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Guardians of the Earth - Essay Example

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The paper "Guardians of the Earth" highlights that Christians must be held responsible for the care of the world as their belief systems support the mandates of environmental protection. Without including this aspect of belief, none of the following beliefs are well supported…
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Guardians of the Earth
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Running Head: TOULIM MODEL ARGUMENT Guardians of the Earth: The responsibility of the Christian in an environmentally challenged world. University Date Abstract The environment has been consistently in danger from the use and exploitation by human beings. The religion of Christianity and its followers have a specific mandate that has been given through the Bible to take care of the Earth. The following paper explores the nature of that mandate and the reasons why the word dominion as it has been given in the Bible to humanity over the Earthy implies responsibility rather than abuse. The creation of this world was given to humanity to guard, not abuse, and thus it is the responsibility of Christians to do as much as they can to preserve the world for which they have been given responsibility. Guardians of the Earth: The responsibility of Christians in an environmentally challenged world. And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the Earth” (King James Version Genesis 6:26) One of the priorities that Christians should have within the framework of the way in which they conduct their lives is to be good stewards of the Earth. As good stewards of the Earth it is the responsibility of Christians to make sure that their associations and personal responsibilities are toward an effort to support the creation of the Earth in the manner that God intended. Through looking at the creation story in Genesis, one can clearly see that human kind was given dominion over the Earth. This is further supported in Psalms. However, the concept of dominion often is misunderstood as having the use of the Earth, rather than being held responsible for the way in which the Earth is cared for as a living world. The concept of free will is sometimes considered more the manifestation of God’s will rather than taking responsibility for what has happened to come to terrible outcomes where the Earth is concerned. In looking at the way in which the dominion over the Earth has been considered, the way in which Christians engage their world should be revised with the attitude that in giving human kind this responsibility, a great trust was handed to human kind. This trust should not be violated by those who believe in Him. When God created the Earth and all of the creations within the realm that is the Earth, the Bible states that man was given dominion over all of His creation. Brown (2011) quotes a portion of Psalms to support the assertion that man was given this power. It states in the Bible that “You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet” (New King James Version Psalms 8:4-6). This section also describes the relationship and hierarchy of the Angels in comparison to mankind in that they are a bit above the human creation of God. In creating humans, God set about a race of beings that were intended to care for the world. Brown (2011) suggests that “when God gave us this dominion over the Earth and everything in it, it clearly reveals our relationship with Him” (p. 24). Brown (2011) contends that this was proof of trust and that through trusting this creation to the human race, God has designated a responsibility. The work of John Locke (2009) discusses the issue of who was given the responsibility of dominion. Where others had asserted that Adam was specifically given responsibility of the world to humankind, Locke (2009) asserts that it was given to the race of man. If Adam as a monarch was given dominion over the Earth, that exclusivity would have absolved the generations that followed of the responsibility. Dominion, while suggesting to some control, often prevents some of those same people from understanding the denotation of responsibility. Darling-Smith (2007) discusses the narratives of the creation story in regard to responsibility. The discussion of the fall of man and of the dominion of man was intended to give to the reader the sense of the importance of the responsibility that was given to the human race. Furthermore, the discussion turns to the idea that the human condition was based on the responsibilities that were given by God to human kind in relationship to those not burdened or given to the ‘lesser’ creatures. It was specifically put into the hands of human kind to take care of their responsibilities in regard to the power that was given to them under the concept of dominion. To hold something within a domain is to hold the responsibility and the care for that space as a part of the trust that was given in having been given that much power. The connection between power and responsibility has been written about through philosophy, politics, law, and religion. Having the power to control or manipulate something means one holds the responsibility for the outcomes of the imposed actions. This concept begins to develop the argument towards the understanding of will. The gift of free will, the freedom to choose the paths upon which destiny is built carries with it the responsibility of how those events manifest. According to Genesis, God gave to human beings the responsibility of freedom to choose the paths that will best support their needs, but this brings with it the responsibility for the outcome of those choices. If God chose for human kind, then there would be no sense of responsibility (Morris, 1961). This might have some relevance to the discussion about God’s will and fate. Often Christians tend to shrug their shoulders suggesting that it is God’s will or fate that has led to an outcome. However, cancer in a smoker is not God’s will, nor is the extinction of species because of deforestation the will of God. This is human will and the consequences. The idea of fate is often the refuge of the believer when things do not go the way they wish that they would go. God has given a structure to the world, but how human beings function within that structure is the defining factors of how fate is manifested. As a race, we have made choices to build, to spew toxins into the air and to rape resources until they are no longer sustainable. As Christians, those who believe in the Bible should take responsibility for that which they were given responsibility over. It is like parents to children who were not entrusted with their care in order to use them, but in order to do for them what is best in order to get to the best outcome. Parents hold dominion over their children, just as God has given dominion of human beings over the creation of his work. There are those who believe that dominion means that the Earth was given as a gift to human beings to use and exploit to their own ends. Those who study the Quran believe, according to Khan (2009), that the Earth is a testing ground upon which the behavior of human kind is tested in order to see if it pleases God. Khan (2009) says explicitly that “God created the universe for the service of humankind” (p. 209). This process is defined by that of Eschatology in which humankind is destined for death, resurrection, accountability, judgment, and immortality. All of this focuses on the events past life, eliminating the responsibility that was given to human kind for the Earth, and focusing on the Earth as a tool towards these ends. This appears to be false when measured against the importance of the creation of the Earth. When the eco-systems are considered that are outside of the realms of human direct need, then it is clear that the Earth is more than a testing ground. The Christian looks to the Bible which clearly states his or her position in the responsibility for what occurs on the Earth. Therefore, it must be considered valid that corporate greed is the enemy of the Christian and that responsibility for the health of the planet should be one of the highest priorities. However, this is not what is seen. In supporting organizations that are anti-environmental policies, Christians are supporting those who are not with the plan of God. There are many issues that God was silent upon, but the care of the Earth is not one of them. In ignoring this mandate, the Christian is showing a great deal of greed and irresponsibility, supporting the needs of the elite over the long term needs of the proletariat who will have the need for sustained resources. God gave the world to human kind to use, but to care for as well in order to support the sustainable natural environment that was created. Christians must be held responsible for the care of the world as their belief systems support the mandates of environmental protection. Without including this aspect of belief, none of the following beliefs are well supported. Although it is easy to blame the will of God for tragic events, it is more likely that having free will has caused most negative outcomes that occur in regard to the environment. A species that disappears because of development and exploitations of resources has not gone from this world because of God’s will, but because of human irresponsibility. Taking responsibility for the Earth should be a high priority in being a Christian. Works Cited Brown: E. L. (2011). There is no comparison: The world versus the kingdom of God. New York: Book! Publishing. Darling-Smith, B. (2007). Responsibility. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. Khan, F. U. (2009). God created the universe with the purpose to serve humankind: God created humankind to worship him and appointed him as viceroy in earth to see how he behaves. Peshawar: Khyber Mail. Locke, J. (2009). Two treatises on government: A translation into modern English. Manchester: Industrial Systems Research. Morris, H. (1961) Freedom and responsibility. Calif: Stanford University Press. Outline Thesis: One of the priorities that Christians should have within the framework of the way in which they conduct their lives is to be good stewards of the Earth. I Claim A. Christians were given dominion over the Earth. B. Having dominion means having responsibility. II Grounds A. Genesis 6:26 B. Psalms 8: 6-8 III Warrant A. Dominion over the Earth means that there is a responsibility to the Earth. IV Backing A. John Lock and his discussion on whose dominion is over the Earth. B. There is a connection between power and responsibility. V Qualifier A. The Quran specifies the Earth as a testing ground. B. Some believe the Earth is here for the use of human kind. VI Rebuttal A. The earth was given as a responsibility, not a tool for use. B. God’s creation should be cared for, not exploited. Read More
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