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The Mistake of the Month - Essay Example

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Therefore, there is a need to check on individual actions and make decisions to avoid the reoccurrence of some mistakes in the future. The article, “mistake of the month” discusses the various mistakes that a particular…
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The Mistake of the Month
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Mistake of the month Analyzing an article addressing organizational practices Jeff Smith MG 375 Organizational Behaviors Dr. Bryan KennedyMistake of the monthThere are various mistakes that people make in life. Therefore, there is a need to check on individual actions and make decisions to avoid the reoccurrence of some mistakes in the future. The article, “mistake of the month” discusses the various mistakes that a particular organization observed from its members, and the measures that they took to avoid repeating the mistakes (Lee, 2009).

The article explains that people often make mistakes that have both big and small impacts on their activities, for instance, the main character, Katie Paine misses a plane that was to take her to an important business event together with her client. Paine decides to start up a program that would help members admit their mistakes, and come up with solutions that would help them avoid making the same mistakes again (Lee, 2009). During the implementation of the program, Paine discovers that at least 2000 mistakes have been reported, and that very few were repeated (Lee, 2009), such an observation proved to Paine that the winning practice was effective.

Listen before you talkOn the other hand, Sen, Choudhury & Nelakuditi (2011), explain that listening is one of the most essential skills that are needed for effective leadership and communication. It is always important that people evaluate the consequence of their words before they get the opportunity to speak them out, this way; they can avoid some common mistakes that would arise when such care is not carefully followed.Consequently, it is important to understand that mistakes are part of everyday human life; the ability to learn from previous mistakes and avoiding them is important for everyone.

One of the ways of being understood is careful listening and attention to detail in every conversation, it is only through this that effective leadership skills can be nurtured in people.ReferencesLee, O., (2009). PR Measurement Interview with Katie Delahaye Paine. Retrieved from Sen, S., Choudhury, R., & Nelakuditi, S. (2011). Listen before you talk, but on the frequency domain. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 7-7.

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