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History of Social Welfare response to a social problem - Essay Example

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The major social problem that is being addressed in this paper is “poverty." In the United States, the number of people having difficult to earn good living is no…
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History of Social Welfare response to a social problem
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There is a war going with poverty, and, therefore, social welfare is worked on in response to poverty. There are the majority of people as well as the US government, which are trying hard to reduce the poverty rate. Furthermore, the paper will explain the aims of social welfare and how it has changed the present time poverty rate and definition comparatively with the past time. There is a large population, which is living under poverty, and they are referred to as the poor people. If people living in the US can fulfill their necessities and are not facing problems due to the lack of money then, it could be possible that the US is not a victim of poverty.

When more than few people start facing the same problem then, the problem becomes a social problem. Similarly, poverty as a social problem has deeply wounded that is affecting the societies, cultures and countries (OConnor, 2009). There is a difference in factors and causes of poverty. A cause can be understood as it contributes to the foundation of a problem like poverty whereas, factors can be defined as they contributes to the continuation of poverty as a social problem. The factors that contribute to the poverty are apathy, dishonesty, disease and ignorance.

In order to deal with poverty, these factors are necessary to be considered as it will help to take actions and remove the poverty. These five factors further turn into sub-factors and those are unemployment, lack of capital, bad governance and poor infrastructure (OConnor, 2009). There are many reasons for poverty. Poverty can be caused by war, slavery and colonialism. There are differences between causes and factors because they can change the current position of any nation. In order to continue the war against poverty, social welfare teams have contributed a lot.

The contributions made by various charities and an overall reduction in unemployment have reduced poverty to some extent, and it has changed the definition of

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