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Comparative Assessment of Theories on Secularization with Reference to Max Webers Definition Sociology Term Paper
13 pages (3644 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Weber’s two most important works Science as a vocation and The Protestant ethic and spirit of Capitalism are studied in detail. Most of the important thoughts from Karl Marx are taken from his work The Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of the right. The Elementary forms of religious life by Durkheim has been referred for his works.
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The Relationship between Linguistic Competence and Social Mobility Sociology Term Paper
10 pages (2563 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
“Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.”  According to this definition, several aspects of language are highlighted. They include the aspect of language being: a system .an arbitrary collection, vocalized and involving human communication. This meaning would hold each of these concepts is evident in the characteristics of language.
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New Labour Party's Social Exclusion Policies Sociology Essay
9 pages (2729 words) , Download 0 , Essay
When the new labor party came to power, it started implementing a wide range of social program policies to tackle the various social exclusion ills in the society. The author of the paper argues in a well-organized manner that among the targeted ills were child poverty, joblessness, neighborhood and area deprivation, health and education inequalities.
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The Problems from Interracial Marriage Sociology Essay
6 pages (1927 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Christians reject these unions by basing their arguments on the Bible. Secondly, couples in these kinds of unions also face a big problem because of differences and conflicts that arise because of cultural differences. The essay finally identified the third problem with interracial marriages as parenting issues especially as regards the challenges of bringing up children.
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The Extent to Which Globalisation Has Undermined Welfare State and Restrict Welfare Development Sociology Coursework
16 pages (4806 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
According to Harcourt (2001), globalization is a complex phenomenon that comprises several predispositions in the economy, society, and cultural spheres. Its multidimensional character gives a unique definition that describes the increase in the movement of factors of production, goods, and services, information as well as people between countries.
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Aging Population Issue of Hong Kong Sociology Research Paper
52 pages (14034 words) , Research Paper
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As per the recent statistics, Hong Kong is currently home to about 7 million people with an extremely low fertility rate (Woo 2013, p. 12). The life expectancy of citizens in Hong Kong stands at 78-84 years and it is one of the highest in the world today.  The low fertility rate has led to a projection that the population of Hong Kong will be at 8 million by 2033 (Woo 2013, p. 22).
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Citizen Participation and the Impact on Shaping Public Policy Sociology Coursework
24 pages (6863 words) , Coursework
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The most common consultation level of cooperation entails the government seeking public comments on draft laws (Ingram & Smith 1993). The level of information, as opposed to the other two, is described as a 1-way relationship where information flow is in one direction, mostly to the citizens from the government bodies.
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Food and Eating Connected to Ideas of Home and Homeliness Sociology Literature review
8 pages (2434 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The essay shall look at food practices from 1) the migrant point of view - the dimensions in which food and home are associated by people who stay away from their ‘homes’; 2) food practices as a form of self-identification; and finally, 3) food as it is viewed by cosmopolitan, globally exposed food adventurers.
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Complexities in Working with Children and Family Sociology Case Study
8 pages (2305 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
There are different types of families become some have are composed of two parents whereas others are made of up a single parent. In other situations, there is totally no parent and the children become the responsibility of the children. Such families are normally exposed to different family problems to the extent that other problems result in separation and subsequent divorce of the parents.
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An Overview of Parents with Intellectual Disability Sociology Case Study
9 pages (2467 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
There was a widely-held stereotype that persons with intellectual disabilities did not have the ability to procreate because of their genetic make-up. These strongly held beliefs, which were misguided, were soon disapproved as these individuals adopted the goals and values of the broader society including the desire to engage in relationships as well as have children.
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Does the Medicalization Thesis is Important for Future Professional Life Sociology Coursework
15 pages (4013 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Most of the deviant social behaviors are usually defined in the medicalization thesis developed by the medical students. Some of the deviant social problems that have been developed clearly in the medicalization thesis also include hypertension in children and homosexuality. The medical approach is used for providing treatment as a result of the medicalization.
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Rise of Stay at Home Fathers Sociology Case Study
8 pages (2156 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Many dads who stay at home to take care of their children often feel shunned by the women just as women felt when going into professions that were male-dominated. This father feels lonely and that is why he wants to connect with the mothers in the playgroup so that he can have adult conversations while still taking care of his son.
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Participation as Human Rights: The United Arab Emirates, Australia, and the United Kingdom Sociology Thesis
32 pages (9795 words) , Download 1 , Thesis
Through from 2006 female citizens were allowed to participate as both voters and candidates marking a historical beginning with the opportunity for women to enter into the parliamentary arena and also a chance to participate in UAE politics and leadership. Furthermore, this was a platform to allow women have a contribution to global gender debates. 
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Childhood in the Middle Ages and Global Standards of Childhood Today Sociology Literature review
7 pages (2116 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Many historians argue that the concept of childhood is essentially a western concept formulated in the nineteenth century and, its relevance and validity are still questionable in developing and under-developed nations. The definition of childhood claims that any child who is treated differently from the laid standards is maltreated.
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Impact of Social Policy on Mental Health in Australia Sociology Article
10 pages (3069 words) , Download 0 , Article
Mental illness disrupts a person’s thinking, feeling, ability to relate to others, mood, and daily functioning. In Australia, one in five people experience a mental health problem or illness each year and 45% of people experience a mental health problem or illness at some point during their lifetime. It is estimated that 3.8% of Australians suffer from high psychological disorders.
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The Idea of Multiculturalism in Light of Events such as the Cronulla Riots Sociology Coursework
8 pages (2513 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Multiculturalism, he says, requires a framework if it is "consumerist" instead of "transformational". Multiculturalism that has a transformational outlook would require a society that intends to make a social change as part of a collective vision. However, this vision may or may not be easy to come by; as propounded in the social learning theory. 
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Physical and Emotional Health of Asylum Seekers Arriving in Australia by Boat Sociology Essay
8 pages (2318 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The treatment of asylum seekers in Australia violates the international rights standards (UNHCR, 2009). The UN convention is seeking to make sure that seeking asylum from persecution is a universal right applied by all member countries and once this is done successfully, such conditions will not be experienced by any other individual. 
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Introduction to Social Behavior: Religious Prejudice Sociology Essay
8 pages (2691 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to the US Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (2011) discrimination against an individual because of his religion involves viewing them unfavorably because of their religious faith. It is against U.S Law to discriminate against a person because of these beliefs whether because they are a member of an organized religion or else have other ethical, moral, or spiritual principles.
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The Media Reinforce Class, Gender or Race Inequalities Sociology Essay
6 pages (1887 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Most of what listeners know and are concerned about is founded on the descriptions, representations, and stories in movies, radio, TV, music. The way people define their social identities; the way they take man, woman, black or white to mean is influenced by co-modified contents fashioned by media for listeners that are more and more divided by social creations of ethnicity and femininity.
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Increasing Rates of Homophobic Violence Sociology Literature review
8 pages (2263 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
As the paper has discussed in detail, homophobic violence is indeed a form of hegemonic masculinity. Men are brought up in societies whereby they have been taught to be the superior sex compared to women. Because of this, straight men tend to intimidate and discriminate against gay men as they are compared to women, the weaker sex. 
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Potential Positive and Negative Effects Globalization Can Have on the Education of Australian Students Sociology Literature review
11 pages (3377 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Globalization has had numerous and complex impacts on educational practice and policy at different economic, political, and cultural levels. The global issues, policies, and economy can influence Australian Education systems. This paper will try to explore the potential positive and negative effects globalization has on the education of Australian students.
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Comparison of Social Lives Sociology Assignment
6 pages (1804 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
People currently no longer treat marriage as an agreement and not a contract. According to classic contract law, it holds that a particular contract considers binding through a change of mind from an individual thus can not be broken. Divorce is more pronounced in the law of tort as there is a legal obligation that may at last lead to divorce.
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Consumption Has Replaced Class as a Source of Identity Sociology Literature review
7 pages (2073 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The concept of identity is crucial because it is only through the identity of individuals and knowing the identities of others that make human beings similar or different. It is with no doubt that how individuals view themselves does influence other people. Lack of identity would simply lead to an individual lacking different tools for relating or identifying with society.
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Social Capital Concept, Benefits, Threats to It and Probable Solutions Sociology Term Paper
11 pages (3279 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Deeper inside, the paper explores the benefits associated with the social capital concept. The finding ties with that of Putnam of its ability to organize people to participate in civic activities thus, being able to spur development. Individuals in social networks have wider safety nets that help them during calamities and to navigate the social world.
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Federal Government Intervention in Aboriginal Communities Sociology Case Study
9 pages (2621 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This is what is currently known as the Northern Territory (NT) intervention or in a simpler term the Emergency Response. The main cause of the establishment of this response was a report done by the Northern Territory Board that involved making inquiries about the Protection of Aboriginal Children from Sexual Abuse.
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Suicide Rates among Men in Rural Australia Sociology Coursework
7 pages (2099 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The City lies within some part of the midland plains that stretches from Creswick, which is in the north to the far south. The plains are characterized by rich agricultural soils due to the alluvial sediment and volcanic flows (Zimmerman, 2012). In addition, Ballarat is the largest city in Victoria and is under the traditional guardianship of the Wathaurong people.
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Durkheim and Simmels Views of Society Sociology Literature review
6 pages (1810 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Émile Durkheim and George Simmel are both early 20th century sociologists who vehemently confronted the validity of prevalent sociological methodologies used during their time. The two had different perspectives on the predicament regarding sociology, such as how it could be differentiated as a separate academic discipline.
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Social Work Theory Dimension, Its Origins, and Impact Sociology Essay
6 pages (1887 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Critical social work is concerned with the work of ensuring social justice, equality as well as ideas that influence the lives of families, individual persons, communities, and the wider society nationally and internationally (Healy, 2000). The various dimensions of critical social work theory explain how social work practices are essential in the different aspects.
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Comparing Technological Determinism Theory to Social Construction of Technology Theory Sociology Essay
8 pages (2485 words) , Download 1 , Essay
One side of the debate argues that technology has no influence on human action, but rather, it is the human that determines the types of technologies that emerge in the society. On the other hand, some people argue that technologies that are available in society determine the actions of members of that particular society.
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Is Australia a Successful Example of Multiculturalism in Action Sociology Essay
8 pages (2321 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The concept of multiculturalism has been defined as the creation of social conditions under which diversity could thrive and flourish. As a consequence of such emerging social conditions, a new concept of solidarity emerges that embraces the new reality of increasing diversity of society (Berman and Paradies 2008).
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Young Adults Transitioning from State Out of Home Care Sociology Literature review
17 pages (5574 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The special commission of inquiry into Child Protection Described these groups of young people as the most vulnerable people in the community. This includes their proneness to poverty, homelessness, social exclusion, substance abuse, unplanned parenting. A significant influence of how they have turned out is connected to experiences during their stay in these homes.
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Child Protection Issues at the Film Polly and Me Sociology Movie Review
7 pages (2746 words) , Download 5 , Movie Review
The mother is not employed and does not have places to get help despite her effort of looking for help. The family relies on parenting payment and government job seeker’s benefit offered by the Australian government, which is not enough to meet all the expenses including payment of rent, food, school fees for the daughter, and other expenses.
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Understanding the Modern International Relations - World Theory and Order Sociology Essay
8 pages (2460 words) , Download 0 , Essay
My approach towards international relations (IR) has facilitated me to understand the different IR theoretical approaches both originating from the discipline itself as well as those borrowed from other disciplines like sociology and economics. Scores of international relations theories are contested externally and internally. 
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Conflict Resolution Approaches and the Subsequent Process Sociology Case Study
9 pages (2411 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The approach used to resolve the arising conflict was mediation. Mediation is among the conflict resolution approaches where participation is mostly voluntary and confidential. In this approach, a mediator who acts as an impartial third party is involved in the resolution process and helps the conflicting parties to come to an agreement.
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Expressing and Assessing the Rights, Development, and Wellbeing of Children Sociology Case Study
14 pages (4073 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Family life encounters a lot of challenges. There are issues such as domestic violence that negatively influence children’s rights, development, and wellbeing. Parents are supposed to provide support and protection to their children. It is the right of every child to get access to basic and secondary needs.
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Social Movements in China Sociology Essay
10 pages (2870 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In broader terms, group movements carry out massive resistance to particular facts, and in the end, undo individual social changes in the areas they operate. As the paper states, they are organized by certain leadership in which people seek to command and ideas on what course of actions to take in the daily activities.
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Identity of the Indigenous Australians Sociology Literature review
7 pages (2129 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Only 2% of the indigenous people are remaining today due to the erosion of culture and the colonization by the British. Before the arrival of the Europeans in Australia, the country was clean and unspoiled with people who had great respect for the surrounding environment and all the animals and plants without conducting overhunting on their wild animal and their soils and heritage were protected.
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Social Stratification Sociology Assignment
6 pages (1828 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that American society has a shameful legacy of slavery and is a country stratified by race, gender and class. For many in America, racism is an ever-present aspect of the social condition and is built upon a rigid social code, a white/black binary which has its roots in early American settlement.
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Security Options Sociology Assignment
8 pages (2152 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that setting up a corporate security policy is one of the vital steps in establishing a strong and secure organizational context. Even though the guidelines that require to be taken may be strenuous, they are essential to the progress and security of the whole institution.
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Roles of Teachers in Relation to Working with Young People Sociology Assignment
8 pages (2486 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that not only is physical education teaching and coaching beneficial to children, it is also beneficial to the whole community as well. The participation of youngsters in P.E has numerous benefits. Therefore, children who do not undergo such education are likely to be at risk of re-continuing this process at their late ages.
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Social and Psychological Effects on Physically Disabled People Sociology Assignment
9 pages (2672 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that physical disability experiences negative attitudes and behaviors in society. Many people are borne with some sort of physical disability or they become affected by any accident caused in later part of life. Because of disability, disabled people experience harsh and strange behaviors from all segments of society.
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New Technology Trends in Hospitality Industry Sociology Assignment
10 pages (3212 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that throughout the evolution of the hotel and hospitality business, the guest is the driver. The dominant revolution in guest behavior, as seen in recent years, has been in the jurisdiction of technology. In reference to David, hospitality guests are progressively tech-savvy hence they demand higher and higher standards.
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Seeking Qualitative Rigor in Inductive Research Sociology Assignment
6 pages (1970 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that phenomenological study entails examining a common occurrence within a specified group of people. The common element creates a study of interest to researchers seeking to ascertain a given phenomenon. A common experience by the selected group would lay the basis of any phenomenological study.
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Qualitative Research Problem and Design Sociology Assignment
8 pages (2481 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that qualitative research is the best research option in cases where the complexity of the issue wants to be considered. This type of research works towards getting the experiences of the parties involved. Therefore, well-conducted qualitative research can help one know the extent to which some issues have become serious.
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A Five-Year Budget Proposal for Macomb County Sociology Assignment
6 pages (1644 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that the county fire department covers a number of aspects within areas of combating fires that require financial support for the effective running of their activities and ensuring that their mission is achieved over time. The details of the proposal cover the budget that covers the financial plans of Macomb County.
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How Climate Change Is Affecting the Winter Olympic Games Sociology Assignment
7 pages (1980 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that the sporting event featured five sports, namely Nordic skiing, skating, ice hockey, curling, and bobsleigh. Thereafter, the event occurred every four years until it was interrupted by World War II. It resumed in 1948. Until 1992, the event was held in the same year as the Summer Olympic Games.
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Validation of Findings: Obesity Sociology Assignment
10 pages (2722 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author of the paper defines his research problem and knows its background before selecting the best design model. The people who are going to participate in this research should also be identified as well as the research location so that he gets to know what he is expecting for the study.
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Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Relations Sociology Assignment
7 pages (2111 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author of the paper states that corporations are composed of people of different characters and abilities who band together in pursuit of a common business objective. Since human beings are different in nature, organizations are also different. However, the common interest is their uniting force.
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Volunteering in the Community Sociology Assignment
6 pages (1585 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that volunteers do not work for pay but they do so because they want to. Volunteering in relevant to all spheres of life and has a positive impact on the community. In addition, local people become responsible for their community by gaining knowledge and insights that help solve the local issues.
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Teamwork on the Fly Sociology Assignment
7 pages (1970 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that teamwork is crucial for the success of any undertaking and so keeping this in mind, our group applied this policy when we went about the task of analyzing the case study. In this study, an attempt is being made to investigate and analyze the usefulness and credibility of good teamwork.
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