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Motives for Blaming Parents for Problems of Their Children - Essay Example

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The paper "Motives for Blaming Parents for Problems of Their Children" discusses that a therapist can blame parents for problems of their children due to various motives. One of the motives is when parents especially a mother involved in uncontrolled drinking habit with little time to guide a child…
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Motives for Blaming Parents for Problems of Their Children
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Families are complex systems involving human beings with divergent and varied behaviors, views and conditions. The complexity of families is the reason for the problems and challenges faced. Solving the problems is usually uneasy and may demand the services of a professional counselor. As discussed by Nichols (2013), the unit nature of family makes it impractical for therapists to resolve problems faced when employing seclusion techniques and approaches to solving the problem. The child becomes desperate of love and care, and consequently walks out to explore alternatives to enable survival.

It is under such circumstances that a child may learn improper behaviors and conducts, which may result in serious family problems (Nichols, 2013). Another motive that may make a therapist blame a mother for the problems facing a child relates to situations where the mother formed a triangle relationship with a child against the father or other family members. A mother forming a triangle relationship with a child is likely to discuss negative issues, which are usually inappropriate for the age of a child.

This kind of relationship can make a child become schizophrenic or withdraw socially depending on the nature of information shared. Nichols (2013) warns that blaming any individual in the process of family therapy may compromise the entire treatment. Blaming a family such a mother may pile all the problems faced a family on the mother and encourage other members to hate the former. Hatred in families is undesirable and may only work to scuttle and ruin the entire system of a family. The move by a therapist to blame a parent on problems of a child may also lead to early withdrawal or discourage active participation of the victim in the treatment process.

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