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The Effect of Three Sociological Theories - Essay Example

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From the paper  "The Effect of Three Sociological Theories " it is clear that interactionism in health care has an influential impact on society as two people dealing fluidly with each other in professional life may become acquaintances in personal life…
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The Effect of Three Sociological Theories
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Health care: To examine the effect of three sociological theories that is functionalism, conflict and interactionism on health care it is necessary to interpret there meaning first. Functionalism is basically based on three key points: the first key point is that society is composed of small functional units that are inter related with each other; its second part is that people have certain functional requirements which have to be fulfilled for the survival of the society, the third key part of functionalism is that different phenomenon exist in society because they are rendering certain operations. Conflict theory tells or depicts that different individual in a society work together for achieving a goal so that they can maximize their individual benefits and this process gives way to overall benefits of the society though it is unintentional but society is benefited by such behavior of individuals. This theory applies to explain a conflict between two classes. Although they work together but there is always a conflict between the owner of resources and the who is striving to own them. Interactionism focuses on the prejudiced features of societal life, rather than on intentional one of social systems. One reason for this focus is that interactionism bases its exploratory viewpoint on their image of humans, rather than on its reflection of community. According to interactionism, human beings basically are practical and realistic actors who consistently adjust their behavioral patterns according to the attitudes and behaviors of others in order to allow the usual transactions of their life run fluidly. Functionalism in health care industry basically interprets the role which a sick person plays in the society. It observes that how the sick is being looked after by the society. It considers that the sick person plays a significant role in strengthening the social system as the society tends to take care of the sick through different social industry. Functionalism in health care is basically the reflection of the position which an individual has in the society and how society reacts to such sickness and the sick person himself. It also reflects the process via which health care industry recruit and hire educated personal and continue to work efficiently and the ability of this industry to grow and maintain its growth and it contribution in the strengthening of the social system of the community. Conflict on the other studies the disagreements with in different groups and teams that are working in the health care industry. It majorly studies the arising of conflicts and the reasons behind them. These conflicts may be between doctors and nurses, nurses... nurses and nurses or may be other employees. Interactionism, on the other hand, studies that how doctors, patients and nurses manipulate their behavior according to the circumstances while dealing with each other. The impact of these theories on a health care industry is a way too different from each other and they do not have any similarities. As one deals with the position and importance of the suffering and sick while one deals with the conflicts that usually occur between the employees or it might be occurring between the patient and the doctor. And the third one deals with the process via which different characters of the health care industry manipulate and adjust their behavior and attitude in order to adjust with the behavioral patterns of others so that they can carry out their transactions fluidly without any hindrance. These theories have different and entirely contradictory application on health care and they highlight three different aspects of a health care industry. These theories help us to understand the specified place that is given to one who is suffering from illness, the conflicts which may arise within individuals who are working together in any health care industry and the interaction and different phases of behavior which individuals adapt while dealing with each other. These theories can have a great impact on the individuals who are a part of the health care industry. Functionalism can make the employees work harder as it depicts that the industry can recruit better and qualified workers in order to sustain its status. Moreover they affect the patient by making him realize that what is the behavioral pattern that society adapts with different types of illness. It determines the grounds via which the individuals can play their part in the social system of the economy or community. Conflict can both be destructive and constructive. If the conflict is based on racial discrimination or wealth than it may have a very negative effect on the individuals but if the conflict is based on minute issues such as different outlooks and disagreement regarding a certain point of view than this sort of conflict will have a positive impact on individuals. As they will try to sort out the best point of view and put it into action in order to fulfill their tasks. Interactionism theory affects the individual to the highest rate as it is totally about their behavioral patterns. It can also have both positive and negative effects on the individuals as if the dealing between two persons remain harsh than it may turn their attitude aggressive towards each other. While if the dealings and transactions among two persons is smooth and fluid than it may create good and positive outlook and image of them in each other’s mind as they would be able to exploit each other’s attributes and behavioral patterns in a better and appropriate way. Social system within the health industry can be enhanced by the impact of these theories as they put forth different positive and negative aspects of the industry. These theories can help the social systems to look upon their weaknesses such as if the patients are getting proper treatment or not, whether the specific conflicts that arise between the people are constructive or destructive and if the relationship between the employees and among employees and patients is positive or not. After analyzing these problems the social system can take steps to eliminate social evils such as inferior treatment to patients of their wealth, aloofness that is created from the patients because of the degree of their diseases, racial discrimination, political influences, harsh and unsuitable dealings between employees and among patients and employees for the betterment of the social system with the health care industry. The impact and influence of these theories within the health care industry also have an outward impact on the society. As functionalism in health care industry sets out certain standards which are followed by the society for the maintenance of the social system. If the health care industry takes care of the sick and value the ethical behavior and cooperate with them for the betterment of its social system as per functionalism then the society will have the same impact and it will also follow proper ethical behavior with the sick and will collaborate with them as well for the betterment of its system. On the other hand conflicts in health care industry will lead towards the conflicts in society. If two people face a conflict among them in professional life than this conflict may persist in their personal life. They might hesitate while dealing with each other in personal life and they may also hold grudges against each other hence conflicts in health care industry may create conflict in society . Interactionism in health care has an influential impact on society as two people dealing fluidly with each other in professional life may become acquaintances in personal life. While if the transactions and dealing with each other is not proper and suitable then they might not be interested in meeting each other afterwards. Hence interactionism in the health care industry may strengthen or weaken the collaboration among people in society. The three sociological theories play an important role in determining different values, ethics and morals of the health care industry and the society as well. Reference Three Major Perspectives in Sociology. 15 Jun 2011,articleId-26837.html Read More
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