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Analysis of Steven Spielberg's Popularity - Literature review Example

This literature review "Analysis of Steven Spielberg's Popularity" discusses Steven Allan Spielberg who was born on December 18, 1946. He is a renowned American film director, producer, and screenwriter (Boyle 2009). Spielberg's films cover numerous themes and genres…
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Analysis of Steven popularity Name Institution Course Lecture Steven Allan Spielberg was born in December 18, 1946. He is a renowned American film director, producer, and screen-writer (Boyle 2009). Spielberg's films cover numerous themes and genres. His early films were either science fiction or adventure films that were viewed as being archetypes of that is suitable for all social class thus making his films one of Hollywood’s best-seller films. The films also dealwith issues on humanity including the Holocaust,war, slave trade, and terrorism (Boyle 2009 ). He is therefore considered as avery popular yet influential film-maker in the history of filmmaking. His films therefore easily gain fame due to the fact that he is famous as well as that they reflect contemporary society. One of his major film – Jaws acquired box office record and became highly-selling film of the time. The film is based on a fictional novel which revolves around Amity Island around the North Atlantic resort where a gigantic great white shark terrorizes the island (Boyle 2009). The shark kills several people within the play. This creates a lot of fear, tension and anxietywhich are magnified by the fact that the audience are not in a position to see the shark. Consequently, creating suspense and terror to the audience thereby, it increased in its charisma among countless and diverse groups of people The film, Jaws, explores the problem facing a society especially the community living around the North Atlantic Island.The community is being terrorized by a shark in the sea that attacks a lot of swimmers. Who, in turn, cannot enjoy swimming in the sea or basking in the sun and as a result, tourism industry is distracted. The film therefore becomes important among a numerous swimmers and tourists who visit the island. It also charms different communities in the word living around oceans and sea as their peace is affected and they are faced on the same problem thus, it made the film to attract attention and fame among different groups of populace. Jaws as film therefore, created its fame and villain out of the enormous white shark which scared generations to move out of the water. It hence, carried meaning beyond its essence in the society and hence became widely known beyond the community. Steven Spielberg’s film, Jaws is sensational and has effective actions and picture (Boyle 2009 ) . It is a scary thriller that manipulates its audience by the fact that it is comprised of characters that developinto human beings. This attracts care, love and attention to the as the film becomes very natural, realistic yet so frightening and still, gives a nicebrand of sight.The filmrevolves around a series of attacks on swimmers by a great white shark. It gives a response of the endangered resort island to its loss of tourist trade. The film no doubts present different meanings in form of an archetypical story. The casting in the movie is greatly inspired. The casting of Richard Dreyfuss as the oceanographer was vita in the film production (Curmi 2005). He makes the film to be well played, driven, scheming, and overwhelmingly ambitious. He appears appropriately young, engaging, and scholarly in the manner that he introduces the technical materials (Curmi 2005). He therefore, reinforces the element of fear within the audience on the shark. The iconic presentation of its different sections during Jaws recordings in the film also, builds a lot of impacts among masses of audience. According to Boyle (2009), the footage of an actual great white shark in some of its parts and use of mechanical shark in the rest creates a patterned illusion of a real shark. It completes the fantasy of the audience as it witnesses the shark, look into its relentless eye, and it immediately totally seems like a real shark (Curmi 2005). Jaws, is thus a great adventure film of its kind. It is a brilliant story that arouses all kinds of audiences due to its dramatic presentation and recording. The time and season when the film was produced increased the films’ popularity. The summer season prompted jaws film as it redefined it as a contemporary cinema exploring problems experienced by tourist during the summer. This aroused the tourist’s curiosity as it created an entertaining, tense yet exciting thriller film at the time when the tourist industry had gone down. As a result the film boosted the tourism business as well as the islands total economy which eventually increased its allure to the film. Stevens’ films therefore, have tendencies of being produced at the right moment to address and reflect challenges facing a popular community. It therefore promotes and gives a solution to a society making the film essential and identical to the society. Stevens has a great choice of excellent setting for his films. The setting of the Jaws film attracts a lot of beauty and naturalness in the film. The fact that the play is set in an island on the beach and across the sea has a great impact on the production of the film. The setting helped develop characters that made the story believable.The film intertwines two senses of wonder and hope to the audience and characters that are faced with complex challenge. The summer action pictures that dominate the film make the film all true as it portrays masterpiece images that aid and express fundamental mysteries in the film. Consequently, the film becomes very powerful and exciting to the audience. Ekpenyong (2007) states that, the film’s legacy is indisputable and practically unmatched. It is based at the summer epic phenomenon. In a famous place and involves Hollywood's major and influential director Steven Spielberg. Jaws are a meticulously revolutionary film in every imaginable aspect. It had a remarkable impact on the way films are promoted and marketed .The cultural fascination of the sharks in the film generated an instinctive fear of swimming. The film presents different plots, characters, and craftsmen who maintain the film energetic, creative and magnetic .It has therefore created itself a well-deserved position among the numerous and greatest classics in Hollywood. Most films by Stevens are deceptively simple in their production and execution (Leitch 2002). The films successfully approach reality by being based on real and well known places which give identity to the film. Jaws for example are set in a small town in America. Films by Steven appreciate a lot of cultural and historical artifacts thus engaging stunning art forms. The films explore particular problems or a group of problems facing a society (Ekpenyong 2007). Often the films give a solution to the problems thus providing some kind of inspiration. They give strategies of navigating through a problem. In addition the movies give clues of how to handle different challenges. Jaws film for example gives inspiration and determination to its audience by the manner in which the crisis in the film is resolved. The manner in which the shark is killed becomes a relief as well as a testimony to many audiences that all problems have a solution (Leitch 2002). As a result Jaws film becomes a powerful image for audiences as they identify resonate and associate with the film. Language and choice of words is also a reason why Stevens’s films are popular.The films are basically grounded on the theme of humanity and culture (Ekpenyong 2007). They mirror life by mankind which is universal. Jaws as a film for example explores a simple but common phenomenon that involves different activities that take place in water such as swimming and boat-riding. Which uniquely combine all art forms into one exciting film.Stevens’s films combine literature; performance and music to produce masterpiece films (Leitch 2002). The films allow the audience to explore complexities in numerous human situations. Films by Steven are entertaining as they work out a range of emotions to the audience (Leitch 2002) . The, films make the audience laugh, cry and thrilled. This is because they reflect a series of human experiences which revoke different emotions and therapy. This is important as it gives an audience an appeal towards the films. Jaws film explores different lives, places and things that impact on the audiences in many different ways making the film popular. Since the beginning of his line of business in the film industry Steven Allan Spielberg has become a principal of the picture and sound production. The film won many awards including three Academy Awards; the Best Film Editing, Best Sound, Best Original Dramatic achievement (Leitch 2002). Also, it was nominated for Best Pictures. As a consequence, people in different countries watch his movies and find them very fascinating and appealing. Statistics show that, the export received of his films to other countries, exceed the market in his own country. The European countries are termed as the main importers of Steven films (Boyle 2009). Steven is a select few of film makers that have adopted technology in its innovations and directorial capacities (Andrews & Andrews 2012). In addition, Steven’s films attract talented populace from all over the world. His view of the film production process as a dynamic industry makes his films accustomed to the changes in the environment. He is quick to respond to the new demands of the consumers a major factor for his success. In his film Jaws he adopted a lot of innovation during the making of the artificial shark which captivates most of the films audience. This makes the film popular and entertaining The success of Steven films can be explained by the powerful and well-planned distribution policy (Leitch 2002). The immense success is also achieved by the ability to create high-budget films, which appeal to wide range of audience in many different regions and countries. The film industry that deals with Stevens’ films is protected by good distribution policy. Leitch, (2002) observed that these factors make Stevens film Jaws a well-renown film with great picture production. Jaws represent films that are wholly produced as well as adapted to the process of globalization. Equally, it influencesthe process of globalization especially in film production. Luckily, the government in Stevens’ county actively supports the distributional policies of Stevens’ films (Leitch 2002). The support gives a competitive advantage to the films making them easily marketable and acceptable. The government policies help not only to increase Steven’s earnings from his film industry, but also, popularize all other Hollywood films (Andrews & Andrews 2012). Thus, most Hollywood films are blockbusters globally. In addition, Steven receives immense financial support from Commerce Department, The US State Department and other state organizations (Leitch 2002). Steven utilizes all possible opportunities to expand his financial success. During its production Jaws film was faced by a lot of challenges it went over budget and past schedule this attracted the interest of aids. In turn, it builds the popularity of the film. The use of international knowledge in filmmaking is also another one of the strategies he uses during different film production (Benchley 2012). Steven turns to different countries for the insight in the process of movie making. The adoption of some of European technology in cinematography makes a vast impact on his productions (Leitch 2002). Stevens’ role as a director in Jaws film makes him keen and aware of his audiences. As a result he is able manipulate his audience with his knack in storytelling techniques thus making it easy to transform a novel into a masterpiece film, Jaws. During the production of Jaws film, he became very cautions with experimentations. Steven has a perfect ability to incorporate talented characters into his production (Benchley 2012). He also uses the experience of the best producers across the world. Such producers like Richard and David who expands his cinema horizons in the world. They incorporate new themes and styles in the film production (Leitch 2002). The influence of international filmmaking process to Steven’s films is unmatched. It provides the films with newstandpoint and technology to make films that appeal to different cultures. Leitch, (2002) observed that film promotion has also been another technique used by Steven to market his films thereby, increasing their popularity. In his promotion, he has involved such activities as advertising, campaigns, merchandising, press releases and media interviews with the major participant involved in production of his films like the producers, actors and directors. The use of a range of promotional mediums gave the Jaws film a huge promotion in the marketplace which had a huge impact on box-office sales (Leitch 2002). The marketing campaign of Jaws reflects a strategy of the film marketing. The production of strong and reproducible images, the diffusion campaign and extensive promotion prompted to a standard marketing practice of Jaws film. Music in the Jaws film creates the scary atmosphere in the film.  The sequence of music effectively creates a rising- falling action and climax of the film (Benchley 2012). When the setting is submerged in the water, the music creates a palpable conflict in the scene and this causes suspense. The forward movement of the camera combined with the ominous music introduced at the opening of the film creates the perception that the shark is moving near the girl has evil intents. The climax follows with the girl being pulled violently into the water giving the perception that the shark has got hold of the girl. The film then ends with music that denotes that the girl is dead (Benchley 2012). Jaws thus, employs in its production music to create suspense and intense fear to the audience. Music therefore increases memorability of the film and promotes its popularity as the music acts as an identity to different audience. In summary, Steven films combine different elements into one film to create art, literature and knowledge. It involves common concepts and principles that constitute a film. He forms a play that is engaging, entertaining and thrilling to his audience. He pays key attention to the audience expectation, conventional meaning, feeling and experience. Steven engages narrative technique that helps create the films story. This helps the audience to integrate with the subject matter, characters, plot, movements, setting, costumes, dialogue, mood and music in the film. Consequently, he makes the film popular to his audience. References Andrews, D, & Andrews, C 2012 Film Studies and the Biocultural Turn Philosophy and Literature, 361, 58-78. Benchley, P 2012 Jaws London: Carlton. Boyle, K 2009 Reading the Dialectical Ontology of The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou Against the Ontological Monism of Adaptation Film-Philosophy,111. Curmi, A 2005 Taking a Bite Out of Fiction-Media Effects and Social Fears A Case Study on ‘Jaws’ Doctoral dissertation, University of Malta. Ekpenyong, I 2007 The documentary film art and the truth question Global Journal of Humanities, 61, 27-31. Koldau, Linda Maria "Of Submarines and Sharks: Musical Settings of a Silent Menace" Horror Studies 11 2010: 89-110. Leitch, T 2002 Crime films Cambridge University Press. Read More

He therefore, reinforces the element of fear within the audience on the shark. The iconic presentation of its different sections during Jaws recordings in the film also, builds a lot of impacts among masses of audience. According to Boyle (2009), the footage of an actual great white shark in some of its parts and use of mechanical shark in the rest creates a patterned illusion of a real shark. It completes the fantasy of the audience as it witnesses the shark, look into its relentless eye, and it immediately totally seems like a real shark (Curmi 2005).

Jaws, is thus a great adventure film of its kind. It is a brilliant story that arouses all kinds of audiences due to its dramatic presentation and recording. The time and season when the film was produced increased the films’ popularity. The summer season prompted jaws film as it redefined it as a contemporary cinema exploring problems experienced by tourist during the summer. This aroused the tourist’s curiosity as it created an entertaining, tense yet exciting thriller film at the time when the tourist industry had gone down.

As a result the film boosted the tourism business as well as the islands total economy which eventually increased its allure to the film. Stevens’ films therefore, have tendencies of being produced at the right moment to address and reflect challenges facing a popular community. It therefore promotes and gives a solution to a society making the film essential and identical to the society. Stevens has a great choice of excellent setting for his films. The setting of the Jaws film attracts a lot of beauty and naturalness in the film.

The fact that the play is set in an island on the beach and across the sea has a great impact on the production of the film. The setting helped develop characters that made the story believable.The film intertwines two senses of wonder and hope to the audience and characters that are faced with complex challenge. The summer action pictures that dominate the film make the film all true as it portrays masterpiece images that aid and express fundamental mysteries in the film. Consequently, the film becomes very powerful and exciting to the audience.

Ekpenyong (2007) states that, the film’s legacy is indisputable and practically unmatched. It is based at the summer epic phenomenon. In a famous place and involves Hollywood's major and influential director Steven Spielberg. Jaws are a meticulously revolutionary film in every imaginable aspect. It had a remarkable impact on the way films are promoted and marketed .The cultural fascination of the sharks in the film generated an instinctive fear of swimming. The film presents different plots, characters, and craftsmen who maintain the film energetic, creative and magnetic .

It has therefore created itself a well-deserved position among the numerous and greatest classics in Hollywood. Most films by Stevens are deceptively simple in their production and execution (Leitch 2002). The films successfully approach reality by being based on real and well known places which give identity to the film. Jaws for example are set in a small town in America. Films by Steven appreciate a lot of cultural and historical artifacts thus engaging stunning art forms. The films explore particular problems or a group of problems facing a society (Ekpenyong 2007).

Often the films give a solution to the problems thus providing some kind of inspiration. They give strategies of navigating through a problem. In addition the movies give clues of how to handle different challenges. Jaws film for example gives inspiration and determination to its audience by the manner in which the crisis in the film is resolved. The manner in which the shark is killed becomes a relief as well as a testimony to many audiences that all problems have a solution (Leitch 2002). As a result Jaws film becomes a powerful image for audiences as they identify resonate and associate with the film.

Language and choice of words is also a reason why Stevens’s films are popular.

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