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Early Patient Contact - Essay Example

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This course, Early Patient Contact, has been designed to give you the experience of communicating with "patients" at an early stage in your medical course at RCSI Bahrain.  It will give you an opportunity to learn more about the lives people lead, their worries, experiences…
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Early Patient Contact
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The Family Case Study will give you the opportunity to work both independently and within a small group. You will establish a professional relationship with your assigned family, allowing you to obtain demographic, social, and health and development information, and to observe human behavior and family dynamics.The Health Care Symposia will take place on designated days during the semester. You will have the opportunity to hear, discuss and reflect on the experiences of patients and family members who have experienced and coped with a disease, disability or addiction.

Your class will be divided into groups of approximately seven to eight students. Each group will be assigned to a family physician tutor. Each group will consist of two to three groups of students, and your smaller group will be assigned to a family to visit There will be a group leader for each group of nine students, and this student will have responsibility for liaising with the family physician and arranging a suitable tutorial time. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT ONLY ONE STUDENT, THE GROUP LEADER, MAKES CONTACT WITH THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN.

It is then the responsibility of each student in the group of nine to make contact with the group leader and to clarify specific arrangements which have been made with the family physician for the tutorial. Similarly, each subgroup of students will have a designated group leader, who will make contact with the family, and the other members of this small group should clarify (with that student) what visiting arrangements have been made.Your first visit will be to the expectant mother/ family and your second visit should take place in the postnatal period.

Both visits will be preceded by a tutorial with your family physician tutor (in your group of nine) and clear aims/ objectives can be discussed at these tutorials.

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