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On Campus, Its One Big Commercial Written by Natasha Singer - Essay Example

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The paper "On Campus, Its One Big Commercial Written by Natasha Singer" states that looking at the ways advertising is having an impact on the daily lives of people, it is important that brands take care of customers’ space because this can work against their products as well. …
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Extract of sample "On Campus, Its One Big Commercial Written by Natasha Singer"

Fahad Alabdullah Samuel Harnish Jr. ENGL 111 February 2 On Campus, It’s One Big Commercial: Summary and Response This paper aims to summarize and analyze the reading entitled, “On Campus, its One Big Commercial” written by Natasha Singer. The reading is basically a contribution to the field of advertising. The overall theme of the article is to educate readers about the new method of advertising which is done by closely evaluating the patterns of students in campuses. The targeted audience of the article is students from the universities who are being constantly approached by multinational brands. These brands are looking at ways they can make use of the students to market their products among the young consumers. The author points out the impact of advertising through a broader perspective allowing people to understand the ways in which business enterprises are making their way in the private lives of people. Most importantly, the author sheds light on the impact of advertising on the academic activity of students. Here, it should be noted that students are young and in the phase of exploring themselves. At this point, if they are attacked with attractive credit loans offer then it means that their future is in cruel hands. The author of the article discusses regarding the focus of brands on student. The reason behind this new approach of different companies is because they believe that young consumers can deliver the message of product more effectively. However, the fact remains that there are very few students who may have the time to watch all the advertisements through different channels but they are the ones who start word-of-mouth support for the advertisers. The author of the article has noted that students who are highly in demand or have a style statement are approached by the companies. For instance, athletes, musicians, grade holders etc (needs citation). are all considered as ideals or symbols for others. Students in the campus would like to know their ways of getting things done. It is due to multinational companies targeting them for their product. If these talented students would make use of the products being offered by these multinational companies then the product is likely to be consumed by other students as well (Singer). This citation needs a page number In addition, these students are attracted towards the products with the help of perks including free clothes, laptops or supply of drinks. For instance, Red Bull is running an energetic marketing through the campuses. As stated by the author in the article, “Red Bull, which has student brand managers at 300 universities and colleges, sponsors everything from chariot races to music lectures” (Singer 7). They ask students to volunteer for their products as it will gain them prominence among young people. For a bigger company such as HP seems to have no issue in capturing a market of young consumers with few free laptops giveaway. It is evident from the article content stating “And the choices students make — about shampoo, clothing, computers, smartphones and so on — can become the lifetime habits of future families or business executives, says Lisa Baker, director of education marketing at Hewlett-Packard, which has long promoted its laptops to universities” (Singer 3). According to the researchers of these advertisers, let alone 2010 to 2011 has been a time duration when students in the campuses have spent more than $36 billion on their purchase of clothes, cell phones and other haul accessories (needs citation). It was a shock for me to learn that business enterprises are now hiring people who can evaluate the mind set of young generation because they are destined to keep using a product for some time. College life was once a time when students had to decide about their needs and aspirations. It is totally different and beyond understanding these days in the campuses where students are being manipulated. One passage in the articles notes, “Corporations have been pitching college students for decades on products from cars to credit cards. But what is happening on campuses today is without rival, in terms of commercializing everyday college life” (Singer 2). This makes it evident that students are given options of buying credit cards and car loans which may mean a lot to them. They will not be able to revive their decisions once they have signed up for one service. They regret such deals later on when they find out that they could not afford them. However, the fact remains that they are being manipulated by business enterprises. Furthermore, they are taking money to make the situation even worse by delivering all such content and pitches to other students (Singer). In a short term, it may be productive yet profitable for the students to gain a small amount of money as they market a product. But for a longer run, they are becoming slaves of the company world before they can learn about their needs and affordability. Notwithstanding, business enterprises may act like bad influence on young children who would be nurtured in one negative manner. Later on, it is expected that these children will become customers of their product. It is obvious to note that marketing professionals affirm the fact that the level of marketing, which is between peers, remains strong and successful. Companies have now programs for campus students and increasing leftover packages for them depending upon the profiles that they submit (Singer). It should be noted that the author has tried to convey her message by telling the stories of few freshman from different schools. Each student tells a story regarding business enterprises and the way they have been targeting them during their academic years. Some of the students noted that they were approached by many companies in the initial days of their academic days i.e. orientation days. The author talks about the negative side of this new method of advertising. It is because of the way they are manipulating students’ way of thinking. Students are spirited people who are creative and try to experiment with different things. Advertising is just another way of manipulating and limiting the range of a person’s viewpoint in one direction. If advertising will be so cutting edge that it would directly hit the students groups then their ways of looking at their environment will get manipulated. A number of examples such as computer products and clothes seem to make their market among the young consumers (Singer). This is evident from the following passage of the article: “The students most in demand are those who are popular — ones involved in athletics, music, fraternities or sororities. Thousands of Facebook friends help, too. What companies want are students with inside knowledge of school traditions and campus hotspots. In short, they want students with the cred to make brands seem cool, in ways that a TV or magazine ad never could” (Singer 2). Considering my viewpoint about the content of article, I would note that I do agree with the content of the article. Advertising is surely needed in the modern world where it tells about things that are there for our own comfort. But it is very important that advertising should maintain a distance and should not violate personal space of a person. Looking at the ways advertising is having an impact on the daily lives of people, it is important that brands take care of customer’s space because this can work against their products as well. I also liked the way in which the author has represented different stories of students allowing us to understand experiences of others. I also believe that the author has shown us and indicate different pictures of the impact of advertising. I would rather pose a question that if students can be so effective in helping word of mouth then why do not these business enterprises let students take jobs in their companies on a permanent basis. It is because these companies want to get more benefit by giving less capital to new customers. I would like to conclude my view that the author has discussed a very significant subject i.e. the advertising impact on students in campuses, which has not been addressed previously. A common understanding is that it is a good thing that many companies take interest in young students, but what people do not understand is the fact that these students are actually being used as trend setters by companies for enticing consumption patterns of products which may not be needed by students. Not all students require engaging in products and services like other ‘Super cool’ students of campuses as every student has a distinctive personality. These multinational companies are just making use of these students to engage a spiral effect on people so that they become followers and buy products from them. Works Cited Singer, Natasha. "On Campus, Its One Big Commercial." The Norton Field Guide to Writing With Readings. 3rd ed. Ed. Richard Bullock and Maureen Daly Goggin. New York: Norton , 2013. 837-847. Print. Read More
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