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Working with Others - Essay Example

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The aim of this paper “Working with Others” is to discuss positive working relationship at the working place. The first advantage associated with this positive working relationship is the reduced stress and tension one feels at work…
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Working with Others
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Working with Others It is highly necessary to have positive working relationship at the working place. The first advantage associated with this positive working relationship is the reduced stress and tension one feels at work. Also, one can see that the success of a person at work is considerably influenced by the working environment. Admittedly, ones relationships with ones colleagues and other senior officers will have considerable impact on ones accomplishment. In fact, I have used various strategies to develop positive working relationships at work.

I have been working as Care Assistant since 2009. The first strategy I use, in my opinion, is to ensure sincere appreciation of others work. When I joined the work, I was in need of help and support from various people there. At work, I ensure that I convey my gratitude to those who are good to me. I have noticed that this behaviour has helped me develop strong relationships with various people at work and they are only happy to help me. As I progressed, another strategy I used was to be supportive.

I ensured that I offer support to those who are in need of help. My exhibition of generosity helped me develop a number of important relationships at work. Another vital point in my work was that I adopted the habit of speaking positively about others. The benefit was that as I spoke about others in a positive way, others who heard me counted me as a good personality. As a result, I have found that the number of people who were ready to help me increases day by day. Another important strategy in building positive relationships at work was to present my skills and knowledge in front of others.

I ensured that I exhibit my skills and proficiency in all the office meetings. It became clear that as I presented things in an interesting way, all my colleagues were happy listening to me and appreciating me. Thus, I learnt the fact that showing my abilities is very necessary to make other people approach me. In addition, I ensured that I encourage collaboration. For that purpose, I invited others to share my works and offered them to share their works. This way I ensure that other people around me are felt valued.

Moreover, I have to mention here that I ensure that I keep the people around me happy through adopting a pleasing personality and a sense of humour. Furthermore, it is my strategy to behave in a polite way to everyone in the organisation. I ensure that a degree of politeness is kept while interacting with everyone from any position. I have noticed that this way of behavior brings admiration. Thus, within a short time, I managed to create a positive work environment around me. All my colleagues and the people around me interact with me in a positive way.

I feel reduced stress at work as I can easily find help whenever I face any problem at work. Also, positive and open communication ensures that all people around me remain happy and satisfied. Moreover, whenever there is workload, I easily get people to offer help. Thus, developing good working relationships helps me work happily and effectively.

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