctions implemented on Cuba by the United States will be initially discussed and further analyzed according to the views of various countries regarding this issue. It was the year 1492 when Christopher Columbus had sailed out to the ocean blue. He came across an island which was enriched with beauty so fascinating that he had never seen.
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Why does the EU rely so much on policy networks to make its political system function History Essay
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Why does the EU rely so much on policy networks to make its political system function? The policy network model of 1970 first highlighted the aspects of post parliamentary politics. With Europeanization of various policies implementing sectors, EU has increased their dependence on policy networks (Richardson, 2006, p.1014).Such networks have provided the interest groups with multiple opportunities for framing policies (Richardson, 2006, p.1015).
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