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Career planning paper - Essay Example

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A health psychologist is a person who specializes in how social, biological, environmental, cultural, and psychological factors influence illness and physical health. In order to pursue this career I need to have a degree in…
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Career planning paper
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Health psychologist career I would like to pursue a career on health psychology. A health psychologist is a person who specializes in how social, biological, environmental, cultural, and psychological factors influence illness and physical health. In order to pursue this career I need to have a degree in health psychology and this include internship. I will put in effort to make sure I attain a mean grade A as it is the required qualification to pursue health psychology.However, such a career requires me to pass two critical units which are mathematics and health modules which seem tricky.

Despite that challenge, I am determined to put in extra effort to upgrade my mean grade. I will ensure I attend private tutorials alongside the usual class work.I will major in, exercise and safety and nutrition. Thus, my major objectives are to understand contextual and behavioral factors, preventing illnesses, investigating how the effect of some diseases, and critical analysis of the various health policies. My major role as a health psychologist in nutrition is to educate an individual on the importance of having the various nutrients especially macronutrients and how they help in preventing diseases.

Carbohydrates are the major source of energy in the body. They can be grouped into monosaccharide, polysaccharides or disaccharides depending on the number of sugar units present. Polysaccharides are often referred to as complex sugars. In an effort to became a health psychologist, I will required to be involved in extracurricular activities such as physical fitness exercises as it is a major contributor to everyone’s health. Exercise has many benefits such as strengthening the heart, circulatory system, and lungs.

Exercise such as yoga, can help in developing inner peace and dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression. This is because strengthening the body creates a calming effect on the mind and soul. In health psychology, exercise plays an essential role in helping the body burn excess fat. As a professional I will emphasize on the importance of an effective and healthy, since diet plays the biggest role in weight control, exercise is done to help but cannot be effective without an effective diet. Weight control should also be seen as a lifestyle and not a short-term change.

On the other hand safety, wellness, and health is very important in weight control, this is why health psychologists advise that one should not just start an exercise program with a high level of intensity since this can easily lead to injuries (Walker, 1981). Work citedBush, Kerkhoff & Hanson, Simon Health care ethics for psychologists: A casebook. Honolulu, HI: American psychological association. 2004. Print.

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