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An Issue of Infant Mortality - Essay Example

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This essay "An Issue of Infant Mortality" focuses on one of the biggest enormities that the world has encountered during the past many centuries. The ratio of newborn babies who are equal to or less than twelve months in age depart from their lives in comparison to the one thousand beginning lives.
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An Issue of Infant Mortality
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Infant Mortality
Infant mortality is one of the biggest enormities that the world has encountered during the past many centuries. The ratio of newborn babies who are equal to or less than twelve months in age depart from their lives in comparison to the one thousand beginning lives within a geographical district or territory comes under the explanation as infant mortality. Some of the recent reports and studies have illustrated the piece of information that the infant mortality rate worldwide especially in the US region has experienced a substantial downfall over the past few decades. This is due to the rise in the education, research, and development of treatments for different health abnormalities and the advancement in medical technologies around the globe (Corr & Balk, 2010).
The statistics and records present apparent and obvious results that the infant mortality rates in the U.S. are different between various races and ethnic groups and demonstrate a much higher proportion amongst the black non-Hispanic people in contrast to the white, non-Hispanic, and Hispanic citizens of the United States (Corr & Balk, 2010).
There are numerous causes, which lead to infant mortality in the county of the United States. The investigations have provided the outcomes that a small fraction of infant decrease in the very early stages because of the enormities in the mother’s fertilization or problems of the developing baby's premature birth (Corr & Balk, 2010). Social and environmental factors in the U.S. that include vulnerability and openness to burning tobacco substances such as cigarettes and their smoke also contribute largely that becomes one of the leading and critical contributing causes, which results in the loss of the newly born baby in the early birth period of the infant (Trinh-Shevrin & Islam & Rey, 2009).
Statistical data and records of infant mortality also state the reality that lack of proper and quality food and nourishment in connection with deficient and inadequate care during pregnancy are principal and primary causes that increase the ratio of infant mortality worldwide and in the United States. However, dilemmas or complications, constant and long-lasting sickness, and poor health also contra in a significant amount to the pregnant mother’s health and her infant's deaths (Corr & Balk, 2010).
Family torture and persecution are other aspects that contribute to the increase in infant mortality. It has come under surveillance that a few of the men physically abuse and assault their spouses at the time of their pregnancies, which either abort their babies or they birth to babies with abnormalities, and this, in many cases leads to infant mortality (Corr & Balk, 2010).
Several other widespread and universal diseases may cause infant deaths. This includes loss of excessive water and salts from the body that is mainly due to diarrhea, high fevers that result in pneumonia or malaria, inherited defects or misshapenness, undernourishment, other infections, under-weight infants at the time of delivery, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) difficulty, respiratory disorders, and diseases, and many more (Corr & Balk, 2010).
Nevertheless, a few of the precautionary steps, that pregnant mothers and their family members can pursue to alleviate and minimize the risk of infant mortality. These aspects or measures include mothers’ approach to counseling from the concerned doctors so that proper and adequate care can come under provisions for their developing fetus at the time of pregnancy. In addition, the family members together with the pregnant mothers should evade and stay away from habits that include smoking cigarettes or other substances with the intake of tobacco or drugs, and drinking alcohol, as these factors may have an unfavorable and harmful impact on their infants (Trinh-Shevrin & Islam & Rey, 2009).
One of the major and prime causes of disparities in learning and educational discrimination and disproportion, which has not only given a rise, rather has broadened and expanded the level of infant mortality amongst the different racial and ethnic groups, has come under observation mainly in United States (Trinh-Shevrin & Islam & Rey, 2009). Read More
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