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Sociology question - Book Report/Review Example

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From the story, a ten-year old boys is innocently murdered. His father, Bob Curley withstands all the pain of losing his son. He learns the reality of how people become cruel some. This…
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Sociology question
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Death Penalty The Ride is a story relating to the true happenings in criminal cases in the current world. From the story, a ten-year old boys is innocently murdered. His father, Bob Curley withstands all the pain of losing his son. He learns the reality of how people become cruel some. This makes him defy all the odds and rises to become a very serious critic of the death penalty (MacQuarrie, 4).Robert Curley was a bitter man after the death of his son (MacQuarrie, 10). He understood all the death penalties from a general viewpoint.

However, this changed when his loved one was the victim. It became evident to him that law administration depends on who can present the best proof and make use of good lawyers. In the process to change his mind, he knew the family members would object him. However, he was prepared to face the reality and announce his stand publicly. His change in mind came because of realizing the side effects of death penalty to those found guilty with murder. Among the problems is socioeconomics. For instance, Jaynes who was the real murderer in this case got a shorter sentence as compared to his friend Sicari just because he did afford the services of private attorneys.

From this, it is evident Bob’s justifications to change his stand is not because of emotional attachments or efforts to show moral responsibility in the society but rather to bring out the facts in administering justice.In the book, the view towards criminal justice changes because Curley though not ready to forgive the murderers, is not in for revenge. He does not see a good reason why people should be imprisoned for a certain period just because they have good lawyers. He changes this view by advocating for true justice, which is in for equality and ready to provide a safe living environment for the residents.

A good theory used in criminal justice involves coming up with pathways and means of preventing crime. Children need protection since they are the best targets by most of law defaulters. There are so many research findings supporting this theory. In all these arguments, researchers urge the society to understand the pathways revolving around criminal acts before determining the type of intervention that can best soot the situation.ConclusionPeople are always ready to demand for cruel penalties especially when their loved ones are part of the case.

This means they want revenge rather than justice. They want the murderers to feel what they underwent. However, it is high time the judicial system addresses equality without discrimination even if one cannot afford to hire good lawyers.Work citedMacQuarrie Brian. The Ride: The Jeffrey Curley Murder and its Aftermath. Massachusetts: McGraw Hill. 1998. Print.

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