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Overview of the Oxfam International - Essay Example

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The paper "Overview of the Oxfam International" highlights that the organization contributes its significant effort towards the global citizens for providing relief from the disaster situation. Recently, Oxfam International is operating its supportive functions in over 90 countries around the world…
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Overview of the Oxfam International
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Report Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Overview of the Oxfam International 3 Objective of the Report 3 Discussion 3 Contributionof the Oxfam International on the Issue of Climate Change 4 Values & Interests 5 Advocacy Positions and its Use of Science 6 Critical Analysis 7 Supportive Viewpoint with Rational 8 Conclusion 8 References 10 Introduction Overview of the Oxfam International Oxfam International is an international organization, which was established in the year 1942. Over the years the organization is operating its functions with more than thousands of local partners with the aim of enhancing the human rights among the underprivileged people. In this regard, it has been revealed that the organization has enlarged dignity among the human through eradication of poverty for reduction. At the same time, the organization also contributes its significant effort towards the global citizens for providing relief from the disaster situation. Recently, Oxfam International is operating its supportive functions approximately in over 90 countries around the world (Oxfam International, 2014). Objective of the Report In this report, the objective is to identify the contribution of the Oxfam International in relation to the issues of climate change in the society. At the same time, the report intends to identify the values and interests of Oxfam International. Moreover, the report will also critically analyze the advocacy viewpoint of the Oxfam International in relation to various scenarios. Finally, the report will also highlight a supportive view regarding the contribution of the organization. Discussion According to the viewpoint Pettengell (2010), during the early 21st century, the issue regarding climate change had become one of the most critical aspects, which has influenced several difficulties and challenges in the society such as poverty and health care related issues (Pettengell, 2010). In this regard, rationally it can be asserted that climate change has initiated larger threats across the entire world. Moreover, it has affected the capacity and response of the poor in the society, which has influenced the poor citizens in an adverse manner. In this context, it can be claimed that climate change has affected the subsistence of crops due to vulnerable outer temperature ranges around the world. At the same time, erratic rainfall has also changed the seasonal pattern and monsoon of the entire globe, which has negatively affected the agricultural cycles all around the world. As an effect, farmers are struggling to produce expected amount of crop. On the other hand, due to frequent climate changes the level of sea water is rising around the world, which is also indirectly affecting the productivity of crops, due to presence of high proportion salt in the water (Pettengell, 2010). These are the identified adverse effects that climate changes have on the environment and the society at large. According to the report published by 1Oxfam International (2009), it has been revealed that global economic development and food system is highly depended on the climate related aspects. In this regard, it can be asserted that due to climate change, the effect can be observed in the productivity of crops and on the society. At the same time, lack of crop production directly affects the income level of the rural citizen. Moreover, this reduction in the production due to the climate change is creating conflicts and hunger regarding issues. Simultaneously, it is also affecting the growth of a country in terms of economic point of view as (1Oxfam International, 2009). Contribution of the Oxfam International on the Issue of Climate Change In this context, it has been witnessed that Oxfam International has made a significant contribution towards the modern civilization with the aim of reducing the climate change related challenges in the modern world. In this regard, it can be asserted that the organization can initialize its immediate effort to maintain forestry in the global surface to mitigate the issues related to climate change. At the same time, the organization is also emphasizing towards legislative framework with the aim of ensuring sustainability in forestry and to prevent exploitation of trees. At the same time, the organization also tries to establish new transport policy, through which the organization is aiming to maintain the global eco-friendly environment. Apart from this, it has been also recognized that the Oxfam International has concentrated on elimination of large-scale infrastructure as well as other mega-projects in the global environment in order to reduce the effect of climate change and its impact on the society. For an instance, Oxfam International has tried to reduce the establishment of artificial dams and mining in the society. Moreover, the organization has emphasized towards the education system, with the aim of making people aware about climate change and its effect in the society (1Oxfam International, 2009). Values & Interests On the other hand, in order to highlight the values and interests of the Oxfam International, it can be asserted that organization has emphasized towards the training and development with the aim of ensuring development in the workforce in terms of personal and professionalism. Along with this, the organization has encouraged its workforce to adopt to modern mobility policies through which the organization can enrich its efficiency in the global context in terms of science, society and environment. In this regard, it can be asserted that the organization has committed its effort to ensure healthy environmental practices (2Oxfam International, 2013). According to Bulkeley (2001), the Oxfam international has concentrated towards several issues of climate changing aspects as well as it has also emphasized towards the risk factors, which is related to the society. In this regard, the organization has focused towards the apparent innocuous as well as invisible gases. At the same time, the organization releases such gases in the society due to product development. For instance, methane and carbon dioxide gas been produced by industrialization agricultural development. As an effect, it has been perceived that energy consumption has been reduced and the economic growth has enhanced, which has changed the atmospheric composition as well as its consequences on the society at large (Bulkeley, 2001). Advocacy Positions and its Use of Science In order to highlight the advocacy positions of the Oxfam International it can be asserted that the organization has emphasized towards strengthening its engagement with nationwide staff as well as with the domestic and international civil society. Moreover, the organization has focused towards strategies and planning with the aim of reducing the climate change related risk involvement in the society for a better place to live. At the same time, the organization has incorporated quality control mechanism with the aim of enhancing their efficiency in terms of maintaining the environmental balance. Additionally, in this context, the organization has incorporated six different objectives to reduce the effect of injustice in terms of poverty. At the same time, in order to enhance the advocacy position, the organization has improved their monitoring process in terms of the issues. Similarly, the organization has also improved its learning evaluation process. In this regard, it can be asserted that the organization has provided essential services to ensure economic justice in the global context. Apart from this, Oxfam international has also ensured human rights during the crisis phase among its member countries. On the other hand, the organization has also influenced gender justice and living values among the human being. Including all of this, the organization has precisely ensured environmental energy and resources for the humankind. Additionally, it has also raised fund and distributed among the underprivileged citizens in order to meet the objective of reducing poverty (Dovers, 2005). Moreover, with the use of advanced sciences the organization has taken corrective measures for the development of the society and to reduce the global issues of poverty linked with climate change. Critical Analysis In this regard, in order to analyze and to establish a connection between the values and interest of the Oxfam international it can be asserted that the organization has contributed its utmost effort to reduce the effect of poverty in its member countries. In this context, the organization has identified that changing climate in the global environment is a crucial cause for which several countries are experiencing poverty in their economy. At the same time, the organization has also revealed that due to lack of productivity and high financial crisis, most of the global countries are witnessing poor economic growth (Martell, 2013). In this context, it can also be claimed that in order to reduce all those difficulties, the Oxfam International concentrates towards the standard of living of the human being. At the same time, organization is also considering heath and food related issues more preciously. Moreover, Oxfam International tries to ensure diversity and gender equality amid its member countries. Additionally, the organization always attempts to ensure stability and security for the humankind. In this regard, Oxfam International contributes its effort to ensure empowerment opportunity among the humankind with the help of strategies and initiatives. Based on the above analysis, it can be evidently asserted that through incorporating ‘rights-based approach’ the organization can bring dignity among the human kind and reduce the global issue related with climate change and poverty (4Oxfam International, 2011; 3Oxfam International, 2009). Supportive Viewpoint with Rational In this regard, in order to provide the supportive viewpoint it can be claimed that large number of global population depends upon agriculture for their survival. In this case, frequent change in the culture can adversely affect the ecological balance in the modern society. On the other hand, the effects and impacts of the climate change can be also witnessed in case of economy and society. Thus, it can be said that the Oxfam International organization has contributed its efforts to develop the environmental balance with the uses of science. In this context, the organization has emphasized to reinforce sustainability in terms of climate change in the society. On the other hand, it has been also revealed that the organization has tried to enhance the source of natural resource with the aim of ensuring financial stability and food supply across the global nations. At the same time, the organization has also tried to reduce the risk involved in terms of the disaster situation. Additionally, it has also been witnessed that the organization has motivated global producers to develop environment friendly products with the aim of reducing the proportion of methane and carbon dioxide gas in the air, which hampers the environment stability. Furthermore, Oxfam International has also tried to prevent the establishment of artificial dams and mining in the society, with the aim of enhancing the environmental balance. Thus, it can be claimed that the Oxfam International has made a significant contribution in the society in terms of the issue of climate change. Conclusion Based on the above discussion, it can be comprehended that Oxfam International is a global renowned organization, which is providing its philanthropic services worldwide with the aim of preventing poverty as well as political and economic challenges. At the same time, the organization is also trying to avoid the negative impacts on the society in terms of human rights. Moreover, the organization also tries to address critical issues related to the disaster situation and climate change among others. In this regard, it has been perceived that the Oxfam International has contributed significant towards the welfare of the society with the aim of ensuring dignity among the global citizens. Thus, it can be claimed that Oxfam International has incorporated ‘rights-based approach’ in order to meet the objective of the organization and to ensure support to the humankind and human civilization for greater effectiveness in terms of climate change for better economy. References Bulkeley, H., 2001. Governing Climate Change: The Politics of Risk Society? Royal Geographical Society, pp. 430-447. Dovers, S., 2005. Environment and Sustainability Policy. The Federation Press. Martell, L., 2013. Ecology and Society: An Introduction. John Wiley & Sons. Oxfam International, 2014. Who We Are. About. [Online] Available at: [Accessed October 24, 2014]. 1Oxfam International, 2009. Bolivia Climate Change, Poverty and Adaptation. Sites, pp. 1-70. 2Oxfam International, 2013. Oxfam Annual Report 2012-2013. Sites, pp. 1-96. 3Oxfam International, 2009. Oxfam Poverty Footprint Understanding Business Contribution to Development. Sites, pp. 1-16. 4Oxfam International, 2011. Exploring the Links between International Business and Poverty Reduction. Static, pp. 1-86. Pettengell, C., 2010. Climate Change Adaptation. Oxfam Research Report, pp. 1-6. Read More
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