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British Film - Research Paper Example

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Name Instructor Task Date British Film Introduction and synopsis My Left Foot The film is a real life story of Christy Brown who was born, who was born with an affliction in 1932 in Dublin Ireland in a big family. The mother was the first to detect that something was somehow wrong with her child, by noticing that he could not control his body or stay upright without being supported…
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British Film
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This determination was fueled by his strong-minded mother, an out-and-out teacher, as well as his own courage and determination to overcome his physical disability. The History of the Film The Irish culture and its local setting is shown and is depicted in the conduct and actions of different characters. Apart from the physical struggle of Christy, the story also appeals to the audience emotionally, physically and psychologically. The film appeals to audiences in a way show how one can overcome a serious handicap to achieve life goals.

It reveals the complexity of man, able to overcome physical disability and severe speech impediment. Christy displays a fighting spirit and intelligence throughout the film in all situations despite his lack of ability to communicate. The film begins with a setting in which Christy has been invited to a home of a wealthy sponsor, and he is given a nurse to look after him until he appears on stage. The nurse sees him with a book and is fascinated with its title My Left Foot, and she begins to go through it chapter by chapter.

As she reads it, she discovers the life story of Christy in a flashback. The nurse however discovers that Christy is humorous, despite his background that is affected by poverty. Christy mumbles inarticulate comebacks to his father’s dinner table in a pestering manner. Christy appears not interested in many things around him but he in happy when his brothers and sisters laugh, however his father appears confused. Christy was unable be concerned with anything at all in his life and is he developed a keen interest in painting as he prefers to listen to his mother.

The doctor is seen physically outside his locked bedroom and is closely whispering about Christy. However, even further than the humor Sheridan permits the hard won joy in Christy’s story. The unusual scene is where the family watches as the young at the age of five hold a piece of chalk with his toes and makes letter A. At this stage, Christy is discovering a way of expressing himself to others, as he could not speak as a normal child. Christy later writes the word mother on the floor with a piece of chalk.

This is observed quietly and sensitively as the scene reveals a real sense of completion at the end of such a pleasing surprise. In the film, the local Irish society in which Christy is born is depicted as poor and somehow genuinely religious but at times considers the handicapped as something serious. Throughout his early days, Christy played with local children and his brothers and sisters. The neighbors at times make attempts to play with Christy openly although he has not learned to speak or how to express himself.

The family and the whole community of Christy is seen having deep ties to one another and are final extremely proud of Christy. His father’s is seen as a good father in his family. However, the father is at times harsh and often quarrels his children, despite himself being truly devoted to his family and their needs. The connection between mother and son runs throughout the story from its very beginning. The heavily pregnant demonstrate her love to Christy although she is alone in the small house; she struggles to carry the disabled son upstairs to his sleeping-room.

She later agrees with him to keep the money meant to buy him a good

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