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Plato's _Meno_ discussion - Dissertation Example

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Name Professor Course Date Plato’s Meno Discussion Meno was one of the dialogues written by Plato that explored different philosophical thoughts and accounted for a view of the perspective of Socrates. It specifically explored the meaning of the concept virtue…
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Platos _Meno_ discussion
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Plato’s Meno Discussion Meno was one of the dialogues written by Plato that explored different philosophical thoughts andaccounted for a view of the perspective of Socrates. It specifically explored the meaning of the concept virtue. According to Socrates, Meno can convince Anytus regarding the lessons of virtue which had been concluded during the dialogue, and then a new perspective which is considered beneficial to the Athenians can be achieved. But why is the discussion of virtue significant to Socrates?

The change in perspective of the Athenians can be related to the accusations made against Socrates. By telling Meno to convince Anytus, the Athenians’ view of Socrates can change. His intention was in line with the Apology that is to present his virtues. He brought up the issue on the meaning of the concept of virtue to present himself as a person who has the knowledge about virtue. Another is the manner by which virtue can be achieved and taught. Socrates concluded in the end of Meno that virtue is a gift from God to the virtuous, which means that the concept is there for everyone to acquire but only the virtuous people have the capability to use it.

What then are the specific benefits of the dialogue regarding virtue? The discussion regarding virtue can be considered beneficial to Socrates because through the dialogue, he was able to present himself as a person who knows the meaning of the concept of virtue. In addition to his apology, he was able to present his real character, which can be considered as the reason why he challenged Meno on convincing Anytus for the benefit of the Athenians. The said discussion on the other hand is significant to the readers as a trigger towards a deeper view on the general concept of virtue, which is important since the meaning of the word itself is often overlooked.

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